1、12009山西省重点工程招商项目Major Investment Projects in Shanxi Province山西省发展和改革委员会DevelopmentDevelopment andand ReformReform CommissionCommission ofof ShanxiShanxi ProvinceProvince二九年五月May, 2009227个重点工程招商项目概况“十一五”是山西省发展的关键期。抓住“中部崛起”的战略机 遇,深入推进经济结构战略性调整,加快山西新型能源和工业基 地建设步伐,实现富裕山西、文明山西,是我们坚定不移的奋斗 目标。为此,要把社会发展和生态环
2、境建设放在更加突出的位置, 实现人文环境和生态环境的和谐统一;要把城市、交通、物流、 水利等基础设施和环境保护作为发展重点,从根本上改变目前滞 后的状况。本次招商项目是从我省152个重点工程项目中推荐七 类重要基础设施项目共27个,涉及高速公路、 地方铁路、 装备制 造、城市建设、环境保护、旅游开发和水利设施等七个领域,投 资规模近1882亿元。一是 地方铁路和高速公路及公路主枢纽货运中心项目,铁路建设总长2422公里,投资1697.1亿元,公路建设总长47公里,投资约23亿元。 山西省政府拟通过招商引资, 合资成立“山西能 源交通投资有限公司”实施大同西安快速铁路、 中南部铁路出海 通道等项
3、目。其中“大同太原3运城西安铁路客运快速通道” 穿越山西腹地纵贯南北,经过山西省人口最为密集、经济最为发 达、城市最为集中的大运经济带,该铁路快速通道建成以后, 将 构筑山西省对外对内运输的高标准客运网, 将与太中银和石太铁 路客运专线、郑西客运专线衔接,进而沟通全国快速客运网,实 现太原至大同、至运城“2小时经济圈”、 太原至西安、至郑州、至 北京“3小时大都市经济圈”, 对于助推太原都市圈、大同都市区和 区域复合中心临-侯-运的发育、完善,加速沿线城市化进程及对 外快速、便捷的客货交流具有重要意义。其余每条铁路沿线矿产 资源丰富,货源充足,运输需求旺盛,投资回报率很高。二是 太重集团装备制
4、造基地项目, 总投资29.4亿元。 主要包 括临港重型装备制造项目、风力发电设备增速器项目、高速列车 车轮轴及轮对国产化研制项目等。太重集团公司是国家重要的装 备工业制造企业之一,为冶金、矿山、水电、交通、化工、建筑、 航空航天等行业,特别是为国家重点建设项目(三峡大坝工程、神舟火箭发射架等)提供了600余种、7000多台(套),150余万 吨重矿机械产品,创造了220多个国内外第一,被誉为“国民经济 的开路先锋”。三是 五台山旅游项目, 这次主要推出是五台山风景区旅游服 务基地项目,包括自然风景开发、高中低档酒店、滑雪场、高级 别墅等,总投资20.44亿元。五台山是我国汉藏佛教并存,佛教文
5、化悠久,自然风光秀丽,是集佛教圣地、避暑胜地、革命圣地和 地质科普基地于一身的风景名胜区。五台山先后被评为我国对外 推出的35张王牌旅游产品之一、 首批国家级风景名胜区、首批 国家森林公园、国家地质公园和国家自然与文化双遗产,也是首 批5A级景区、“中华十大名山 ”之一和全国民族文化旅游十大品牌 之一,并通过ISO9001和14001国际质量环境认证体系。当前, 五台山寺庙群正在申报世界文化与自然遗产和世界地质公园。四是平遥古城环境治理项目 ,总投资52亿元。主要包括平遥 古城环境综合整治、国际会展中心、文化创意产业园、旅游开发 及旅游服务区、休闲度假区开发等。 平遥古城是全国现存最为完 整的
6、唯一明清县级建制古城, 拥有国家级文保单位11处,省级7处,是历史文化名城、世界文化遗产,鲜明的地方特色和深厚的 思想文化内涵, 具有极高的文物保护、 文化发掘和旅游开发价值。五是山西体育场项目 ,总投资16亿元,将在省城太原建设, 该项目属于山西省十大建筑工程之一,具体包括:场馆基地、综 合训练基地、山西国际体育交流中心。其中,山西国际体育交流 中心项目对外招商,拟建成五5星级标准酒店,建筑面积6万平方 米以上,投资约6亿元人民币。山西国际体育交流中心位于山西 体育中心区域内,东临城市快速路滨河西路,交通便利,人气旺 盛。山西体育中心环境优美,绿树环绕,青草茵茵,是专业体育 活动场所,拥有游
7、泳、乒羽、网球、健身、休闲活动、餐饮商贸 等项目。六是山西能源工业国际分销物流港项目 ,总投资35亿元,主 要包括物流港大厦、展示交易场馆、物流港周边交通运输条件四 通八达:距太原机场约4公里,距太原到北京、西安和郑州高速 公路入口处约2公里,距太榆路约1.5公里,距离山西最大的铁 路集装箱堆场3公里,距正在建设的太原铁路南站(太原石家 庄北京高速铁路起点站) 不到3公里, 具有现成的公路、 铁路、6航空运输的立体交通网络,是山西省兴建特大型物流园区的最佳 理想地。七是水电站项目,水库总库容9740万m3,发电装机2X500KW,总投资8.3亿元。建设选址在晋中市寿阳县。为晋中市寿阳县和榆次区
8、城市及工业供水2200万m3,同时每年平均发电349万kW h,改善潇河灌区早灌面积17.57万亩农业的灌溉用水; 除可以调蓄汛期洪水及削减洪峰流量、 发电外, 结合水库的开发, 还可以发展水产养殖、旅游等。以上这些项目都属于国家产业政策鼓励的范围,具有良好的 投资回报率,前期工作比较扎实,我们将对有兴趣参与项目在山 西发展事业的朋友们给予多方面的支持。这批项目在合作方式上 可以灵活多样,可合资经营,或独资经营,也可入股经营,还可 以采取产权转让方式。可运用TOT(转让经营转让)方式, 也可采用BOT(建设经营转让)方式。总之,本着互惠互利 的愿望,以适合的方式开展合作,以求共赢。7Intro
9、duction to 27 Major Proposed Investment ProjectsThe“1t1hFive-Year Plan”is the key period for the development of Shanxi Province.Our firm objective is to grasp the strategic opportunity of“sharp rise of central part ofto further promote the strategic readjustment of economic structure, speed up the p
10、ace of the constructionof new energy and industrial base and realize wealthy Shanxi and civilized Shanxi. Therefore, we are goingto focus mainly on the social development as well the construction of ecological environment to realize theharmony and unification of human and cultural environment with e
11、cological environment. We are going totake the urban, traffic, logistics and water conservancy and other infrastructure and the environmentalprotection as key projects fundamentally change the present lag situation. The key investment invitationprojects of this time are 27 in total, included in 7 ki
12、nds of important infrastructure projects, which arerecommended from among 152 key engineering projects of this province. They cover 7 fields of expressway,local railway, equipment manufacture, urban construction, environmental protection, tourist developmentand water conservancy facilities, with a t
