1、2019 届河北衡水中学终极押题卷英语本试卷满分150 分。考试用时120 分钟。注意事项1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上相应的位置。2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效。3. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题客案后, 用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,在选涂其他答案标。回答非选择题时,将答案用 0.5mm 黑色 笔迹签字笔写在答题卡上。4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分 )做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共 5
2、 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. How many students too the eam last Friday?C. 40.C. Go of woringC. LiteratureC. Loo after her aunt.A.18.B.22.2. What does the woman mean?A.She lost her notes.B.She didn't tae the n
3、otes.C.A friend has borrowed her notes.3. What will the man probably do tomorrow?A. Stay alone,B. Go on a school outing.4. What is the question probably about?A. History.B. Math.5. What will Susan do to spend most of her time in France?A. Travel around.B. Study at a school,第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 2
4、2.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B 、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第6 、 7 题。6. What ind of business does the man's company probably do?C. Printing.A. Painting.B. Designing.7. When will the woman' s order be done?A. In si wees.8. By the en
5、d of the wee.9. At the beginning of net, month 听第 7 段材料,回答第8 、 9 题。8. What ind of movie is Arrival?A. An action movie.B. A romantic movie.9. When will the speaers see a movie tonight?A. At12;00.B. At 930.8 段材料,回答第10 至 12 题。10. What color did the woman use in the middle of the picture?A. Purple.11. W
6、ho might Donald be?A. The woman's cat.12. What will Stella do net?A. Draw a mouse.听第 9 段材料,回答第13 至B. OrangeB. The woman's brother.B. Buy some flowers.16 题。13. What is the probable relationship between the speaers?A. Teacher and student.B. Mother and son.14. What is Marvin's uncle?A. A do
7、ctor.B. A nurse.15. Why did Marvin ,hesitate to tal about his dream at first?A. He way afraid of being laughed at.B. His uncle didn't want him to tal about it.C. He was worried that it wouldn't come true.16. What can we learn from the conversation?A. Marvin's uncle advised him to be a nu
8、rse.B.Marvin often visits his uncle's hospitalC. The woman thins positively of the boy's dream听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. Why does the speaer write this letter?A. To show his thans.B. To show his regrets.C. To show his good wishes.18. What do we now about the speaer?A. He lies eating beef an
9、d potatoes.B. He prefers seeing snow to sating on the lae.C. He has never seen stars in the city.19. What did the speaer dislie about the trip last wee?A. The weather.B. The sound outside.C. A ids' movie.C. At 730.C. Green,C. The woman's father.C. Write some words.C. Wormates.C. An insurance
10、 agent.C. The food.20. What do the speaer and his family plan to do to welcome Monica?2_ A. Send her some ticets.B. Show her around his house.C. Tae her to watch a basetball game.第二部分 阅读理解 ( 共两节,满分40 分 )第一节(共15 小题;每不题 2 分 ,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、 B 、 C 和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAmsterdam's Best Flea Mar
11、etsIjhallen Flea MaretFirst or second weeend of every monthPerhaps the most impressive of them all is Ijhallen, located in the north of Amsterdam.With more than 1, 500 stands and 3, 000 free. paring spaces, the monthly maret attracts visitors from not only the Netherlands, but Europe wide,There is a
12、 five euro admission fee, but you can be pretty sure that you can browse second-hand treasures for most of the day. Anything and everything can be found here old guitars and antique chairs, art prints and military gear.Noordermart Flea MaretSaturday, 9 am -4 pmMonday, 9 am-2 pm F? e i?,In the center
13、 of the Jordaan, the Noordermart Flea Maret on Saturdays includes vintage (老式的 ) goods and organic food produce from local farmers.On Mondays, the maret transforms into an antique-hunter's goldmine. There are piles of vintage clothes, antique boos, coins and furniture.Waterloplein MaretMonday-Sa
14、turday, 9 am6 pmThe most centrally located of all flea marets in Amsterdam, Waterloplein Maret offers visitors a range of snacs, second-hand clothes and vintage treasures.There's a mae of second- hand goods, from old globes and hanging lamps, to African drums, antique rugs and used bies.Spui Boo
