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1、阶段综合检测(三)(时间:100分钟;满分120分)第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项athis holiday's resolution: visit more galleriessounds easy enough,right?it should be,as the bay area is loaded with galleries.here are a few suggestions to help expand your cultural brain.crafts

2、man house shows fine american craft from more than 300 local and national artists in a restored 1920s bungalow in st.pete's grand central district.in addition to the showroom,the carriage house out back is a fully operational pottery studio.they also have a fresh cafe in the house that offers co

3、ffee,tea,lunch and baked goods.normal hours are from 10 am.to 7 pm.from monday to saturday and from 11 am.to 5 pm.on sunday.www.craftsmanhouse­.ocean blue gallery on downtown st.pete's beach drive is brand new and only open for a month.they feature paintings,glass,wood sculptures and metal

4、art,and as the name implies,they're heavy on beach and sea life themes.they're located at 284 beach drive ne and open from 10:30 am.to 5 pm.from sunday to thursday and from 10:30 am.to 4 pm.from friday to s.tempus project in tampa's seminole heights is a gallery that represents establish

5、ed and developing local,national and international artists through inspiring exhibitions.the exhibition on display is boys on film,an exhibit of new sculptures and drawings by noelle mason that researches the fiction and fantasy.the gallery is only open by appointment,but they will be open from 7 am

6、.to 9 pm.on july 6th for seminole heights first friday,which is also the last day for the .【语篇解读】本文是一则广告。这个节日的决议是参观更多的画廊。听起来很简单,因为海湾地区到处都是画廊。这里有一些建议可以帮助你扩展你的文化大脑。1what can people enjoy in craftsman house?avisiting some beautiful bungalows.ba fresh breakfast.ctalking with national artists.dsome food.

7、d细节理解题。根据craftsman house中 they also have a fresh cafe in the house that offers coffee,tea,lunch and baked goods.可知,在craftsman house人们可以享受到一些食物。2what is special about ocean blue gallery?ait has a long history.bits themes are about beach and sea life.cthe opening time is the longest.dits works come fr

8、om many foreign countries.b细节理解题。根据ocean blue gallery中they feature paintings,glass,wood sculptures and metal art,and as the name implies,they're heavy on beach and sea life themes.可知,ocean blue gallery的特殊之处是“它的主题是关于海滩和海洋生物的。”3what should people do to visit tempus project?amake appointments befor

9、e july 6th.bcollect some information online.cknow something about the fiction.dresearch famous drawings.a细节理解题。根据tempus project中 the gallery is only open by appointment,but they will be open from 7 am.to 9 pm.on july 6th for seminole heights first friday可知,访问tempus project的人们在7月6日之前预约。bcassie warren

10、 and jesse jones will always have a great story to tell their kids about the kindness of strangers and how one stranger in particular made their wedding planning that much sweeter.a few weeks ago,as warren was addressing wedding invitations for her upcoming wedding,she mistakenly used an old address

11、 for her aunt and uncle in nearby eugene,oregon.but when a stranger received the misaddressed mail,she didn't just throw it in the garbage like many people would have done.instead,she returned the invitation,along with a sweet note and $20 as a wedding present.the sender also wrote “live long an

12、d prosper.” on the corner of the cardwords from “star trek”,probably because the young couple's wedding invitation shows jesse holding a light knife from “star wars” and cassie holding a wand (魔杖) in a nod to the “harry potter” books.the generous stranger also included $20,probably as a little g

13、ift for the wedding.the young couple put the money to good use by going out to dinner with a friend who wouldn't be able to attend the wedding.warren said that she was at first confused by the returned wedding invitation.“but after i saw the note,i was just surprised and blessed that she/he woul

14、d do that for a stranger,” warren said.“jesse was confused at first,toohe wondered why someone had sent us money,then i read the message to him,and he was shocked and grateful.”warren and jones still don't know the name of the kind stranger,but warren sent a thank­you note to the same addre

15、ss to let the sender know how much her/his generosity was appreciated.the young couple plan to marry in june and thanks to the kindness of a stranger,their marriage is already off to a sweet start.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲了一对新人在邮寄结婚邀请函时弄错了地址,意外的把地址寄给了一个陌生人,但是这个陌生人却没有忽略这封邀请函,而是给他们回了邮件并且寄了一张祝福卡和20美金作为结婚礼物,