13、otal investment of nearly RMB 182.2 billion.In the first part is the projects of local railway, expressway and highway main, hub cargo transportationcenter. The total length of the railway is 2422 kilometers with an investment of RMB 169.71 billion; the totallength of the highway is 47 kilometers, w
14、ith an investment of about RMB 2.3 billion. The government ofShanxi Province plans to form“Shanxi Ener and Traffic Investment Co., Ltd”injointventure throughoutside investment invitation and perform Datong -Xian express railwayentral and southern partgoing-to-sea thoroughfare and other projects. Amo
15、ng them, the-“TaiDyuaatonn-gYuncheng-Xian rapidthoroughfare”passes through the hinterland of Shanxi from south to north of the province and runs throughDatong-Yuncheng economic belt with most dense population, most developed economy and mostcentralized cities. After being completed, the railway expr
16、ess thoroughfare will constructa high standardpassenger transportation network for internal and external transportation of Shanxi Province and it will linkTai-zhong-yin with Shi-tai railway passenger transportation special lineand Zheng-xi railway passengertransportation special line and further lin
17、k up the nationwide express passenger railway network to realize-hour economic circle”from Taiyuan to Datong and Yuncheng, a-hnodur metrop“oli3tan economiccircle”from Taiyuan to Xian,Zhengzhou and Beijing, all of which will be of great significance for boostingthe development and perfection of Taiyu
18、an metropolis Circle, Datong metropolis Circle and RegionalIntegration Center Linfen-Huoma-Yuncheng; and speeding up the urbanization process of the cities alongthe railway and the rapid and convenient passenger and cargo transportation exchange. There are8abundant mineral resources along the railwa
19、y, resulting in adequate goods sources, great demand for thetransportation and high return rate for the investment.The second part is Taiyuan Heavy-duty Machinery Group equipment manufacture base project, with atotal investment of RMB 2940 million. It mainly includes Lingang heavy-duty equipment man
20、ufacture project,wind power-generating equipment, speed increaser, high-speed train car wheel, car axle and axle pairdomesticalization research and manufacture project, etc. Taiyuan Heavy-duty Machinery Group Companyis one of the important equipment industry manufacture enterprises of the State and
21、has provided more than600 kinds, more than 7000 units (sets) and more than 1.50 million tons of heavy-duty and mine machineryproducts for the metallurgical, mine, hydraulic power, communication, chemical engineering, building andaviation and spaceflight trades and specially for the key construction
22、projects of state and (such asThree-Gorge dam engineering and Shenzhou rocket launcher) andcreated more than 220“the first place”at home and abroad. It is praisedas the“pioneer of national economy”.The third part is tourist project, of which the most important one is Wutai Mountain Scenic Spot Touri
23、stService Base Project, including the development of natural scenic spots, high and medium standard hotels,skiing field and high standard villas, with a total investment of RMB 2.04 billion Wutai Mountain is the mostimportant temple of Buddhism with the co-existing of both the Han and Tibet Buddhism
24、 and all kinds ofBuddhist sects. It is also famous as“theMiniature of Chinese Buddhism”and“theCultural Center ofInternational Buddhism”.With a long history of Buddhism and beautiful sceneries,it is a famous scenic spotcombining the Buddhist shrine, summer resort, revolutionary sanctum with a base of
