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1、首都机场进离场新程序首都机场进离场新程序STANDARD INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE/ARRIVAL KM4200 or enroute ALTYV 3900-5400enroute ALTD22.0PEK2100 or above5.6%OB4.8%HURD2.0HUR1500YV-11DKM-11D 6.1%CD5400 or above6.6%YV-13D ?(only for A ,B, H)6.0%5.3%4.2%3200895.6%10%116LGCU2100 or WF179LG297above1500D11.0HUR1201800WF179LG2691500WF3

2、6L SIDCD-13D (by ATC)CD-11DTONILTONIL-11D (by ATC)VYK-11DVYK-13D (by ATC)V YK7200aboveenroute ALTVM-11DVM-13D (by ATC)V M6000aboveenroute ALTKM4200 or enroute ALTYV 3900-5400enroute ALTD22.0PEK2100 or above5.6%OB4.9%3208.4%CU2100 or above4.8%HURD2.0HUR15004.2%089116KM-21D (only for A ,B, H)CD5400 or

3、 above6.6%6.1%YV-21DYV-23D ?5.5%CD-23D (by ATC)CD-21DORWF179OR2961500D11.0HUR1201800WF179OR269150036RSIDWFTONILTONIL-21D (by ATC)VYK-21DVYK-23D (by ATC)V YK7200aboveenroute ALTVM-21DVM-23D (by ATC)V M6000aboveenroute ALTYV 3900-5400enroute ALTKM 4200 or enroute ALTKM-22D (by ATC)CU 5100 or above or

4、enroute ALT(A,B,H)YV-22DR120HURWF1792400or aboveWF179DK269TONIL1200?N3954.02700E11723.3QU5.0%WF2005.5%1500CD5400 or aboveRENOB-24DRENOB6500 or aboveN3943.8E11555.05100or aboveCD-22DCD-24DJR 4200 or above18LSIDTONIL-22D (by ATC)D20.0PEK2100-2400VYK 7200 or above enroute ALTRENOB-22DJB-22D (by ATC)JB

5、6000 or aboveVM 4200 or above enroute ALTVYK-22DVM-22DYV 3900-5400enroute ALTKM 4200 or enroute ALTKM-12D (by ATC)CU 2100 or aboveYV-22DR120HURWF1792400or aboveWF179DK2691200TONILN3954.0E11723.35.0%WF1945.3%1500CD5400 or above6.6%10%?RENOB-14DRENOB6500 or aboveN3943.8E11555.05100or aboveCD-12DCD-14D

6、18RSIDDKTONIL-12D (by ATC)RENOB-12DJB-12D (by ATC)JB 6000 or aboveJR 4200 4.5%D20.0PEKor above2100-2400VYK 7200 or above enroute ALTVM 6000 or above enroute ALTVYK-12DVM-12DLR 3600-KM 4500-4200 or 7200 or enroute ALTenroute ALTKM-11ALR-21AHUR IAF 2100?36L/RJR277 IAF2700CD5100JB189 JR277 STAR3900R187

7、SZYIAF 2100 IAF 2100 JR 4200 D34.0PEKD30.0PEKIAF 2700 VYK-11Aor aboveR179 JB-11AD33.3PEKVYK-21AJB-13A OKTON-11A OKTOM (by ATC)N3911.2(by ATC)JB 5700-7200E11653.5enroute ALTVYK3600-57005400 or enroute ALTabove enroute ALT?JB-11A, KM-11A 注意事项注意事项NOTICE FOR JB-11A & KM-11A?受空域限制,JB-11A和KM-11A自JR至IF点下降梯

8、度较大,特别是较大顺风时需提前减速并增大下降率;?当空域临时可用时,JR后可指挥直接下降至1800米,无3900米和2700米限制;?转向五边后即是G/P;?For airspace limitation, sharp decent gradient from JR to IF via JB11A and KM11A, reduce speed and increase vertical speed in advance, especially strong tail wind;?When airspace is temporary available, after JR clear to 1