16、这对新婚夫妇对陌生人的这个举动很是感动。4what caused the story to happen?aa stranger's honesty.ba genuine e­mail.ca wrong address. djones's carelessness.c细节理解题。由文中第二段的she mistakenly used an old address for her aunt and uncle in nearby eugene,oregon可知,是因为一个错误的地址才产生了后续的故事,故c选项正确。5how did the stranger deal wi

17、th the invitation?ashe gave it to jesse's aunt.bshe accepted it immediately.cshe ignored it completely. dshe responded to it kindly.d细节理解题。由文中第二段的she returned the invitation,along with a sweet note and $20 as a wedding present可知,这个陌生人没有扔掉邀请卡,而是回应贺卡,并且还寄了结婚礼物。6how did warren feel on receiving the

18、 returned wedding invitation?athankful.bpuzzled.crelaxed.dangry.b推理判断题。由文中倒数第二段的warren said that she was at first confused by the returned wedding invitation可知,沃伦在最初收到邀请函的回复时很是疑惑。7what can be the best title for the text?aa sweet weddingba kind neighborcstranger's kindnessda happy young couplec标题

19、归纳题。本文主要讲了一个陌生人虽然收到了一张并不认识的人的邀请函,但是他还是很友好的回复了邀请函。clet's be honest,kids are strange.and when you hear your three­year­old son arguing over who gets to be the mom while playing “house” alone in the other room,you might question if you've done something wrong as a parent.but don't

20、 worry,it's perfectly normal for your child to have an imaginary friend,and it even has some benefits.while your kids are benefiting from playing with their imaginary friend,try out these other ways to raise an intelligent child!one of the biggest profits is that it promotes creativity.just thin

21、k about ityou have to be a special kind of creative to carry on a conversation with an imaginary figure that doesn't respond.developmental psychologist marjorie taylor told purewow that your child's creativity will remain with them as they get older,even when they stop hanging out with their

22、 “friend”along with being more creative,they will also have a better developed and more different vocabulary as well as stronger social skills.talking to “sally” or “bob” all day will allow them to practice their speech and conversation skills.researchers at la trobe university in australia found th

23、at children who engage with their imaginary friends on a regular basis use more complex sentences and are more confident in everyday social situations.there are also some benefits for the parents.if your child's brothers or sisters aren't around or they're an only child,they have someone

24、 to entertain them while you spend the time on you never­ending to­do list.so even though it might get odd when your kids constantly ask you to set an extra plate at the table for their imaginary friends,they'll benefit in the future from keeping them around.having an extra member of t

25、he family can't be that bad,the more the merrier,right?【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。主要讲述的是孩子有想象中的朋友的好处。8who is the three­year­old boy talking to while playing “house” alone?ahis toy.bhis mother.chis brothers and sisters dhis imaginary friend.d细节理解题。根据第一段中don't worry,it's perfectly normal fo

26、r your child to have an imaginary friend,and it even has some benefits可知,一个三岁的小男孩在独自玩“房子”的时候和他想象的朋友说话。9how does marjorie taylor feel about children playing with heir “friend”?ait helps children develop better.bit relieves busy parents' pressure.cit shows children's loneliness.dit makes the f

27、amily get closer.a推理判断题。根据第二段中developmental psychologist marjorie taylor told purewow that your child's creativity will remain with them as they get older,even when they stop hanging out with their “friend”可知,marjorie taylor对孩子们和他的“朋友”玩的感觉是帮助孩子们发展得更好。10what does the author suggest to parents?asp

28、aring time with children.btaking children to play outside.cadopting an extra member of family.dletting children play with imaginary friends.d标题归纳题。根据最后一段最后一句having an extra member of the family can't be that bad,the more the merrier,right?可知,作者建议父母让孩子们和想象中的朋友一起玩耍。11what is the best title for the

29、 text?aways to play creativelybways to raise an intelligent childcbenefits of children's having imaginary friendsdbenefits of letting your child playc主旨大意题。根据最后一段中so even though it might get odd when your kids constantly ask you to set an extra plate at the table for their imaginary friends,they

30、'll benefit in the future from keeping them around.having an extra member of the family can't be that bad,the more the merrier,right?可知,本文主要讲述的是孩子有想象中的朋友的好处。dgive yourself a test.which way is the wind blowing?how many kinds of wildflowers can be seen from your front door?if your awareness is

