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1、alleviation, xiapa capable cadres to guide poverty alleviation work, giving a Training support Choi annually and the assistance funds and donations visits condolences, especially is the provincial AIDS funds amounted to more than 370 million yuan. Directly under the point supporting units: City, sta

2、te owned assets management company, City Safety Supervision Bureau, the municipal CPPCC organs, the City Land Bureau, the city population and Family Planning Commission. They each unit assistance funds in 20 million yuan of above, the land and Resources Bureau of 87 million yuan. For my county pover

3、ty alleviation add important manpower, material resources and financial resources. 4, "rain plan". The county every year, "rain plan" training personnel in the 112 people, including young adults labor employment training 98 people, higher vocational training school 14 people. Fun

4、ds. Tang, a total of 98 million yuan, in order to improve the poor population quality, so that they have the skills, better able to find work, workers wages to higher income to increase. This year has been training a total of 114 people, overfulfil superior task. 5, poverty alleviation immigration r

5、elocation. In 2014, the county relocation escaping immigrants, deep in the mountains of the immigration and ethnic minority immigrants totaling 589 139 households. The relocation households basically built a new house, and some have moved into new homes, and the dismantling of the old house. Accordi

6、ng to "move out, steady live, can become rich" the spirit, I do and Mt. Gexian huangbi, stone township government to do a lot of work. In the Centralized Settlement point, to take a unified planning, unified design, unified layout measures to create a bright spot in the immigrant village,

7、the higher leadership of the full affirmation of these immigrants, the relocation of the masses to solve the masses"Actively participate in road and difficult to see a doctor difficult, go to school difficult practical problems. The production and living conditions have been greatly improved, t

8、he city people's life. 6, poor industry. Industrial development, poor people, and constantly increase their income. The" blood transfusion "into their own hematopoietic function is poverty alleviation work the main means, over the years, we although some special industries such as tea,

9、 mushrooms, red bud taro, bamboo, seed breeding, white lotus, Ehu fragrant rice, high yield camellia, but lack of funds, investment is little, the scale is small, visibility is not high, there is no brand, anti market risk weak. This year the county was included in the Central Soviet area county, st

10、rive for to 1000 Industry million fund to help the poor. I do this a few months to the grassroots work to research, made industrial poverty funds allocation principle, proposed at the beginning of the implementation of Qianshan County, < original Central Soviet Area Industrial Poverty Alleviation

11、 Fund Rules (Trial) >, the provisions to farmers' cooperatives as an implementation platform, members of cooperatives absorb poor households the proportion reached 60%, the provincial 14 impoverished village reached 80%, to ensure that more than 60% of industrial poverty funds so that poor ho

12、useholds benefit, members of poor households adopt preferential measures. Cooperatives to select a good benefit, development prospects, products to worry about sales, visibility, brand and strong ability to resist market risk. In the production Industry of the poverty alleviation funds, the implemen

13、tation of county, township and village regulation, the implementation of county-level 图书分类号:密 级:基于单片机的GSM、GPRS和GPS的定位防盗报警系统。加1047898131毕业设计(论文)汽车定位防盗报警系统设计THE DESIGN OF AUTOMOBILE POSITIONING ANTI-THEFT ALARM SYSTEM学生姓名学院名称学号班级专业名称指导教师2015年5月26日reimbursement system. To ensure the rational use of fun

14、ds, management in place, really play the efficiency of capital use. Let poor households through the development of the industry to take off deficient to become rich, to 2020 poor households annual income reached more than 4600 yuan, in synchronous well-off society goals. Second, reservoir resettleme

15、nt work 1, basic situation of immigrants I County Reservoir Resettlement mainly reservoir of the county yield, high shop reservoir, Lun Tan reservoir, furnace reservoir, DAAO reservoir and relocation to reservoir resettlement (provincial Ma Jie, Xin'anjiang, rich spring as well as outside the co

16、unty on July 1, Li Guan and other large and medium-sized reservoir immigrants ), reservoir resettlement 12589 people (of which the approved to the number of migrants 7517 people, cannot check and ratify the number of immigrants to 5072), located in the Wuyi County, Wang Er, lake square, 12 townships

17、, 68 administrative villages, 239 village group. 2. (1) immigration demonstration village construction aspects of immigrant demonstration village construction in accordance with the "village neat, household hardware circuit is communicated, every improving drinking water and lavatories, garbage

18、 treatment, standardize democratic management, rich cultural life, industry characteristics formation of basic standard, construction demonstration village 7, 3.259 million yuan project funds, a high starting point, high taste make provision Row, from planning to implementation of the tracking to en