9、800m without 3900m and 2700m restriction;?Intercept G/P when turn on final; JR277 IAF2700JB189 JR277 3900R187SZYJR 4200 IF 1800or aboveD20.0PEKLR 3600-KM 4500-2700 R280 4200 or 7200 or D30.4HURenroute ALTenroute ALTor aboveLR-22AHURKM-12AIAF 1800IAF 1500R280 D17.0HUR D20.0HUR2100 or above?D23.0HUR 2

10、700 or aboveJR 5700 or aboveVYK-22AD51.5HURJB-12AOKTON-22A (by ATC)OKTOM N3911.2JB 5700-7200E11653.5enroute ALTVYK3600-57005400 or enroute ALTabove enroute ALT18L/RSTAR北京终端管制中心北京终端管制中心空中交通管制运行概况空中交通管制运行概况LOCAL PROCEDURE FOR BEIJING TERMIAL CONTROL CENTER (TMACC)1、首都机场平行跑道运行模式及定义:、首都机场平行跑道运行模式及定义:Ope

11、ration mode and definition for parallel runways in BCIA?独立平行仪表进近模式:即在相邻的平行跑道仪表着陆系统上进近的航空器之间不需要配备规定的雷达间隔时,在平行跑道上同时进行的ILS进近的运行模式;Independent simultaneous parallel approaches:Simultaneous approaches to parallel instrument runways whereradar separation minima are not prescribed between aircraftusing adj

12、acent ILS systems;?相关平行仪表进近模式:即在相邻的平行跑道仪表着陆系统上进近的航空器之间需要配备规定的雷达间隔时,在平行跑道上同时进行的ILS进近的运行模式。Dependent parallel approaches:Simultaneous approaches to parallel instrument runways whereradar separation minima between aircraft using adjacent ILSsystems are prescribed;?独立平行离场:离场航空器在平行跑道上沿相同方向同时起飞的运行模式;?Inde

13、pendent parallel departures:Simultaneous departures for aircraft departing in the samedirection from parallel runways;?隔离平行运行:在平行的跑道上同时进行的运行,其中一条跑道只用于离场,另一条跑道只用于进近;Segregated parallel approaches/departures:Simultaneous operations on parallel runways where one runwayis used for approaches, one runway

14、 is used for departures;?隔离平行运行时,可进行半混合和混合运行:In the case of segregated parallel operations, there may be semi-mixedoperations and mixed operations;半混合运行是指下列运行方式之一 :Semi-mixed operation:1)一条跑道只用于离场,另一条跑道则用于进近和离场;One runway is used exclusively for departures, while the other runway is used for a mixtu

15、re of approachesand departures;2)一条跑道只用于进近 , 另一条跑道则用于进近和离场;One runway is used exclusively for approaches, while the other runway is used for a mixture of approaches anddepartures;?混合运行:指两条平行跑道可以同时用于进近和离场。Mixed operations: Simultaneous parallel approaches with departures interspersedon both runways2、

16、首都机场同一跑道进近间隔、首都机场同一跑道进近间隔Approach separations for one runway in BCIA同一条跑道进近的航空器,落地间隔最少为12公里,当前机为重型机(或B757)时,后机间隔为15公里;Minimum approaching separation is 12km, when proceedingaircraft is a heavy jet (or B757), the minimum approachingseparation is 15km;?起飞航空器开始起飞滑跑时,向同一跑道运行的进场航空器应距跑道入口端5公里(含)以上;When de

17、parting aircraft starts to departure rolling, aircraftapproaching to the same runway shall be not less than 5kmfrom the runway threshold;3、平行跑道同时运行时段(北京时)、平行跑道同时运行时段(北京时)Time period for simultaneous operations (LOCAL TIME)?07:30 21:30 使用跑道36L/36R,独立/相关平行仪表进行、独立平行离场;Runway in use 36L/36R, Independenc

18、e/dependencesimultaneous parallel approaches & independence simultaneous parallel departures;使用跑道18L/18R,相关平行仪表进近、独立平行离场;Runway in use 18R/18L, Dependence simultaneousparallel approaches & independence simultaneousparallel departures; 4、隔离运行方式的时段(北京时)、隔离运行方式的时段(北京时)Time period for segregated operati

