1、2015 年英英解释版初中英语单词汇总7-9 册 (牛津深圳版)(带音标)相比较网上常见的中文解释,本文全部的解释是用原版的英英词典(以 Longman EnglishDictionary 为主,以 Cambridge English Dictionary 为辅),对一个单词的不同意思进行了分开解释,以便于更快速的理解与学习。非常建议你直接用全英文的解释学习英文单词,你不仅可以非常精准理解该单词的真正意思,而且还可以了解这个单词如何地道的使用(例如造句,写作等等)。即使你现在不能真正的用英英解释去理解单词,也建议你先看中文解释,再用英文来进行校正。当然,如果一个单词,有一幅相关解释的图片,会更
2、容易理解并且过目不忘!学会用英英词典,并用用英英理解单词会给你学英语带来质的飞跃!分享说明:A、由于上传文档的限制及其它原因,本文只包含原文档的一部分,而且由于音标的限制,可能会显示乱码。如果想获得全部正常显示的文档,请与作者用电子信箱获取(具体见获 取方式,并注意你需要的相关文档);B、实际上,原文档中包含音标(美式发音及英式发音的音标)及原版的mp3发音(美式及英式发音),对校正你的发音非常重要!C、对于每个单词的解释,原文档都有相关的关联图片(由于不好整理,所以本文档没有例子,如果需要,请与作者联系)D、原文档带有中文解释,如果你一定需要,请与作者联系。获取方式:你可以发邮件至24874
3、52826 索取,或者用用搜索引擎搜索 美英桥网,在首页即有相关所有分享内容获取方式。特别说明: 本文档全部为原创内容。Wordpronunciatio npropert yexplanationa/ ? strong e ?/indefini tearticleused to show that you are talking about someone or something that has not been mentioned before, or that your listener does not know aboutaboard/?'b ?d US?'b ?r
4、d/adv,pre pon or onto a ship, plane, or trainabroad/?'br ?d US?'br ?d/advin or to a foreign countryabsent/'? bs?nt/adja look etc that shows you are not paying attention to or thinking about what is happeningabsent/'? bs?nt/adjnot in the place where you are expected to be, especially
5、at school or workabsorb/ ?b's ?b,?b'z ?b US -?rb/verbto interest someone so much that they do not pay attention to other thingsabsorb/ ?b's ?b, ?b'z ?b US - ?rb/verbtake something in, especially graduallyabsorb/ ?b's ?b, ?b'z ?b US -?rb/verbunderstand facts or ideas completel
6、y and remember themacademy/ ?'k? d?mi/nouna college where students are taught a particular subject or skillacademy/ ?'k? d?mi/nouna secondary school in Scotland or a private school in the USaccept/ ?k'sept/verbagree to take somethingaccident/'? ks ?d?nt/nounsomething which happens un
7、expectedly and unintentionally, and which often damages something or injures someoneaccident/'? ks ?d?nt/nounsomething that happens without anyone planning or intending itaccording to0prepas shown by something or stated by someoneaccording to0prepin a way that depends on differences in situation
8、s or amountsaccount/ ?'kaunt/nounan arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so that you can pay more in or take money outaccount/ ?'kaunt/nouna written or spoken description of an eventaccountant/ ?'kaunt ?nt/nounsomeone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts, calcul
9、ate taxes etcaccurate/'? kj ?r?t/adjcorrect, exact and without any mistakesachieve/ ?'t?i?v/verbsuccessfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hardact/? kt/verb,no undo something for a particular purpose, or to behave in the stated wayact/? kt/nounlaw that has be
10、en officially accepted by Parliament or Congressact/? kt/verb,no unplay a part; to perform in a film, play, etcactor/'? kt ? US -?r/nounsomeone who performs in a play or filmactually/'? kt ?u?li,- t?li/advin fact or reallyactually/'? kt ?u?li,- t?li/advused in sentences in which there is
11、 information that is in some way surprising or the opposite of what most people would expectaddress/?'dres US ?'dres, '? dres/noun,v erbthe details of the place where someone lives or works, that you use to send them letters, emails etcaddress/?'dres US ?'dres, '? dres/nouna
12、formal speech that someone makes to a group of peopleadmire/ ?d'ma ? US-'ma ?/verbrespect and approve of someone or their behaviour, or to find someone or something attractive and pleasant to look atadmit/ ?d'm ?t/verbagree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right
13、admit/ ?d'm ?t/verballow someone to enter a public place,join an organization, club etcadvantage/ ?d'v a ?nt?d?US ?d'v?n -/nouna good or useful quality or condition that something hasadvantage/ ?d'v a ?nt?d?US ?d'v?n -/nounsomething that helps you to be more successful than other