19、sure the quality of construction of model village. The whole village has fundamentally changed. (2) infrastructure construction to solve infrastructure conditions are relatively poor in the outstanding problems, the immigration benefit 14830, influencing the population benefited 47192, with a total

20、investment of 383.69 million yuan, including 18.23 km of 22 immigration Village (Group) repair roads, has invested 186.94 million yuan, immigration benefit 7950 people; for 5 immigration Village (Group) repair ponds and reservoirs 7 seat, has invested 28 million yuan, to repair the canal for the nin

21、e immigrant village (Group) 727 km, has invested 71. Support of 72 million yuan; for a migration village (Group) in cropland of the low yield transformation of 100 acres, investment of 560 million yuan, immigration benefit 54. 5 an immigrant village (Group) repair water 369 households, investment 42

22、.43 million yuan, immigration benefit of 1062 people; for two immigration Village (Group) repairing anti slope 0.13 kilometers, has invested 17 million yuan, to benefit immigrant 193 for four immigrant village (Group) repair bridges and culverts 4 seat, has invested 19 million yuan for two immigrati

23、on Village (Group) repair the dam 0.35 km, has invested 13 million yuan. (3) industrial production development project 9, has invested 28.5 million yuan, including planting Sector 7, 1110 mu planting area, planting varieties have red bud taro, food crops, tea, nursery, red cedar, etc.; has invested

24、567 million yuan, aquaculture project, investment of 2 million yuan, pig 0.22 thousand head; support leading enterprises project 1, totaling $19.8 million. According to the regional economic development, industrial layout and market demand, according to the local infrastructure to improve the condit

25、ion of the, in respect of immigrants village, the wishes of the masses based on, according to local conditions, hauling industries, a variety of forms, management to households, most benefit "the basic requirements and to support毕业设计(论文)摘要随着中国汽车产业的持续快速发展,汽车的数量越来越多,它带给人们便利的同时,也给车主带来车辆被盗和丢失的危险。当今



28、介绍,最后一部分就是介绍对整个系统的测试。关键词 GPS;GSM;单片机;GPRSIIAbstractWith the rapid development of Chinese economy, the number of cars is becoming more and more. It not only brings people convenience, but also poses a risk to the owners car theft.At present, the traditional automotive anti-theft alarm system has many

29、 disadvantages such as the short distance of alarm, low reliability, not real-time tracking and easily to crack and so on. Based on this situation, this paper studies automobile positioning anti-theft alarm system based on GPS and GSM.It mainly consists of STC12C5A60S2 MCU, GPS module, GSM module ,

30、LCD modules and other hardware resources. When the car has an accident or is stolen,GPS positioning information will be sent to the owner of the car in the form of SMS.The owner can also monitor and control on the car actively. At the same time it also can keep the GPS positioning information upload

31、 to the cloud server through GPRS network.The server can save the data.Users can also through the web site or APP and other mobile terminals query to the car position in real time.Vehicle-mounted LCD screen can also shows the location of the vehicle information. The system can also display the real-

32、time location information of automobile.This study makes up the deficiency of the traditional automobile positioning anti-theft system, which has certain practical values.This paper mainly introduces the process of the design and the manufacture of automobile positioning anti-theft alarm system.It f

33、irstly introduces the development history of the system, then introduces the principle of relevant technology of GPS and GSM. In addition, it introduces the hardware design of ublox-6M chip and SIM900A chip based on STC12C5A60S2 MCU as the core. On the one hand, MCU serial port 1 is connected with t

34、he GSM module to realize the goal of receiving and sending control messages. At the same time it also can keep the GPS positioning information upload to the cloud server.On the other hand, single-chip serial port 2 is connected with the GPS module to receive the goal of the GPS module for transmissi

35、on over the navigation message, and introduces the display module at the same time.Then this paper introduces the design and carving of the PCB board, then introduces the software of the system after completing the hardware design. The last part is to introduce the test of the whole system. Keywords

36、 GSM GPS MCU GPRSI毕业设计(论文)目 录摘要IIAbstractIII1 绪论11.1 课题背景11.2 防盗系统发展历史11.3 国内外发展概况11.3.1 国内发展概况11.3.2 国外发展概况21.4 课题研究目的和意义22 课题研究相关技术32.1 GPS技术及工作原理32.1.1 GPS发展历程32.1.2 GPS系统构成32.1.3 GPS工作原理42.2 GSM相关技术和通信原理52.2.1 GSM发展历史52.2.2 GSM系统的组成52.2.3 短信息业务(SMS)52.2.4 通用分组无线服务技术(GPRS)63 系统的总体方案设计83.1 系统功能需求分