25、 geology and sciencepopularization. It has been listed into the list of 35 most famous brand tourist products promoted by the stateto outside, the first group of the national standard scenic spot, the first group of national forest part, thenational geological park and national natural and cultural
26、heritages, it is also among the first group of 5Astandard scenic spots,“10Most Famous Mountains in China”and 10 major brands of folk and culturaltourism of the whole country It has successfully passed through the ISO09001 AND 14001 InternationalQuality Environment Authentication System and now it is
27、 under the process of the application for WorldCultural Heritage and World Geological Park.The fourth part is the project of Pingyao Ancient City Environment Improvement, with a totalinvestment of 2.08 billion RMB, mainly covering the integrated control and improvement for the ancient cityof Pingyao
28、, International Exhibition Center, Industrial Park for Cultural Originality, tourist development andtourist service area, recreation and resort area. The ancient city of Pingyao is the only ancient city of theMing and Qing Dynasties with the best-reserved condition, having 11 places of cultural reli
29、cs under thenational protection and 7 places of cultural relics under the provincial protection. It is a famous historical andcultural city and world cultural heritage, having a very high reputation both in the country and abroad. Theunique historical features, distinct local style and profound conn
30、otation of ideology and culture of the city areof great value for the cultural relic protection, cultural excavation and tourist development.The fifth part is the project of Shanxi Stadium, with a total investment of RMB 1.6 billion, which belongsto 10 key construction projects of Shanxi Province. T
31、he details of the project include: foundation of thestadium, an integrated training base and Shanxi International Sports Exchange Center, among which,Shanxi International Sports Exchange Center is going to invite the investment from outside and to be builtinto 5-star hotel with a total building area
32、 of more than 60,000 square meters and an investment of about600 million RMB. It is located within the central area of Shanxi Sports Center, facing the urban express roadof Binhexi Road and providing a good access and a large volume of passenger flow. It will be a venue for theprofessional activitie
33、s including swimming, table tennis, badminton, tennis, recreation, body-building, foodand trading with a complete facilities of road, water supply, power supply and communication under abeautiful environment of green trees and grasses.9The sixth part is the Logistic Harbor Project of International D
34、istribution for Shanxi Energy Industry witha total investment of RMB 3.5 billion mainly covering the logistic building, exhibition and trading hall, logisticinformation system online trial operating. Around the harbor the transportation conditions are connectingwith every direction: 4 kilometers to
35、Taiyuan Airport, 2 kilometers to the entrance of expressway fromTaiyuan to Beijing, Xianand Zhengzhou, 1.5 kilometers to Taiyuan-Yuci highway, less than 3 kilometers tothe largest railway container field in Shanxi Province. Having a very good and complete transportationnetwork composed of existing r
36、ailway, highway and airway, it is the best location to newly construct a largescale logistic industrial park for Shanxi Province.The seventh part is the project of hydraulic power plant, the capacity of reservoir is 97.4 million cubicmeters with an investment of RMB 830 million. It supplies 22 milli
