



1、1、动词V及物动词vt实义动词不及物动词vi动词v助动词非实义动词情态动词系动词1)实义动词:及物动词+宾语(后面必须加宾语才能使句意完整)不及物动词(不能直接加宾语or可以不加宾语,加宾语时要加介词)We arrived at the railway station at noon. (at 不能省去 )arrive: 不及物动词We reached the railway station at noon. reach : 及物动词Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest. (to 不可省去)listen :不及物动词We a

2、ll heard the lecture. hear:及物动词She came last week. come:不及物动词He bought an English dictionary. buy: 及物动词双宾语:及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语She taught us maths.她教我们数学。My mother gave me a new pen. 母亲给了 我一支新钢笔。常用的能接双宾语的及物动词有:give, teach, buy, lend, find, hand, leave, sell, show, read, pay, make, offer, build, pass, brin

3、g, cook 等。2)助动词:帮助实义动词形成谓语结构。助动词自身没有词义,不可单独使用He is swimming. (is 是助动词;is swimming 是谓语)He doesn't like English. (doesn't是助动词,无词义;like是实义动词动词,有词义;doesn' t like是谓语)助动词常用的有哪些呢?(1) am, is, are ,was ,were,(帮助变进行时态,帮助变被动语态)(2) do ,does, did (帮助句子变疑问句,否定句,强调谓语动词作用)(3)has ,have (帮助句子变现在完成时态作用)(4)

4、 had ,(帮助句子变过去完成时态,以及虚拟语气倒装)will ,shall, be going to (帮助句子变一般将来时态)b) ) would ,should (帮助句子变过去将来时态)a.表示时态,例如: He is singing.他在唱歌。He has got married.他已结婚。b.表示语态,例如: He was sent to England.他被派往英国。c) 构成疑问句,例如: Do you like college life? 你喜欢大学生活吗?Did you study English before you came here? 你来这儿之前学过英语吗?d.与

5、否定副词not合用,构成否定句,例如: I don't like him.我不喜欢他。e.加强语气,例如: He do know that.他的确知道那件事。3)情态动词:表示人对某种行为的情绪或态度(能/可能/ 应该/必须)情态动词后必须加动词原形can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall (should), will (would), need (needed), ought toYou should close the window. 你应该关门。4)系动词:“事物”和 “属性”联系起来,最常用的是be 动词Li Hua is a

6、 teacher.系动词不一定是一定是 be, be 也不一定是系动词。半系动词 :半系动词就是相当于be 的动词 ,可以替换纯系动词.1 .表感官的系动词:look, sound, taste, smell, feel, listen2 .表似乎看起来像的系动词look, seem, appear3 .表动作的渐变过程的系动词:become, get, turn, grow4 .表依旧持续的状态的系动词:remain, keep, stay, continue, stand5 . 表示存在的系动词: be, exist2、形容词adj :形容词修饰名词。young simple native

7、Too young, too simple, sometimes native.3、副词adv :用来说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。可以修饰动词、形容词或全句。We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o'clock yesterday. He did it quite well.4、介词prep :作用:接名词。表示地点位置的介词 :1)at ,in, on, to, for 2)above, over, on 在 , 上 3)below, under 在 , 下面 4)in front of, in the front of 5 ) be

8、side, behind表示时间的介词:1)in , on, at 在 , 时 2)in, after 在 , 之后 3)from, since 自从 , 4)after, behind 在 , 之后运动方向的介词:across, through 通过 ,穿过表示“在 , 之间”的介词:behind , between, among表示其他意义的介词:1)on ,about 关于 2)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具3)except, besides 除了 5.85、冠词 art : a/an/theEg: She raised a black and a white cat.S

9、he raised a black and white cat.“一”“那”冠词分为定冠、不定冠,不定冠词a和an, “一”的含义表泛指表示特指要用the,次序、方位、最高级世上物体独一个,人或事物再次提,乐器之前要用the6、连词 conj :并列连词:and, or, but, so, for用来连接词与词、句与句。Eg: 连接单词 Slow but sure.要慢而稳。连接短语 She will be back either this week or next week.连接句子 I went and she went also.而且 besides, furthermore, more

10、over, in addition;然而 yet, still, however, nevertheless;否贝 Uelse, otherwise;因止匕 所以 thus, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently;从属连词:用来引导从句。例如: when, while, as, although, so that, where.7、代词pron人称代词 主格宾格形容词性 物主代词名词性 物主代词反身代词单数Imemyminemyselfyouyouyouryouusyourselfhehimherhershimselfsheherherhers


12、ethfiftiethsixsixteensixtysixthsixteenthsixtiethsevenseventeenseventyseventhsixteenthseventietheighteightteeneightyeighthseventeetheightiethninenineteenninetynintheighteenthninetiethtententhnineteenthhundredththousandtha hundreda thousanda million说明,L英语中表示第一.第二、第三的序数词属特殊形式,要注意它们的拼写。工表示几十K的序数词通常是将基数词词尾变成i再加上后缄-E丸3.其余的二位数序数祠是以相应的整十基数祠加个位序数词。如工fifty-first (第五十 1I。4,少数序数词拼怯不规则,如;fifth (第五),eighth (第八),血岫(第九),By由 h (第十二)等.注意:L序数词可缩写为阿拉伯数字加序数词最后两个字母,例如:第1:(眦)fir0t=1 珑第二(&) &Kond=2nd笫三:t


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