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1、What is a table manner? Table manners are about a certain section of etiquette. This topic includes and describes everything of etiquette that is related to the proper, polite, courteous conduct at a dinner table in a given cultural environment. In this document we will talk about table manners by t

2、he western culture.第1页/共54页What is etiquette?Etiquette is the standard of courteous conduct in societyand among individuals from a group or profession.第2页/共54页A history of etiquette? Etiquette is a French word meaning label or ticket. In France, tiquette began to be used to describe appropriate cond

3、uct. Finally, by the 18th century, those who spoke English embraced the word itself by the French meaning.第3页/共54页A history of etiquette? Since forever, etiquette or the norm of proper conduct is formed by a certain society within a certain cultural environment.第4页/共54页Consequences of having etiquet

4、te During history, people who were able to behave accordingly and follow the rules, could be a par t of a selected company within their society. These people came normally from aristocratic, noble circles.第5页/共54页Consequences of having etiquette People who couldnt follow the rules of etiquette came

5、usually from poorer classes. Nobody taught them how to behave in certain situations, nor they needed this knowledge really; for example they were not i n v i t e d t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n n o b l e events. Therefore in their course of life these type of knowledge wasnt important at all.第6页/共54

6、页Etiquette in the modern worldAlthough we dont live in the feudalism anymore, the norms of noble conduct is inherited even to our days.All etiquettes are generally acknowledged as something humanly valuable.F o l l o w i n g t h e e t i q u e t t e i s s t i l l v e r y important to people in aristo

7、cratic or also in business circles to keep their status quo. Otherwise, by their inproper behavior, they w o u l d b e o s t r a c i z e d f r o m t h e g i v e n community.第7页/共54页Etiquette in the modern world Following the norms of etiquettes o f a g i v e n s o c i e t y c a n b e important for a

8、ll, who wants to c o n d u c t h e r s e l f o r h i m s e l f courteously, because elegance a n d n o b l e b e h a v i o r i s s i m p l y parts of their human values.第8页/共54页So why do we need to learn etiquette? Since most people in aristocratic circles know a nd a cce pt e tiq ue tte , i t i s o

9、 u r interest to be able to adjust to the norm. If we cant behave in accordance to the certain event, we close ourselves out from the given community, and maybe our personal or buisness goals cant be realized. In worst case we make ourselves r i d i c u l o u s b y d o i n g s o m e t h i n g v e r

10、y inpolite in a certain situation.第9页/共54页And why do we need a table etiquette? The knowledge of how to behave properly, corteously at a dining t a b l e i n a c e r t a i n c u l t u r a l e n v i r o n m e n t g i v e s u s s e l f -confidence, because we already know, how to conduct ourselves in

11、a well-situated company.第10页/共54页Formal table setting I n a n e l e g a n t f o r m a l e v e n t , a d i n i n g t a b l e i s f u l l of s e ve r a l utensils. For a self-confident participation in the dinner, we need to learn the purpose of each utensil.第11页/共54页 第12页/共54页第13页/共54页Informal table

12、settings T h e r e a r e e v e n t s w h e r e courteous conduct is also a r e q u i r e m e n t , h o w e v e r t h e occasion is less formal. On the informal dinner table we find less utensils, but of course, knowing the purpose of those is also a must.第14页/共54页第15页/共54页第16页/共54页Seating etiquette

13、Being confident of where to sit when everything is set and its time for dinner is some of the basics of table manners. It is very inpolite, if we have a s e a t o n a c h a i r w h i c h i s d e s i g n a t e d t o a n o t h e r p a r t i c i p a n t o f t h e d i n n e r . Especially if we are talk

14、ing about a host or a special guest.第17页/共54页 第18页/共54页Napkin etiquette s第19页/共54页Napkin etiquette In dining etiquette there are several rules h o w t o h a n d l e t h e n a p k i n f r o m t h e beginning of the meal to the end of it.第20页/共54页Napkin etiquette Placing the napkin in your lapPlace th

15、e napkin in your lap immediately upon seating.If there is a host or hostess, wait for him or her to take their napkin off the table and place it in his or her lap.第21页/共54页Napkin etiquette Unfolding the napkinUnfold your napkin in one smooth motion without snapping or shaking it open.The size determ

16、ines how you unfold a napkin in your lap.- L a r g e n a p k i n s a r e u n f o l d e d halfway.- S m a l l e r n a p k i n s a re u n f o l d e d completely and cover the lap fully.第22页/共54页Napkin etiquette Dont tuck the napkinDont tuck a napkin into your collar, between the buttons of your shirt,

