1、会计学1疝解剖学实用疝解剖学实用(shyng)第一页,共30页。SkinSuperficial fasica Scarpas fasciaMuscles of anteriorabdominal Campers fasciaTransversalis fasciawall第1页/共30页第二页,共30页。一. The Muscles of Abdomen (The Anterolateral Group) 腹肌(f j)(前外侧群)obliquus externus abdominis 腹外斜肌腹外斜肌linea alba 腹白线腹白线 inguinal ligament 腹股沟韧带腹股沟韧带
2、(rndi) superficial inguinal ring 腹股沟管浅环腹股沟管浅环 第2页/共30页第三页,共30页。 腹股沟管皮下环腹股沟管皮下环 superficial inguinal ring:内侧脚内侧脚medial crus、外侧、外侧(wi c)脚脚lateral crus、脚间纤维、脚间纤维intercrural fibers.腹外斜肌腹外斜肌External oblique腹外斜肌腱腹外斜肌腱(jjin)膜膜External oblique,aponeurosisIntercrural fibersMedial crus第3页/共30页第四页,共30页。v返转韧带返转
3、韧带(rndi)reflected ligament、腹股沟韧带、腹股沟韧带(rndi)inguinal ligament、第4页/共30页第五页,共30页。第5页/共30页第六页,共30页。obliquus internus abdominis腹内(f ni)斜肌Cremaster 提睾肌 transversus abdominis 腹横肌inguinal falx腹股沟镰 (conjoined tendon) 第6页/共30页第七页,共30页。 第7页/共30页第八页,共30页。 精索内筋膜精索内筋膜(jn m)internal spermatic fascia第8页/共30页第九页,共3
4、0页。第9页/共30页第十页,共30页。腹前壁内面腹前壁内面(ni min)的皱襞的皱襞及凹窝及凹窝4. 壁腹膜壁腹膜(fm) Parietal peritoneum第10页/共30页第十一页,共30页。第11页/共30页第十二页,共30页。1. The skin2. Superficial fascia3. Aponeurosis of external obliquus abdominis(二)The Layers of the Inguinal Region第12页/共30页第十三页,共30页。4. Iliohypogastric nerve and ilioinguinal nerve
5、5. Obliquus internus abdominis6. Transversus abdominis第13页/共30页第十四页,共30页。7. Transverse fascia8. Extraperitoneal fascia9. Inferior epigastric artery and deep circumflex artery10.Parietal peritoneum第14页/共30页第十五页,共30页。第15页/共30页第十六页,共30页。第16页/共30页第十七页,共30页。第17页/共30页第十八页,共30页。 The inguinal canal is an ob
6、lique, inferomedially passage(between the superficial and deep inguinial rings) through the inferior part of the anterior abdominal wall), 35cm long.位于腹股沟带内侧半的上方,是由外上斜向内下的肌筋膜(jn m)裂隙。 The inguinal canal lies parallel and just superior to the medial half of the inguinal ligament. The main occupant of
7、 the inguinal canal is the spermatic cord in males and the round ligament of the uterus in females. It also contains blood and lymphatic vessels and the ilioinguinal nerve in both sexes. 有精索(男性)或子宫圆韧带(女性)、髂腹股沟神经(shnjng)通过。 第18页/共30页第十九页,共30页。vThe deep ( internal ) inguinal ring, entrance to inguinal
8、 canal , is an outpouching of the transversalis fascia approximately 1.25cm superior to the middle of the inguinal ligament and lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels.内口:即腹股沟深环,位于腹股沟韧带内口:即腹股沟深环,位于腹股沟韧带(rndi)中点上方约一横指处、腹中点上方约一横指处、腹壁下动脉外侧,是腹横筋膜在向外突形成的一个卵圆形孔。壁下动脉外侧,是腹横筋膜在向外突形成的一个卵圆形孔。vThe superficia
9、l ( external ) inguinal ring-exit from inguinal canal- is a slitlike opening between the diagonal fibers of the aponeurosis fo the external oblique, superolateral to the pubic tubercle.v 外口:即腹股沟管浅环,是腹外斜肌腱膜在耻骨结节外口:即腹股沟管浅环,是腹外斜肌腱膜在耻骨结节(ji ji)外上方形成的三外上方形成的三角形裂隙。角形裂隙。 第19页/共30页第二十页,共30页。v The anterior w
10、all of the inguinal canal is formed by the external oblique aponeurosis throughout the length of the canal, with the anterior wall of the lateral part of the canal being reinforced by fibers of internus oblique. 前壁:为浅层的腹外斜肌腱前壁:为浅层的腹外斜肌腱(jjin)膜和深层的腹内斜肌(在管的外侧膜和深层的腹内斜肌(在管的外侧1/3处)。处)。 v vThe posterior w
11、all of the inguinal canal is formed by the transversalis fascia with the posterior wall of the medial part of the canal being reinforced the conjoint tendon.v后壁:为腹横筋膜后壁:为腹横筋膜(jn m)和腹股沟镰(在管的内侧和腹股沟镰(在管的内侧1/3处)。处)。 Roof ( superior wall) is formed by the arching fibers of the internal oblique and transv
12、erse abdominal muscles. 上壁:为腹内上壁:为腹内(f ni)斜肌和腹横肌的弓状下缘。斜肌和腹横肌的弓状下缘。 Floor( inferior wall ) is formed by the inguinal ligament.下壁:为腹股沟韧带。下壁:为腹股沟韧带。第20页/共30页第二十一页,共30页。腹股沟三角腹股沟三角(snjio) Inguinal Triangle (海氏三角(海氏三角(snjio) Hesselbachs triangle)构成构成(guchng):腹壁下动脉、腹直肌外侧缘和腹股沟韧带内侧半所围成的三角形区域。:腹壁下动脉、腹直肌外侧缘和腹股沟韧带内侧半所围成的三角形区域。临床意义:由腹股沟三角突出的疝,称腹股沟直疝。临床意义:由腹股沟三角突出的疝,称腹股沟直疝。第21页/共30页第二十二页,共30页。第22页/共30页第二十三页,共30页。第23页/共30页第二十四页,共30页。I
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