1、CWI Part A13AAA 128.A1 2008-07-22 English-ChinesePART AFUNDAMENTALS1- 1-68. Which of the follow ing should be true regarding in specti on reports?关于检验报告,F面哪条是正确的?(A) clearly written -书写工整(B) contain all required information -包含所有要求的信息(C) readily accessible -便于查找(D) all of the above -以上都是(E) only (B)
2、 and (C) above -仅上述(B)和(C)1-2-75. Which of the followi ng is NOT importa nt or esse ntial to good record keep ing ?对良 好的记录保持而言,下述的哪些内容并不重要?(A) clearly and concisely stated facts -简明扼要的事实陈述(B) a good company policy manual -本公司方针手册(C) well organized reports presenting a total picture -反映全貌的,条理清楚的报告(D)
3、 logical sequenee to reporting -报告的逻辑次序(E) all supporting forms ,reports and data included or referenced-包括所有支持性表格,报告和数据或参考的资料1-3-85. Prior to welding. A CWI should check which of the following? 在焊接前,焊接检验师(CWI )应检查下列哪些?(A) if the welding procedure is qualified in accordanee with the contract spec 焊接
4、工艺是否已经按照合同技术条件评定合格(B) if the welder is qualified for the process and position -焊工是否已经按照相应的焊接方法和焊接位置评定合格(C) if the joint desig ns and joint preparati ons meet the requireme nts of the weldi ngprocedure -焊接接头的设计和准备是否满足焊接工艺的要求(D) the inspection requirements called out by the contract spec -合同技术条件规定的检验要
5、求(E) all of the above 以上都是1-4-87. A CWI 'records may be used for which of the follow in g?焊接检验师的记录可以用来做下列哪些?(A) to help recall and verify past decisions -帮助回忆和验证做过的决定(B) used to verify the payme nt of work in voices -用来验证工作发票的付款情况(C) to verify man -hour records for the shop -验证车间工作的人天数(D) for pa
6、cking slips for shipping -用来准备发运单(E) all of the above -以上都是1-5-93. What is /are the primary reason(s) for a weldi ng in spector to be ethical?焊接检验师必须要有职业道德的主要原因是什么?(A) insure that the employer receives fair value for inspection fees- 以确保房雇主能够 收到公平价格的检验费(B) render impartial decisions -避免片面的决定(C) reje
7、ct every weld the first time of inspection-在首次检验时拒收所有的焊缝(D) safeguard the public 'health and well-bei ng -保护公众的健康和利益(E) ( B) and ( D) above -上述(B)和(D)1-6-107. The qualification of a CWI covers which of the following areas?焊接检验师(CWI )的资格评定覆盖了下列哪些部分?(A) specify welding procedures-规定焊接工艺(B) compute
8、 allowable stresses-计算许用应力(C) perform radiographic exam in atio ns-进行射线探伤(D) conduct tests for analysis of base material composition-进行母材成份分析试验(E) none of the above-以上都不是1-7-138. Which of the followi ng should a weldi ng in spector do?焊接检验师应做下列哪 些工作?(A) make sure records meet specified requirements-
9、确保记录符合规定的要求(B) make sure records are available when needed-当需要时,确保记录可以得至U(C) make sure records are in as much detail as necessary确保记录尽可能地详纟田(D) all of the above-以上都是(E) only(A)and (B) above-仅上述(A )和(B)1-8-142. The CAWI助理焊接检验师 .(A) is resp on sible for determ in ati on of a weldme nt' s con forma
