



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1.agree with sb 赞成某人agree to do sth 赞成做某事2 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样,一种3 all over the world=the whole world=throughout the world 整个 世界4 along with同一道,伴随5 ask for 求助 向要(直接接想要的东西)6 ask sb for sth 向某人什么7 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do sth 叫某人不要做某事8 at the beginning of 的起初;的开始

2、9 at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾10.be /feel confident of sth /that +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信11. be afraid to do (of )sth=be scared to do(of )sth 恐惧,害怕12. be allowed to do 被允许做什么allow doing sth 允许做某事allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事13 be angry with sb=be mad at sb 生某人的气be angry with(at) sb for doing sth为什么而生某人气14. be

3、ashamed to do sth 做而感到羞愧be ashamed of sb(doing) sth对某人做某事感到羞愧15. be away from 远离,从离开16. be bad for 对什么有害17. be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事be busy with sth 忙于18. be careful =look out =take care当心;小心19. be different from 和什么不一样20. be famous(well known) for 以著名be famous(wellknown) as 作为而著名21. be friendly to

4、sb=be kind to sb=be good to sb对某人友好22. be from=come from 来自23. be full of 装满的 be filled with 充满24. be glad+to+do/从句25. be good at(+doing)=do well in善于26. be good for 对什么有好处27. be happy to do 很高兴做某事28. be helpful to sb 对某人有好处29. be in good health 身体健康30. be in trouble 处于困难中31. be/get interested in=ta

5、ke an interest in对某方面感兴趣32. be late for=arrive late for 迟到33. be like =take after 像34. be made from 由制成(制成以后看不见原材料)35. be made of 由制成(制成以后还看得见原材料)36. be popular with sb 受某人欢迎37. be short for 表*的缩写38.be sick in bed 生病在床39. be sorry to do sth 做而感到抱歉be sorry for sb 对某人抱歉40.be sorry to trouble sb 打扰某人感到

6、抱歉41. be strict in doing sth 严于做某事be strict with sb 对某人要求严格be strict with sb in sth 某方面对某人严格42. be supposed to do 被要求干什么43.be sure of doing sth 对做某事有信心be sure of sth 对做某事有信心be sure that sth 对做某事有信心be sure to do sth一定会做某事44. the same as 和什么一样45.get/be used to doing sth 习惯做某事used to do sth过去常常做某事be us

7、ed for doing sth 被用来做46. be worth doing 值得做什么47. be(feel) afraid to do sth害怕做某事be afraid of sth害怕 害怕某物be afraid that 从句48. because+句子 because of +短语49.begin to do=start to do 开始做某事startwith=beginwith 以什么开始什么50. borrow sth from sb 向借lend sth to sb ( lend sb sth 借给什么东西51. bother 打扰bother sb to do sth打

8、扰某人去做某事52. by the end of 到为止53. call sb up= call sb=ring sb up=ring sb=telephone(phone) sb (up) 给某人打电话54. catch up with sb 赶上某人cant wait to do sth 迫不及待的做某事55. chat with sb 和某人闲谈56.come up with=think of 提出,想出cheer up 使振奋起来57. communicate with sb 和某人交流58. consider + doing 考虑做什么59. dance to 随着跳舞60. dec

9、ide to do sth=make a decision to do sth 决定做61. forget to do sth 不要忘了做某事forget doing sth忘记曾经做过某事62. mind +doing /从句 /名词 介意做某事63. end up +doing 以做什么而结束64. enjoy +doing喜欢65. escape from 从逃跑66. expect to do sth 期待做某事67. fall down 摔下来 fall off 从哪摔下来fall from 从摔下来68. fall in love with sb /sth 爱上什么69. find

10、 +it +adj +to do 发现做某事怎么样70. find sb/sth +adj 发现什么怎么样71. finish 完成+doing(名词)feel like doing sth.=want to do sth= would like to do sth 想要做某事72. fit to sb=be fit for sb =suit sb 适合某人73. get /have sth down 做完,被(别人)做74.get along well with sb=get on well with sb相处得好75. get ready for=be ready for为什么而准备76.

