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1、unitlstarsigns教案1 (牛津英语初三上)Unit 1 Period 1 Comic strip .V ocabulary and ReadingContent : RevisionTeaching Aims :1. Know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases2. Grasp the main idea of Reading and use the information to describe a certain person characteristic3. Know the opposite words

2、of some adjectivesTeaching steps :Step 1 : Revise star signsQ: When were you born ?What is your animal sign of the Chinese horoscope ?What are your characteristics ?Do you know your star sign ?- A year is divided into 12 star signs and people born under the same star sign share the similar character

3、istics .- Revise the pronunciation of the 12 star signsStep 2: GAME 1Read the important sentences and tell which star sign the person is under ?Step 3 :Consolidate some adjectives and their opposite wordsStep 4 : GAME 2tell the characteristics of people born under different star signsStep 5: Reading

4、 comprehensionChoose the most suitable person for BBC Company .Step 6: Speak upPresent opinions of choosing the most suitable person .Step 7 : Consolidation of some exercises所给依照首字母填写单词。1. A day is dinto 24 hours.2. My father and I both have scharacteristics.3. Many actors and sports players are ean

5、d a.4. Tom can t sit there quietly. He is i.5. We shouldn t s.We should be gto others.6. The top student in our class is the most h.7. Gup dreaming is hopeless.8. Children are often cabout everything.9. Though he is one of the most famous writers in China, he is m.10. The person whose star sign is C

6、apricorn is patient and p.二完成句子,1一年被划分成十二个月。A year twelve months.2当你陷入逆境时,请不要舍弃妄图。Please don t when you are in trouble.3我爸爸从不炫耀自己,他总是专门谦虚。My father never and he is .3他有时注意细节。He details .4我的叔叔经常讲见笑,专门有幽默感。My uncle often and have Period 2GrammarI Teaching aims:Review:1. It s+ adj. + of + sb+ (not) to

7、do sth+ be + adj. + enough + to do sthIt s + ad+j.to do sthIt s + adj. + fosrb to do sthIt s + adj. + that 从句+2. different parts of a sentencen Teaching stepsStepl leading-inMillie ' s school ' s Students ' Union needs a new chairperson. She wants to write a theter toPrincipal to recomme

8、nd a classmate. In her letter she wants to write a sentence like this 在下面,but she can ' t .Can you help her?David在多次考试中取得好成绩,真是专门聪慧。It's clever of David to get good marks in many tests.Step 2Let ' s look at the following sentences. Can you find out the sme sentence structure ?1.'s ni

9、ce of you to bring me the newspaper.(P2)2.'s silly of you not to forgive others for their faults(P5)3.'s typical of Simon to make such a mess.(P9)4.'s generous of your mum to organize this party for us.(P9)5.'s kind of yoo recommend me as the new chairperson.(P19)Conclusion: It '

10、 s + adjsb+)fnot) to do sth注意:1.那个地点的adj.是表示人的品质或性格。2. 样有如下些形容词: nice ,kind , silly , good , wise , clever , careless, polite ,selfish , rude , thoughtful , wrong , stupid ,3. of和for的区不: 将of或for去掉,将表示sb的词作句子主语,表语不变,后接不定式,组成一个句子。假设句子正确,那么用of,假设不正确用for。Step 3 Review: Its + adj. + to dohIts + adj. + fs

11、b to do sthIts + adj. + that 共句注意:用于 for sb to do sth 结构中的 adj.通常是:important, necessary, possible, impossible,interesti ng, hard, difficult, easy, meaningful, harmfulStep 4 Exercises.依照表格连词成句。importantweprotect the wildlifeharmfulwepollute the environmentselfishpeoplekill the wild animalsfoolishfarm

12、erschange the farmland to make more space for farms and buildingswrongwomenwear the clothes made of animal furnecessarywekeep the wild animalsIt is important for us to protect the wildlife .It is harmful for us to pollute the environment .It is selfish of people to kill the wild animals .It is fooli

13、sh of the farmers to change the farmlands to make more space for farms and buildings .It is wrong of the women to wear the clothes made of animal fur .It is necessary for us to help the wild animals.2 .改写同义句。1 . It ' s necessary that we read Englverye day.It ' sread English every day.2 . To

14、learn the computer is useful.useful the computer.3 .They look down on the poor. They are not right.It ' s themlook down on the poor.4 .The boy doesn ' t shout to the old man. He is polite.It the boy to the old man.3 .改错。1. It ,s difficult of me to finish his homework in five minutes.2. It &#

15、39; s silly for you nottake part in the party .3. It' s easier of you to take action if you wear red.4. It' s wise of he to go to work by bus on rainy days5. That ' s very kind of you to help me so much4 .翻译。1 .你们有自己的后援队伍是专门重要的。2 .做理想工作是专门有意义的3 .对我们来讲,每天喝牛奶是专门有必要的。4 他们关心残疾人,真是专门好。5她不为不人着

16、想,太自私了。Step 5 Millie is happy. In such a short time, she has remembered the differences among these sentence structures and she has learned how to use them. At this time, she thinks of another way of It s clever of David to get good mkasr in many tests. She writes a sentence like this,David is enoug