19、ons (LOCAL TIME)?21:30 - 07:30半混合或混合运行Semi-mixed operations or mixed operations5、独立独立/相关平行仪表进近的非侵入区和正常运行区;相关平行仪表进近的非侵入区和正常运行区;NTZ & NOZ in independent/dependent simultaneous parallel approaches?非侵入区(No transgression zone ): 指位于两条跑道中心线延长线之间特定的空域; NTZ宽度为610米,长度是32公里;NTZ (No-transgression zone)A corrid

20、or of airspace of defined dimensions located centrallybetween the two extended runway center lines, where apenetration by an aircraft requires the intervention of amonitoring radar controller to maneuver any threatenedaircraft on the adjacent approach.The width of NTZ is 610m, length of NTZ is 32km

21、?正常运行区(Normal Operating Zone):指从仪表着陆系统(ILS)航向道中心线向两侧延伸至指定范围内的空域;?NOZ (Normal Operating Zone)An airspace of defined dimension extending to either side of anILS localizer course. Only the inner half of the normal operatingzone is taken into account in independent parallel approaches. NO-TRANSGRESSION

22、ZONE& NORMAL OPERATION ZONE6、雷达管制及监控雷达管制及监控Radar control and monitoring实施平行进近时,每条跑道将各有一名雷达管制员分别负责进场航空器的顺序和间隔;Whenever parallel approaches are carried out, separate radarcontrollers will be responsible for the sequencing and spacingof arriving aircraft to each runway;?当引导航空器切入ILS航向道时,必须保证航空器按小于30度的角度

23、切入ILS航向道,且在切入ILS航向道前,至少保持2公里平飞。引导还须保证航空器切入ILS下滑道,在ILS航向道上至少保持3.7公里的平飞;When vectoring to intercept the ILS localizer course, the finalvector will enable the aircraft to intercept the ILS localizercourse at an angle not greater than 30 degrees and toprovide at least 2 km straight and level flight prio

24、r to ILSlocalizer course interception. The vectors will also enable theaircraft to be established on the ILS localizer course in levelflight for at least 3.7km prior to intercepting the ILS glidepath;?航空器距跑道入口19公里之前时,必须提供300米的最小垂直间隔,直至航空器:a) 建立在ILS航向道上向台飞行;和b) 建立在正常飞行地带(NOZ)内。A minimum of 300m verti

25、cal separation will be provided at least until 19km from the threshold and until aircraft areestablished:a) inbound on the ILS localizer course and;b) within the normal operating zone(NOZ).?平行进近实施垂直间隔引导均有“高边”(36L/18L)和“低边”(36R/18R)之分,直至航空器建立在其各自的平行ILS航向道。低位航空器的高度应能保证航空器在切入ILS下滑道,即已建立在ILS航向道上。距跑道入口19

26、公里之前时,高位航空器的高度应高于低位航空器300米以上;Parallel approaches have a “ high side” (36L/18L) and “ lowside” (36R/18R) for vectoring, to provide vertical separationuntil aircraft are established inbound on their respectiveparallel ILS localizer course. The low side altitude will be suchthat the aircraft will be es

27、tablished on the localizer coursewell before ILS glide path interception. The high side altitudeshould be 300m above the low side at least until 19km from the threshold. ?每一条最后进近航迹设置具备超控塔台频率能力的雷达监控席位。?Establish radar monitor position for each final approach coursewhich has override transmit and rece

28、ive capability on theappropriate control tower frequencies. ?所有起始和最后进近阶段都用雷达进行监控。管制员的指令将确保航空器之间的安全间隔的。必要时,发出指令以确保航空器的航迹在“正常运行区”(NOZ)内。当观察到进入“非侵入(NTZ)的航空器时,除非航空器间具备的指定的垂直间隔,否则监控平行进近的管制人员将立即采取措施引导受到威胁的航空器改变其航迹来避开偏航的航空器。?All turn-ons and final approaches are monitored by radar. Instruction from the con

29、troller are to ensure separation between aircraft. Information and instructions are issued, as necessary, to contain the aircrafts flight path within the NOZ. Aircraft which are observed to enter the NTZ, unless vertical separation is assured between aircraft, immediate action shall be taken by the

