



1、篇一:设备维护效劳合同设备维护效劳合同接受效劳方(甲方):提供效劳方(乙方):一、设备细目及合同期内的维修效劳费用1设备名称1 1 11品牌L1型号1数量1维修效劳L11合计LJ11111111 1 1 1 1111111111111111 1 1 1 1LJ1I III I I11 1_111111 111 1 1_I1 1111111 1 1 1L1111LJ11合计11二、 合同期限(以先到为准)自年 月 日始, 至 年 月 日止;三、付款方式(1)效劳费用按年度支付,先付费,后效劳。(2)合同期内发生的其它费用在乙方提供效劳完毕后5个工作日内,由甲方向乙方一次性支 付。四、效劳内容(1

2、)乙方应甲方要求对甲方的设备进行维护保养;每壹个月壹次。(2)合同期内,乙方接到甲方的维修呼叫后及时上门修复合同设备在正常使用情况下所发生 的一般故障。(3)乙方以对合同用户的优惠价格向甲方提供合同设备所需使用的耗材及零配件,并免费送货。五、除外责任以下情况乙方向甲方提供满意的效劳,需照章收费:(1)甲方违反操作标准所造成的机器及附件的故障;(2)甲方在运输、保管本机及附件时方法不当造成的震动损伤、受潮、受热引起的故障;(3)由于火灾、水灾,地震、电网电压不稳定及其它自然灾害等非人为原因造成的设备损坏;(4)甲方自行拆卸机体及部件造成的设备损坏;(5)因非乙方提供的消耗材料、零部件等而造成的设

3、备损坏;(6)甲方未能出示本效劳合同的有效原件。六、违约处理(1)因乙方不能及时履行合同所规定的效劳条款,并对甲方工作造成严重延误时,甲方有权终止合同。(2)因乙方工作失误导致甲方设备损坏,乙方应赔偿甲方相应零件并负责修复工作。(3)甲方未能按本合同条款3的规定及时付款时,乙方可解除合同并保存追缴甲方欠款的权利。(4)甲方允许非乙方技术人员维修、维护、拆卸设备及附件或造成设备损坏,本合同自行作废。七、说明(1)本合同中所述的“工作小时是指法定工作日的9: 00-17 : 00时段内的每一小时。(2)甲方的名称、地址、指定设备负责人等资料如有变更,请及时通知乙方否那么将会 造成甲方利益的损失。(

4、3)如甲方所在地非 市区且乙方上门效劳时发生差旅费、高速费、过桥费等费用 时,上述费用由甲方支付。(4)如甲方将设备转与他人,本效劳合同中乙方对该设备的效劳承诺既告无效。(5)如有未尽事宜,甲乙双方应在合同签字前进行协商,达成一致后一式两份填写在附加条 款中,填写内容与本合同具有同等效力。(6)本维修合同效劳费用只涵盖本合同第4款效劳内容所涉及的劳务,并不包括维修过程中发生的零配件及消耗品费用。八、附加条款双方已就本合同的上述条款完全达成共识,任何一方的口头要求均不能影响本合同条款的效 力。甲方:乙方:授权代表(签字): 授权代表(签字):附件:maintenance & repair

5、 service bargaincustomer (party a ):supplier (party b ):1、facilities& servicefacilities1 1 1L11brand1modeliiamount service feeitotallyj11111111 1 1 1 11_ 1_ J_1_ 1_ J_ 1totally2、service periodfrom :(month)(day)(year) to :(month)(day)(year)3、payment terms(1)serving the expenses to pay year , pay

6、first , and then the service(2)other expenses occurred in the period of this contract should be totally paidby partya to party b in 5 effective working days。4、service content(1)part b should give the machines regular inspects once per one month.(2)during the contract period , party b should timely r

7、epair the normal stoppageon-the-site after receiving the service-call from party a;(3)party b would supply consumables to party a with preferential price and provide door-to-door service free ofcharge.5、exclusionsparty b would also supply party a with satisfied service under the following circumstan

8、ce , but payment should becharged correspondingly(1)disobey the direction of operation manual by the users;(2)damages in transportation and preservation by customer himself; 篇二: 维修月艮务合同维修效劳合同maintenance & repair service contract感谢您接受的技术效劳.本维修效劳合同的所有资料须全部正确填写并在需要的地方盖章后方为有效。本合同是确保用户能得到完善效劳的依据,

9、因此用户应妥善保管,如遗失将无法得到这些权利。thank you for accepting the service of beijing jun bo chang economy & tradeco. .you should seal on the place necessary and carefully preserve(请用正楷填写所需资料)一、设备细目及合同期内的维修效劳费用(facilities & service fee ):二、合同期限(service period ):自年月年月日止。from: ear) to: (year).三、付款方式(p

10、ayment terms ):3.1合同费在本合同签定生效后五个有效工作日内,同甲方向乙方一次性支付;other expenses occurred in the period of this contract should be totally paid by party a to party b in 10 effectiveworking days.四、效劳内容(service content ):4.1乙方以夭为周期对甲方的合同设备进行维护保养;part b should give the machines regular inspection once per days;4.2合同期

11、内,乙方接到甲方的维修呼叫后及时上门修复合同设备在正常使用情况下所发生 的一般故障;during the contract period, party b should timely repair the normal stoppage on-site after receiving the service-callfrom party a;响应时间:(请客户在相应区域内画勾)responding time limit()北京市区四环路以里:8工作小时内到达现场;8 working hours outside no.4 ring road and suburbs of beijing; ()北

