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1、个人收集整理仅供参考学习滕州市南沙河中学“学教:1”教学导学案课题年级学科编R授课 日期主备人备课组 长签字级部主 任签字业务校 长签字班级学生 姓名Unit 11SectionA (1a -2c)七英学习 目标: 1.掌握以下词?匚:talk show, soap opera, sports show, game show, can t stand,doesn't mindHow about ?,in fact, 2.初步运用 What do you think of?这一句型,来谈论喜欢和不喜欢地事物.一、课前预习:找出下列词组(65,66页)1、认为,想起 2、谈话节目3、肥皂剧

2、 4 、体育节目5、 sitcom=situation comedy 6、游戏节目 7、不介意 8 、不能忍受 二_9、实际上 10、.怎么样?二、重难点突破(一)What do you think of .?= How do you like.? 你认为怎么样?(谈论对事物地喜好有很多方法)回答有:1 .如果你爱某样东西,可以说“I love”.如:I love eating ice-cream. / I love travel.She loves Chinese food. / I love to swim.2 .如果你喜欢某样东西,可以说:“ I likeHe quite likes g

3、oing to the cinema. /I like cooking.3 .如果你既不喜欢也不讨厌某样东西,可以说“'t mind walking to work.t like ","I dislike I don ' t mind doing the housework. /I don4 .如果你不喜欢某样东西,可以说“ I donShe doesn ' t like cooking very much. /I dislike wasting time.5 .如果你很不喜欢某样东西,可以说" I can ' t stand&qu

4、ot;,"I hate”I don ' t like sport at all. /He can' t stand his boss.一般用like 地话,则要跟名词或动名词,如: I like something or like doing something.very much 或 a lot 这类副词要跟在名词后面.如:I like reading verymuch, 而不说"I like very much reading ".(二)、How about you/him?How about writing a letter? =What a

5、bout writing a letter?试一试吧:我们去钓鱼怎么样? ?去打会儿篮球怎么样? ? _(三)、 nothing = not.anythingHe has nothing in his house. =He doesn't have anything in his house.There is_nothing in the room.(nothing 做主语,谓语动词用单数)(四). What do you think of sitcoms?(尔认为情景喜剧怎么样? 这里think of和think about可以替换,意思为“对有某种看法 :' 如:What

6、do you think of Mary ' s sinking为玛丽唱歌怎么样? 再如:I can ' t think of her name at the moment.我一时想示起她地名字.(这小猫think of为“想起”如果换成think about就不 太合适了)think about 还有 “想至考虑“ 地意思,如: I never think about getting married. 我从未想到结婚.The monitor is thinking about calling a class meeting.班长正在考虑开一次班会 . think over仔细

7、思考、小组练习1、What do you think of talk shows?I love them. How about you? I don't like them, but my mother can't stand them.2、你能将画线处用其他词替换并告诉同学不同地看法吗?What does your brother think of red? He can't stand it./ He doesn't mind it.Why ? Because 习题巩固:一、用所给词地适当形式填空1. The girls enjoy(sing) this s

8、ong in English.2. Do you mind me(open) the window?3. Thank you for(join) us.4. How do you like Chinese cooking? - Oh, I don ' t stand it.(cook) is for moms.5. How about(play) football after school?二、单项填空( )1.do you sitcoms? I love them.A. How, think of B. What, like of C. What, think of D. What,

9、 like( )2. He looks rich, he is very poor.A. In the fact B. In fact C. At the fact D. At fact( )3. I enjoy pop music,you?A. How about B. How are C. What do D. What are()4.9 o ' clock Weekend Chat, Stuart. Do you like TV?A. Welcome, to watch B. Welcome to, to lookC. Welcome to, watching D. Welcom

10、e, watching( )5.Do you me? Yes, I love it very much.A. agree B. agree with C. agreed D. agree for()6.I enjoy your "What's Cool?” article in the school magazine.A.to readB.readingC.to lookD.looking()7.Would you mind me the book?A.passB.pastC.passingD.passed()8.Why he go to the movie with you

11、 the day before yesterday?A.doesB.isC.wasn'tD.didn't()9.Do you want to know my TV shows?A.aboutB.onC.inD.at()10.My watch is two minutes slow.What about?A.youB.yoursC.herD.she三.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子.1. Tony doesn't like soap opera. How a you?2. I can't s talk shows. I never watch them.3. The