11、 get sb in to trouble 给某人麻烦77. give sth to sb=give sb sth 给某人某物give up doing sth 放弃做某事78. go on to do =continue to do sth 去做下一件事go on doing=continue doing sth 继续做这件事79.have a party for sb 举办谁的晚会80. have been to ( 地方)去过某过地方have gone to (地方) 去了某地还没回来have been in 在某地81. have fun +doing 玩得高兴82. have sth

12、 to do 有什么事要做83. have to do sth 必须做某事84. have trouble (a problem) (in) doing sth=have a difficulty (in) doing sth 做事情有麻烦85. havetime +doing 有时间去做某事have sth/nothing to do 做什么没有关系86. have(时间)off 放假87. hear sb +do/doing 听见某人做某事/正在做某事88. help sb with sth ones sth 帮助某人某事help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事89. hop

13、e to do sth 希望做某事90. How about(+doing)=What about(+doing)91. how do you like=what do you think of 认为92. in ones opinion=sb think 某人认为93. in the end=finally=at first 最后94. in the north of 什么在什么的北方95. introduce sb to sb 介绍某人给某人 introduce oneself 自我介绍 a self-introduction96. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事9

14、7. It takes sb sometime to do sth 花掉某人多少时间98. Its +adj(for sb) to do(对某人来说) 做某事怎么样Its +adj of sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事怎么样(形容词是表示人的品质,特征)99. Its important to sb 对某人来说很重要100.Its time to do sth=Its time for sth到了该去做某事的时间101. join in=take part in 参加102. keep +sb /sth +adj 让什么保持什么样?103. keep out 不让 进入104. k

15、eep sb adj 让保持 keep me happykeep sb doing sth继续做某事105. laugh at 取笑106. learn by oneself =teach oneself 自学107. learn from sb 向某人学习108. learn to do sth 学做某事look forward to doing期盼做某事109. let sb down 让某人失望110. live in +大地方 /at +小地方111. look after=take care of =care for 照顾 照看112. lose ones way 迷 路113. m

16、ake friends with sb 和谁成为朋友114. make sb /n +n 使什么成为什么115.make sb /sth +adj 使某人(某物)怎么样116.make sb do sth 让某人做某事117. make up be made up of (被动语态)由组成118. mind sb to do mind ones doin介意做什么119. need to do(实义动词) need do (情态动词)需要做某事120. no more=not any more 不再no longer=not any longer 再也不121. offer / provide

17、 sb with sth =provide sth for sb给某人提供某物122. offer sb sth =offer sth to sb提供什么东西给某人123. on ones way to 在谁去那的路上124. help oneself 随便吃125. practice +doing 练习做某事pay attention to doing sth.注意做某事126. prefer sth to sth 相对更喜欢prefer doing to sth 更喜欢去做不愿意去做prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿 也不127. pretend

18、to do sth 装着去做什么128. ratherthan 宁可也不129. regardas 把当作130. remind sb about sth 提醒某人什么事remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事remind sb of sth 使某人想起什么131. return sth to sb 还什么东西给某人132. sb spend some money on(in)doing sth花了多少钱在某事上133. sb spend some time with sb花了多少时间与某人在一起134. see sb do 看见某人做过某事see sb doing 看见某人正在

19、做某事135. seem to do/be +adj 显得怎么样136. send sb sth =send sth to sb 送给某人某物137. show sb sth=show sth to sb 拿什么东西给某人看138. stay away from doing sth 远离做某事139. stop doing 停下正在做的事stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事keep/prevent sb(from) doing 阻止某人做某事140. stop to do 停下正在做的事去做下一件事141. surprise sb 使某人惊奇to ones surpri

20、se 令某人惊奇 的是in surprise 惊讶,惊奇be surprised at 对.感到惊讶142. take walks=take a walk go for a walk 散步143.talk to 对谁说 talk with 和谁说talk of 谈到 talk about 谈论关于144. tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做什么tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做什么145. thank you for +doing146. the way to do sththe way of doing sth方法the way to +地方 去哪的路14

21、7. tooto 太怎样而不能adj +enough to 足够能 sothat +从句148. translate into 把什么翻译成什么149. travel with sb和某人去旅游150. try ones best to do sth尽某人最大的努力去做事151. try to do sth 想干什么,但没成功try doing sth 想干什么,已经做过了152. turn down 开小turn up 开大turn off 关上turn on 打开153.wait for sb 等某人1.look短语look for寻找;look after照顾:look over查看;l