31、 as sharp as it could be,you'll have no trouble answering these questions.most of us observed much more as children than we do as adults.a child's day is filled with fascination,newness and wonder.curiosity gave us all a natural awareness.but distinctions that were sharp to us as children be

32、come unclear; we are numb to new stimulation,new ideas.relearning the art of seeing the world around us is quite simple,although it takes practice and requires breaking some bad habits.the first step in awakening senses is to stop predicting what we are going to see and feel before it occurs.this bl

33、ocks awareness.one chilly night when i was hiking in the rocky mountains with some students,i mentioned that we were going to cross a mountain stream.the students began complaining about how cold it would be.we reached the stream,and they unwillingly walked ahead.they were almost knee­deep when

34、 they realized it was a hot spring.later they all admitted they'd felt cold water at first.another block to awareness is the obsession(痴迷)many of us have with naming things.i saw bird watchers who spotted a bird,immediately looked it up in field guides,and said,a “ruby­crowned kinglet” and

35、checked it off.they no longer paid attention to the bird and never learned what it was doing.the pressures of “time” and “destination” are further blocks to awareness.i encountered many hikers who were headed to a distant camp­ground with just enough time to get there before dark.it seldom occu

36、rred to them to wander a bit,to take a moment to see what's around them.i asked them what they'd seen.“oh,a few birds,” they said.they seemed bent on their destinations.nature seems to unfold to people who watch and wait.next time you take a walk,no matter where it is,take in all the sights,

37、sounds and sensations.wander in this frame of mind and you will open a new dimension to your life.【语篇解读】本文是一篇散文。我们有多久没有仔细观察我们周围的世界了。作者通过此文要告诉我们:放慢脚步,带着我们所有的感官来感受周围世界的奇妙。12. according to paragraph 2,compared with adults,children are more aanxious to do wondersbsensitive to others' feelingsclikely

38、 to develop unpleasant habitsdeager to explore the world around themd推理判断题。根据文章第二段most of us observed much more as children than we do as adults.a child's day is filled with fascination,newness and wonder.可知,与成人相比较,孩子观察得更多,孩子的一天充满了魔力、新奇和惊奇。从而可以推断出孩子更急于探索他们周围的世界。13what idea does the author convey

39、 in paragraph 3?ato avoid jumping to conclusions.bto stop complaining all the time.cto follow the teacher's advice. dto admit mistakes honestly.a推理判断题。根据文章第三段作者叙述在一个寒冷的夜晚,作者和学生徒步旅行穿过一条小溪的时候,学生们抱怨水太冷而不愿往前走,结果事实上那是一个温泉。作者举这样一个事例是为了向读者传递这样的观念:避免过早下结论。14. the bird watchers' behavior shows that t

40、hey aare very patient in their observationbare really fascinated by natureccare only about the names of birds dquestion the accuracy of the field guidesc细节理解题。根据文章第四段全段尤其是首句another block to awareness is the obsession(痴迷) many of us have with naming things.可知,鸟观察者发现鸟后只关心鸟的名字,并不关心它在做什么。15. why do the

41、hikers take no notice of the surroundings during the journey?athe natural beauty isn't attractive to them.bthey focus on arriving at the camp in time.cthe forest in the dark is dangerous for them.dthey are keen to see rare birds at the destination.b细节理解题。根据文章第五段i encountered many hikers who were

42、 headed to a distant camp­ground with just enough time to get there before dark.it seldom occurred to them to wander a bit,to take a moment to see what's around them.可知,徒步旅行者只关心能够及时到达目的地,而很少关心周围的事物。【解题策略】散文阅读本文是一篇散文阅读。整个文章行文自由,不拘一格,对考生来说阅读有一定的难度,但我们只需要抓住贯穿全文的主线:大自然只展现给那些善于观察和等待的人,就不难理解全文大意了

43、。文章多考查细节理解题和推理判断题,考生需要根据文中事实和线索作出判断和推理。第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。what will you do if you can't eat everything bought in the canteen? 16 according to a survey,what students waste every year could feed over 10 million people. 17 according to xinhua news ag

44、ency,the food wasted by chinese people is about 50 million tons of grain every year,which could feed 200 million people.food waste,which has become a global issue,serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues in different countries.in the west,for instance,consumerism,the belie

45、f that it's a good thing to use a lot of goods and services,is often to blame for food waste. 18 chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous.many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.on campus,a generation of single children is less aware of t

46、he food waste issue.students nowadays are well protected by their families and hardly have any concept of how much toil others go through in order to provide them with the food they eat. 19 there are over 925 million hungry people in the world,most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas.