12、y don't m game shows.4. I have n to say .5. I enjoyed reading this m.四.句型车t换.1.5 he loves soap operas.变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)1.6 ally went to bed early last night.(变成否定句)3 .Dick doesn't mind talk show.(变版 What 引导正问句)4 .Rick's mother loves sitcoms.(变成否定句 )5.I wear colorful clothes because I want

13、to be young and beautiful.( 就戈"线音日分提问 ) 这节课我学到了 滕州市南沙河中学“学教:1”教学导学案课题年级学科编号授课 日期主备人备课组长签字级部主任签字业务校长签字班级学生 姓名Unit 11 SectionA (3a - 4)七英、学习目标:1、 掌握以下词?匚:Welcome to ,a thirteen-year-old boy, sunglasses, scarf, wallet2、进一步巩固 What do you think of ?这一句型以及回答(love, like, don't mind,don t like, can

14、 't stand等),来谈论喜欢和不喜欢地事物二、课前预习(重难点突破):下面这些短语很重要,你先看看,一定要掌握哦!1. don't mind2. What about + v-ing ? ?3. a thirteen-year-old boy = a thirteen years old boy thirteen-year-old是复合形容词,year只能用单数形式,它只作定语 .4. English Today Sports News Heal LivingCulture China Chinese Cooking Animal World5. thanks for s

15、th/doing sth6. agree with sb我同意你地意见.7. Tell it like it is! «»8. ask sb about sth9. show sb sth = show sth to sb 10. in fact11 . have a party12.go shopping 13.do some reading 14.talk show15 .welcome to 9o 'clock Weekend Talk.16 .talk to/with sb 17.like to do sth/doing sth18.I can '

16、t stand我忍受不了它.stand有 站,立,坐落,坚持,经受,忍受”等多种意思.作 忍受”讲,后面还 可以接动名词.例如:这个婴儿还不能站立.The baby cannot stand yet.我们不能容忍那个家伙.We can' t stancthat fellow.再等下去我可受不了了 .I can' t stand waiting any longer.19.I don ' t mind therm;不介意.mind 有多种用法: mind doing sth. mind sth. / sb. 等例如:I don ' t mind at all.我一

17、点也不介意.Would you mind my smoking here? 我在这里抽烟你不介意吧? Would you mind passing me the newspapers? 把报纸递给我好么?三、学习过程:(一)、Revision1 .看3a表格,小组问答练习(一人看67页,一人看81页)What does Yang Lin think of English Today?He loves it.What about Alan? He loves it , too./ He does, too.2 .完成3b(1)、 Use the information in 3a and fil

18、l in the blanks.(2)、阅读对话回答问题(1) Who is the host talking to ?(2) How old is Alan?(3) What does Alan think of Sports News?(4) How does Alan like Culture China?(5) What do you think of Healthy Living?3、根据3b填空Alan is a boy. He is talking to thehost.He l towatch TV.HeSports News, but he Healthy Living.He

19、 EnglishToday andheCulture China. As for(至于)Chinese Cooking, hethinkscookingfor moms.Hecan't it.4、巩固背诵以上短文,小组合作检查习题巩固:一、翻译下列句子1、你认为游戏节目怎么样?我不能忍受它们.2、实际上, Tom 不喜欢体育节 目 .3、我爱唱歌.你怎么样? 4、Jim 是一一个十一岁地男孩.5、他门喜欢谈话节目,我弟弟也是.二、填空1、Cooking(be)for moms.2、What he think of baseball?3、Thanks for(join) us.4、Tom

20、(不介意)sitcoms.5、I love it. I,too.6、How about( 交朋友)with the Kings?三、从课本中找出下列句子并翻译1 .你认为情景剧怎么样?我不介意.2 .他妈妈认为体育节目怎么样?她不能忍受他们.3 .他们认为 Anna怎么样?他们爱她.4 .实际上我不喜欢情景剧.5 .她认为 Dumpling King 怎么样?6 .欢迎来到这个节目.7 . Anna 是一个 8岁地女孩.8 .烹饪是为妈妈们地.9 .谢谢加入我们中.10 .我喜欢它.我也是.这节课我学到了 滕州市南沙河中学“学教:1”教学导学案课题年级学科编R授课 日期主备人备课组 长签字级部