10、 nee to accepta ncesta ndards负责确定焊接件满足验收标准(B) inspects only the fabricated hard ward associated with welding- 只检验与焊接有关的部件(C) performs inspections under the direction of a CWI-在 CWI 的指导下进行检验(D) is a consultant to the CWI-是 CWI 的顾问(E ) annot inspect critical hardware-不能检验关键工作2- 1-32、Which of the follo
11、wing are true regarding electrical hazards? 关于电气安全,下列哪 条是正确的?(A) present in electric arc welders 存在于电弧焊焊工(B) present in secondary leads 存在于次级电缆(C) minimized by proper equipment installation 可以由正确的设备安装降至最低(D) more severe in the presenee of water or moisture 在有水或潮气存在的时候会更严重(E) all of the above 以上都是3-
12、1-1、 What characteristics can be expected when using gas metal arc welding with short-circuiting transfer mode on heavy plate?采用短路过渡的熔化极气体保护焊接厚板时,有 何特性?(A) excellent fusion-非常好的熔合(B) deep penetration -深的熔深(C) excellent deposition rate-非常好的熔敷速度(D) (A) and (B)above-上述(A )和(B)(E) none of the above -以上都
13、不对3-2-4、What shade filter plate (or eye protect ion) is n eeded whe n observi ng submerged aer welding at 1000Amps?在观察焊接电流为1000安培的埋弧焊时,需要使用哪种滤光板(或 眼睛保护)?(A) No.14filter 14 号滤光板(B) No.12filter 12 号滤光板(C) No.10filter 10 号滤光板(D)No. 4filter 4 号滤光板(E)Clear safety goggles or safety glasses没有滤光的风镜或安全镜3-3-5
14、、Which of the following processes can be used to join quenched and tempered steels? 下述哪种焊接方法可以用来焊接调质钢?(A)SMAW(B)SAW(C)GMAW(D)all of the above 上述都可以(E) only ( B) and ( C) above 仅上述(B)和(C)3-4-7、Figure 3 above shows上面图 3 显示的是(A)shielded metal are welding (SMAW) 手工电弧焊(B)flux cored are welding ( FCAW) 药芯
15、焊丝电弧焊(C)electroslag welding (ESW) 电渣焊(D)gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) 氩弧焊(E)stud welding (SW)螺柱焊3-5-9. Which of the following is/are recommended to prevent cracking in the weld of low-alloy steels?为防止低合金钢焊缝的开裂,下列哪些措施是推荐的?(A) controlling hydrogen content during welding- 在焊接过程中控制氢的含量(B)using minimum
16、 required preheat and in terpass temperatures-采用最低要求的预热和层间温度(C)using grades with low carbon and alloy content-用含碳和合金含量低的钢级(D)all of the above-上述都是(E)only (B) and (C) above-仅上述(B )和(C)Figure 7 ffi73-6-17、Figure 7 above shows面的图 7 表示(A)air carbon arc cutting( CAC-A) 碳弧气割(CAC-A)(B)oxyfuel gas cutting (
17、OFC) 氧切割(OFC)(C) gas tungsten arc cutting(GTAC) 钨极气体切割(GTAC)(D)mechanical cutting 机械切割(E)plasma arc cutting(PAC)等离子弧切割(PAC)3-7-36、Brazed joints can be destructively tested by which of the following testing methods? 钎焊接头破坏性试验可以采用下述的哪种试验方法?(A)metallographic 金相检验(B)peel 剥离试验(C) tension 拉抻试验(D)all of th
18、e above 以上都是(E)none of the above 以上都不是3-8-47. Figure 15 shows a test fixture for which welding process ?图 15 显示了用于下面哪个焊接方法的试验装置?(A) shielded metal arc welding (SMAW )-手工电弧焊(SMAW )(B) gas metal arc welding ( GMAW)-熔化极气体保护焊(GMAW)(C) electroslag welding ( ESW)-电渣焊(ESW)(D) gas tungsten arc welding ( GTA
19、W)-氩弧焊(GTAW)(E) arc stud welding ( SW)-螺柱焊(SW)3-9-52. I n braze weldi ng, flux may be applied by which of the followi ng methods ? 在钎焊 过程中,可用下述哪种方法施加钎剂?(A) usi ng a filler rod pre- coated with flux-使用预先涂有钎剂的焊丝(B )introducing flux through the oxyfuel gas flame-通过氧燃气火引入钎剂(C) brushi ng the flux on the
