1、英语专四模拟题听写答案精品文档269TV Rat in gsChildren in the United StateS WatCh from One to five hours Of televisiOn every day. / That' S a lot of television! / TeaCherS and Parents don' t like a lot of the ChiIdrentelevisi On PrOgrams. / They thi nk a lot of these PrOgramS are not SUitabIe for ChiIdre n.
2、 / For this reas on, every televisi on PrOgram in AmeriCa has a rati ng. / The rat ings tell Pare nts about the program. / Pare nts Can CheCk the rat ings in the n ewspaper and this gives Parents a choice. / TV-G PrOgramS are SUitabIe for all ages, and families WatCh them together. / TV-Y PrOgramS a
3、re SUit- able for ChiIdren 26, and they don' t frightenChiIdren. / TV-PG PrOgramS are SUitabIe for some ChiIdren, but they Can frighten ChiIdre n. / Some Pare nts WatCh these PrOgramS With their ChiIdre n. / Then, they Can anSWer their ChiIdren ' S questio14.prTVrams are SUitabIe for ChiIdre
4、n 14 and older. / TV-MA PrOgramS are for adults, 17 and older. / They are not SUitabIe for ChiIdre n. /268The FUnCtiOnS of the FamiIyThe family fulfills a number of roles, / SUCh as PrOViding education and recreational activities. / Yet there are SeVeraI major functions PerfOrmed by the family. / Fi
5、rst, Un Iike the young of ani mals, / huma n infants n eed con Sta nt Care and econo mic security. / In all cultures, the family assumes UItimate resp on SibiIity for the PrOteCti on of ChiIdre n. / Second, Pare nts mon itor a child's behavior / and tran Smit the VaIUeS and Ian guage of a CUItUr
6、e to the child. / Third, ideally, the family PrOVideS members With Warm and intimate relationShiPS / and helps them to feel SatiSfied and secure. / Unlike other inStitUtions, the family is obliged to SerVe the emotional needs of its members. / Finally, family resources affect ChiIdren's ability
7、to PUrSUe Certain opportUnities / SUCh as higher educati on and SPeCiaIiZed study. / It is appare nt, the n, that the family has bee n assig ned / at least four vital functions Withi n huma n societies. / 267StreSSAS the PaCe of life COntinUeS to in crease, / We are fast Iosi ng the art of relaxati
8、on. / OnCe you are in the habit of rushing through life, / it is hard to slow down. / BUt relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body. / StreSS is a natural Part of everyday life. / In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often SUPPOSed to be. / A Certain amount of StreSS is vital to PrOVide
9、motivation. / It is onIy When the StreSS gets out of control / that it Can lead to poor PerfOrmance. / The amount of StreSS a PerSon Can WithSta nd depe nds Very much on the in divid- ual. / Some people are not afraid of StreSs, / OtherS lose heart at the first Sig ns of UnU sual difficulties. / Sin
10、Ce We CannOt remove StreSS from our lives, / We need to find WayS to deal With it. / 266 LaWSBefOre laws Were Writte n, there WaS no SUre Way / of knowing What WaS Permitted and What WaS forbid- den. / One judge might apply one Set of rules to a CaSe / while ano ther judge might apply completely dif
11、fere nt rules to a SimiIar case. / It all depe nded on the PerS onal judgme nt of one PerS on. /Today We follow the CuStOm Of recording OUr laws. / Rules PaSSed by OUr IaWmakerS are Prin ted and avail- able for every One to see. / Un IeSS laws are PUbIiCIy available, / We do not regard them as bindi
12、ng. /EaCh of US is SUbjeCt to many different SetS of laws. / Some laws Say What is Permitted, SUCh as how fast you may drive. / Other laws Say What is required, SUCh as Pay ing a federal in come tax. / Still other laws Say What is prohibited, SUCh as smok ing in elevators. / In the Un ited States, f
13、ederal laws apply to every one / and State laws apply to activities Within each state. / 265Than ksgi Ving DayThanksgiVing Day is one of the most truly AmeriCan holidays in the United StateS/and is most closely connected With the earliest history of the country. / In 1620, the settlers, or PiIgrims,
14、 SaiIed to AmeriCa on the May Flower, /seeking a place Where they could have freedom of worship. /After a two-m on th tempestuous VOyage they Ianded at Plymouth, MaSSaChUSettS in the icy NOVember. / DUring their first Winter, over half of the SettIerS died of StarVati on or epidemics. / Those who SU
15、rViVed bega n sowing in the first SPring. / All SUmmer long they Waited for the harvests With great an xiety, /k nowing that their lives and the future existe nce of the colony /depe nded on the COming harvest. / Finally the fields PrOdUCed a rich yield beyOnd expectations. /And therefore it WaS dec