21、主 任签字业务校 长签字班级学生 姓名Unit 11Section B (1a-2c)七英、学习目标:1 .掌握以下词汇:sunglasses, scarf, wallet, belt, watch, key ring2 .进一步巩固 What do you think of?这一句型以及回答(love, like, don 't mind,don 't like, can 't stand 等),来谈论喜欢和不喜欢地事物二、预习过程:(一)、预习并写出下列单词(可要写工整啊)1太阳镜 2 围巾 3 钱包4皮带 5 手表 6 钥匙链(二)、写出下列短语1 一副太阳镜 2

22、 两条围巾 3三根黑皮带 4 五块手表 5八个钱包 6 九个钥匙链(三)、翻译下列句子1 .我有一副太阳镜.2我弟弟有一块蓝色手表 .3 他妈有一条围巾和两个钱包.4他喜欢这副太阳镜但不喜欢这个钥匙链.三、学习过程:(一)、听对话填空(2a, 2b)Maria: Hey, guys.Carol: Hello, Maria.Paul: Hi. What's up?Maria: I'm the "What's Cool?" article for the , and I wantyou some questions. OK?Carol: Sure.Pau

23、l: Uh-huh.Maria: Well, look at these things .What do you think of them?Carol: OK. Um , well.Hmm. I love the watch .Paul: Oh, Ithe watch. My sister has one of those.Maria:What do you think of the_?Carol:I like.Paul:Maria:Hmm. I do,.Yeah,Andthe scarf?I like themPaul:Oh, I don't like the scarf.Caro

24、l: I don't,. I can't stand those scarfs. My mom wears like that.Maria: What do you think of the?Paul: I like the wallet. It's really.Carol: I love it!四、巩固练习:I.英汉互译.(10%)1.1 elcome to 9 o ' clock Weekend Talk1.5 pots show 3.Man and Nature1.11 ke to watch TV5 .English Today 6 怎样?7 .动物世

25、界 8. 一个八岁地男孩9 .健康生活10.实话实说11 .用所给动词地适当形式填空.(10%)1 .Where(be) you yesterday morning?2 .Uncle Wang(buy) a bike last week.3 .Jim(go) to the library yesterday.4 .My father(watch) TV at home now.5 .What about(see) the film Titanic.6 .Thank you for(give) me a hand.7 .Why not(ask) the policeman for help?8

26、.Will you please(put) my letter in next month' s magazine?9 .Sometimes Han Mei(wear) sunglasses.10.Do you mind my(open) the window?11.Thanks for(join) Weekend Talk.12.She enjoys(live) in China.13 .The old woman always wears(color) clothes.14 .How about(go) for a walk?15 .How many(word) do you le

27、arn?16 . What does your mother think of the shoes? She(not mind) them.17.1 can ' t stand Chinese(cook), it ' s for moms.18.Everyone loves belt, it is the(cool) thing.19.What do you think of game(show)?20.I want(be) young and beautiful.III.句型转换.(15%)1 .What do you think of Super Sports?( 同义句)

28、 do you Super Sports?1.1 agree with what she said.( 一般疑问句) with what she said?3 .He asked Maria the questions ( 否定句)He Maria the questions.4 .His father doesn ' t mind game shows.(划线部分提问) his father game shows?5 .The boy didn ' t have a key rin底定句 ) The boy a key ring.6 .His mother often goe

29、s to work on foot every day.( 戈U线音B分提问 ) his mother often to work every day?四.1 Please show your new photos( 介词)us.2. Tommy stand the boring lessons. I can't stand them,.A. can, too B. can't, either C doesn't, either D doesn't , too3. Who is your(最好地)friend?4. Each student( 有)a new s

30、chool ID card.5. Some of us(like)the pink sunglasses.6. Could you please(not eat ) in class?7. She showed.A. a new book for me B. a new book me C. me a new book D. on me a new book8. Please put your things your schoolbag.A. on B. away C. in D. off这节课我学到了 滕州市南沙河中学“学教:1”教学导学案课题年级学科编R授课 日期主备人备课组 长签字级部主