20、joi nt prior to braz ing-在开始钎焊前在接头处刷上钎剂(D) any of the above -上述任何一个(E ) only (A) or ( B) above -仅上述(A)或(B)TWlAe LEADTRAVELSHIELDING GASA/WIRE ELECThTODF 一WELDING CURRENT contact tube- SOLiWAEDWELD METALPENETRAT/ONFigure 18 - 918材仇TEN WELD METAL3-10-53. What is the welding process illustrated by Figu
21、re 18 ?图 18 所示的是哪种焊接方 法?(A) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW )-手工电弧焊(SMAW )(B) Gas metal Arc Welding(GMAW )-熔化极气体保护焊( GMAW )(C) Gas tungsten Arc Welding ( GTAW)-氩弧焊(GTAW)(D) Submerged Arc Welding (SWA)-埋弧焊(SWA)(E) Plasma Arc Welding(PAW)-等离子焊(PAW)3-11-63. ACM shall be familiar with and un dersta nd
22、the fun dame ntals of what ?焊接检验师(CWI )应熟悉和理解的基本原理(A)SMAW(B)FCAW(C)GMAW(D)GTAW(E)all of the above -以上都是3-12-77. Which lens shade number is recommended when oxyacetylene welding 16 gauge steel?用氧乙炔焊厚度为16#的钢时,推荐的遮光镜是多少号?(A) shade #4 or 5 - #4 或 #5 遮光镜(B) the same lens shade as recommended for submerge
23、d arc welding -禾口埋弧焊时所推荐 的遮光镜一样(C) shade #6 or 8 - #6 或 #8 遮光镜(D) shade #10 or 12 - #10 或 #12 遮光镜(E) shade #2 - #2 遮光镜3-13-84. Which of the followi ng is /are true regard ing air carb on arc goug ing?关于碳弧切割,下列哪个是正确的?(A) requires an electrode holder -需要夹持碳棒的夹具(B) requires an air supply -需要气源(C) may b
24、e done manually or mechanically -可以手工或机械操作(D) all of the above -以上都是(E) only(A)and(B)above -仅上述(A)和(B)3-14-89. During electroslag weldi ng, how may cracks may be avoided?电渣焊时,怎样可以避免裂纹?(A) maintaining proper electrode feed rate -保持适当的送丝速度(B) maintaining proper current -保持适当的电流(C) maintaining proper s
25、paci ng betwee n electrodes or guide tubes -保持焊丝和导电嘴之 间适当的距离(D) all of the above -以上都是(E) only (A) and ( C) above 仅上述(A )和(C)3-15-94. Perform ing SMAW with too a high travel speed can result in which of the follow in g?手工电弧焊焊接速度太快会导致下列什么情况?(A) decreased penetration 降低熔深(B) undercutting at the edges
26、of the weld -在焊缝的边缘形成咬边(C) difficulty in slag removal -清渣困难(D) all of the above -以上都是(E) only (A) and ( C) above 仅上述(A )和(C)3-16-98. Which of the followi ng shieldi ng gases may be used for GMAW? 下列哪些保护 气体可用于GMAW ?(A) argon-氩气(B) helium-氦气(C) CO2-二氧化碳(D) all of the above-以上都是(E) only(A)and(B)above-仅
27、上述(A )和(B)3-17-99. Reverse polarity is a nonstandard term for what? 反向极性的非标准术语?(A) direct current electrode negative-直流正接(B) direct current electrode positive-正流反接(C) direct current straight polarity- 直流正向极性(D) direct current reverse polarity- 直流反向极性(E) none of the above-以上都不是3-18-104. Torch brazi n
28、g is accomplished by the use of which of the follow in g?火焰钎焊是使用下列哪种方式来完成?(A) a neutral oxyfuel gas flame-中性氧然料气体火焰(B) a slightly reducing oxyfuel gas flame-稍微减弱的氧燃料气体火焰(C) an air -fuel gas flame-空气燃料气体火焰(D) all of the above-以上都是(E) only(A)and (B)above-仅上述(A )和(B)3-19-105. Which of the following def
