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1、Un it 4 Astr onomy the scie nee of the stars新题型(由 2013 皖南八校第三次联改编考)Do you love traveli ng? If the an swer is yes, the n have you ever thought about why? You maymaintain that traveli ng can help you expa nd your scope of kno wledge, especially geographical andhistorical learning. It will provide more

2、 chances for you to enjoy food and try on clothes that youotherwise cannot possibly have. A famous En glish author Fran cis Bac on (1561 1626) makes apoint whe n he says that,“ Travel,in the youn ger sort, is a part ofeducati on; in the elder, a part of experie nee.”Evide nee of leisure travel can b

3、e traced (追溯)as far back as ancient Baby Ion. This year,according to the World Travel & Tourism Council,the 1 billionth touristwill cross an intern ati onal boun dary before theend of this mon th. Thatmeans thatone in seven people on the planet traveled this year, something that would not have b

4、ee n possible afew decades ago. Around 20 years ago only the rich could travel.While the US and France remai n the two largest dest in ati ons for world travel, experts say muchof the explosive growth in tourism has been to countries like Guatemala, the Domi nican Republic, andthe Ivory Coast, which

5、 were nt even on the world tourism map a decade ago. The top five dest in ati onsin the world, accord ing to the United Nations World Tourism Organization,are Paris, London, NewYork, theMediterra nean, Turkey.Several factors have led to the boom in world travel. The prosperitythe rapid developme nt

6、of tran sportati on, and competiti on betwee n airli nes to givecustomers the best prices.TopicTravelli ngAdva ntagesEn rich kno wledge, especially in 1.and history.Taste differe nt 2.and buy differe nt clothes.Fran cis Bacon thinks that travel is a part of educati on andpeople in Asia is one factor

7、.People in Asian developing countrieshave liftedtheirin comes above middl eclass levelsin thepastAnd a lot of them have usedtheir new wealth to travel. Inadditi on,travel costshave been reduced thanks to(富裕)of2a part of experie nee.Developme nt3.from ancient Baby Ion, travel only really took offafte

8、r World Warn.Only the wealthy people could go on a trip about two 4. ago.The nu mber of people travelli ng abroad will 5.as manyas 1 billi on before the end of this mon th.Tourist6.The US and France remain the two most popular countries for world travel.Tourism has developed 7.in coun tries like Gua

9、temala,the Dominican Republic, and the Ivory Coast.The top five destinationsin the world are Paris, London, NewYork, the Mediterra nean and Turkey.Fhe popularity ofglobal tourismAsia n people have got 9.tha n before.People have 10.less money on travel because ofconvenient tran sportatio n

10、 and price competiti on betwee n airli nes.答案:1.geography 2.food(s)3.Dating4.decades 5.reach6. destinations7.explosively/quickly/rapidly/fast8.resulting9. richer/wealthier10.spent、单句语法填空1.Reading in bed will do harm_your eyes.2.It is impossible for a cock to lay_ (egg).3.(2015 浙江,16)If steel is heav

11、ier than water, why are ships able_(float) on the sea?4.(2014 江西,阅读 A)ln his black and blue suit and with_ oxygen tankfastened on his back , Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean.5.(2014 福建,阅读 B)The climate here _ (be)quite pleasant , the temperature3rarely , if ever , reaching 30 C in

12、 summer.6._ Our success depe ndswhether every one works hard.7.(2015 陕西,阅读 C)The destruct ion of such species could preve nt researchers_(fin d)cures for certa in diseases.8.It was difficult for the helicopters_ (get)close to the roof of thebuildi ng because of the heavy smoke.9.(2013 天津,6)We havela

13、unched another man madesatellite,_ is announcedin todays n ewspaper.10. Nowthat they have computers , it becomes_(easy)to deal with the problems.答案1.to 2.eggs 3.to float 4.an 5.is6.on 7 . finding 8.to get 9.which 10.easier二、完形填空Catheri ne in vitedNels on to dinner. Last term she had bee n in Nels on

14、s _1_, but shehad to give up because her son Ken dall was havi ng a _2_ in school. The problem wasthat he wasnt studying.Catherine decided that Kendall needed _3_ control.She wouldprovide it by _4_ him like a hawk(鹰).She would also control his use of his GameBoy. He was _5_ to play the computer game

15、 only on weeke nds.Nels on was a(n)_6_man. He had bee n teach ing various subjects for almost 40 years.He could have retired 10 years ago, _7_ he loved teaching. He said his students gave him someth ingto _8_ very day. He pla nned to teach un til he died in the _9_._Nels on n eeded to take a little