17、 or in your belt.第23页/共54页Napkin etiquette Using the napkinU s e y o u r n a p k i n f re q u e n t l y during the meal to blot or pat, not wipe your lips.Blot your lips before taking a drink of your beverage.第24页/共54页Napkin etiquette Napkin ringsIf a napkin ring is present, af ter removing your nap

18、kin, place the ring to the top-left of the setting.At the end of the meal, grasp the napkin in the center, pull it through the ring, and lay it on the table with the point facing the center of the table.第25页/共54页Napkin etiquette Temporarily leaving the tableW h e n l e a v i n g t h e t a b l e temp

19、orarily, put your napkin on your chair.I f t h e c h a i r i s u p h o l s t e re d , place the napkin soiled side up.第26页/共54页Napkin etiquettePlacing the napkin at the end of the mealThe napkin is loosely folded at the end of the meal.-If a plate is in the center of your place setting, when leaving

20、 the table lay the napkin to the left of the plate.-If the center of your place setting is empty, the napkin is laid in the middle of the place setting.Leave your napkin in loose folds that keep soiled parts hidden.第27页/共54页Handling utensils There are numerous ways we can use a fork or a knife, but

21、by table etiquette, not all of them are correct. In this document we are introducing the so-called Continental style, b e c a u s e t h i s i s t h e m o s t c o m m o n utensil-handling style in the western world.第28页/共54页第29页/共54页第30页/共54页Handling utensils Hold your knife in your right hand, an in

22、ch or two above the plate. Use your fork to spear and lift food to your mouth.第31页/共54页Handling utensils The outside-in ruleI n m o s t s i t u a t i o n s , f o l l o w i n g t h e outside-in rule will tell us which knife, fork , or spoon to use at the dinner table.B y t h i s r u l e , u s e u t e

23、 n s i l s o n t h e outside first and work your way inward with each new course that is served.第32页/共54页 第33页/共54页Handling utensils Eating steakDont smother steak with steak sauce, e s p e c i a l l y w h e n d i n i n g i n a g o o d restaurant.If you use a sauce, pour a small pool next to the ste

24、ak and dip each forkful of meat before eating.第34页/共54页Handling utensilsEating grilled meatsAt an informal barbecue, hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, and pieces of chicken are most enjoyed when eaten with the fingers.However, certain kinds of meat are never eaten with our fingers.Sausages without buns ar

25、e eaten with a knife and fork, as are fish, and steak.第35页/共54页Handling utensils The way you leave your utensils on your plate can send several messages to the server. Sending the right messages by your silver ware is not only logic, but of course, part of the etiquette.第36页/共54页第37页/共54页Beverages e

26、tiquette Our beverages etiquette or drinking e t i q u e t t e t e l l s u s h o w t o d r i n k courteously at a western dining table.第38页/共54页Beverages etiquette As we saw in the Table settings chapter, at a formal western table we meet several glasses. To avoid confusion, lets get familiar with t

27、heir shape and purpose.第39页/共54页Beverages etiquette Three basic rules1.Take a drink only when you h a v e n o f o o d i n y o u r mouth.2.Sip instead of gulping.3.If youre a woman, dont wear so much lipstick that yo u r d r i n k i n g g l a s s w i l l become smudged.第40页/共54页Beverages etiquette Dr

28、inking water and iceAvoid the urge to gulp water at the table, no matter how thirsty you are.When drinking a beverage that contains ice cubes or crushed ice, dont crunch the ice in your mouth.第41页/共54页Beverages etiquette Drinking coffee and tea1.Dont leave your spoon in the c of f e e c u p o r te a

29、 c u p o r m u g ; place it on the saucer or a plate.2.Dont take ice from your water to cool a hot drink.3.Dont dunk doughnuts, biscotti, or anything else in your coffee unless youre at an ultracasual place where dunking is the norm.第42页/共54页Beverages etiquetteA fresh-brewed loose leaf tea tastes be

30、st. A second pot of hot w a t e r i s u s e d t o d i l u t e oversteeped tea and is poured directly into the cup.Infusing tea bags, put two or three bags in a pot of hot water and pour the tea when it has steeped.第43页/共54页Beverages etiquetteWhat to do with empty packets of sugar and individual cont

31、ainers of c re a m ? C r u m p l e t h e m a n d place them on the edge of your saucer or butter plate.第44页/共54页Wine tasting etiquette Once it is poured into the proper g la ss, its tim e to e va l u a te a n d enjoy the wine. Knowing how to taste wine by the etiquette, testifies we are proficient in western culture. Evaluating wine involves four basic steps looking, swirling, smelling, and tasting.第45页/共54页第46页/共54页第47页/共54页第48页/共54页Toasting etiq


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