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1、新标准小学英语三年级下册M3-U1 I like football.【教学目标】1、知识目标:1学习语句 I like/I don like并能表达自己对运动的喜好。2学 习单词 like/football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercises能口头运用并能听懂以上单词。2、能力目标:通过丰富的课堂活动和调查任务,把所学的语言与学生的生活实 际结合起来,培养学生自主学习英语的能力和运用英语交流和合作的 能力。3、情感目标:乐意参与课堂活动,在课堂活动中积极说英语,培养学生学习英语 的兴趣,提高英语让学生乐意参与课堂的口语表达能力。4、教学重点

2、和难点:能够流利地表达 I like/I don t lik 特别是表示不喜欢某样事物的句型 I don t like 【教学过程】(一)互致问候T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello.T: Sit dow n, please.(二)歌曲热身T: At first, let sing a song, OK?Ss: OK.(三)情景导入T: Look, who ?(出示图片“姚明”)Ss: Yao Ming.T: Y es, he Yao Mi ng. He likes sports. Do you like sports?Ss: Y es.T: Great! Sp

3、orts make our life healthy. Today, let s talk something aboutthe sports.(四)新课呈现1、T: Now, boys and girls. Look , what am I doing, and you guess.Which sport?(教师做打篮球动作)Ss:篮球(学生如果能说出英语 basketball,大加赞赏)T: basketball (出示图片并领读)Ss: basketball T: Well, next(教师做踢足球的动作)Ss:足球T: football (出示图片并领读)Ss: football(同样

4、的方法,用做动作的方式引入单词 table tennis/ morni ngexercises 的学习)2、(教师将本课单词卡片 football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morningexercises 呈十字形贴在黑板上)T: Well, let play a game.老师指出单词,请同学们迅速拍手读出单词。T: Boys and girls, sta nd up please. I say and you clap.(老师说单词,全班学生做动作。然后每组各派代表比赛)。3、T: Ok, look, Yao Ming likes basketball. Wh

5、o likes basketball?Hands up . Oh! So manybasketball fans. I like basketball, too. 我也喜欢篮球。(画笑脸,并板书 I like领读时面带微笑)T: I like Ss: I like(讲究有变化的读,一块读,个人读,男生读,女生读)T: Now, can you tell me which sport do you like?Ss: I like football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morni ng exercises4、T: Very good. I like many sp

6、orts, but I don like one of them.Guess, please.Ss: football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercisesT: The answer is “dontlike morning exercises because I cant get up early.( 做不高兴,摇头或摆手动作。画哭脸并板书 I do ntlike)T: Idon like Ss: I don like .(同样,有变化的朗读练习)T: Now please tell me which sportdon you like?S

7、s: I don like football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercisesT: Look some pictures,What are they doing? Guess please ,the nsay and do the actio ns.(老师画简笔画,学生边说边做动作.)5、T: Let play a anothergame, this game is 唱反调 ” ifI say “ I like ”you say “I don t like ” understand?T: I like football.Ss: Idon

8、like football.T:Ss:6、T: Look, this is our old friend Panpan, do you know what does he like?What doesn the like? Ok, listen to the radio.(播放录音).T: Q1: What doesn the like?Ss: football/ basketball/ table tennisT: Q2: What does he like?Ss: morni ng exercisesT:我们刚才看到,Pan pa n 在训练时遇到一点小困难就放弃,最后什么运动都不喜欢,他

9、这样做对不对?(让学生回答为什么。)T:不管做什么事,只有不怕困难,坚持到底才能胜利。7、T: Now, boys and girls. Stand up, listen and follow please .( 一 边做动作,一边朗读课文)T: Practice in groups.( 小组内自由练习)T: Perform time! Which group can try?( 各组代表上台前展示)(五)课堂小结T: Well, now, look here. Which group is the winner ?鼓掌祝贺优胜小 组)T: Homework: I m a reporter. 在小组内调查,受调查的学生用Ilike/I don t 来回答喜欢或不喜欢的运动,将表格完成!T:


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