16、ided/that a day of tha nksgi Ving to the Lord be fixed. / YearS later, a PreSident of the United StateS proclaimed the fourth ThUrSday of NOVember as Than ksgi Ving Day every year. / The CeIebrati on of Than ksgi Ving Day has bee n ObSerVed on that date Un til today.264The Father and HiS SonsA fathe
17、r had a family of sons who Were perpetually quarreli ng among themselves. / When he failed to heal their disputes, / he determined to give them a PraCtiCaI illustrati on of dis union; /and for this PUrPOSe he told them to bring him a bun dle of StiCks. /Whe n they had done so, he PIaCed the faggot i
18、nto the hands of each of them in SUCCeSSion, /and Ordered them to break it in pieces. /They tried With all their Strength, and Were not able to do it. /He n ext ope ned the faggot,/took the StiCkS separately, one by on e,/a nd aga in PUt them into his sons' han ds, upon WhiCh they broke them eas
19、ily. /He the n addressed them in these words: /"My sons, if you are of one mind, and Unite to assist each other,/you will be as this faggot, Uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; / but if you are divided among yourselves,/you will be broke n as easily as these sticks." 263 SleepSl
20、eep is Part of a PerS on's daily activity cycle. / There are SeVeraI differe nt StageS of sleep, and they too occur in CyCles. / If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. /When you first drift off into sleep, your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slight
21、ly, / your muscles will relax, and your breathing will slow and become quite regular. / Your brain WaVeS slow down a bit, too, /with a rhythm of rather fast WaVeS predo min at ing for the first few mi nu tes. / ThiS is called Stage 1 sleep. / FOr the next half hour Or so, as you relax more and more,
22、 / you Will drift down through Stage 2 and Stage 3 sleep. / The lower your Stage of sleep, the slower your brain WaVeS will be. / Then about 40 to 69 minu tes after you lose con SCiOUS ness / you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. / Your brain will show the large slow waves. / ThiS is Stage
23、 4 sleep.262Social and PhySiCaI DiSta nceSocial dista nce may affect how ope nly employees SPeak about their work. /People of the Same rank may talk fran kly to one ano ther about how things are going. / However, they may be less hon est With some one higher UP in the hierarchy / for fear of PrejUdi
24、Cing their POSition in the company. / For this reason employees often alter the facts to tell the boss What he or She WantS to hear. / One Way of reduc ing social distance is to CUt clown the WayS / in WhiCh employees Can indicate higher status. / PhySiCaI dista nce Can affect how well people com mu
25、ni cate. / The farther away one PerSon is from another, the less often they communicate. / Some research has shown that Whe n the dista nce is more tha n 10 meters, / the PrObabiIity of com muni Cat ing at least once a Week is onIy 8%. / The most important thing for all managers to remember / is tha
26、t com muni Cati on is a two-way process. / They should en COUrage their employees to ask questi ons/and to react to What the man agers are Say ing.261The HiStOriCaI Significance of AmeriCan RevolutionThe AmeriCa n Revoluti on represe nts the Iink betwee n the SeVe ntee nth Cen tury, / i n WhiCh mode
27、r n En gla nd became con SCiOUS of itself, / and the awake ning of moder n EUrOPe at the end of the eighteenth Century. / It may Seem Strange that the march of history should have had to cross the Atlantic OCean, / but onIy in the North AmeriCan colonies could a StraggIe for CiViC Iiberty/lead also
28、to the foundation of a new nation. / Here, in the popular rising against a "tyrannical" government, / the fruits Were more than the SeCUring of a freer conStitUtion. /They inCIUded the growth of a nation horn in Iiberty by the will of the people, / not from the roots of com mon desce nt, /
29、 a geographic entity, or the ambitions of king or dynasty. / With the AmeriCan nation, /for the first time, a nation WaS born, /not in the dim PaSt of history/but before the eyes of the whole world.260SaltWe do not know When man first began to USe salt, /but We do know that it has been USed in many
30、different ways. / HiStOriCaI evidence shows that people who lived over 3,000 years ago ate SaIted fish. / ThOUSands of years ago in Egypt, / salt WaS USed to embalm the dead. / SteaIi ng salt WaS con Sidered a major Crime duri ng some eras of history. / In the 18th Century', if a PerSon WaS CaUg