16、_10_ to Catheri ne to show his tha nks for the _11_.He could nt think of12 would be suitable. Opening his kitche n drawer, he found the perfect gift an unopened box of _13_ .He also found some fresh-look ing wrapp ingpaper(包装纸).He wrapped the box up carefully. Feeling _14_ of himself, he droveover t

17、o Catheri nes and rang the doorbell.He _15_ his gift. Catherine madea funny face. She said she _16_ the wrapping paper. Then she un4wrapped the tea and made ano ther funny _17_. “ Nels on, I gave this teato you at the end of last term, and I wrapped it in this paper!”Nels ons face turned18 .He told

18、himself he had to be more 19 with gifts in5the future and he apologized to Catherine.She _20_ and said , “ Its okay. The thoughtof prese nting a gift is more importa nt tha n the gift itself.”1. A.companyB. classC. teamD. shop答案:B 从第二段对 Nelson 的介绍可知,他是一位教师,所以 Catherine 是在他的班(class) 里。2. A.feverB. fi

19、ghtC. problemD. party答案:C 下一句中的 problem 有提示:她的儿子在学校里有点儿问题(problem)。3. A.bestB.noC. lessD. more答案:D 她的儿子不学习,所以她决定给儿子更多的(more)管教。4. A.watchingB. terrifyingC. protectingD. ignoring答案:A 为了给儿子更多的管教,她像鹰一样监视(watch ing)儿子。5. A.allowedB. beggedC. encouragedD. refused答案:A 她儿子只被允许(allowed)在周末玩电脑游戏。6. A.busyB.

20、attractiveC. oldD. famous答案:C 从下文他教书几乎 40 年了,10 年前本来就可以退休”可知 Nelson 已经是一位老(old)人了。7. A.soB. butC. thoughD. if答案:B 前后句子间为转折关系,故用but。& A.look forward toB. try outC. get rid ofD. shout at答案:A Nelson 认为学生给予了他每天期望(look forward to)的东西。9. A.bedroomB. classroomC. playgroundD. kitchen答案:B Nelson 喜欢教学,他希望

21、可以一直工作到自己倒在教室(classroom)里为止。6710 A.card答案: C 本段第三句中的 he found the perfect gift小礼物 (gift) 。答案: D 倒数第二段中的 I gave this tea to you (tea) 。CgiftDsnack14 A.proudBtiredCfondDshy答案: A Nelson 不仅找到了自己认为很棒的礼物,而且还仔细包装起来。所以他感到自豪(proud) 。15 A.boughtB awardedCpresentedD displayed答案: C Nelson 来到了 Catherine 家,按了门铃,并

22、展示 (presented)自己的礼物。16 A.madeB preferredCdislikedD loved答案: D 从 Catherine made a funny face及 I wrapped it in this paper可知,这个包装纸是她曾经用过的,她自然喜欢(loved) 。17 A.jokeB faceCexampleD sound答案: B 上文 funny face 有提示:当看到茶时,她又做了个有趣的表情(face) 。18 A.greenB whiteB box是提示: Nelson 要给 Catherine 带个11 A.suggestionBexplanat

23、ionCoperationDinvitation答案: D 文章首句有提示, Nelson 给 Catherine带礼物是为了表示对她的邀请 (invitation)的感谢。12 A.whoBwhatCwhenDwhere答案: B 从后文中他在厨房里找礼物可知,他一时想不出送什么东西(what) 是合适的。引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语,因此用what。13 A.candiesBbooksCchocolateDtea有提示: Nelson 找到了一盒未启封的茶89D. black答案:C 当 Nelson 被告知自己送的礼物是Catherine 送给他的后,他自然感到不好意思,脸变红(red)

24、 了。19. A.concernedB. carefulC. familiarD. pleased答案:B 得知自己送错了礼物,他告诉自己以后一定要在送的礼物方面多加小心(careful)。20. A.smiledB. angeredC. screamedD. cried答案:A 从 Catherine 说的话可推知她应该是微笑着(smiled)的。三、阅读理解A【由江苏省盐城市 2014 模拟改编】阅读理解。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Air pollution is a leading cause of cancer and classified a

25、mongGroup 1,or top, human carci nogens (致癌物质),said the Intern ati onalAge ncy for Research on Can cer (IARC),which is the World Health Orga nizatio ns (WHO) cancer age ncy, on Oct 17,2013.The most widely used system for classify ing carc inogens comes from the IARC,which places them into five groups

