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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。 一对一个性化学案教师:钟天映 学生: 年级: 初三 科目: 英语 日期: 年 月 时间: 代词代词:用来代替名词、名词短语或句子的词称为代词。分为:一、人称代词: 注意:1 人称代词不仅仅指人,也可以指事或物。2 人称代词主格单数he, she和it的复数,都是they,宾格形式也相同,为them。3 第三人称的人称代词分阳性he(him),阴性she(her)和中性it(it),复数只有一个形式they(them),不分性别。选用什么人称代词,取决于所要代替的名词。在数和性上要与所代替的名词保持一致。二、物主代词: (1)形容词性物主代词具有

2、形容词的特性,在句中用作定语,后面必须接名词。This is my bag.这是我的书包。(2)名词性物主代词具有名词的特性,后面不能再跟名词。它相当于“形容词性物主代词名词”。在句中可作主语、宾语或表语。Whose bike is this?这是谁的自行车?It's mine.是我的。(minemy bike)三、反身代词:反身代词就是代指某人自己,用于所强调的动作与动作执行者的关系,强调主语或宾语为同一人或物,单数以­self结尾,复数以­selves结尾。 例如:My father taught himself Japanese.Please help you

3、rselves to some fruit, everyone.The twelve-year-old boy can take care of himself.Dont think too much of yourself.She taught Thomas Edison herself.The detective story itself is worth reading. Li Ming, I want to ask for leave. Youd better ask the teacher herself / himself. Who is the man? It was Mr. Y

4、ang himself.Im not quite myself today. 今天我感到不舒服。四、指示代词this 这; that 那; these 这些; those 那些; such 如此的; same 同样的注意:such “这样”,such a 这样一个,such as 像这样的例如:1) That is our English teacher. (主语)2) This storybook is thicker than that one. (定语)3) I prefer this (these) to that (those). (宾语)4) What he like best i

5、s this/that? (表语)5) I have never read such an excited book. (定语)6) I like such sports as basketball and swimming. (定语)7) Such is our trip plan. (主语) (指上文提到过或刚说过的内容)。8) She wants the book and I want the same. (宾语)9) We were born on the same day. (定语)注意:1) this、 these 指空间上离说话人较近的人或物,可以与 here 连用;也指下文将要

6、提到的事。2) that、 those 指空间上离说话人 较远的人或物,可以与 there 连用;也指刚刚提到过的事。3) 打电话或其他场合,看得到的一方用 this 或 these. 反之用 that 或 those。打电话时用this介绍自己,用that询问对方。This is Sally speaking.Is that Linda?我是萨莉,你是琳达吗?4) that常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的单数名词或不可数名词;若前面提到的是复数名词,则用those代替。The weather in Guangzhou is much warmer than that in Beijing i

7、n winter. 冬天广州的天气比北京的暖和得多。The pears on this tree are bigger than those on that one. 这棵树上的梨比那棵树上的大。5)6)7)8)9)10)11) such 作定语时,如名词前有不定冠词,则用 such a/an + 名词。12) 在 same 之前必须加冠词 the.。五、疑问代词 例如:Who invited you to dinner? Whose is the best?Whats in the bag? Which of them will win the prize?Whom did you meet

8、 on your way home? What is she doing?Which do you want, the red one or the blue one?Whom are you waiting for?From whom should we learn? What are you talking about?Who are those women? What are you?Whose is the new bike?Which class are you in? Whose report is this?What subjects do you study?注意:1Who 用

9、于询问别人姓名,身份或关系。What 用于询问别人职业。2Which 指的物有范围限制,侧重于哪一个;What 指的物无范围限制,侧重于种类。3Whose 用于明确所有者,Whom 在口语中,whom 多为 who 代替。六、不定代词:代替不确定不具体的名词的代词。不定代词词义复合形式说 明some一些(可数或不可数)something 某物、某事someone 某人somebody 某人一般用于肯定句any一些,任何(可数或不可数)anything 任何事物anyone 任何人=anybody 多用于否定句,疑问句或条件状语从句中no没有,无nothing 无物nobody 无人no one

10、 无一人修饰可数或不可数名词,复合形式只具有名词的作用every每个,所有的everything 每一个事物,一切everyone 每人=everybody 强调共性,词义和 all 相近all全体、所有的 代替或修饰可数名词时,指两个以上的人或物,也可代替或修饰不可数名词。each每个 强调个性,指两个或两个以上的人或物。few很少(可数) 表示否定a few一些,几个(可) 表示否定little很少(不可数) 表示否定a little一些(不可数) 表示否定many很多(可数) _much很多(不可数) _both两个,两者都 仅指两个人或物neither没有人或物 仅指两个人或物none