31、ht SteaIing salt, / he could be PUt in jail. / Salt WaS an importa nt item on the table of royalty. / It WaS traditi on ally PIaCed in front of the King Whe n he Sat dow n to eat. / In the early days in the U. S., salt WaS Very scarce. / So the StOrekeePer of pion eer days WaS Very CarefUI With his
32、salt. / in the modern world salt has many USeS beyond the dining table. / It is USed in making glass and airpla ne parts, /grow ing crops and killi ng weeds.259There are Very Ofte n StrO ng OPiniOnS expressed about What makes a good Wi ne. /At a SimPIe level, a good Wine is One that you enjoy drinki
33、ng. /But Why do you Prefer One Wine to ano ther? /To judge a Wine there are three basic Sen SeS that have to be employed: /the SenSe of sight, the SenSe of smell, and the SenSe of taste. /Of these three, taste is by far the most complex, but Sight and smell are powerful. /The wrong colour or the wro
34、ng smell en ables a Wine to be discarded /without taste eve n being invo Ived. /Hav ing exam ined the wine, /you Can now get on and drink it. /But try and remember your con clusi ons, /for it is only by build ing UP your own PerS onal taste bank memory /that you Can PrOgreSS as a Wine taster. /It is
35、 not difficult, and it is great fun. Cheers!258AmeriCa n Wedd ing CUStOmSWedd ing days are ofte n con Sidered the most importa nt day of many people's lives. /For this mason alone, throughout the PaSt and in to moder n day,/nu merous CUStOmS and SUPerStiti ons have developed around the Weddi ng
36、eve nt,i n hopes of Creati ng "The PerfeCt Day". /A Very com mon CUStOm still honored today /is in refere nce to a time- old Say ing: /someth ing old, SOmethi ng n ew, SOmethi ng borrowed, SOmeth ing blue, /and a SiIVer SiXPence inSide your shoe. /So old is this that tracing it back to its
37、 origination is nearly impossible. /The "old" is believed to be the friends and family atte nding the Weddi ng. /The "n ew" is represe nted by the couple themselves, as a "new" union. /The "borrowed" is SOmething from the families that is to be returned. /Some
38、thing "blue" is interpreted to represent the bride's Virginity. /The SiXPence Can be any form of money, tucked into the bride's shoe, /this to bring WeaIth to the union, both in mon etary means and love.257OPPOrt UnityOPPOrt Un ities don't come ofte n. /They come every once in
39、a while. Very ofte n, they come quietly and go by WithOUt being no ticed. /Therefore, it's advisable that you should value and treat them With care. /When an opportUnity comes, /it brings a PrOmiSe but never realizes it on its own. /If you intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work h
40、ard. /Otherwise, you will take no adva ntage of opport Un ities Whe n they ViSit you. /The differe nce betwee n a SUCCeSSfUI man and one who is no t lies only in their Way of treating opportUnities. /The SUCCeSSfUI PerSon always makes adequate PreParations to meet opportUnities. /The loser, on the o
41、ther hand, works little and just WaitS to See them PaSS by. / There are ple nty of opport Un ities for every one in our society, /but only those who are PrePared adequately and qualified highly / Can make USe of them to achieve their purpose. /Chance favors the minds that are prepared. 256 TeIeViSi
42、onTeIeViSion, although not essential, has become an important Part of most people's lives. / It alters people's WayS of Seeing the world; / in many ways, it SUPPOrtS and SUStains modern life. / TeIeViSion has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conv ersatio ns, / the major tran Smitter of
43、 culture, a keeper of traditi on. / Yet What Can be Seen On TV in One day is CritiCalIy analyzed. / It becomes evident that televisiOn is not a reader but a SUStainer; / the poor quality of PrOgrammerS does not elevate people into greater Understanding, / but rather maintains and enCOUrageS the life
44、 as it exists. / The Primary reason for the lack of quality in AmeriCan television/is related to both the history of TV PrOgram developme nt and the econo mics of TV. /The close relati on ShiP WhiCh the advertisers had With radio programs/ became the SyStem for AmeriCa n TV. / Spon sors not only Pai
45、d money for time With in PrOgrams, /but many actually PrOdUCed the PrOgrams.255SeIf-C on CePtThe SeIf-C on CePt is a complex StrUCtUre./This complexity is illustrated by the idea of multiple SeIVeS./We Seem to be a differe nt PerS on in each of many differe nt SitUati on s./A n example may CIarify t