26、. Group 1 carci nogens defi nitely cause cancer in huma ns. Group 2Ais probably carc inogenic to huma ns, Group 2B is possiblycarcinogenic, the carcinogenicityof Group 3 in humans is unclassifiable, and Group4 is probably not carcinogenic to humans. Only a little more than 100 are classified as Grou

27、p 1 cancer-caus ing substa nces, in cludi ng ultraviolet radiati on and tobacco smoke.“ Our task was to evaluate the air every one breathes rathertha n focus on specificair pollutants, ” the lARCs Dana Loomis said in a statement.“The results fromthe reviewed studies point in the samedirection:the ri

28、sk of developing lung canceris sig ni fica ntly in creased in people exposed to air polluti on.”C. red10In 2010, lu ng cancer result ing from air pollution killed 223,000 peopleworldwide, and there was also convincing evide nee that it in creases the risk of bladder ( 膀腕)cancer,according to the IARC

29、.Air pollution is already known to raise risks for a wide range of illnesses,includingrespiratory and heart diseases.Air pollution is global, although the levels of it vary over space and time.Loomis said people in Asia, eastern North America, someplaces in Central America and Mexico, aswell as Nort

30、h Africa have relatively high exposure. Develop ing countrieswith large populations andbooming manufacturing sectors, such as China,are particularly at risk.Many cities in China, such as Beijing, frequently see smog. This week, Harbin, the capital city of Heilon gjia ng prov in ce, became the first

31、Chin ese city to officially suspe nd classes due to serious smogMany developed countries face similar problems, although to a lesser degree than most develop ing n ations. In Europe, levels of many polluta nts have falle n. But betwee n 91 and 96 perce nt of Europea ns living in cities are exposed t

32、o levels of PM2.5 tiny particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers that are higher than the WHO safety limits, says a report published by the European EnvironmentAge ncy on Oct 15.Although both the composition and levels of air pollution can vary dramatically from one location to theother

33、, the 1ARC said its conclusions apply to all regions of the world.“ Given the scale of the exposure affect ing people worldwide, this report shouldsend a strong signal to the internationalcommunity to take action without furtherdelay, ” said Christopher Wild, director of the IARC.1、What might be the

34、 best title of the passage?A. Signals of air pollutionB. Safety limits of air pollutionC. Air pollution, cancer riskD. Air pollution, smog risk112、What s the main task of IARC?A. To focus on cancer-causing substances.B. To evaluate the air quality.C. To study the developing risk of cancer.D. To send

35、 signals to the international community.3、Why should the international community take action without further delay?A. The composition and levels of air pollution vary from place to place.B. More and more people in developing countries are exposed to air pollution.C. Developed countries face air poll

36、ution, the level of which is higher than the safety limits.D. A large number of people worldwide are exposed to air pollution.【参考答案】1 3、C B DB阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。You ve seen news reports about people who need help after a flood. Maybeyou ve walked past peoplewho are sleeping o

37、n the streets. Or perhaps you ve watched TV programsabout how Ion ely older people can get. So what can you do about any of those thin gs?The answer: You can volunteer (做志愿者).Volun teeri ng is a great way to lear n new skillsfrom work ing as part of a team tosetting and reaching goals. It gives you

38、a chance to find out what kinds of thingsyou re good at and enjoy the most. Volunteering can provideyou with a sense ofresp on sibility because people really depe nd on you. And it can help you un dersta nddisabled ( 残疾的)people, sick kids, or the elderly.Volunteering helps people feel they do have t

39、he power to change things for the better.12When people depe nd on you, it can cha nge the way you look at yourself, and this isthe main reason that makes volunteering attractive. You can feel proud of the goalsthat you ve achieved ( 实现 )for a charity organization (慈善组织) whether it shelp ing to orga

40、nize a 10K to raise money for lung cancer or running the race itself.Sometimes it s easy to feel worried about your grades or the fight you had with your friend or pare nts.And although these thi ngs are very importa nt in their own way, sometimes it can be helpful to get somedista nee and think abo

41、ut other thin gs.Volunteeringallows you to do this. It lets you focus on others that are worth doing.Fin ally, volun teeri ng can help save you from being bored it gives you a place tobe where you can have a good time and keep busy.1. From the passage, we can lear n that volun teeri ng_.A. is the best way to find out your in terestsB. mainly helps the old and the poor peopleC. makes sure volun teers will get a good job in the futureD. can help volun teers choose a job that they really like in the future2. Today, most people volun teer mainly for the purpose of_.A. making themselv


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