1、中、英文摘要撰写规范及样例1摘要的定义摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的、不加评论和补充解释、简明确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。它用来报道作者的主要研究成果,向读者提供论文中 全部创新内容和尽可能多的定量或定性的信息。摘要重点包括四要素:目的、方法、结果和结论。2摘要的撰写原则1) 论文摘要包括中文摘要和英文摘要。一般中文摘要 200400字。中、英文摘要应一致(意思和内容一致,但无需逐字照译,做到信、达、雅)。2) 文字简明扼要,提取论文中重要内容,不含前言、背景等细节部分,去掉 旧结论、原始数据。采用第三人称表述,不用“我们”“作者”“笔者”“本文”等做主语。3) 摘要不得简单重复题名中已有的
2、信息;不用非公知公用的符号和术语,缩略语、缩写词、代号等在首次出现时必须加以说明;应采用法定计量单位,正确使用语言文字和标点符号;不使用特殊字符,也不使用图表和数学表达式;不列举例证。3 摘要的四要素1) 目的一一研究、研制、调查等的前提、目的和任务,所涉及的主题范围。2) 方法一一所用的原理、理论、条件、对象、材料、工艺、结构、手段、装 备、程序等。3) 结果一一实验的或研究的结果、数据,被确定的关系,观察结果,得到的 效果,性能等。4) 结论一一结果的分析、研究、比较、评价、应用,提出的问题,今后的课题,假设,启发,建议,预测等。4关键词关键词是论文的检索标志,是表达文献主题概念的自然语言
3、词汇,一般从论文的题名、摘要和正文中提取。每篇论文选取 38个词作为关键词,将选出 的关键词按照所涉及领域的范围从大到小顺序列出。首选主题词(索引规范化 的词或词组),再选自由词(未规范化的词或词组)。中、英文关键词分别置于中文摘要和英文摘要之下,每个关键词之间用分号隔开。5英文摘要的写作规范5.1英文摘要的时态用过去时态叙述作者工作,用现在时态叙述结论。如:"The structure of dislocation core in Gap was investigated by weak-b eam electro microscope.(过去时叙述作者所做的工作)The disl
4、ocati ons are dissociated in to two Shokley partials with separatio nsof (80+10) and (40+10) A in the pure edge a nd screw cases respectively."(现在时叙述研究的结论)5.2英文摘要的语态主动语态和被动语态兼用。1)在表达作者或有关专家的观点时,应用主动语态,其优点是鲜明有力。例如:Scienee (科学)杂志的一例 Abstract sample (Scienee, p 503, volume 311, issue 5760)? We rep
5、ort the observation of Beyond a critical polarization h, the gas separatesinto a The critical polarization diminishes with We measuredTheseresultsare releva nt to predicti ons2)能用主动语态的不用被动语态。如:"A exceedB"优于"B is exceedecby A".3) 用词要客观平实,避免主观和倾向性色彩的词,不宜使用perhaps,maybe, likely, pos
6、sible, probably 等。5.3英文摘要的文体风格1) 摘要第一句话切不可与题名(Title)重复。在EI中每篇摘要记录都是与题 名连排的,只是题名用黑体排印,因此可以认为题名便是摘要的第一句话。2) 用重要的事实开头,尽量避免用辅助从句开头。如:用"Powerconsumption of telephone switching systems was determined from data obtained experimentally",而不用"From data obtainedexperime ntally, power con sumpti
7、on of teleph one switch ing systems was determ in ed"。3) 摘要最好要有具体内容,摘要中不能出现“图xx”、“方程xx”和“参考文献XX”等句子。对那些已经为大众所熟悉的缩写词,如 radar、laser、CAD等,可以直接使用。对于那些仅为同行所熟悉的缩略 语,应在题目、摘要或关键词中至少出现一次全称。4) 组织好句子,使动词尽量靠近主语。如:不用"The decolorization insolutions of the pigment in dioxane, which were exposed to 10 h o
8、f UV irradiati on, was no Ion ger irreversible",而用"Whe n thepigment was dissolved in dioxane, decolorizationwasirreversible after 10 h of UV irradiation"。5) 尽量采用-ing分词和-ed分词作定语,少用关系代词 which , who等引 导的定语从句。6) 不使用俚语、外来语表达概念,应用标准英语。7) 句子结构严谨完整,尽量用短句子。用词力求简单,在表达同样意思时, 尽量用短词代替长词,以常用词代替生僻词。
9、但是当描述方法、步骤时, 应该用狭义词代替广义词。例如,英文中有不少动词,do,run,get,take等,虽简单常用,但其意义少则十几个,多则几十个,用这类词来描述研究过程,读者难免产生误解,甚至会不知所云,这 就要求根据具体情况,选择意义相对明确的词,诸如perform, achieve等,以便于读者理解。8) 摘要叙述要简明,逻辑性要强。9) 技术术语尽量用工程领域的通用标准。10) 语言要简练,但不得使用电报语言。11) 文词要淳朴无华,不用多姿多态的文学性描述手法。12) 删繁从简。如:用"in crease"代替"has bee n fou nd to
10、 in crease"。13) 摘要中涉及他人的工作或研究成果时,尽量列出他们的名字。14) 摘要词语拼写,用英美拼法都可,但每篇中应保持一致。5.4典型句型摘要常用句型大体可归纳为:1) 表示研究目的,常用在摘要之首,如:In order to This paper describes The purpose of this study is 2) 表示研究的对象与方法,如:The curative effect/sensitivity/functionof certaindrug/kit/organ.was observed/detected/studied 3) 表示研究的结果