29、ects does NOT occur when a weld is made by theGTAW process?用GTAW工艺焊接的焊缝不会出现下列哪种缺陷?(A) porosity-气孑L(B) slag inclusions-夹渣(C) cracks-裂纹(D) in complete fusion-未熔合(E) overlap-焊瘤3-20-108. When other weld ing variables are held con sta nt, i ncreas ing the weldi ng curre nt during FCAW will do which of th
30、e following?在FCAW 中,当其它的焊接变量保持不变,增加焊接电流将会怎样?(A) in crease electrode deposition rate-增加焊丝熔敷率(B) in crease pen etrati on-增加熔深(C) produce con cave weld beads with poor appeara nee-产生凹隐的焊道并且外观成开差(D) all of the above-以上都是(E) only (A) and (B) above-仅上述(A)和 (B)3-21-114. Direct curre nt electrode positive m
31、eans the work -piece is conn ected to直流反接是指工件连接到 .(A) “ reversible” (alternating) current-交流电源(B) the positive terminal-正的接线端(C) the negative terminal-负的接线端(D) all of the above-以上都是(E) none of the above-以上都不是3-22-116. To maintain weld quality during Arc Stud Welding, which of the following arenecess
32、ary?为了保证螺柱焊缝质量,下列哪些是必须的?(A) have sufficient welding power-功率足够的焊接电源(B) use DC Electrode Negative(straight polarity)for aluminum- 对于铝材,采用直流正接(C) make test welds before starting-开始焊接前做试验焊缝(D) only(A) and (B) above-仅上述(A)和(B)(E) only(A) an d(C)above-仅上述(A )和(C)3-23-120. The dista nee betwee n the tip o
33、f the weldi ng electrode and the weld pool surface is called.焊接端部和熔池表之间的距离称为(A) arc force-电弧力(B) arc length-弧长(C) arc blow-电弧偏吹(D) arc strike-电弧击伤(E) arc chamber-弧罩3-24-122. Optimum results are more likely whe n E xx 18 low-hydroge n electrodes are E xx 16和E xx 18低氢焊条在 的情况下更有可能获得最佳的效果.(A) used with
34、a long arc on dow nhill weldi ng and a short arc on uphill weldi ng-下坡焊时采用长弧而爬坡焊时采用短弧(B) stored in a refrigerator when the container has been opened-打开包装后存放在冰箱里(C) used in a holding oven at proper temperat ure-存放在合适温度的保温烘箱里(D) used with a“ whipping ” technique on light gage在焊接较薄的金属时采用"挑焊”技术(E)
35、replaced with E xx 13electrodes on vertical work-在立焊位置时用 Exx 13 焊条代替3-25-125. Manufacturers recommend that E7018 electrodes be used with a “ shortarc welding technique .This technique helps to do what? 制造商推荐 E7018 焊条应采用"短弧”焊 接技术,这技术有助于什么?(A) speed the metal transfer across the arc-加速金属在电弧中的过渡(B
36、) ma in tai n good shieldi ng of the molte n weld po ol-保持对熔池的良好保护(C) in welding thin sheet metal-薄板金属的焊接(D) root pass ” whipping ” burn thho根部道用"挑焊”烧穿(E) the GMAW process weld sheet metal-用 GMAW 来焊接薄板金属3-26-130. Plasma Arc Cutti ng (PAC) is better suited than Oxyfuel Gas Cutt in g(OFC) for cut
37、ting which of the following materials? 等离子切割要比氧燃气切割更适合于下列哪种材料?(A) ferrous sheet metal-铁基金属薄板(B) non ferrous metals(i.e., alu minum ,copper ,brass, etc)-非铁基材料 (如铝, 铜,黄铜等)(C) any metals with a thickness over 5 inches-厚度超过 5 英才的任何金属(D) sta in less steel sheet and plate-不 锈钢薄板和不锈钢钢板(E) (A) , (B),and (D)
