



1、八年级英语上册第四单元教材分析(新目标英语)八年级英语上册第四单元教材分析(新目标英语)ITeaching GuideATalk about how to get to places. / Kinds of transportaHowquestions; Affirmative and negative stauctureHow do you gl? I ride my bHow does he / she glibrary? He /She taubway.How long dake (to g)? It takes aboutHow fato? Its about 3 milIt take

2、s sb.(time) to dVocabulale, around, popular, means, early buaworld,depend on, rivers and lakes, must be, a lot, havthandoingaansportation. a small numb-some-other-a few,first-second-next-then-the last one,GrammarHow many / much / far / often / long / old /Task1. Plans of National Day Listening.“ Fam

3、ouspeople always have a lavel and spending their vacaday, JayZhou came to Beijing and gave aance. But whadoing then, wedont know. Lets la interview aboutaamouVanessa Romero”. Finish P16 2a, 2b.Reading. Read“Jims plan for vacation”andxgoing to Hong Kong for vacation. Hes visiting hisunclbecauuncle ve

4、ry much. His parents are going wand they aregoing there by plane. They are leaving for Hong Kongber 30thand stayingabout six days. During the six dagoing sightseeingwunclbeautiful city and playing a lot of gaWhadoing forvacation?2. Wgoing for vacation?Wat?Who is going with him?Wleavingfor Hong Kong?

5、Howis he going there?How longaying there?3. Pair-work. Talk about your National Day vacation plan withyour pag.: Hello, can I ask you somequabout your vacationplan?What are you doing for vacation?When are you going for vacation?Where are you going for vacation?Who are you going with?Why are you goin

6、g there?How are you going there?How long are you staying there?Write your plan dowway:_ is going to _ for vacation. _is going there because _ . _going wand theyare going there by _ . Theyre leaving for_ _ and staying_. During _ , theyre_ and _Homework(1)My National Day Vacation Plan. (you and yourpa

7、rtner)Detective Conan. (Pair-wance, make up adialogue.)Divide 6 groups x aper (what, when, where, who, how, howlong)Task 2: Detective ConaThe famous detective Conan issearching aational criminal. Agives Conalans (who, when,where, what, why, how, how long)to help Conan find oual.Ask several grouudact

8、 the dialogue out.Task 3: A make-u/ A cut-uGroup work. GrouTake out all thepaper, andabake up a reasonable dialogue.Ask several grouact out the make-uA cut-up story: givestudents a cut-uAaas a passage.Tony: Say, Anna, what are you doing tonight?Would you like to go out?Anna:I cant. Im going to work

9、late tonight.I havTony: Well, how abouw night? Are you doing anythingthen?Anna: No, Im not. What are you planning to do? Tony: Im goinga musical. Would you l?Anna: Sure. Id love to! But let me paIts mytuTony: All right! Thanks!Anna: So, what musical are we going to see?Tony: Its called caAnna: Oh, s

10、ure. Cats. Ive heard a lotabout it. When dart?Tony: It starts at eight. Maybe we can have a pizza bw.Anna: OK. Great!Tony: Should Iu up at your house?Anna: Well, Ill bw aletaaTony: OK. Do you waPizzaPalaa? At a quaven?Anna: A quaven at the Pizza Palace? Great!(1) What musical agoing to see?(2) What adoing busical?(3) Where agoing?(4) What time ag? Homework(1) Workb(2) Make


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