31、 任签字业务校 长签字班级学生 姓名Unit 11 Section七英B ( 3a -4 )学习内容及学习目标: 学习 Unit 9 中 Section B() 部分以及self check 部分地内容1、 掌握以下词?匚:ask sb. about sth., show sb. sth., some of ,Here are ,herbest friend,the coolest thing, enjoy reading, in the school magazine, what I think, wear colorful clothes, 2、通过学习3a, 3b以及Self check

32、部分地3这三篇短文,学会完整地描述喜欢和不 喜欢地事物.学习过程:一、阅读3a, 3b完成下列任务.1、短语问某人关于某物 给某人展示某物他们答案中地一些 她最好地朋友最酷地东西 享受阅读在学校杂志上 want to do sth. = would告诉你我所想地请你做好吗?2、阅读3a根据短文回答下列问题1. Who wrote the article?.2. How many things did the writer show to each student? .3. WhatdoesJudy think of the keyring?.4. How does William Jones

33、like the wallet? .5.What was the coolest thing according to the passage?二、小组合作检查背诵3a部分并完成3b.三、 Self check Read the short passage then write your opinion.四、重难点突破1、too , either 地用法I love it.我喜欢它.- I do, too.我也是.(I do, too. = I love it, too.)-I don't like it.我不喜欢它.-I don't, either.我也不喜欢.(I don&

34、#39;t either. = I don't like it, either.)2、some of the/ one's + 名词复数,作主语,谓语动词用复数eg. Some of my friends(was/were) very friendly to others.Some of the books(is/are) very interesting.3、each+ n.单数,”每个,每一".Each boy( 有)a pair of sunglasses.There are some trees in each(side)of the rode.4、Can /

35、 Could you please +v. 原形+其他?请你做好吗?表示委婉地请求eg. Could you please open the window?.Can you please not close the door?翻译两个句子试试吧:请你把盐递给我好吗? ?_请你不要抽烟好吗? ?_5、enjoy doing sth enjoy oneself=6、would like sth/to do sthwould like sb to do sth7、tell sb sth/about sth tell sb to do sth8、put sth on/in sth9、ask sb st

36、h/about sth ask sb to do sth10、sth is/are for sb.11.1 can ' t stand the idea that old people have no right to be beautiful.我忍受不了老年人没有权利讲究美地这种观点.这是一个由that引导地定语从句.情态动词can及其否定形式can'后只能接动词原形,如要接形容词,形容词前必须加 be动词.right这里是名词,表示 权利”12 .学习难点:形容词修饰 nothing、 anything、 something 时,放在其后:nothing difficult

37、 没有什么困难 something interesting 一些有趣地事情 nothing = not anything一个都没有13 . I showed each student seven things 我给每个学生看了七样东西.show是动词表示 出示,给.看常用句型show sb. sth. show sth. to sb.talk show谈话节目这jk show是词,作为词还有 展览,演出”地意思例如:Will you show me your passport?把你地护照给我看看好么?Don' t show the letter to any of your frien

38、ds别把这封信给你地任何朋友看We were asked to show our tickets at the barrier.在入口处我们要出示门票 Are you going to the flower show? 你打算去看花展么?Theatres put on special shows for children during the Christmas season. 圣诞节期间剧院为儿童奉行专场演出.五、习题巩固:(一)从课本中找出下列句子并翻译1、你认为情景剧怎么样?我不介意.2、他妈妈认为体育节目怎么样?她不能忍受他们.3、他们认为 Anna 怎么样? 他们爱她.4、实际上我不

39、喜欢情景剧I .5、她认为Dumpling King怎么样?6、欢迎来到这个节目.7、Anna 是一个 8岁地女孩.8、烹饪是为妈妈们地.9、谢谢加入我们中.10、我喜欢它.我也是.11、我有一块手表,一个围巾和一副太阳. 12、我给每个同学展示了六件物品. 13、一些他们地答案是有趣.14、我想告诉你我所想地.15、请你把我地信放在下月地杂志上.16、我不能忍受老年人不能美丽地主意.17、我不介意年轻人怎么看我.18、关于我地长相我喜欢好话.19、我穿着色彩鲜艳地衣服因为我想要年轻漂亮.(二)跟踪练习、一1 Please show your new photos(介词)us.2 Tommy

40、stand the boring lessons. I can't stand them,.A. can, too B. can't, either C doesn't, either D doesn't , too3 Who is your(最好地)friend?4 Each student(有)a new school ID card.5 Some of us(like)the pink sunglasses.6 Could you please(not eat ) in class?(三)用所给予词地适当形式填空.1 .They put their(wat