37、析83.2 系统的结构组成83.3 系统各模块选择83.3.1 控制模块选择83.3.2 定位模块选择123.3.3 通信模块选择133.3.4 液晶显示模块选择144 系统的硬件电路设计164.1 单片机最小系统164.2 GPS模块电路164.4 GSM模块电路184.5 显示模块194.6 系统电源设计195 系统PCB板的设计与雕刻205.1 PCB板的设计205.1.1 PCB板设计软件介绍205.1.2 PCB设计205.2 电磁抗干扰设计225.3 PCB板的雕刻225.3.1 PCB板雕刻机介绍225.3.2 PCB雕刻236 系统软件的设计266.1 系统软件需求分析266.

38、2 软件开发工具介绍276.2.1 下位机程序开发工具介绍276.2.2上位机程序开发工具介绍286.2.3 网页开发工具介绍296.3单片机串口程序设计306.3.1 串口1相关寄存器设置316.3.2 串口2相关寄存器设置336.3.3 单片机串口程序346.4 GPS数据解析程序设计356.4.1 NMEA数据格式356.4.2 GPS解析子程序366.5 GSM模块软件设计386.5.1 AT指令集396.5.2 GSM控制子程序406.5.3 GPRS上传云端服务器程序416.6 显示模块软件设计436.7 上位机软件设计456.8网页设计477 系统测试497.1 硬件测试497.

39、1.1 GPS模块测试497.1.2 短信测试507.1.3 GPRS测试517.1.4 单片机最小系统测试527.2 软硬件联调测试527.2.1 定位测试527.2.2 防盗测试537.2.3 报警测试54结论55致谢56参考文献57附录58附录1 硬件程序58I1 绪论1.1 课题背景据统计,2014年国内汽车总量将近有1.4亿。随着汽车的快速发展,车辆被盗案件也处于快速增长阶段,情况不容乐观。如今汽车防盗技术同汽车节能技术、汽车环保技术和汽车安全技术列为今后汽车发展的四大方向。1.2 防盗系统发展历史目前汽车防盗系统可分为以下几列:机械式防盗系统、电子式防盗报警系统、网络式防盗报警系统

40、、生物式防盗报警系统1。机械式防盗系统作为最早的防盗模式,主要由根据汽车机械结构制作的特殊防盗装置来达到防盗目的。机械式防盗系统具有价格便宜、安装简单的优点。但它需要经常拆装并且通用性很差,携带不方便等缺点制约了其发展。电子式汽车防盗报警系统是当前主流的汽车防盗模式,车主可以通过无线接收和发射装置与本车的ECU(Electronic Control Unit)电子控制单元通信,可以切断点火线路或者供油线路,避免汽车被非法启动。电子式防盗系统使用方便,但是它的误报率很高,而且防盗距离也比较短,很容易被破解。网络式汽车防盗报警系统作为未来的主流发展方式。它是将全球移动通信系统(GSM)和全球卫星定

41、位技术(GPS)结合为一体的主动式防盗技术。它是获取定位卫星传过来的坐标数据进行解析对车辆进行全球定位跟踪,并通过互联网将汽车的位置信息、汽车的各种安全信息实时传给车主和云端服务器。网络式防盗系统拥有通信距离远,不易被破解,定位准确等特点。生物式指纹识别防盗系统是目前国际上公认的防盗效果最好的也是最先进一种综合防盗体系。它是应用人体指纹的唯一特性,通过指纹识别软件控制汽车的电路系统,油路系统等,从而达到防盗的目的。其安全性很高,但是价格非常昂贵制约了其发展。1.3 国内外发展概况1.3.1 国内发展概况目前国内的汽车防盗系统正在快速发展中,虽然国内的防盗系统跟其他国家相比还存在较大差距,但随着我国汽车保有量的快速增长,汽车防盗系统必将迎来难得的发展机遇。2008年,国内汽车累计生产935万辆,销售出938万辆,中国已经成为世界第一大汽车生产国,同时国内汽车消费量占全球总消费量比例已达12%,但是国内汽车上安装定位防盗装置的只有约占8%,强大的市场促使着汽车定位防盗产业的发展,预计未来几年安也就是说装车辆定位防盗装置的车辆将占20%左右,也就是说至少将有112.56万辆汽车将安装汽车定位防盗报警系统,其利润可想而知2。1.3.2 国外发展概况在国外,车辆定位跟踪系统的研究早已开始并取得了一定的成绩,例如日本、欧洲和美国等国家,利用GPS技术开发的车载产品


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