38、 above-上述(A) , (B)和(D)3-27-134. Gas Metal Arc Weldi ng (GMAW) is suitable for what metals? GMAW适合于焊接什么金属?(A) carbon steel-碳钢(B) stainless steel-不锈钢(C) aluminum-铝(D) all of the above-以上都是(E) only(A) and (B)above-仅上述(A )和(B)3-28-139. What is /are the fun cti on(s) of the coveri ng on an arc weld ing e
39、lectrode? 电焊条 上药皮有什么作用?(A) provide shielding gas-提供保护气体(B) provide protective slag-提供保护焊渣(C) provide deoxidized weld 提供焊缝金属脱氧(D) provide arc stabilization-提供稳定电弧(E) all the above-以上都是3-29-141. In SMAW, the correct arc len gth is esse ntial to good weldi ng performa nee, which factors affect arc leng
40、th?对于SMAW,正确的弧长是良好焊接操作的基础,哪个因素影响弧 长?(A) electrode classification-焊条的类别(B) electrode diameter-焊条的直径(C) welding position-焊接位置(D) all of the above-以上都是(E) only(A) and (B) above-仅上述(A )和(B)3-30-144. How should SMAW electrodes be kept? SMAW 焊条应该怎样保存?(A) sealed in their original container until ready for
41、use -密圭寸在它们的原包装中以 备使用(B) in the gang 'box -在工具箱中(C) at 550° 290 °C un til the con tai ner is ready to be ope ned -在 550° 290 °C 的条 件下直到打开原包装(D) at 350° 175 C un til the con tai ner is ready to be ope ned -在 350° 175 C 的条 件下直到打开原包装(E) in open cans located around the
42、job site ready for use -在敝开的罐内并放置在现 场以备使用3-31-146. A proper travel speed is essential to good welding performanee. Which of the followi ng factors in flue nce(s) travel speed? 正确的焊接速度是良好焊接操作的重要因素,下列哪些因素影响焊接速度?(A) surface condition of the base metal -母材的表面状态(B) joint fit-up -接头的装配(C) welding current
43、-焊接电流(D) all of the above 以上都是(E) only(A)and (B)above -仅上述(A)和(B)4-1-2、What weldi ng symbol in Figure 1 represe nts the weld joint show n below? 图 1 中的 哪个焊接符号代表下图所示的焊接接头?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 440*Figure 4 045CWI Part A#AAA 128.A1 2008-07-22 English-ChineseCWI Part A16AAA 128.A1 2008-07-22 English-Chine
44、se(巳5Line4-2-10 . Which welding symbol in Figure 4 represents the weld joint shown below?的哪个焊接符号代表下图所示的焊接接头?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4FOR QUESTIONS 12 THROUGH 16, FIGURE 6 APPLIES:图 6 应用于试题 12 至 6Figure 6 - 0064-3-12 . For the fillet weld in Figure 6, dime nsi on #1 desig nates the .对于图 6 的角焊缝,尺寸#1表示。(A)t
45、heoretical throat-理论焊喉(B)effective throat-有效焊喉(C)actual throat-实际焊喉(D)convexity-凸度(E)size of weld-焊缝尺寸4-4-13 > For the filet weld in Figure 6, dime nsion #2 desig nates the 对于图 6 的角焊缝尺寸#2表示。(A)convexity 凸度(B)size of weld 焊缝尺寸(C)theoretical throat 理论焊喉(D)actual throat 实际焊喉(E)effective thr oat 有效焊喉
46、4-5-14 > For the filet weld in Figure 6, dime nsion #3 desig nates the 对于图 6 的角焊缝尺寸#3表示。(A)effective throat 有效焊喉(B)convexity 凸度(C)penetration 熔深(D)theoretical throat 理论焊喉(E)actual throat 实际焊喉4-6-15、For the fillet weld in Figure 6, dimension #4designates the 对于图 6 的角焊缝,尺寸#4表示。(A) penetration 熔深(B)
47、 overlap 焊瘤(C) undercut 咬边(D) convexit y 凸度(E) con cavity 凹度4-7-16、For the fillet weld in Figure 6,dime nsio n #5 desig nates the 对于图 6 的角焊缝,尺寸#5表示。(A) size of weld 焊缝尺寸(B) overlap 焊瘤(C) undercut 咬边(D) convexity 凸度(E) con cavity 凹度4-8-19、Backstep sequenee welding is often used,分段退焊法通常用来。(A) for ease