14、s,or a good or useful quality or conditionadvertise/'? dv?ta?zUS - ?r-/verbmake something known generally or in public, especially to sell itadvertiseme nt/ ?d'v ?t?sm ?ntUS ,? dv?r'ta ?z-/nouna picture,or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy a productadvise/ ?d'
15、va ?z/verbto be employed to give advice on a subject about which you have special knowledge or skilladvise/ ?d'va ?z/verbtell someone what you think they should do, especially when you know more than they do about somethingafford/ ?'f?d US - ?rd/verbhave enough money&have enough time to
16、do somethingafford/ ?'f?d US - ?rd/verbprovide something or allow something to happenafter alladvused to add information that shows that what you have just said is trueafter alladvdespite earlier problems or doubtsafterwards/' a ?f.t?.w?dz/ US/'?f.t?.w?dz/advafter the time mentioned; lat
17、eragainst/ ?'genst, ?'ge ?nst US ?'genst/prepin opposition or opposition direction toagainst/ ?'genst, ?'ge ?nst US ?'genst/prepas a protection or defence from the bad effects ofage/e ?d ?/nounthe number of years someone has lived or something has existedage/e ?d ?/nounone of
18、 the particular periods of someone's life or historyagency/'e ?d?nsi/nouna business that provides a particular service for people or organizationsagree/ ?'gri?/verbhave the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or idea or somethingagree/ ?'gri?/verbtwo or more statements, ideas, th
19、ey are the same or very similaraim/e ?m/nounsomething you hope to achieve by doing somethingaim/e ?m/verbtry or intend to achieve somethingaim/e ?m/noun,v erbpoint a gun or weapon at someone or something you want to shootair conditioner/'e ?.k?n,d ?.? nd/ US /'er-/nouna machine that makes th
20、e air in a room or building cooler and drieralien/'e ?li ?n/noun,a djin stories, a creature from another world or another planetalien/'e ?li ?n/noun,a djLEGAL a foreigner, usually someone who lives in a country of which they are not a legal citizenalive/?'la ?v/adjliving; having life; no
21、t dead or continues to existallow/?'lau/verbadmit or agree that something is trueallow/?'lau/verbmake it possible for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening; permitalmost/' ?lm? ust US '?lmoust, ?l'moust/advnearly, but not completely or not quitealone
22、/?'l?un US?'loun/adj, advwithout any friends or people or onlyalong/?'l ? US ?'l ?/advgoing forwardalong/?'l ? U S?'l ?/prepfrom one place on something such as a line, road, or edge towards the other end of italthough/ ?l'e? u US?l'eou/conjbut & despite the fact t
23、hatalthough/ ?l'e? u US?l'eou/conjdespite the fact that, in spite of the fact thatambulance/'? mbj ?l?ns/nouna special vehicle that is used to take people who are 川 or injured to hospitalamount/ ?'maunt/nouna collection or mass especially of something which cannot be countedamusement
24、/ ?'mju?zm? nt/nounthe feeling you have when you think something is funnyancient/'e ?n ?nt/adjbelonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years agoangle/'?g? l/nounthe space between two straight lines or surfaces that join each other, measured in degreesangry/'?g
25、ri/adjfeeling strong emotions which make you want to shout at or hurt someoneannounceme nt/ ?'naunsm ?n t/nounan important or official statement or the act of telling people that somethingantique/,?n'ti?k/noun,a djsomething made in an earlier period and collected and valued because it is bea
26、utiful, rare, old or of high qualityapology/ ?'p?l?d?i US ?'p a ?/nounsomething that you say or write to show that you are sorry for doing something wrongappear/ ?'p? US ?'p?r/verbstart to be seen, to arrive, or to exist in a place, especially suddenlyappearance/ ?'p ?r?ns US ?
27、39;p ?r-/nounthe way someone or something looks to other peopleappearance/ ?'p ?r?ns US ?'p ?r-/nounan occasion when someone appears in publicappetite/'? p?ta?t/nouna desire or liking for a particular activityappetite/'? p?ta?t/nouna desire for food or to eatapplause/?'pl ?z US ?
