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1、人教新课标必修8 Using languageZhou Rui has decided to do a project on a living British inventor called James Dyson. So he telephoned Dysons company in England to interview one of its engineers about the great mans ideas. Listen to the tape and tick the words you hear.washing machinebicyclecarpet cleanercou

2、rtrefrigeratordrum3 Listen again and make notes on James Dysons invention.Object The problemJames Dysons improvementWashing machineWashing machines at that time did not clean the clothes as well as by hand.He invented a machine using two drums which move in opposite directionsUnit 3 Inventors and in

3、ventionsReading Task 1: Get some general information of Bell.Date InformationIn 1847He was young11 years oldIn 187675 years oldHe was born.His family moved to Boston, USA. He made his first invention. He invented the first telephone. He made his last invention. Reading Task 2: Read the passage and a

4、nswer the questions:1. The text mainly tells us some information about_ . A. Bell and his telephone B. Bell and his telegraph C. Bell and his helicopter designs D. Bell and his inventionsChoose the best answer. D 2. Bell invented _ by chance according to the text. A. Morse code B. telegraph C. telep

5、hone D. tetrahedronC 3. Which statement is true according to the text? A. Bell made a contribution to the deaf education. B. Bell invented the telephone for the deaf. C. Bell thought that you should not think too much about something that you had never seen before. D. Bell invented a lot of flying m

6、achines while searching for a kite to carry a man into the air.A 4. According to the text, Bell got such great achievement thanks to _. A. a straw joined to a deaf mans ear B. the exploring around problems C. a moving electrical current D. his excellent assistant WatsonB 5. We can infer from the tex

7、t that _. A. doing research in telegraph helped Bell greatly in inventing the telephone B. Bell was given the patent after he succeeded in sending the first telephone message C. in order to make the bridges stronger Bell discovered telephone D. Bell discovered so many practical solutions that he mus

8、t be a millionaireA He dived into the history of China 他潜心研究中国历史。他潜心研究中国历史。全心投入全心投入 He dived into his pockets and took out one dollar他迅速把手伸进口袋掏出了一美元。他迅速把手伸进口袋掏出了一美元。4. Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before. Every / each time 意为意为“每次每次; 每当每当”, 在句子在句子中

9、可作连词中可作连词, 引导时间状语从句。能用做连词的引导时间状语从句。能用做连词的名词短语还有:名词短语还有:the first time 第一次第一次the last time 上一次上一次next time 下次下次immediately/ directly 一一 就就the moment / minute/ second/ instant 一一 就就 _ the train, I saw my father. (moment) 我一下火车就看到了我的父亲。我一下火车就看到了我的父亲。 _, he asks me for money. (time) 他每次来这儿,都向我要钱。他每次来这儿,

10、都向我要钱。 _ at the airport,he was surrounded by the reporters. (immediately, turn) 他一出现在机场,就被记者包围了。他一出现在机场,就被记者包围了。 He gave me a good impression _. (meet)第一次见到他时,他给我留下了好印象。第一次见到他时,他给我留下了好印象。the first time I met him.The moment I got offEvery time he comes hereImmediately he turned up “Leave the beaten t

11、rack occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before. Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. All really big discoveries are the result

12、 of thought.” “偶尔离开平路去寻求困境。每当你这么做的时候,偶尔离开平路去寻求困境。每当你这么做的时候,你一定会发现你从未见过的东西。跟踪下去,不断你一定会发现你从未见过的东西。跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。所有真正伟大的发现都是思考西占据着你的头脑。所有真正伟大的发现都是思考的结果。的结果。”5. Bell never set out to invent the telephone and what he was trying to design was a multiple telegr

13、aph. 贝尔并非一开始就想要发明电话的,他贝尔并非一开始就想要发明电话的,他本来想设计的是多路电报。本来想设计的是多路电报。 set out (to do sth.) 开始(做某事)开始(做某事),着手干着手干; 为某个目标而努力为某个目标而努力They are setting out to do a new experiment. 他们正在着手干一项新的试验。他们正在着手干一项新的试验。set out to do sth. = set about doing sth.set out for = set off for = leave for意为意为“出发到出发到去去”Lets set ou

