



1、七上教材分析(listening )年 级单 元模块主 题单元主 题文章题目篇早体裁篇章要 素听力微技 能语言特征语篇的交际功能教学建议七上1My lifeMak ing frie ndsAn e-frie ndDialogue(7个话 轮,用来 判断对话 的长短)Name, coun try, age, appeara n ces, hobby, family member, home, Dream,Predict based on the give n situatio n; Un dersta n dhowpeople ask and an swer;特殊疑问 句以及回 答;一般现在 时

2、; 第三人称;In troduce;Inq uire;1. 可先引导 学生用 wh-questio ns提问主人 翁的个人信 息。2. 教学生通 过上下文和 已给出的信 息点猜测要 填的单词。Daily lifeJack ' s weekendPassage, descriptio n;Whe n; where; what;Un dersta n dthetimeli ne of a day;Howtomake th in gs clear by telli ng time,Li nking words of time; 一 般现在 时;第一 人称;in troduce; Share;

3、让学生通过 图片猜出将 要听到的信 息。place and what people do;2TheTheSea factsQui z,FactsGo一般现在In troduce;1.听前让学n aturalEarthQuestio nsaboutthrough时句子中facts;生用简单的worldandthe sea.the可数名词单词或短语an swersHowpictures和不可数描述图片,much ofand名词的使找出每部分thepredict用规则。2张图片的Earth isthe区别。coveredquesti ons2.可协助学bybased on生复习一下water?the

4、数字和单位Whichpictures.在英语中的an imalCatch the表达。lives infacts, andthe sea?catch theHowimporta ntdeep iswordsthen ames,deepesttimes andpart ofnu mbers.the sea?SeasonsThePassage,EachPredict一般现在in troduce;1.复习月份weather indescriptioseasonbased on时;形容以及形容天Can berran;ofCan berra starts in ,ends in,(mon ths )we

5、atherthe give n pictures; putthepictures into correct order; catch the key words like autu mn, summer, spri ng, win ter; Un dersta n d differe nt weather in differe nt seas ons in Can berra.词作表语 描述天 气;可数 名词的使 用气环境的词 语(如: sunny ,cloud y,cool,wet 等)2听前引导 学生用刚复 习过的词语 来形容4幅 图。3travelsVisit ing the Moo n

6、The SpaceHotelTalk ing, in troducti onWhe n; where; what;Predict based on the give n situatio n;一般将来时;In troduce;Un dersta n d how to in troduce th in gs clearly;Travelli n g around AsiaThree cities in AsiaPassage, descriptio n;What do they love eati ng in Beiji ng, Ban gkok, Tokyo? Places they go;

7、How do they go travelli n g?Catch the key in formatio n of the features in 3 cities; Predict based on the pictures; Take dow n thekeyin formatio nwhileliste ning.If-clausein troduce; Share;Ask the Ss to use some phrases to describe the pictures before liste ning. Part B: To predict the missi ng word

8、s accord ing to the con text.4Fun timeSchool clubsSchool clubsIn troducti on; descriptio nclub, teacher, day, place, time, activityPredict based on the give n situatio n; Capture key words一般现在 时;一般 过去时;一般将来 时; 第一人称In troduceAskthestudents to predict the missi ng words accord ing toandin formatio nthe con text andthepictures.Collecti ng thi ngsPeople' collectio nsDialogue (an in terview )Opi nion sonpeople' s collecti onsPay atte ntio n to the words after but ” they usually in troduc eadiffere nt idea表转折


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