28、'pl ?z/nounthe sound of many people hitting their hands together and shouting, to show that they have enjoyed somethingapplication/,? pl ?ke ?n /nouna formal, usually written, request for something such as a job, place at university, or permission to do somethingapplication/,? pl ?ke ?n /nounpra
29、ctical purpose for which a machine, idea etc can be used, or a situation when this is usedapply/?'pla ?/nounrequest something, usually officially, especially by writing or sending in a formapply/?'pla ?/verbto use something such as a method, idea, or law in a particular situation, activity,
30、or processappointment/ ?'p ?ntm ?nt/nounan arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for a particular purposeappointment/ ?'p ?ntm ?nt/nounwhen someone is chosen for a position or jobappreciate/ ?'pri? ie?t/verbused to thank someone in a polite way or to say that you are gra
31、teful forappreciate/ ?'pri? ie?t/verbto understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone's feelings arearchitect/' a ?k?tekt US 'a -? rnounsomeone whose job is to design buildingsargue/' a ?gju? US 'a -? rverbdisagree with someone in words, often
32、in an angry wayargue/' a ?gju? US 'a -? rverbgive the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etcarmchair/' a ?mt?e?, m't?e? US'a ?rmt?er,a?noun a?comfortable chair with sides that you can rest your arms onrm't ?er/army/' a ?mi US'ar-/nouna country's military forc
33、e that is trained to fight on land in a wararound/ ?'raund/advabout,used when guessing a number, amount, time etc, without being exactaround/ ?'raund/adv, prepsurrounding or on all sides of something or someone or neararrange/?'re?nd?/verbplan or prepare for; to organizearrange/?'re?
34、nd?/verbto put a group of things or people in a particular order or positionarrangement/ ?'re ?nd ?m ?n t/nounsomething that has been organized or agreed on or put in a particular positionarrangement/ ?'re ?nd ?m ?n t/nouna plan for how something will happenarrival/ ?'ra?v?l/nounThe reac
35、hing of a goal or objective as a result of effort or a processarrival/ ?'ra?v? l/nounsomeone who has just arrived in a placearrow/'? r?u US'? rou/nouna sign in the shape of an arrow, used to show directionarrow/'? r?u US'? rou/nouna weapon that is like a long thin stick with a sh
36、arp point at one endarticle/' a ?t?k?l US 'a -? rnounany of the English words 'a', 'an' and 'the' or words in other languagesarticle/' a ?t?k?l US'a -? rnouna piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazinearticle/' a ?t?k?l US'a
37、 -? rnouna thing, especially one of a group of thingsas a resultadvdue to that, therefore, accordinglyAsia/'e ? 'e?/nounthe largest continent with 60% of the earth's populationassist/?'s ?st/nounThe army arrived to assist in the search.astronaut/'? str ?n ?tUS -n ?t,- n a ?t/noun
38、someone who travels and works in a spacecraftastronomer/?'str?n?m?USnouna scientist who studies the stars and planets?'str a ?n?m?r/astronomy/ ?'str ?n ?miUS ?'str a?/nounthe scientific study of the universe and of objects which exist naturally in space, such as the moon, the sun, pl
39、anets and starsas well asconjin addition to, and also, and likewiseatmosphere/'? tm ?sf?US -f ?r/nounthe mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth or the air inside a roomatmosphere/'? tm ?sf?US -f ?r/nounthe feeling that an event or place gives you or interestingattack/?'t? k/verb,no un
40、an act of violence that is intended to hurt a person or damage a placeattempt/ ?'tempt/verb,no untry to do something, especially something difficultattend/ ? 'tend/verbgo to a meeting or a class or go regularly to a school, church etcattend/ ? 'tend/verblook after someone, especially bec
41、ause they are 川attract/ ?'tr? kt/verbmake someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in somethingattraction/ ?'tr? k?n/nounsomething interesting or enjoyable to see or doattraction/ ?'tr? k?n/nouna feeling of liking someone, especially in a sexual wayaudience/' ?