46、his con cept. First, PiCtUre yourself at an athletic eve nt. / Now, con trast this image With one of yourselves tak ing a final exam. /Fi nally, imagi ne yourself at work on a Very busy day./You should PrObabIy describe yourself differe ntly in each Sett in g./Which image is really you? Of course, a
47、ll are./We have multiple SeIves, each depe ndent on a con text. TOgether they form our SeIf-C on cept./It is the con text that makes Certa in aspects of our SeIf-C on CePt more importa nt at a PartiCUIar mome nt./ SeIf-C on CePt is composed of our beliefs, Values, and attitudes./Our beliefs give our
48、 SeIf-C on CePtS their SUbSta nce,our VaIUeS give them aspiratio ns and Sta ndards,a nd our attitudes give them motivati on. /These three elements PrOVide a StrUCtUre in WhiCh We develop and build ourselves.254Hemi ngwayAmeriCan Writer Hemingway WaS born in Oak Park, Illinois. / He Started his Caree
49、r as a Writer in a n ewspaper OffiCe at the age of SeVe ntee n./Duri ng the 1920s, Hemingway became a member of the group AmeriCans Iiving in Paris,/ WhiCh he described in his first importa nt work, The SUn Also Rises. / Equally SUCCeSSfUI WaS A FareWeIl To Arms, / the StUdy of an AmeriCan ambulance
50、 officer's disillusiOnment in the War and his role as a deserter./Hem in gway USed his experie nce as a reporter/during the Civil War in SPain as the backgroUnd for his most ambitious novel,For Whom the Belt Tolls. /Among his later works, the most OUtStanding is the short noVel / The Old Man and
51、 The Sea,/the story of an old fisherman's journey,/his long and Ionely StrUggIe With a fish and the sea,/and his ViCtOry in defeat./Now Hemingway is the CIaSSiC symbol of bravery, or strong man.253Global TeXt PrOjeCtBooks are a high cost of higher education ./But the Global TeXt PrOjeCt hopes to
52、 Create a free Iibrary of one thousa nd electro nic textbooks / for StUde nts in develop ing countries./ The aim is to offer SUbjeCtS that StUdents may take in their first few years at a Uni VerSity./The books could be Prin ted or read on a COmPUter/or COPied onto a CD or DVD./The Global TeXt PrOjeC
53、t is a new tech no logy,the free en cyclopedia that anyone can edit on the Internet./But onIy one or two people will be able to make the final edits in texts./The PrOjeCt in CIUdeS a COmmittee of scholars,/mostly from develop ing COun tries,to advice On required textbooks and their COnten t./The gro
54、up's first book on information SyStemS is being tested in Indonesia. / PrOjeCt organiZerS also Want to offer textbooks in Arabic, Chinese and SPanish./ They are working With a translation company in the United States.252ChriStmaS DayChriStmaS Day, the 25th of DeCember,/is the biggest festival Ce
55、Iebrated in the ChriStian countries of the world./ Although everyOneenjOyS ChriStmaS Day, it is particularly enjo yed by ChiIdre n,/who get Very excited bemuse of the PreSe nts they know they are going to receive./Small ChiIdre n believe that their PreSe nts are brought by Father ChriStmaS./Father C
56、hriStmaS is a kind of old man who, / the ChiIdren are told, lives at the North Pole. / He travels through the Sky on a SIeigh WhiCh is pulled by deer and loaded With PreSe nts./Stopp ing on the roof of houses, he en ters by CIimbi ng the Chi mn ey./Whe n small ChiIdre n go to bed on ChriStmaS Eve,/t
57、hey hang a stocking at the end of their beds./Their Parents Warn them not to try to look at Father ChriStmas,/or he will not leave them anything./When they wake, they find their stock ings filled With PreSe nts./ChiIdre n are Very excited on ChriStmaS morning and always Wake UP early.251GUiIty or No
58、t GUiItyMany attempts have bee n made in the PaSt to assess the effects of alcohol on road Safety./For SeVeraI reas ons this is a complicated problem./It is hard to establish that the accused driver had bee n drinkin g,/a nd if so, how much./ EVe n Whe n there is no doubt about this, / there still r
59、ema ins the task of PrOVing that the accide nt WaS in fact / due to the alcoholic State of the driver./In Great Britain, it's particularly difficult to make any PreCiSe assessme nt of the effect of alcohol / on the rate of traffic accide nts./BeCaUSe the police, Whe n report ing an accide nt,are
60、 most relucta nt to Say that they SUSPeCt the driver of being Un der the in flue nce of alcohol / Unl ess they Charge him With being drunk./They are also aware that, even When the driver is Charged With being drun k,/he Sta nds an excelle nt Cha nce of being released / if he chooses to appear for trial before a judge and jur
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