30、controller monitoring the adjacent parallel approach course to require the threatened aircraft to alter its flight path to avoid the deviating aircraft. ?雷达监视将一直持续到:a) 已经采用目视间隔,但须有程序保证一旦采用目视间隔即能随时通知两位雷达管制员:或b) 航空器已经着陆或者复飞。如复飞,已经飞越跑道起飞末端至少2公里,而且与其他航空器已建立了适当的间隔。注:雷达监视终止后不要求通知航空器Radar monitoring will n

31、ot be terminated until:a) visual separation is applied, provided procedure ensure thatboth radar controllers are advised whenever visual separation is applied: orb) the aircraft has landed, or in case of a overshoot, is at least2km beyond the departure end of the runway andadequate separation with a

32、ny other traffic is established.Note. There is no requirement to advise the aircraft that radarmonitoring is terminated. ?7、塔台、塔台/进近管制室工作介绍进近管制室工作介绍AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL FACILITY (TOWER & TRACON)IN TERMINAL CONTROL CENTER (TMACC)塔台管制室AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER工作席位以及开放时间:SECTORS AND OPENING TIME PERIOD?

33、ATC放行席:负责发布出港航班的ATC放行许可;ATC放行席开放时间为:07:30 22:30,其余时间ATC放行指令由地面管制席代理发布;ATC delivery: is responsible for issuing the pre-departure clearance (PDC) for departing aircraft;ATC delivery services from 07:30 22:30, the rest time theground control will issue the PDC;?东、西地面管制席:负责首都机场进离场航班的地面滑行、航空器拖曳、出港航空器的起飞

34、顺序等;双地面管制席位开放时间为:07:30 21:30,其余时间为单地面管制席工作;East and west ground control: are responsible for issuing taxiinginstructions for departing/arriving aircraft、traipsed aircraft andassigning the sequence for departing aircraft;East and west ground control service at the same time from 07:30 21:30; ?东、西塔台管制

35、席:负责发布进离场航空器的起飞、落地许可;掌握离场航空器的起飞间隔;监控进场航空器的落地间隔等;双塔台管制席位开放时间为:07:30 21:30,其余时间为单塔台管制席工作;East and west local control: are responsible for issuing take-offand landing clearance, ensuring the separation for departingaircraft and monitoring the separation for arriving aircraft;East and west local control

36、 service at the same time from 07:30 21:30;?进近管制室TERMINAL RADAR CONTROL (TRACON)工作席位以及开放时间:SECTORS AND OPENING TIME PERIOD?东五边管制席:负责引导进场航空器切入36R/18L跑道航向道,并确保进场航空器符合规定的着陆间隔;东五边管制席的开放时间为:07:30 22:30;East final control sector: is responsible for guiding aircrafts toestablish ILS LOC for runway 36R/18L,

37、 and ensure the prescribedseparation for arriving traffic;East final control sector opens from 07:30 22:30;?西五边管制席:负责引导进场航空器切入36L/18R跑道航向道,并确保进场航空器符合规定的着陆间隔;西五边管制席的开放时间为:07:30 22:30;West final control sector: is responsible for guiding aircrafts toestablish ILS LOC for runway 36L/18R, and ensure the

38、prescribed separation for arriving aircraft;East final control sector opens from 07:30 - 22:30;?东进场管制席:负责引导由古北口(LR)、大王庄(VYK)、王庆陀(OKTON)方向进场的航空器;同时引导去往泊头(BTO)、天津(TAJ)和部分去往汤河口(YV)、丰宁(GM)方向以及航路高度低于0840往魏县(WXI)和太原(ISGOD)方向的离场航空器;东进场管制席开放时间为:00:00 24:00East arrival control sector: is responsible for guid

39、ing arrivingaircraft from LR、VYK and OKTON; instructing departing aircraftfor BTO、TAJ、WXI and ISGOD (for WXI and ISGOD is only forthose departing aircraft which cursing level is below FL0840.), also some of departing aircraft for YV and GM;East arrival control sector services for 24 hours; ?西进场管制席:负

40、责引导由KM、JB方向进场的航空器;同时引导去往南城子(KR)、天镇(ZN) 以及部分去往汤河口(YV)、丰宁(GM)方向的离场航空器;西进场管制席开放时间为:07:30 22:30West arrival control sector: is responsible for guiding arrivingaircraft from KM and JB, instructing departing aircraft for KR andZN, also some of departing aircraft for YV and GM;West arrival control sector s

