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1、重庆大学版重庆大学版高一高一(2) Unit 6Word Formation (II)CompositionandConversionWrite out the original words.unchangeable adj. _ dislike v. _ impossibility n. _ unfriendly adj. _overwork v. _ misunderstanding n. _athletic adj. _ misread v. _translator n. _ changelike possiblefriendlook understandathletereadtrans

2、late In English some words are formed by two or more words together. They are called composition.CompositionDefinitionTypeThere are compound nouns, compound adjectives and compound verbs. Examplesfootball 足球足球 grown-up 成年人成年人 water-cool 用水冷却用水冷却 quick-charge 快速充电快速充电 heart-broken 伤心的伤心的 color-blind

3、色盲的色盲的 NounVerbAdj.1. A plane crashed the other day and the black box has not been found yet.2. It is harmful to overeat or oversleep.Read the following sentences and study the coloured words.3. Some of the national dishes may be world-famous.4. The middle-aged lady who writes right-handed but plays

4、 tennis left-handed is our new headteacher.Compound NounsFormationExampleMeaningn. + n.workforce landowner adj. + n.mainland short-wave v-ing + n.waiting-room hiding-placeWord Study劳动力劳动力地主地主大陆大陆短波短波等候室等候室藏身处藏身处Compound NounsFormationExampleMeaningn. + v-inghorse-riding horse-racingv. + adv.watchout

5、breakoutadv. + vdownpouroutbreak骑马骑马赛马赛马监视监视爆发爆发 倾盆大雨倾盆大雨爆发爆发n.v.: snowfall 下雪下雪 n.prep.n.: daughter-in-law儿媳儿媳 prep.n.: afternoon 下午下午 p.p. +adv.: grown-up 成年人成年人 v. +n.: typewriter 打字机打字机 ExtraCompound adjectivesFormation ExampleMeaningadj.+ n.-edwarm-hearted warm-bloodedadj. + v-inggood-looking f

6、unny-lookingadv.+ v-inghard-workinglow-lying Word Study热情的热情的温血的温血的 好看的好看的滑稽的滑稽的 勤劳的勤劳的 低洼的低洼的Compound adjectivesFormationExampleMeaningn.+ v-ingEnglish-speaking south-facingadv. + p.p.well-informeddeep-setn. + p.p.heart-broken snow-covered被雪覆盖的被雪覆盖的 伤心的伤心的讲英语的讲英语的朝南的朝南的消息灵通的消息灵通的深陷的深陷的adv./ adj. +n

7、. right-hand 右手的右手的 full-time 专职的专职的number + n. 100-meter 100米的米的 million-pound 百万英镑的百万英镑的number +n. +adj. 180-foot-high 180英寸高的英寸高的 10-year-old 10岁的岁的number +n. + -ed four-footed/legged 四脚的四脚的 one-eyed 独眼龙的独眼龙的 n.+ adj. snow-white 雪白的雪白的 day-long 整天的整天的ExtraCompound VerbsFormationExampleMeaningadv.

8、 +V.overthrow understandadj. +V.broadcast whitewashn. + V.typewrite sleepwalk推翻推翻理解理解广播广播粉刷粉刷打字打字梦游梦游 ConversionDefinition Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one part of speech to words of another part of speech, without changing spelling.TypeV NN VAdj. VAdj. NAdv. VAd A

9、dv.find发现发现 find 发现发现 waste浪费浪费 waste废物废物 face 脸脸 face 面对面对 nurse护士护士 nurse 护理护理 narrow窄窄 narrow 变窄变窄 clean干净的干净的 clean打扫打扫 daily每日的每日的 daily日报日报 weekly每周的每周的 weekly周刊周刊 real真的真的 real真正地真正地 deep深深 deep深深地深深地empty空的空的empty倒空倒空better 较好的较好的better使更好使更好ConsolidationConversion 1 P.83 have a try. try: n.

10、 尝试,努力尝试,努力 Ill try now. try:v. 尝试尝试 2) I heard a shout outside. shout: n. 喊声喊声, 呼叫呼叫 Stop shouting。 shout: v. 喊叫喊叫3) to better his pronunciation. better: v. 使使更好更好4) empty the cup for me? empty: v. 使使空空Applying the ruleP83 1typetaxsunpostsuit codecasewriterburntpayer typewriter taxpayer sunburnt po

11、stcode suitcase打字员打字员纳税人纳税人晒黑的晒黑的邮政编码邮政编码手提箱手提箱 crosswalkwindbestunder manbreakerwearroadseller crossroadwalkman windbreakerbestseller underwear随身听随身听防风衣防风衣畅销书畅销书内衣裤内衣裤交叉路交叉路P84 2 everyday adj. 每天的每天的 日常的日常的 every day 每一天每一天2. backboard n. 黑板黑板 black board 黑色的木板黑色的木板3. greenhouse n. 温室温室 green house

12、 绿色的房子绿色的房子4. red card n. 红牌红牌 red card 红色的卡片红色的卡片P84 312356farmv.n.耕种耕种ridemovebuildlaughjogv.n.v.v.v.n.v.n.n.n.乘车路程乘车路程慢跑慢跑体型体型笑笑搬移搬移4910781112endv.n.结束结束leavecalmdustheadreturnv.v.n.n.adj.n.adj.、nv.v.v.请假、许可请假、许可返程的返程的返回返回拂去灰尘拂去灰尘在在.前头前头平静下来平静下来1. Make compound words after the models. A: part, lo

13、ng, passer, film, short, well, cold, baby, get, low, world B: by, known, time, maker, wave, famous, sitter, term, together, lying, blooded Model: part + time = part-timePractice2. Fill in the blanks with the words above. 1) Its a good idea to start a _ job to make extra money. 2) Its necessary to us

14、e a _ radio to pick up the program. 3) Walt Disney, the great _, was born in Chicago in 1901.part-timeshort-wavefilm-maker4) The Dead Sea is very _, at around 395 meters below sea level.5) Were having a little _ to celebrate his birthday.6) They often perform in the streets for the _.7) Im sure you

15、will be _ soon.low-lyingget-togetherpassers-bywell-known3. Make compound words after the models. Model: bed + clothes = bedclothes A: book, boy, sea, fire, over, under, friend, sun, how, court, day, wide B: mark, side, burnt, friend, light, yard, fighter, fighter, ground, coat, ship, spread1) The fire lasted about 4 hours before the _ could control it.2) At school she formed a close _ with several other girls. 3) They decide to spend their holiday at the _.4) He put on a hat and _ before he went out.firefightersfriendship4. Fill in the bla


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