14、t before dark.我们天黑前动身吧。我们天黑前动身吧。Tomorrow Ill set out for Beijing. 明天我将出发去北京。明天我将出发去北京。6. tap v&n. ( -pp- )vt&vi. 轻敲;轻拍;轻叩轻敲;轻拍;轻叩Someone_. ( 轻轻叩门轻轻叩门 )Tom _the shoulder. (拍了拍我的肩拍了拍我的肩)He _ the table.(不停地用手轻轻敲着桌子)(不停地用手轻轻敲着桌子)n.There _ the door.有轻轻叩门的声音。有轻轻叩门的声音。Dont_. (别把水龙头一直开着别把水龙头一直开着)tap

15、ped on the doortapped me onkept tapping his fingers onis a tap at/onleave the tap running轻敲轻敲/拍拍/叩;叩;(水水)龙头龙头Which is the hot tap? 哪一个是热水哪一个是热水龙头龙头? 7. The patent was given in 1876, but it was not until five days later that Bell sent the first telephone message to his assistant, Watson. 这项专利是这项专利是18

16、76年发布的,但是贝尔是在年发布的,但是贝尔是在5 天之后才天之后才跟他的助手华生通了第一次电话。跟他的助手华生通了第一次电话。It is/was not until that . 这是强调这是强调not until 引导的时间状语从句句型。引导的时间状语从句句型。eg. It was not until he finished his homework that he went to bed.1) It wasnt until nearly a month later _.2) Not until nearly a month later _. 直到将近一个月以后,我才收到经理的回复。直到将

17、近一个月以后,我才收到经理的回复。 that I received the managers replydid I receive the managers reply8. Being very stable, it has proved invaluable in the design of bridges.Because it is very stable, 在句中作在句中作原因状语。原因状语。stable: The patients condition is stable. 患者病情稳定。患者病情稳定。2. The ladder doesnt seem very stable. 这架梯子

18、好像不太稳。这架梯子好像不太稳。 a stable relationship 稳定的关系稳定的关系adj. firmly fixed; not likely to move, change or fail; steady 稳固的;稳定的;牢固的稳固的;稳定的;牢固的_, he has a lot to talk with his friends. 因为他为人很坦率,他和朋友间无话不谈。因为他为人很坦率,他和朋友间无话不谈。Being very straightforwardstability n.稳定(性)稳定(性)3) n. 同事;伙伴同事;伙伴He is_.他是我事业上的伙伴。他是我事业上

19、的伙伴。my business associate a person you work withspend time with sb. The dictionary is very practical.这本词典非常实用。这本词典非常实用。1. hang/ hold on 不挂断不挂断_a minute Ill just see if hes here.表示表示“不挂断电话不挂断电话”的说法还有:的说法还有:Hold the line,please. / Just a minute/moment,please. 稍等稍等 Hang on! Ill be ready in a minute. 抓紧

20、抓紧 _! The bus is about to start.hang on to sth 抓紧某物抓紧某物_and dont let go. 紧紧抓住绳子别松手。紧紧抓住绳子别松手。Hang on to the ropeHang on tightHang on2. out of order 发生故障发生故障The phone_. 这电话又坏了。这电话又坏了。次序颠倒次序颠倒I checked the files and_. (有些(有些文件未按顺序编排)文件未按顺序编排)putin order 把把按顺序排列按顺序排列keep in order 使使井然有序井然有序is out of or

21、der againsome of the papers were out of order3. get through (用电话用电话)接通;打通;联系上接通;打通;联系上 vi.I tried calling you several times but_.我试着给你打了几次电话,但都没打通。我试着给你打了几次电话,但都没打通。get through to sb. (用电话用电话) 联系上某人联系上某人At last I _one of the managers.我终于设法和一名经理通上了电话。我终于设法和一名经理通上了电话。(设法)做完(设法)做完 vt.Weve got a lot of

22、work_.我们有许多活要干。我们有许多活要干。I couldnt get throughmanaged to get through toto get throughmake contact with sb.by telephonemanage to do or complete sth. 度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间)度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间)vt.Smile can help you _. (顺利)通过考试(顺利)通过考试Sb. get through sth. 某人通过考试某人通过考试I am afraid your daughter failed to _.get sb. thr

23、ough sth. 确保确保/使使通过通过She _.get through difficult situationsget through her mid-term examgot all her students through the exam 使使正式通过,获得采纳正式通过,获得采纳getthroughThey _Congress.他们使此议案在国会获得通过。他们使此议案在国会获得通过。 消耗掉;用完;耗尽消耗掉;用完;耗尽He _in one evening.他一晚上就能花掉一百美元。他一晚上就能花掉一百美元。he _while he was in NY.got through a fortunecan get through $100got th


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