11、没有人或物 指两个以上的人或物,当指可数名词时,谓语动词用单、复数都可以。either每个 强调个性,指两个或两个以上的人或物。other(s)另一个(些) _another另一个,又一个 相当于 an otherone一个(人或物) one 的复数形式是 ones注意:1上述不定代词中,every, no是形容词性不定代词,在句中只作定语;而none和由every,some, any, no构成的合成代词是名词性不定代词;其他所有的不定代词既是形容词性又是名词性的。2不定代词作主语时,要明确这一不定代词究竟是单数还是复数,以确定它和谓语动词在人和数的一致。3不定代词作定语时,应该注意其所修饰

12、的名词是可数还是不可数,以确定这个名词用单数还是复数。4几组重要的不定代词: every, each: 都有“每一个”的意思,但each 可指两个或两个以上的人或物,而every 只能指三个或三个以上的人或物。every 是形容词,只能作定语,而each可以作代词和形容词, 因此既可作定语,也可作主语或同位语。each 作主语的同位语时,主语和谓语动词均为复数。如:Each of us has got a new book. Every student is doing his best at school. both, all: both指两者“都”,能修饰可数复数名词,both of能与带

13、冠词、物主代词或指示代词的名词连用,也可跟人称代词的宾格形式;all指三者或三者以上“都”,all和all of都可用于复数可数名词和不可数名词之前。All用作不定代词时,其后常跟由关系代词that引导的定语从句,这时all that可写成what,值得注意的是:both, all用于否定句时,只是部分否定,意为“并不都”, “不都是”。all指物时,谓语动词用单数,在语法上是单数,而在概念上是复数。指人时,一般作复数。如All is not gold that glitters. All are here. some, any: some多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句或疑问句中。但在表示请

14、求、建议、反问的疑问句里,则用some。而any用作“任何”解释时,可用于肯定句或条件从句中。如:Would you like some coffee or some tea?If you have questions, you can come any time. another指“又一个(些)”或“另外一个(些)”,如another apple, another five people等;other指“其他的”,其后常跟名词,如other students, other rooms等;the other指两者中的“另一个”或“另一方面”,如She has two daughters, on

15、e is a nurse, the other is a teacher.;others指“他人”或“他物”(不一定是其余的全部),如After class, some students are playing chess, some are singing, others are playing basketball on the playground.;the others指(除前面提到的以外的全部),如There are fifty students inour class, twenty of us are from the city, two of us are from Dafen

16、g, the others are from the countryside.one, the other, another, others和the other的用法区别:总共只有两个人或两样东西时,其中的一个是one,另一个是the other。如:I have two uncles, one is a teacher, the other is an engineer.总共有两个以上的人或事物,其中的第一个为one,其他的两个或两个以上为the others。如:There are only ten boy students in Class One. The others are gir

17、l students. neither, none: neither表示“两者都不”(与both相反),none表示“三者或三者以上都不”(与all相反),它们都是全部否定的句子。 (a) few, (a) little: (a) few修饰或代替可数名词,(a)little修饰不可数名词; few和little表否定意义,a few和a little表肯定意义。它们都能与副词quite, only连用,构成quite a few, quite a little(很多)和only a few, only a little(很少)。 基础练习1. We should learn to get o

18、n well with Aothers B. other C. the other D. the others2. Would you like some coffee? Yes, just Aa littleB. little C. a few D. few3. of the students passed the examThey all failed A. Neither B. None C. Both D. All4. Let Lin Tao do it by , He is no longer a kidA. him B. his C. himself D. he5. leaves

19、the classroom last ought to turn off the lights.A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who综合训练PART ( )1.I can't repair the model ship_. Can you help_ ?A.me; me B. myself ;myself C .myself ;me D. me ; myself( )2.The book on the shelf is _. She wrote _name on its cover_ .A.Hers; her; herself B.Her;

20、 hers; herself C.Herself; her; hers D.Her; herself; herself( )3. _ Li Ping's brother. A. Her B. His C. He's D. She's( ) 4.Let _have a meeting . A. me B. you C. us D. me( ) 5.We find _difficult to deal with this problem. A.that B.it C.this D.us( )6.The Wright brothers made the flyer all b

21、y_. A.they B.theirs C.them D.themselves( )7.Mr brown taught _physics last term. A.we B. us C.our D. ours( )8.Im old enough to wash_clothes by myself. You can also wash _ A. my , your B. mine , your C. my, yours D. your, my ( )9. John never shows_his homework. A.their B.them C. they D.thiers( )10. Wh