17、h clever to get good marks in many tests.Do you think it is right? If not , how do you correct it? After correcting it, ask: Can you tell Millie there is a secret in the sentence? That is:+ be + adj. + enough + to do sth注意: enough - adv. 修饰形容词,副词,放在它们的后面。 adj./adv. + enoughAdj. 修饰名词,放在它的前面。 enough+

18、n.n. 单独使用。 We are full because we have eaten enough.Step 6 Exercises.改写同义句。1. It s patient of you wtoait for two hours here.You wait for two hours here.2. He is kind. He helps me with my English.It s help me with my English.He help me with my English.3. The boy is very strong. He can lift the box.Th

19、e boy is the box4. The girl is very outgoing and she can make many friends easily.The girl is many friends easily.5. The girl is enough tall to reach the top to the shelf. ( 改错 )6. The poor children don ' t have food enough to铀t.(Step 7 Millie wants to learn more about enough . Let s look at the

20、 following:S+ V+ adj./adv.+ (for sb) enough to do sthS+V+ so+ adj./adv + that + 从句S+V+ too+ adj./adv+( for sb) to do sth注意:当 adj./adv.+ enough to do sth 为确信句时,能够改为 so+ adj./adv + that +从句不可改为too+ adj./adv+to do sth 当 adj./adv.+ enough to do sth 为否定句时,能够改为 so+ adj./adv + that + 从句也可改为too+ adj./adv+to

21、 do sth 当句子的主语不是to do sth 的逻辑主语时,用 for sb 放在 to do sth 的前面。 当句子的主语同时又是to do sth 的逻辑宾语时,宾语省略。假如 to do sth 中的 do是不及物动词,那么要加上适当的介词。tooto 也有和的特点,但sothat没有这种用法。Step 8 Exercises.一改错。1. The box is light enough for the boy to carry it.2. The maths problem is so easy that I can work out.3. The girl is not yo

22、ung enough to go to school.4. Those flowers are interesting enough we all to want to buy .5. The talk was interesting enough for me to listen again.二改写同义句。1. The book is so interesting that we like to read it.The book is to read.2. Kitty is not strong enough to carry the heavy box.Kitty is weak carr

23、y the heavy box.The box is heavy Kitty carry it.The box is not Kitty carry.3. My brother is too young to go to school.My brother is to go to school.My brother is he go to school.4. He is so imaginative that he comes up with new ideas.He is come up with new ideas.5. The girl is very outgoing and she

24、can make many friends easily.It s the girl to make many friends because she is very .三翻译。1 那个电视节目是够无聊的,使我睡着了。The TV programme is to make me fall.2 .那个咨询题专门容易,他能回答出来。The question is to answer.The question is he answer.3 .你帮我修车子,真是太好了。you help me mend my bike.You to help me mend my bike.4 .李阿姨专门大方,送给我

25、这么多漂亮的礼物。It ' s Aunt Li me so many nice gifts.5 .对与旅行者来讲,在行走前训练几个月是专门有必要的。It ' s train for a few months before the walk.Step 9 Millie wants to write this recommendation letter better. But she doesn' t know how mparts are there in a sentence? Can you tell her about it?A sentence can be di

26、vided into different parts. Different kinds of sentences have different parts.Review: five kinds of sentence structures.1. S+V.2. S+V+DO3. S+V+P4. S+V+IO+DO5. S+V+DO+OC名称词性主语名词,代词,或相当于它们的词组,动名词,动词不7E式,从句谓语动词表语名词,形容词,介词词组,某些副词,动名词,动词不7E式,从句宾语名词,代词,或相当于它们的词组,动名词,动词不7E式,从句定语名词,形容词,介词词组,某些副词,动名词,动词不7E式,

27、从句状语副词,介词词组,动词不定式,从句分词,动词不7E式,从句Step 10 Exercises.1 .讲出以下划线部分的句子成分。1. Andy is planning to go out.2. Amy wants to travel around the world.3. Playing football is interesting.4. We were talking when the teacher came in.5. The book on the desk is mine.6. He gave me a book.7. Some colours make us feel ca

28、lm.2 .改错。1. Learn English is very important.2. I feel sadness at times.3. All the students in the classroom.4. This is a beautifully park.5. The boy shouted to me angry.Period3 Unit1 WritingUnit1Step1 Tell the students how to write a formal recommendation letter. Pay attention to the following:1. It

29、 ' asformal letter. So we must use a formal language. Please turn to page 16 and review Formal and informal language. We should not use informal greetings such as Hi. We should not use informal endings such as Cheers.2. A formal recommendation letter includes the following :AddressCD Heading-Dat

30、eA recommendation letter greetingsPurpose Main body- ReasonsConclusion Closing SignatureLook at page 18.Step2 Tell the students to make a flow chart to organize their ideas.Main body is the most important part in a letter,'' reasons"is the most important part inmain body. Look at the flow chart.Five strongest characteristics:1. confidentA thinks he can do anything if he tries his best.8. not afraid of making a speech in assembly.2. hard-workingA. always do extra workB. never forgets


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