37、on cubic meters of water for the industriesin Shuoyang County Yuci City in Jinzhong Municipality and generates3,490,000 kWh power annually at thesame time. It will also improve the situation of Xiaohe irrigation area through the supply of irrigation for175,700 mu of agricultural land, moderate the w
38、ater volume during the flood seasonand reduce the peakwater volume through the combination of the development of reservoir with the development of aquicultureand tourism.All the projects mentioned above belong to the sectors encouraged by the state industrial policiesand they have good investment re
39、covery rate, good foundation in the preparation. The financing, landrequisition, resettlement, power and water supply relating with the projects will be under the full support ofgovernment departments. The type of cooperation for these projects is flexible and diversified, includingjoint venture ope
40、ration, sole investment and operation, sharing of the stock and the transferring of propertyright. The types of TOT (transfer-operate-transfer) and BOT (built-operate-transfer) can also be adopted. Allin all, the suitable type of cooperation can be chosen under the sincere wish of cooperation to ach
41、ieve awin-win situation.7710目录1 1、大同一太原一运城一西安快速通道项目.2 2、中南部铁路出海通道项目.3 3、太原枢纽西南环线项目.4 4、运城至三门峡铁路项目.5 5、太原至兴县铁路项目.6 6、太中银铁路吕临支线项目.7 7、和顺一邢台铁路项目.8 8、大同至浑源高速公路项目.9 9、太原公路主枢纽武宿货运中心项目.1010、 临港重型装备制造基地项目 .1111、风力发电设备增速器项目.1212、高速列车车轮、车轴及轮对国产化研制项目.1313、五台山旅游服务基地五星级酒店建设项目.1414、五台山旅游服务基地高级别墅建设项目.1515、五台山旅游服务基
42、地中低档宾馆建设项目.1616、五台山旅游服务基地天然滑雪场建设项目.1717、五台山南梁沟自然风景区开发项目.1818、平遥古城环城地带环境综合整治项目.1919、平遥古城“城南堡”旅游服务区项目.2020、平遥古城国际会展中心.2121、平遥古城文化创意产业园项目.2222、平遥古城“城中堡(”壁景堡)保护和旅游开发项目2323、平遥古城汾河旅游休闲度假区开发项目.2424、平遥城区集中供热工程建设项目.1357913511111222937 1470233 444565616470112525、 山西国际体育交流中心项目. 80802626、 山西能源工业国际分销物流港项目. 84842
43、727、 寿阳松塔水电站项目. 8989Contents1. The Express Railway Project of Datong-Taiyuan -Yunchengn122. Access to the sea for the Railway in the Middle and Southern Regions of Shanxi 143.South-West Ring of Taiyuan Railway Center164. The Railway Project from Yuncheng to Sanmenxia185. The Railway Project from Tai
44、yuan to Xin County206. Lulin Branch Railway Project of Taizhongyin Railway227. Heshun-Xintai Railway Project248. Expressway from Datong to Hunyuan269. Wuxu Cargo Transportation Center of Taiyuan Highway Hub2810. Lingang Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Base Project3111.Speed Increaser for Wind-driven G
45、enerating Set3512. Domesticalization Research and Manufacturing of High-speed Train Carriage Wheel,Axle and Wheel Pair3913. Construction Project of 5-Star Hotel in Mt. Wutai Tourist Service Base4314. Construction Project of High-Standard Villa in Mt. Wutai Tourist Service Base4615. Construction Proj
46、ect of Middle and Lower Grade Hotels in Mt. Wutai Tourist ServiceBase4916. Construction Project of Natural Skiing Field in Mt. Wutai Tourist Service Base 5217. Development Project of Natural Scenic Spot in Nanlianggou, Mt. Wutai5518. The Integrated Environment Improvement Project in Ancient City Pin
47、gyao 5919. The Project of“Chengnanbu”Tourist Service Area in Ancient City Pingyao 6320. The International Exhibition Center Project in Ancient City Pingyao6621. The Industrial Park of Cultural Originality in Ancient City Pingyao6922. The Protection and Tourist Development Project for“Castle in the C
48、ity (Bijinbu)”inAncient City Pingyao7223. Fenhe River Tourist & Holiday Resort Development Project inPingyao Ancient City7624. Construction Project for Central Heating in Pingyao City Area791225. The Project of Shanxi International Sports Exchange Center8226.Logistic HarborProject of Internation