15、 MaretFriday, 10 am -6 pmIdeally situated among boostores, you'll find a collection of tents sheltering second-hand and antique boos at the boo maret on Spui.You can find a variety of literature from b ?ographies and poetry to fantasy fiction, history, psychology and geography. While most boos a
16、te from' the. Netherlands, some English and international titles are for sale, -As welt as antique maps, prints and record.21. Which flies maret do you need to pay some etra money?A. Ijhallen FleaMaret.B. Noordermart Flca Maret.C. Waterloplein MaretcD.Spui Boo Maret.22. What can you pic up at No
17、ordermart Flea Maret?A.You can get enough paring space.B. You can choose a range of snacs.C. You can buy some fresh vegetables.D. You can dig some goldmines here.23. When is a good time to visit a favorite maret for a cray boo fan?A. First weeend of every month.B. Friday, 10 am- -6 pm.C. Monday, 9 a
18、m-6 pm.D. Saturday, 9 am- -4 pm.Jason and Caden have been good“wagon ( 四轮车) pullers" since the second day of school.They are amaing and so great about taing turns pulling or pushing the wagonin the indergarten game. The game needs everyone to wor together to mae the wagon move forward to the de
19、stination. Today, their teacher, Jenny, ased Jason if he could be a "teacher", to train a new student, Bradley, to pull the wagon.Jason was so cute and said, "How about letting him be a pusher, not be a puller?"? It was a very great idea, and Jason had good observation capability
20、! He found Bradley wasn't quite strong enough to pull the wagon.coThey too the job very seriously, and the moment touched Jenny very much, Jason was one of the youngest but very observant, ind, helpful and compassionate children!Jason was the line leader and puller, Another child, Caden was the
21、second in command and helped the line leader stay focused. Bradley was the third in command" behind Caden.Caden too Bradley under his wing, guiding him lie a sweet border collie to push the.wagon.Several days later, Jason told Jenny, I hope Bradley will become the wagon puller tomorrow. He shou
22、ld have the opportunity to improve his strength. Jenny nodded.' What a sweet comment! It is so sweet to have a four-year- old child cheering on a peer, when ids of all ages fight to be the one to pull the wagon.It was a ind, sweet group, and Jenny especially loved those moments. She also emailed
23、 the sweet stories to all the parents.24. What did Jenny as Jason to do?A. Pull the wagon together with Caden.B. Train a new student to push the wagon.C. Teach another id how to drag the wagon,D. Move the wagon to the destination by himself.25. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. The description of
24、how the ids cooperate with each other to move the wagon.B. The praise of the teacher's proper arrangement to pull the wagon.C. The eplanation of the comple relationship among the ids.D. The introduction to the difficulty to drive the wagon.26. What is the ey to children's completing the game
25、?A. Ambition.B. Team spirit.C. Patience.D. Good observation capability.27. What con we learn from the tet?A. Jenny treated her students unfairly.B. Jason was the only wagon puller in the game. LC. Caden was stronger than Jason in the indergarten.D. Bradley would be. the wagon puller in the game the
26、net day.CResearch published in the journal Temperature found that an hour -long soa in hot water produced similar blood. sugar responses as 60 minutes of moderate physical activity.Sound too good to be true? While the research on these effects is still preliminary, there is a plausible eplanation fo
27、r this."It seems that activities that increase heat shoc proteins may help to improve blood sugar control and offer an alternative to eercise, lead study author Steve Faulner wrote. These activities -such as soaing in a hot tub or taing a sauna - may have health benefits for people who are unab
28、le to eercise regularly.A team from the U's National Center for Sport & Eercise Medicine eamined 14 lean and overweight men and analyed their metabolic health. The participants were either assigned to an hour-long session of cycling or an hour-long session in a 104-degree bath.The scientists
29、 discovered that both groups were better able to control their blood sugar levels in the 24 hours following the activities and the bathers perhaps were even better off Their pea blood sugar levels after eating following their Soa were approimately 10 percent lower than the pea blood sugar levels of