41、ch) on.2 .This morning I(show) my friend a new wallet.3 .They think that old people have no right to be(beauty).4.I enjoy(watch) TV on Saturday evenings.5.How about(listen) to the radio tonight?6.Do you like these(scarf)?7 .WhatJack _8 .Thanks for(think)of Tommy? _(join) us this evening .9 .Do you m

42、ind10 .Let ' s(close) the door? It' s cold _(talk)about the sitcom.滕州市南沙河中学“学教:1”教学导学案课题年级学科编R授课 日期主备人备课组 长签字级部主 任签字业务校 长签字班级学生 姓名Unit 11 测试七英1、 用所给词地适当形式填空1. Thanks for _(join) Weekend Talk.2. She enjoys _(live) in China.3. The old woman always wears (color) clothes.4. How about (go) for a

43、walk?5. How many (word) do you learn?6. 一 What does your mother think of the shoes? She(not mind) them.7. I can ' t stand Chinese(cook), it ' s for moms.8. Everyone loves belt, it is the(cool) thing.9. What do you think of game(show)?10. I want(be) young and beautiful.2、 选择填空1. They are talk

44、ing to an girl.A. a eight-year-old B. an eight-year-old C. an eight-years-old D. an eight years old2. , I really like Animal World.A. In fact B. In the fact C. On fact D. On the fact3. Thank you joining us.A. a lot of B. a lot about C. very much in D. very much for4. My father bought yesterday.A. a

45、soap B. a cake of soap C. many soap D. many soaps5. Mrs Hu always new clothes, but today she an old coat.A. puts on, wears B. puts on, putting on C. wears, is wearing D. wears, wears6. I enjoy pop music.you?A. How about B. How are C. How do D. What do7. The old man doesn 't others 'ideas. Sh

46、e wears colorful clothes.A. stand B. agree C. mind D. decide8. Each of the students a new dictionary, and they new pens, too.A. has, has B. have, have C. has, have D. have, has9. I'm my bag, but I can 't it.A. looking for, find B.finding, look for C. looking at, find D. looking for, found10.

47、 I like articles written Dingling.A. on B. with C. as D. by三.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词.1 .What do you think of soap o _? I can ' them.2 .There is a lot of ne ws in today ' .s n_3 .Last week I asked students about f_.4 .What do you think of baseball caps? I don ' t m_hem.5 .He e_ reading stories.1.1

48、 s_ my new pictures to my classmates yesterday.7 .Maria asked her students what they t_ about each thing.8 .We like your " What' s Cooicle in tae school m_.9.I wear c_ clothes because I want to be young and beautiful.10.There is no money in the w_.四.完形填空一Swimming is very popular in summer.

49、People like swimming in summer because water makes them 1 cool. If you like swimming but swim in a 2 place, it may not be safe. These years, more than ten 3 died ( 死)while they were enjoying themselves in the water and 4 of them were students. But some people are still not careful(小心)in 5_ Jheyoften

50、 think they swim so 6 that nothing can happen( 发生)to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming in summer, don' 7t forgeer swimmers have died inwater. They died because they were not careful, not because they 8swim. So don ' t get intowater when you are alone. 9 there is a “No s

51、wimming " 标曲),don ' t get into water,10_. If you remember these, swimming will be safer.()1.A. felt B. feel C. feeling D. to feel ()2.A. difficult B. small C. right D. wrong ()3.A. a people B. peoples C. people D. the people ()4.A. much B. most C. lot D. more ()5.A.swim B. swam C. swimming

52、D. to swim()6.A. fast B. often C. well D. hard()7. A. what B. that C. which D. who()8.A. couldn ' t B. wouldn ' t C. needn ' t D. mustn ' t()9A. Because B. Though C. Whether D. If()10.A. either B. Nor C. also D. too 五.阅读理解.(A)“Every Saturday John talks to Mr Smith. He always says he

53、is going to do something."Iam going to clean my house today, " he says, or “lam going to wash my car tomorrow( 明 天);or These trees in front of my house are too big. I am going to cut (砍)down next week.”Mr. usually says, Are you, John? ” He knows his friend is not going to clean his house, or wash his car, or cut down any trees. Then he says, excuse meWoh


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