22、ere does your grandma live? She lives with_. A.us B.we C.my D.you( )11. My mother often helps _ with _ maths. A. me, my B. mine, me C. I, my D. myself, me( )12.This isnt _skirt. Its _. A.my, hers B.mine, her C.my, her D.mine, hers( )13.Can he keep _promise? A. ones B.his C. their D.your( )14.Marys c

23、omputer is as new as_. A.I B.me C.mine D.myself( )15.It cant be Bettys schoolbag._is a blue one. A.Shes B.Its C.His D.Hers( )16.Jack, this is Alice, a friend of _. A.him B.yours C.her D.mine( )17._is wonderful to have a swim in such hot weather. A.This B.He C.It D.She( )18.Helen had a trip to Hawaii

24、. She really enjoyed _there. A.her B.herself C.she D.hers( )19.Mr.Liu teaches _English, we all like_lessons very much. A.us , him B.us, his C.our, him D.our, his( )20.You can not finish the work _. Let _ help you.A. youself, me B. yourself, mine C. youselves, me D. yourself, mePART ( )1. _of the two

25、 engineers shows great interest in talking about online-games. A.all B.neither C.both D.none ( )2.There isn't_in today's newspaper.    A. anything interesting B. something interesting C. nothing interesting D. interesting anything  ( )3.There is _ with your watch. It gets

26、 slower every day. A. nothing wrong B. something wrong C. wrong something D. wrong nothing( )4. _ Kathy _ Alice _ at home last Sunday. A. Neither. nor were B. Both. and was C. Either. or. was D. Not only but also were ( )5. May I have _ cup of tea? A. the other B. other C. another D. some( )6.-_skir

27、t do you prefer? The white one.A.What B.Which C.Whose D.How ( )7.There are many new highrises on_side of Huaihai Road. What a magnificent view!A.either B.both C.neither D.all( )8.We should help_when they are in trouble. A.others B. the others C. other D. the other( )9.The two fishermen saw _ in the

28、sky while they were fishing by a river. A. something strange B. anything strange C. strange something D. strange anything( )10.Peter, show me your _hand. Whats in it? A.other B.the other C.another D. the others( )11. The days in winter are shorter than _ in summer. A. those B. that C. these D. them(

29、 )12.In the exam, the more careful you are , the _mistakes youll make. A.little B.fewer C.less D.few( )13._of my parents went to the theatre because _of them were too busy to go. A.All, none B.Both, neither C.None, all D.Neither, both( )14.I have three pencil-boxes. One is made of plastic, _are made

30、 of wood. A.others B. the other two C. another two D. the other( )15.Im getting fatter and fatter. What should I do? Youd better eat _food and take _exercise.A.less,less B.more, more C.more, less D.less, more( )16.Toms Chinese is better than _in his class. A.any boy B.any of the others C.that of any

31、 boy D.any other boys( )17. Ive got four different answers to the questions, but_of them is correct.A.all B.neither C.both D.none( )18.I havent bought the shoes, because I like _the style _the colour. A.both, and B.either, or C.neither, nor D.not only, but also( )19.-Shall we have_beer? -Sure, but o

32、nly_ Aany a little B. a few a little C. little a few D. some, a little ( )20. -“Mum, Ann's coming tonight. Let's give her _to eat.” - “Good idea!”    A. anything nice B.nice anything C. something nice D. nice something( )21.Since you have got only one ticket, _you_Tom can atte

33、nd the lecture. A.both, and B.neither, nor C.either, or D.not only, but also( )22.The teacher came into the classroom with a book in one hand, a recorder in_.A.another B.other C.the other D.others( )23.You have _friends here, do you? A.some B.few C.little D.many( )24. There arent many oranges here,

34、but you can take _ if you want to. A. few B. a few C. a little D. little( )25.My sports shoes are too small. I want to buy _ pair. A. the others B. the other C. other D. another( ) 26.Though Alice and Jane are my good friends. _of them is allowed to read my diary. A.all B.neither C.both D.none( )27.

35、 Students are usually interested in sports. Some like running; some like swimming; _ like ball games. A. the others B. others C. the other D. other( )28.There is _ ink in my pen. Would you give me _? A. little a little B. a little little C. few a few D. a few few( )29._of us answered the phone, for we were all in the yard. A. Either B. Neither C. All D. None( )30.Im sorry. I cant understand your meaning. Can you give me _example?A.the other B.other C.another one D.another( )31.If you cant work out the problem, please have_try. A.other B.the oth


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