30、those who eercised.Researchers say this implies that "passive heating" (a means of rising your body temperature) could assist in lowering blood sugar. levels. Passive heating can affect proteins in the body called heat shoc proteins, which help regulate blood sugar. People with type 2 diab
31、etes ( 糖 尿病)tend to have lower levels of heat shoc proteins. Passive heating can raise these levels.It's critical to point out a few limitations of the study, For starters, the eperiment only monitored men, so it' s difficult to say if the same effect would happen in women. It also only incl
32、uded 14 volunteers, which is an etremely small sample sie. More research needs to be conducted before scientists can come to any official conclusion, And, of course, you should still continue to eercise regularly.That being said. the study does offer some more promising insight into ( 洞察)the healing
33、 effects of hot water.28. What does the underlined word plausible” (in Para.2) refer to?A. Strange.B. Ridiculous.C. Reasonable.D. Confusing.29. Which of the following is right about the research by the U's team?A. Cycling made no difference to their blood sugar levels.B. Their blood sugar levels
34、 pea after eating during the research.C. 14 lean and 14 overweight men were involved in the research.D. A 24-hour tracing and monitoring was carried out after the one-hour activities.30. How should scientists improve this study?A. By etending the study period.B. Ry changing the research method.C. By
35、 including more women in the research.D. By increasing the number of subjects investigated31. Which of the following best epresses the author's main point of view?A. When you run a fever you get passive heating".B. Passive heating can raise levels of heat shoc proteins.C. Ir is a research O
36、f significance in spite of some imperfection.D. You need either a hot bath or regular eercise to eep healthy.When you thin of batteries, you'll liely thin about them powering up remote controls, cellphones, flashlights and toys. But some people carry a battery around in their body to power a pac
37、emaer (起搏器 ). It isn't really pleasant and easy to carry batteries because they need to be replaced so often and they can lea poisonous chemicals. A battery-powered pacemaer may become a thing of the past, thans to a new technology developed by UCLA researchers A biological supercapacitor (超级电容器
38、) , which is thinner than several hairs.Teams of researchers at UCLA and the University of Connecticut published a paper in a journal eplaining their new invention. The supercapacitor is made from a carbon_ material,and coated with human-lie proteins that act as electrodes ( 电极 ). But what maes the
39、device different is that it is powered by an energy harvester that changes body heat and movement in the blood into energy.Those traditional pacemaers are si to eight millimeters thic They are much bigger. The new supercapacitor, which, due to its lac of battery, is only one micrometer thic. This“li
40、ttle ” featurecould benefit the new pacemaer's energy efficiency researchers stated. Also, unlie other batteries used in medical treatments, the supercapacitor can bend and twist in the body without suffering damage.Though they've not been widely used in the medical world, supercapacitors ha
41、ve the ability ta serve as a safer and more efficient medical device than the traditional battery-operated devices, the researchers believe."In order to be effective, battery free pacemaers must have supercapacitors that can get, store and transport energy. However, commercial supercapacitors a
42、re too slow to mae them wor ”, said Maher El-ady, a UCLA researcher and co-author of the study.“Our research focused on thecustom-designed supercapacitor to capture energy effectively, and finding a way to mae it eist together successfully with the human body. ”32. What do we now about traditional p
43、acemaers?A. They are very popular with users.B. They need to be replaced quite often.C. They can do harm to the users' bodies.D. They are really convenient to carry around.33. What is special about the new supercapacitor?A. It has electrodes on the outside,B. It is made from a ind of protein mat
44、erial.C. It helps save the carriers' money and energy.D. It can transform the energy from the body.34. Which of the following maes the new pacemaer energy- efficient?A.The small sie.B. The small battery.C. The energy harvester.D. The bending and twisting characters.35. What is the best title for
