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1、初一英语强化练习二班级:学号:姓名:Unit 8 When is your birthday?【一】经典句子1. We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.本学期我们为大家安排了一些有趣又好玩的活 动。2. Your parents can come to our school.你们的父母可以前来学校。【二】主要语法能够正确使用名词的所有格。能够正确使用when和how引导的特殊疑问句 询问生日或年龄。【三】强化训练一短文填空(Grammar Focus- 3c)题材词数难度建议完成时间实际完成时间正确率应用文给爸爸 的

2、一# 信197难7分钟/10分钟Dear Dad,Happy birthday to you!Today is October 23rd. It' s your forty-fifth 1 . I write this letter to let you know I love you. I think you are the greatest father in the world. You are a good 2 . You love your students ve ry much. Although(尽管)you are very busyD3school every day

3、, you look after my grandparents well and always help 4 with my lessons after g oing home. When I 5 to bed at 10 p.m., you are still(仍然)working. You always go to bed after 12 o' clock. How 6 you are every day! On wee kends, you often read and play with me at home.And sometimes you take me out wi

4、th my mother fo r fun. You are always strict(严格的)with me, 7I know you just want me to have a good future (将来).I want to 8 thank you to you. I feel so happy that I can let you know 9 much I love you. You are great as a son, a 10 , a husban d and a teacher. I love you, Dad!Yours, Dave 1.2,3.4,5. 6.7.8

5、, 9. 10.语法释疑能够正确使用名词的所有格。如: Alice' s爱丽丝的;brother" s弟弟的;Jenny s珍妮的;Tom' s汤姆的;Sally, s萨丽的能够正确使用when和how引导的特殊疑问句 询问生日或年龄。如:1. When is Sally, s birthday party? Sally的生日派对是什么时候?2. How old are you?你几岁了 ?难点释疑happy birthday生日快乐。busy忙碌的,be busy with sth.忙于某事,b e busy doing sth.忙于做某事。如: My mother

6、 is bu sy with cooking.我妈妈忙于煮饭。二读写综合(综合运用)A.信息归纳请阅读一篇关于英语周的文章,根据所提供的信 息,完成信息卡。English Week at Blackwood Private SchoolAddress: Seymour Street, Eden Hills SA Dat e: March 20th24thWelcome to our English Week from 3:00 p.m.to 6:00 p.m. next weekdays. We have one activity a day.Visit our book sale in th

7、e sc hool library on Monday. You will find a lot of interesting English b ooks there. Miss Ji, our English t eacher; will give a talk about ho w to read English books and how to learn English well.On Tuesday, some students will put on an E nglish play called Snow White. It' s an interesting st o

8、ry. Snow White is a lovely girl. She is very kind t o people. I think you will like the play.If you are a good singer, you can take part in the singing competition(竞赛)on Wednesday.Youcan come here and join us. You will enjoy a lot of English songs. It' s easy for you to sing with us.A lot of stu

9、dents like games, so we have a lot for them. On Thursday, we will have some interesti ng games about English. You can come and play. Y ou will learn some English new words here, too. On Friday, there will be an English speaking competiti on. You can learn how to give a speech(寅讲)in En glish. And you

10、 will find that many students can spe ak English well.Come and take part in our English Week!Information CardThe date of the English Week1The place of the book sale2The name of the English play3The activity on Friday4The number of activities during the English Week5难点释疑:take part in意为''参加,后接

11、活动,相当于join in。如:I take part in (= join in) our sports meetin g.我参加了我们的运动会。join意为 ''加入,后接 组织或人。 如:Would you like to join us? L et' s join the basketball club.我们加入篮球俱乐部 吧。B.书面表达假设你是该学校的学生Betty,请你就以上材 料写一封邮件,邀请你的朋友Nick参加你们学校英语 周的活动。内容包括:1 .简单介绍你们学校英语周的情况(日期、地点、 时间等);2 .你对英语周的看法;3 .邀请你的朋友来参加

12、其中的两项活动和简单说 明原因。【写作思路点拨】第一步:简单介绍你们学校英语周的情况(日期、 地点、时间等)。参考句型:1. We have _2. It is on.3. It is in 第二步:你对英语周的看法。参考句型:1. I think it is 2. It' s a good time for us to第三步:邀请你的朋友来参加其中的两项活动和简单说明原因。参考句型:1. You can take part in because2. It is for you to .第四步:检查自己的写作。(1.要求的三个内容都 写到了吗? 2.是否有语法错误?)Dear Nick

13、,Yours,The Lantern FestivalThe Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Jie is on the15th of the first month of the Chinese New Year. Pe ople admire lanterns and eat yuanxiao on that day. IBetty体裁题材词数难度建议完 成时间实际完 成时间止确率n应用文中国传 统节日207中6分钟1 1/5分钟阅读 B 篇(Section B 1a 1d)t s the last day of the Chinese New Year.The

14、Dragon Boat FestivalThe Dragon Boat Festival,also called the DuaFestival, is a festival for over 2019 years.The Date® of the festival is on the 5th day ofthe 5th lunar(阴历)month. People eat zongzi and waThere are many festivals in China. Here are stch dragon boat races碳赛)on that day.ome of them.

15、The Spring FestivalIt is the most important(重要的)festival of the year. It' s usually in January or February!). It is a t ime for families to be togethe©聚).People wear new clothes and visit their close relatives like gran dparents,uncles and aunts. The children will get luThe Mid-Autumn Festi

16、valThe Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most im portant Chinese Festival after the Chinese New Year. It is on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. On t hat night, families get together to admire the beauti ful moon and have mooncakes and fruit.cky money.( )1. is the most important festival ofthe ye

17、ar in China.A.The Dragon Boat Festival B. The Lant ern Festival( . The Mid-Autumn Festival D. The Spring Festival( )2. What does the underlined word ' relatives mean in Chinese?A.朋友 B,亲戚 C.同事 D.后辈( )3. The Dragon Boat Festival.A. is on May 5thB. has a history of3000 yearsC. is the last day of a year D. is also called the Duanwu Festival()4. People at the Mid-Autumn Festival.A. get lucky money B. eat zongziC. admire the moon D. eat yuanxiao()5. What' s the best title(标题)of this pass age?A. The Most Important Festival in ChinaB. The Traditional Chinese Fe


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