49、al Distribution for Shanxi Energy Industry8727.Shouyang.Songta Hydraulic Power Plant Project931、大同太原运城西安快速通道项目一、项目名称:大同太原运城西安快速通道项目二、项目建设的意义:该项目穿越三晋腹地,纵贯山西南北,经 过山西省人口最为密集、经济最为发达、城市最为集中的大运经 济带。该铁路快速通道建成以后,将构筑山西省对外对内运输的 高标准客运网,将与太中银和石太铁路客运专线、郑西客运专线 衔接,进而沟通全国快速客运网。实现太原至大同、至运城“2小 时经济圈”、 太原至西安、至郑州、至北京“3小
50、时大都市经济圈”。 对于助推太原都市圈、大同都市区和区域复合中心临-侯-运的发育、完善,加速沿线城市化进程及对外快速、便捷的客货交流具 有重要意义。三、项目概况:正线长度853公里,投资1094亿元。其中山西 境内710公里,投资794亿元,按部省6:4出资比例分担,山 西项目资本金397亿元(占总投资50%),其余资金需招商引资。四、项目进展情况:目前铁道部与我省及陕西省共同向国家发改 委报送了预可研文件,计划2009年6月底开工建设。工期为4年。五、合作方式:合资建设。13六、联系人:山西能源交通投资有限公司(暂定名)1.The Express Railway Project ofDato
51、ng -Taiyuan -Yuncheng-(in1.Project TitleThe Express Railway Project of Datong -Taiyuan -Yuncheng -in2.The significance of the project constructionThe project is going to pass through the central area of the province connecting with all thedirections and go through the key economic belt with the dens
52、e population, the most developedeconomy and the most integrated cities, it will become a high standard passenger transportationnetwork within and outside the province after the completion of its construction, and it will link withTaizhongyin and Shitai special passengerrailway, Zhenxi special passen
53、gerrailway to furtherconnect with the national express passenger railway network for the realization of“2-hour economiccircle”from Taiyuan to Datong and Yuncheng, and“3-hour economic circle”from Taiyuan to Xian,Zhengzhou and Beijing which will be of great significance to the establishment and improv
54、ement ofTaiyuan Urban Circle, Datong Urban Circle and Regional Integrated Center of Linfen, Huoma andYuncheng; speeding up the urbanization process of the cities along the railway and rapid, convenientpassenger and cargo transportation with other provinces.3.Project OverviewThe total length of the r
55、ailway is 853 kilometer, the investment is 109.4 billion RMB, the lengthwithin the boundary of Shanxi Province is 710 kilometer and the investment of this length is 79.4billion RMB. According to the investment ratio of 6:4 for ministry and provincial government, ShanxiProvince will provide RMB 39.7
56、billion (account for 50% of the total investment), the rest capitalneeds to be supported by proposed capital.4.Project ProgressThe preliminary feasibility study report of the project has already been submittedto theDevelopment and Reform Committee of the State by the Ministry of Railway and Shanxi P
57、rovincetogetherand it is plannedto start the constructionof the project at the end of June2009, theconstruction period is 4 year.5. Type of cooperation Joint venture construction6. Contact Shanxi Energy Transportation Investment Company Ltd. (temporary name)142、中南部铁路出海通道项目一、项目名称:中南部铁路出海通道项目二、项目建设的意义
58、:该项目是我省从国家能源安全战略出发, 结合山西中南部地区煤炭外运需求和山西经济社会发展,对带动 吕梁、太行、沂蒙三个贫困地区的经济社会全面发展以及铁路网 布局等具有重要战略意义。三、项目概况: 该项目由兴县瓦塘镇起,由洪洞转向长治出省,利用 兖州至日照港铁路出海。全长1328公里,总投资1058亿元,山 西段563公里,投资540亿元。山西段资本金270亿(部省7:3分担)其余资金申请银行贷款或招商引资解决。四、项目进展情况:目前铁道部与我省及河南、山东省共同向国 家发改委报送了预可研文件,争取今年6月底开工建设。该项目工期为4年。五、合作方式:合资六、联系人:山西能源交通投资有限公司(暂定
59、名)2.Access to the sea for the Railwayin the Middle and Southern Regions of Shanxi151.Project TitleAccess to the sea for the Railway in the Middle and Southern Regions of Shanxi2.The significance of the project constructionThis project is of great significance to meet the need of transportation for t
60、he coal produced in themiddle and southern regions of the province, the economic and social development to promote theoverall social and economic development of three poor regions of Luliang, Taihang and Yimeng. Itis also of significance for the railway network distribution considering from the strateg
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