45、 the tet?A. A New Pacemaer that Doesn't Need to Use BatteriesB. A Battery-Powered Pacemaer Is Harming People's BodyC. People Today Aren't Willing to Use the Traditional Pacemaer Any LongerD. UCLA Researchers Are Committed to the Cause of the Medical Equipment第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,
46、从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余 选项。Imagine that you are in a remote village somewhere with no medical clinic.36 Once the doctors get to you, they eamine you and tae blood samples, but they won't be able to help you until they tae the samples bac to the hospital to find out what is wrong. 37 Thans
47、 to engineer Andy Ocan, many people may never be in this situation. He has invented an app that turns your mobile phone into a diagnostic ( 诊断的)tool.Ocan's invention is important because it is very accurate and easy to use. In many remote places, even if doctors have microscopes and other instru
48、ments to help them mae diagnoses, there may still be other problems. Many doctors, for eample, don't have enough training to correctly interpret what they see.38 With Ocan's mobile phone app, health worers can tae aspecial photo of a blood sample and send it to a central computer at a hospit
49、al. The computer will then automatically interpret the photo and send a diagnosis/ bac in a few minutes.39 His technology only requires a mobile phone and an Internet connection. Asmore than four billion people already have cell. phones, the cost of establishing the diagnostic system is fairly low.B
50、y inventing a medical tool that uses eisting technology - mobile phones - Ocan has developed a medical tool that is both practical and economical. Therefore, it can be used effectively almost anywhere.40A. Another reason that Ocan's invention is important is that it is inepensive,B. Even though
51、you may only have a simple infection(9), you might die because of the delay.C. People are trying to reduce the cost of this new medical tool.D. Ocan's simple, cost-effective tool might just save millions of lives around the world.E. This tool has become much more popular all around the world.F.
52、You become very sic and must wait days until a mobile medical unit arrives to help.G. As a result, they may diagnose illnesses incorrectly.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从段问候各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One afternoon, I was waling with Evan on the second floor. I taled o
53、n and on and Evan waled 41 in front of me. As we turned a corner, Evan 42 me and said the tenwords."Why are you taling to me? I'm not your friend. Those were the eact words he said to me that day. I stood there 43. He ept waling and never looed bac. I 44 to my netclass with tears coming up
54、in my eyes.We 45 spoe to each other after that. I 46 into a shell, lie a turtle, to hidefrom the world. For the rest of my time in middle school, I didn't 47 myself to get closeto anyone, I pushed away most of my friends 48 being hurt again. I avoided unnecessary49.It wasn't until high schoo
55、l that I was able to 50 my head out of my shell andbegin 51people again. But even today, Ham still 52in choosing who I openup to. It taes me a very long time to warm up to 53.I was twelve then. I was too trusting and I too what Evan said 54. Maybe he washaving a bad day 55maybe I was taling too much
56、, In my view, what he said to me thatday 56the course of my life, But if weren't for that 57, I wouldn't have metmy best friends in high school.I understand that, in middle school, we were all young. I've been able to 58allthe people who bullied me, but for some 59I can t seen to forgive
57、 Evan, Those wordsthat day hurt me more than anything. I believe that one day I'll be 60enough to forgiveEvan too, But right now I'm still that twelve year-old running down the hall with tears filled with his eyes.41A. silentlyB. carefullyC. suddenlyD. happily.42A. argued withB. shouted atC.
58、 turned toD. reminded of.43A. astonishedB. disappointedC. frightenedD. amused.44A. came bacB. gave inC. made facesD. ran off.45A. frequentlyB. willinglyC. attentivelyD. rarely.46A. looedB. turnedC. escapedD. lived.47A. wishB. allowC. epectD. force.48A. for fear ofB. because ofC. in need ofD. instead of.49A. outingsB. conversationsC. lessonsD. friends.50A. remainB. sticC
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