41、ervices from 07:30 - 22:30;?航空器驾驶员航空器驾驶员实施平行跑道同时仪表运行实施平行跑道同时仪表运行注意事项:注意事项:Notice to pilots on simultaneous operation for parallel runwaysa)离场航空器在起飞前,ATC放行管制员或塔台管制员将发布离场的初始航向和高度,航空器离场后应保持所给初始航向和高度,管制员将雷达引导离场航空器加入标准离场航线;Prior take-off, pilot will be given the initial heading andheight by delivery/loca

42、l controller, pilot shall execute thoseinstructions and radar controller will vector the departing aircraft to join the SID;b)首都机场平行跑道全部实施独立平行离场,所有离场航空器应在起飞后尽早按照指令转向起始航向Since independent simultaneous parallel departures, whenairborne, pilot shall turn to initial heading as soon aspossible;c)当同时仪表进近的

43、航空器进入NTZ时,进近(雷达监控)管制员会立即在塔台频率里超控塔台管制员的正常指令指挥进近航空器进行紧急避让。其它航空器驾驶员在塔台频率里听到这样的指挥时,尽可能在不影响进近(雷达监控)管制员的指令的前提下与塔台管制员进行通信;?In case of aircraft entering NTZ, the radar/monitor controllerwill immediately instruct affected aircraft to avoid the deviating aircraft by overriding the appropriate tower frequency.

44、 Advice other pilots who read such instructions ontower frequency communicate with tower not to affectradar/monitor controllers transmission as practical;d)航空器驾驶员在得到仪表进近的指令之后,尽可能根据机载设备监控周边航空器的运行状态,并尽最大可能建立目视间隔;同时在管制员通报其它航空器的相对位置时,向管制员报告已建立目视间隔;?Upon receipt of approaching clearance, pilot shall moni

45、torthe operating situations of other aircraft in the vicinity byusing airborne equipments such as ACAS and establish thevisual separation as practicable, then report “ visual separationestablished” when the controller notifies the relative positionto other aircraft;e)为确保复飞的航空器在分散的航迹上爬升,减少偏差的可能性,实施独立

46、平行仪表进近时,对单个跑道运行的复飞程序将进行修改,航空器复飞时,以雷达管制员的雷达引导指令为准,此指令也可能由塔台管制员发出;?In order to ensure that missed approach aircraft climbs ondiverging course, reduce the possibility of error, when operatesimultaneous parallel approaches; the missed approachprocedure for a single runway operation has been revised, inc

47、ase of missed approach, pilot shall follow the instructions bythe radar controllers,and this instruction might be issued bythe local controller;航空器复飞雷达指挥方法航空器复飞雷达指挥方法RADAR VECTORING FOR MISSED APPROACH AIRCRAFT?e-1) 跑道36R,航空器在短五边复飞,塔台指令保持报道航向,上升到900米保持过Q,右转航向090,航向已转至090联系东五边管制;For runway 36R, aircr

48、aft go around on short final, local controller will instruct aircraft climb to 900m on runwayheading until Q, turn right heading 090, and contact eastfinal control when aircraft steady on heading 090;?e-2) 跑道36L,距跑道端10公里以内复飞,塔台指令今早左转航向290,上升到2100米保持,联系西进场管制;距跑道端10公里以外复飞,塔台指令保持36L跑道航向道上升到2100米保持,距跑道端

49、10公里以内后左转航向290,联系西进场管制;For runway 36L, aircraft go around within 10km to the runwaythreshold, local controller instruct aircraft left heading 290 andclimb to 2100m, contact west arrival control;aircraft go around further than 10km to the runway threshold willbe instructed maintain 36L localizer cour

50、se climb to 2100m until10km to the threshold than left heading 290, contact west arrivalcontrol; ?e-3) 跑道18L,航空器短五边复飞,塔台指令保持跑道航向,上升到900米保持过O,左转航向090,航向已转至090联系东五边管制;For runway 18L, aircraft go around on short final, local controller will instruct aircraft climb to 900m on runwayheading until O, turn left heading 090, and contact eastfinal control when aircraft steady on heading 090;?e-4) 跑道18R, 航空器复


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