12、京市区四环路以外及周边地区县:1624工作小时内到达现场;16-24 working hours outside no.4 ringroad and suburbs of beijing;()外埠用户:上门效劳时间由甲乙双方具体协商确定;responding time of servicecall-in should be negotiated further by both parties ifthe customer locates outside beijing city; 4.3乙方以对合同用户的优惠价格向甲方提供合同设备所需使用的耗材及零配件,并免费送货。party b would

13、supply consumables to party a with preferential price and provide door-to-door service free of charge.五、除外责任以下情况乙方仍可向甲方提供效劳,但不属于本合同的效劳范围需照章收费exclusions party b would also supply party a with satisfied service under following circumstance, but payment shouldbe charged correspondingly5.1甲方违反操作标准所造成的合同

14、设备的故障;disobey the direction of operation manual by the users5.2甲方在运输、保管合同设备时方法不当造成的震动损伤、in transportation and preservation by customer himself 5.3 由于火灾、水灾,地震、电网电压不稳定及其它自然灾害等非人为原因造成的合同设备损坏;damages caused by fire, water flood, earthquakes, unsteady of power and othernatural disasters ; 5.4甲方自行拆卸机体及部件造

15、成的合同设备损坏;party a disassembles the machine and spare parts by himself; 5.5因非乙方提供的消耗材料、零部件等而造成的合同设备损坏;party a failed to provide effective original of this contract.六、 违约处理breach:6.1因乙方不能及时履行合同所规定的效劳条款,并对甲方工作造成严重延误时,甲方有权终止合同并要求退赔已交纳的效劳费用;party a has the right to terminate the contract and claim the ser

16、vice fee back inthe condition party b fails to execute this contract and influence the normal work of party a ;6.2因乙方工作失误导致甲方设备损坏,乙方应赔偿甲方相应零件并负责修复工作;party b has the right to terminate the contract and claim the payment owed by partya if party a does not fully execute the clause 3 of thiscontract ;6.

17、4甲方允许非乙方技术人员维修、维护、拆卸合同设备或造成该设备损坏,本合同自行失效。this contract would be automatically terminated in the condition the damages caused of repair, maintenance, dissembleetc. by the third partypermitted by party a.七、说明notes :7.1本合同中所述的“工作时间是指法定工作日的9: 00 17: 00时段内的每一小时;working hours mentioned above meansany hour

18、 during 9:00am 17:00pm in every legal working day ;7.2甲方的名称、地址、指定设备负责人等资料如有变更,请及时通知乙方否那么将会造成甲方利益的损失;any information alternation of party a, such as name, address, telephone, contact person, etc. should inform partybin time, otherwise the benefit of party a would be damaged;7.3如甲方所在地非北京市区且乙方上门效劳时发生差旅

19、费、高速费、过桥费等费用时,上 述费用由甲方支付;party a should afford all expenses occurred on the way when party b provides service outside beijing受潮、受热引起的故障;damagescity ; 7.4 如甲方将设备转与他人,本效劳合同中乙方对该设备的效劳承 诺既告无效; third party ;7.5如有未尽事宜,甲乙双方应在合同签字前进行协商,达成一致后一式两份填写在附加条款中,填写内容与本合同具有同等效力。other issues should be negotiated by bo

20、thparties before signature and added as appendix in clause 9, the appendix has the same effectiveness to the otherconditions of this contract.八、 效力(effectiveness):本合同以中、英文书就,一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等效力;假设对其解释产生异议,那么以中文为准。this contract is done in duplicate in the chinese and english language, both have the sa

21、me effectiveness. in caseof any divergence of interpretation, the chinese text should prevail.九、 附加条款(appendix )甲方(party a): 乙方(party b ):甲方授权代表签字乙方授权代表签字authorized signature authorized signature年月 日年 月曰篇三:维保效劳协议书 维保效劳协议书甲方:乙方:为了更好地发挥系统硬件设施的作用,确保系统平安可靠运行,明确双方的权力和义务,经 双方协商同意,签订本协议书,并共同遵照执行。一、维保工程名称:二

22、、维保范围及内容:维保范围限于系统的主要硬件设施。注:不在维保范围内。三、维保期限:五、 付款方式及时间:自工程验收之日起,。六、双方的权利和义务:甲方:1、 甲方有权对乙方的工作进行监督、检验、并提出意见。2、 甲方应确保工作环境良好,无人为擅自拆修造成组要设备损坏的情况出现。3、 为保证专用车辆监控系统平台正常运行,甲方应指定专人定期对设备运行情况进行检查并 做好记录,如果出现问题及时通知乙方保修。4、 在维修保养过程中,甲方应积极配合乙方和设备生产厂家维修人员工作,提供尽可能的便 利。5、 甲方不得将监控系统设备设施挪作他用,假设因此发生损坏或在此期间造成一切损失,不计入维保范围。乙方:1、 除甲方人为、自然灾害及其他不可抗力导致设备的损坏外,乙方应在维保期内保证系统设 备处于良好状态。2、 乙方应向甲方提供经过甲方指定人员签字确认的书面维保单据,以证明乙方已经履行了协 议维


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