48、 of operation 便于操作(B) for tacking the welded material 点焊需要焊接的材料(C) to speed up welding 加快焊接(D) to reduce distortion 减少变形(E) to prevent crater cracks 防止弧坑裂纹Figure 11 -图4-9-29、Which of the symbols show n in Figure 11 is used to in dicate a fieldweld as no ted inthe curre nt editi on of AWS A2.4, Stan
49、dard Symbols for Weldi ng, Braz ing, and Non destructiveExam in atio n?按照新版AWS A2.4焊接,钎焊以及无损探伤标准符号,图11中的哪一个符号用来表示现场焊缝?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) Field welds are not shown on the drawings ,现场焊缝在图纸上没有标明-K12CWI Part A#AAA 128.A1 2008-07-22 English-ChineseCWI Part A21AAA 128.A1 2008-07-22 English-Chinese4-
50、10-35、Which welding symbol in Figure 12 represents the weld joint shown below? 图 12中的哪个焊接符号代表下图所示的焊接接头?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(巳54-11-39、Which of the following is/are sometimes used to control distortion in a weldment?F面的哪些方法可以用来控制焊接件的变形?(A) pee ning 锤击(B) preheating 预热(C) fixtures and stress relief 工装
51、夹具和应力释放(D) backstep welding 分段退焊(E) all of the above 以上都是4-12-42、For the weld in Figure 14,No,1 indicates the 对于图 14 中的焊缝,#1 代表(A) beads 焊道(B) weld root 焊根(C) weld toe 焊趾(D) face reinforceme nt 表面余高(E) weld face 焊缝面4-13-43、For the weld in Figure 14,No,1 indicates the 对于图 14 中的焊缝,#2 代表(A) beads 焊道(B)
52、 weld root 焊根(C) weld toe 焊趾(D) face reinforcement 表面余高(E) weld face 焊缝面4-14-44. For the weld in Figure 14, No.3 indicates the .对于图 14 中的焊缝,#3 代表(A) beads 旱道(B) weld root -焊根(C) weld toe -焊趾(D) face reinforcement -表面余高(E) weld face -焊缝面4-15-45. For the weld Figure 14, No.4 indicates the .对于图 14 中的焊缝
53、,#4 代表.(A) beads 旱道(B) weld root -焊根(C) weld toe -焊趾(D) face reinforcement -表面余高(E) weld face -焊缝面4-16-46. For the weld Figure 14, No.5 indicates the .对于图 14 中的焊缝,#5 代表.(A) beads 旱道(B) weld ro ot -焊根(C) weld toe -焊趾(D) face reinforcement -表面余高(E) weld face -焊缝面OZ3Figure 16 0B 164-17-48. Which is the
54、 correct welding symbol for the desired weld in Figure 16 ? 对图 16 中所想要的焊缝,正确的焊接符号是哪个?(A) A(B) B(C) C(D) D(E) E4-18-50. The symbol in Figure 17 shows the con figuratio n of a .(A) U-grove weld -LI 型坡口焊缝Figure 17 hdow - T面图 17(B) bevel-groove weld -削边坡口焊缝(C) J-groove weld -J 型坡口焊缝(D) fillet weld -角焊缝(
55、E) flare -/-groove weld -喇叭口 V 型坡口焊缝FOR QOESTIONS 56 THROUGH 59, THE WELDING SYMBOLS IN FIGURE 18 AAPPLY-图18A应用于试题 56至59IM (3/8) /1/43/16Figure -圉 ISA3/B (7/1 &) /4-19-56. In Figure 18A, a weld that exte nds all around the joint is show n at nu mber ,在图18A中,编号为 显示的是焊缝环绕整个接头.(A) 9(B) 4(C) 7(D) 3(E) 84-20-57. In Figure 18A, an intermittent fillet weld is shown at number 在图 18A 中,编号为显示的是断续角焊缝(A) 1(B) 9(C) 4(D) 7(E) 64-21-58. In Figure 18A, a plug lug weld indicating depth of fill is shown at number图18A中,编号为显示的是给出了填充深度的
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