47、they don't have enough food to eat.many children die for lack of nutrition each year in some african countries.and farmers work very hard to grow the crops. 20 it's also important that everyone should think about how they can do their bit to reduce food waste.astudents' waste is extremel

48、y serious.bchina,in turn,features its own eating culture.cbut canteen waste is extremely the tip of the iceberg.dstudents can never realize the serious food crisis.ecompared with them,some live in a different world.fso there's no excuse that we should waste our food.gmost of us would simply thro

49、w away any leftover food.【语篇解读】这是一篇议论文。文章主要讲了人们浪费食物的现象,并且提出每个人都应该想一想该怎样减少食物浪费也是非常重要的。16g第一行提出问题what will you do if you can't eat everything bought in the canteen?如果不能吃完在食堂买的东西,你会怎么做?根据 “what students waste every year could feed over 10 million people”可知,学生们会把吃不完的饭菜倒掉。17c本段开头第一句是过渡句,上文讲的是学校食堂食物浪费

50、,本段又讲的是全国食物浪费,食堂浪费仅是冰山一角。18b由上文讲in the west,横线后chinese people,可知这是进行中西方对比,讲的是关于中国的。19e根据上段最后一句可知,现在的学生由于被家庭所保护而几乎不知其他人为解决吃的问题所经历的辛苦;又根据there are over 925 million hungry people in the world,most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas.可知,与他们相比,世界上很多人还在挨饿,他们生活在不发达的国家和地区。20f根据上文中many childre

51、n die for lack of nutrition each year in some african countries.and farmers work very hard to grow the crops.可知,在一些非洲国家许多孩子因为缺营养而死亡,而且农民种粮食很辛苦,因此我们没有理由浪费粮食。同时根据后一句it's also important that everyone should think about how they can do their bit to reduce food waste.每个人都应该想一想该怎样减少食物浪费也是非常重要的。第二部分语言运

52、用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(2019·广东深圳新安中学期中)i'm proud of myself for this kindness i did last night. i did it 21 and did the right thing.however, i was unwilling to share, because by sharing i am also sharing the 22 and more self­centered side of myself.it was last night and i 23

53、 my shift at work. it was late and i wanted to go straight home.on my way out of the door i noticed a fellow staff member and colleague.she doesn't have a 24 and usually either catches a taxi home or 25 for an hour waiting for another staff member and friend of hers to finish work.in the past i&

54、#39;ve 26 to drive her home as she 27 on my side of town. but last night i really did not want to. i wanted to drive straight home, alone.and i did not have to make “small talk”so i tried to 28 her, walking past her, heading down,and stealing out(偷溜) to the 29 without letting her see me and 30 witho

55、ut offering her a lift.yet, something in myself was stopping me.something in myself made me look at her and put myself in her shoes. she had young 31 who she wanted to go home to attend to and,she could go home right now 32 i took her,not an hour later when the other staff member and friend of hers

56、who was taking her. so i offered.she 33 . and of course,she was extremely 34 well,i learned a great 35 last night about not being so self­centered and selfish!【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。讲述了作者差点因为自己内心中自私的一面而拒绝帮助同事,但后来换位思考依然决定帮助同事,而他自己也受益颇多。21a.nervouslybproudlycexactlydcarefullyb根据上句“i'm proud of myse

57、lf for this kindness i did last night.”可知作者对自己做的事情感到自豪。故选b。proudly自豪地。22a.pleasurebrespectchonourdselfishd由空后的self­centered和and可知空处应是和self­centered同类的词,故选selfish“自私”。故选d。23a.changedbkeptcfinisheddmissedc由下文的“go straight home”可知此处指作者完成(finish)工作。故选c。24a.homebchoicecfrienddcard由下文语境可知,她要么打车走

58、,要么等另外一位同事下班一起走,及下文作者载她回家可知,她没有车。故选d。25a.hangs aroundbhides awaycwatches overdcalms downa根据下文的“an hour waiting for,”因为是等待另外一位同事,所以此处闲逛(hang around)更符合上下文语境。故选a。hide away把隐藏;watch over监视;calm down平静下来。26a.hatedbhappenedcoffereddrefusedc由下文的“drive her home as she on my side of town”和“but last night i really did


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