22、ook forward to渴望,向往look at看着look up抬头看,在查找;look like看起来像;look as if/though看起来好像;look through透过看 ,翻阅,浏览;look into调查;look out当心;look out of往外看look around环顾四周look back 回顾,回想2.put短语put off推迟put on穿上;上演put away把暂时收起来,储存备用put up举起,建造,张贴put out扑灭;put down写下放下3.turn短语turn down把音量开小一点;拒绝;turn up把音量开大一点;出现;tu

23、rn over翻开;翻转;turn to朝向;变成;求助于;turn out结果证明是;turn out结果是turn on 打开(电灯等)turn off 关(电灯等)turn against背叛turn back折回,往回走turn around旋转,转过身来4.call短语call at拜访,后接地点;call on拜访,后接被拜访的对象;号召;call back回电话;call up打电话,使回忆起call off取消5.be短语be friendly/kind to对友好;be fed up with对厌烦;be different from与不同;be afraid of害怕;be

24、 popular with受欢迎;be fond of喜欢,爱好;be interested in对感兴趣;be surprised at对惊讶be satisfied/content/pleased with对满意;be proud of对感到自豪;be strict with对某人严格;be strict in 对某事严格;be good to对有好处;be good at擅长于;be sure of/about对有把握;be divided into被分成;be made up of由构成;be angry with对某人生气;be busy with忙于;be full of/fill

25、ed with装满了;be late for迟到;be covered with覆盖着;be familiar with对熟悉;be familiar to对某人来说是熟悉的;be famous/known for因著名;be famous/known as作为有名6.get短语get on/along (well) with与某人相处(融洽),进展(顺利);get up起床;get on上车(船、飞机、马);get off下车(船、飞机、马);get back回去;get back to回到;get away离开,逃脱;get down下来get home到家;get into进入,陷入;g

26、et out (of) (从)出去; 躲避get to到达get together聚会;get in收割get through通过,度过,完成get hold of获得,取得get over越过,恢复,克服get ready for为作准备get up起床get used to习惯于7.take短语take off(飞机)起飞,脱掉(衣服);take in吸收,上当;改小衣服;take away拿走;take out取出;take on雇佣,呈现;take down取下;take up占据时间、空间,开始从事,拿起take photos 照相take time 花费(时间)take turns

27、 轮流take ones place坐某人的座位take the place of代替某人的职务take a seat就坐take a shower淋浴,洗澡take care of照顾take care小心,当心take ones temperature量体温take part in参与,参加take it easy别着急,慢慢来8.agree短语agree with同意(意见、想法);agree to同意(计划、办法);agree on协商一件事;9.pick短语pick up拾起,捡起,拿起,收听,用车接送客人、货物,收拾、整理;pick out挑选10.cut短语cut in插嘴cut

28、 down砍到cut out停止使用cut up切碎11.go短语go over温习,复习;go into走进;go off爆炸;go out出去,熄灭;go ahead继续向前走;go against违背;go away走开;go back回去,回顾;go by时间流逝,从旁经过;go down下降,下沉;go on(时间)过去,继续,持续,发生;go round绕路;go through经历;go together一起去e短语come along一道来;come out出来,出版;come down倒塌,降下来;come from来自;come back回来;come across偶然遇到

29、;come over过来;come to an end结束;come to oneself苏醒过来;come up长出,发芽;come into use开始使用;come round绕道而来;come on快!得啦;跟着来;来临come true实现come up走近come up with找到,解决,想到13.give短语give up放弃;give off放出、发出(气体、气味、烟雾、光、水、热等); give out精疲力竭、累倒,耗尽、用完;give away泄露,赠送;give back归还give in屈服,让步,投降14.make短语make a decision作出决定;mak

30、e sb. do sth.让某人做某事;make a mistake犯错误;make progress取得进步;make a face做鬼脸;make friends with与交朋友:be made from用材料做成,看不出原材料;be made of用材料制成,看得出原材料;make out辨认;make ones way克服困难前进;make up编造,虚构,打扮,弥补be made up of由组成make use of使用,利用make oneself at home随便,别拘束15.break短语break down破坏,粉碎,出故障break in 闯进,打断break out爆发break the law违反法律break the record破记录16.fall短语fall down跌倒fall behind 落在.后面fall in 坍塌fall ill /asleep /silent 生病/睡着/沉默fa


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