



1、五下期末复习精选题目一.用所给词的适当形式填空l.When(be)your (parent) birthdays ?2.Shanghai and Beijing are both big(city). /My parents are great(cook).3.1s there (一些)bread in the fridge?4.1s he looking for(一些)potatoes? /Would you like(一些)flowers?5 .There are(five) numbers . The(five) one is(five).6 .My(twelve) birthday p

2、resent is a toy rabbit.7Is your biithday July? No,Its the 21st of June. (在)/ Bill lives Park Street. It is Sunshine Town. (在)Turn right the traffic lights. / Wait for the bus the bus stop.(在)8 .Who(help)Helen with her Chinese in the classroom now? Yang Ling 9.Who(help) Cinderella? A fairy L/lO.Liste

3、n. Some birds(sing).11 .Look. The children(run) in the playground.12 .Don-t shout / talk. My giandpa(sleep). 13.Whereas Mike? He(play) in the bedioom.14.(be) your uncle(read) a book now?15/Fm(play) with the cat,but my brother(not).、The pests go away,but the ladybirds. (not)16.1 love(eat) sweets very

4、 much.17.Su Hai should(take) some medcine.18.(do)Nancy(like) (dance) ?(助动词后的动三单还原)/19.Would you like(come) to my birthday party?20. Cinderella wants (go) to the party at the (prince) house.、21.Bobby is very happy(help) them. 22.Liu Tao cant wait(eat) the meat.、23Its time(wash) the dishes.24.The taxi

5、 driver(drive)the car away.25.The meat(smell)nice.x26.The prince(visit) every house. /Cinderella(try) it on./27.your friend live far from school?(Is/Does)、28.your home far from school?(Is/Does)29 . Oh, my feet(hurt). /My foot (hurt).30 .The boy often asks(him/his) father(to/for)help.二、根据中文提示完成句子。ofL

6、这对双胞胎的生日是在三月二十三日。Tlie twins birthday is on the_2 苏海和苏洋在七月过生日宿?Su Hai and Su Yang have their in?3 .她牙痛。She a./她觉得冷。She cold.4 .My father goes to work(乘地铁).5 .My mother the.(步行去医院)6 ,刘涛的父母正在厨房里做晚饭吗?Liu Taosdinner in th j?7 .人们喜欢在春节团聚在一位People like together with their families Spring Festival.8 .Nancy住

7、在哪里?她住在太阳镇。Where Nancy? She Sunshine Town.9 商店离站台远吗?不远。the far from the? No.it.10 .你在为你妈妈做生日贺卡吗?是的。you a card your mum? YesJ am.11 .我的爷爷开始在花园里种一些玫瑰。My grandpa starts some roses in the.12 .我应该做什么?你应该好好休息。I do? You should a good13 .面包味道怎么样?太美味了,我很喜爱。the? Its yummy. I it.三、按要求改写句子。14 She doesnt sweep t

8、he floor every day.(- L now 改写)She the floor now.(变时态,注意:任然是否定句)15 2.The children are playing games in the living room.(戈U线提问) are the children in the living room?16 .The boys are playing football in the playground.(划线提问) are the boys in the playground?17 Jim does his homework before dinner every da

9、y.(改为否定句)Jim his homework before dinner every day./5.People usually eat dumplings at this festival.(划线部分提问) people usuallyat this festival?6.People visit grandparents at the Double Ninth Festival.(划线部分提问) peopleat the Double Ninth Festival?7 .Mr Brown goes to Shanghai by plane.(对划线部分提问) Mr Brown to

10、Shanghai?8 .The students should listen to thu teacher in class.(对划线部分提问) the students in class?9 .John has to come home before six oclock.(对划线部分提问) John to come home?10 .Jenny and her grandma live on Park Street.(对划线部分提问) Jenny and her grandma live?11 .Helen shows her friends some photos.(改为同义句)/ He

11、len some photos her friends.I 12.He comes to school by metro.(改为同义句) Heto school.13.My friend rides a bike to school.(改为同义句)My friend comes to school.14.Emnia is not happy because she cant find her dolls.Emma not happy?四.选择题()1 .These shoes are very nice. Can I?A.try on themB. try it on()2. Dont dri

12、nk cold water.A. too manyB. too much()3. The zoo is too far, you can.A.by a busB. by bus(对划线部分提问)C. try them onC. much tooC. take a busA. tiy on,; dontB. tries; doesntC. tiy on; doesnt()4. Su Hai and Su Yang the sweater, but it fit them.()5. We live near the zoo. We often go on Saturdays.A. to there

13、B.hereC. there( )6.Tim usually TV in the evening, but he a book now.A.watch; is readingB. watches; reads C. watches; is reading()7.What Liu Tao? He is running with his friends.A.does;doB. can ;doC. is ;doing()8.you taking medicine?A. Do;any B. Are;some C. Is;any D.Are;any()9.your father cleaning the

14、 car?A.DoesB. IsC. Do()10.What do you do your birthday? I usually sing songs the party.A. in ; atB.on ; atC.at; on()11 .Im my dog,but I cant it.A. finding;look for B.looking for;find C. look for;find()12.Sam good at? Sure.A. Does;skatingB.Is;skateingC.Is;skating()13.shoes the prince find? Cinderella

15、.A. Whose;doB.Whos;doesC.Whose;does五.翻译并背诵1 .在一月或二月2 .在五月或六月3 .在十月或十一月4,四月 十二月5 . Teachers Day is on the of.6 .在八月二十日7 . 蔬菜沙拉 salad / 西红柿汤8 .试穿 穿上 脱下9 .多少颗牙齿/西红柿/土豆10 .丢下,留下 11 .在一艘大船上工作work a big12 .到家/到达动物园 the13 .火车 /飞机/出租车14 .上课时间到了。我们不得不停止游戏。Ifs time class. We stop the.15 . two(fairy) / these(h

16、ero)16 .不会回答. /两个答案17 . fit/play/swim(good/well) / 任何东西18 .电影结束了吗? the over?19 . What(be)I doing? Guess.(be)you (擦)the table?20 .称作;甜的/衣服21 .月亮街22 .在.附近 /在.旁边23 . show . to / give to / send.to / write.to /buy.for / makefor24 . be late for / be good / bad for25 .Nancy comes to school on foot. = Nancy

17、 to school.26.who,s (是谁)whose(谁的)he,s(他是)his (他的)there are 有theyre他们是these这些those那些pretty漂亮的present 礼物parent父或母presentsparentsread 读ride 骑play basketballplay the piano play with Kitty the catsweep the floor 扫地 sleep 睡觉clean the car / table clean the classroom / librarywash clothes / the dishes / som

18、e vegetables六、文化板块1.1 like reading fairy tales.I like reading stories about(关于)the Monkey King and Nezha.2.In the UK , we ask ,Wheres the toilet?nIn the US , we ask Wheres the restroom? ”3.You have a fever. Your temperature is 102F.102?Its 39.1.1 eat with chopsticks.(Chinese)I eat with a knife and for


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