42、di? ns US'?-, ' a?/nouna group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in publicaudience/' ?di? ns US '?-, ' a?/nouna formal meeting with a very important personauthor/' ? e ?us'? er/nounformal the person who starts a plan or ideaauthor/
43、39; ? e ?us'? er/noun,v erbthe writer of a book, article, play, etc or a person who begins or creates somethingavailable/ ?'ve?l?b?l/adjnot busy and has enough timeavailable/ ?'ve?l?b?l/adjable to be used or can easily be bought or foundavenue/'? v?nju? US-nu?/nounused in the names o
44、f streets in a town or cityaverage/'? v?r?d?/adj,nou nthe result obtained by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amountsaverage/'? v?r?d?/adja standard or level which is considered to be typical or usualawfully/' ?f?li US'?-/advvery; extremelyb
45、alance/'b? l?ns/noun,v erb,adja state where things are of equal weight or force or weighing devicebalance/'b? l?ns/verbto arrange a system that relates to money so that the amount of money spent is not more than the amount receivedbalcony/'b? lk?ni/nounstructure that you can stand on, th
46、at is attached to the outside wall of a building, above ground levelbalcony/'b? lk?ni/nounan area of seats at an upper level in a theatrebald/b ?ld US b ?ld/adjhaving little or no hair on your headballet/'b? le? US b? 'le ?, 'b? le?/nouna performance in which dancing and music tell a
47、 story without any speakingbamboo/,b?m'bu?/nouna tall tropical plant with hollow stems that is used for making furnitureban/b? n/verbforbid, especially officially,say that something must not be done, seen, used etcban/b? n/nounan official order that prevents something from being used or doneband
48、/b? nd/nouna flat, narrow piece of something with one end joined to the other to form a circleband/b? nd/nouna group of musicians, especially a group that plays popular musicbar/ba? US b a ?r/ nouna counter where alcoholic drinks or food are servedbar/ba? US b a ?r/ nouna place where especially alco
49、holic drinks are sold and drunkbar/ba? US b a ?r/ nouna small block of solid material that is longer than it is widebar/ba? US b a ?r/ nounlength of metal or wood put across a door, window etc to keep it shut or to prevent people going in or outbarbecue/'b a ?b?kju? US 'b a-/?rverbto cook fo
50、od on a metal frame over a fire outdoorsbarbecue/'b a ?b?kju? US 'b a-/?rnounBBQ a meal or party during which food is cooked on a metal frame over a fire and eaten outdoorsbark/b a ?k/ US/b a ?rk/noun,v erbthe loud, rough noise that a dog and some other animals makebase/be ?s/nounthe bottom
51、part of an object,or the lowest part of somethingbase/be ?s/nounthe main place where a person lives and works, or a place that a company does business frombase/be ?s/nounone of the four places that a player must touch in order to get a point in games such as baseballbaseball/'be ?sb ?l US-b ?l/n
52、ounan outdoor game in which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running around four basesbattery/'b? t?ri/nouna device that produces electricity to provide power for radios, cars, etcbattery/'b? t?ri/nouna group of many things of the same typebattery/'b? t?ri/nounseveral larg
53、e guns used togetherbattle/'b? tl/noun,v erbtry hard to achieve something in a difficult situationbattle/'b? tl/noun,v erba fight between opposing armies, groups of ships, groups of people etc, especially one that is part of a larger warbead/bi?d/nounone of a set of small, usually round, pie
54、ces of glass, wood, plastic etc, that you can put on a string and wear as jewellerybeam/bi?m/nouna line of light that shines from a bright objectbeam/bi?m/nouna wide happy smilebeam/bi?m/nouna long heavy piece of wood or metal used in building houses, bridges etcbeard/b ?d US b?rd/nounhair that grow
55、s around a man's chin and cheeksbeauty/'bju?ti/nouna quality that people, places which very attractive to look at or gives you pleasure or joybeauty/'bju?ti/nouna woman who is very beautifulbeg/beg/verbask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you want it very muchbeg/beg/ve
56、rbask people to give you food, money etc, usually because you are very poorbehave/b ?'he ?v/verbact in a particular way, or to be good by acting in a way which has society's approvalbehaviour/b ?'he ?vj ? US-?r/nounthe things that a person or animal doesbelong toverbto be a member of a group or organizationbelong toverbif something belongs to someone, they own itbelt/belt/nouna strip of leather or material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decorationbelt/belt/nouna large area of land that has particular features or where particular people livebench/bent ?/noun
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