11、,如:The result showed/It proved/The authors found that 4) 表示结论、观点或建议,如:The authors suggest/conclude/considerthat 5.5英文题名5.5.1 书写格式每个实词的首个字母大写,如:Costs, Risks a nd Be nefitsin Publishi ng。 名中有冠词,介词,连接词,如若在题名中首字,或在冒号后副标题首字时,首字母 要大写;介词多于3个字母时要大写,如With, Between , About。552文章标题的一些讲究1)英文题名开头第一词不得用The, And,
12、An和A。最好不用这些词:Study , Investigation, andObservationof/on. An opening A andThe;2)用最少的字词或短语表达主要信息;3)避免缩写,除非普遍知晓的缩写。6 中、英文摘要样例中、英文摘要样例,包括文题、作者姓名、单位、所在城市(非省会城市 还要标出省名)、邮编、摘要、关键词。样例1:城市轨道交通列车运行控制系统分级标准研究刘宏杰,郜春海,刘波,陈黎洁(北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,北京100044)摘 要:结合城市轨道交通列车运行控制系统(MTCS)的发展现状以及将来 的技术发展战略,参考欧洲列车运行控制系统(ETCS)和中
13、国铁路列车控制系 统(CTCS)分级和标准化的思路,阐述 MTCS分级标准建设工作的重要性, 对MTCS的分级标准建设方式给出一定的建议。 MTCS体系以车载设备为核心, 通过对地面控制设备的扩展以增强系统功能,可以分为 14个不同的等级。系 统可在低等级的基础上叠加设备来构成高等级的系统,不同等级间的主要差别 在于地-车信息传输的方式和系统自动化的程度。给出 MTCS的系统结构和各等 级的概述,并对不同等级的功能进行对比。关键词:城市轨道交通;列车运行控制系统;分级;标准化中图分类号:U231文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-6073 (2017) 01-00-04StudyonClassi
14、ficatioiStandardfor Metro Train ControlSystem说明:英文题名的实词首字母大写LIU Hongjie, GAO Chunhai, LIU Bo, CHEN Lijie说明:作者姓和名之间用1个空格分开,姓的字母全大写,名的首字母大写,其余字母小写;不同作者之可用逗号“隔开(Schoolof Electronicandlnformation Engineering,Beijing JiaotongUniversity,Beiji ng 100044)说明:作者的单位信息用括号包含,如果是大学,必须先写二级单位,再写大 学名称,城市如果不是省会城市的,还需
15、要给出所在省的名称,最后给邮编。 无需给出国家名称。单位信息的英文同题名要求,实词首字母大写,虚词都小 写。Abstract: Considering the current developmentsituation and developmenttrend of Metro Train Con trol System (MTCS), the importa nee of establish in g classificati on standardsof MTCS is introduced by referring to the classification andstandardizat
16、ion of Europea nTrain Con trol System a nd Chi neseTrain Con trol System. Proposalsfor the establishingmethodsof classification standardof MTCS were put forward. With the vehicle on-board controller as the core subsystem, through the expansion of wayside subsystem to enhancethe system function, MTCS
17、 can be classified into levels 1-4. Devices can be superimposedon the basisof a low level systemto form a higher level system. The main differenee between different levels is the way of information transmission betweenvehicle and wayside subsystemsand the degreeof systemautomation. The systemstructu
18、reof MTCS and an overview of various levels were presented,andthefunctions of different levels were compared.Keywords:urban rail transit; Metro Train Control System (MTCS); classification; sta ndardizati on说明:英文关键词之间用英文输入状态下的“;”分隔。样例2:宁波地铁列车编组方案比选及实施陈斌1 ,李英2(1.宁波市轨道交通集团有限公司,浙江宁波315012 ;2.上海市隧道工程轨道交通
19、设计研究院,上海200070)摘 要:对宁波市轨道交通2号线一期工程初、近期采用4辆编组与6辆编组 方案,从配属车辆、行车间隔、牵引能耗、满载率与拥挤度、资源共享等多个 方面进行研究比选。研究表明,初、近期高峰高断面客流分别为1.18万人/h、1.89万人/h,在初、近期客流与远期客流相比较小的情况下,同等运营服务 水平下4辆编组的运输效率要优于6辆编组,同等购车与牵引能耗费用条件下 4辆编组服务水平较好,同等服务水平条件下 4辆编组购车与牵引能耗费用较 节省;采用初期4辆编组、近期4辆/6辆编组混合运营,至远景6辆编组的转 换,均可以在客流发展变化的情况下实现有效过渡。关键词:城市轨道交通;
20、车辆编组;运营;车辆配置中图分类号:U231 文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-6073( 2017)01-00-04Train CompositioiSchemeof NingboRail TransitCHEN Bin1, LI Ying2(1.NingboRailTransit GroupCo., Ltd., Ningbo 315012; 2. ShanghaiTunnelEngin eeri ng and Rail Tran sit Desig n and ResearchI nstitute, Shan ghai200070)Abstract: Phase1 of Ningbo ra
21、il transit Line 2 adopts4-car train composition at the beg inning and 6-car train compositi on rece ntly. Comparis on and selecti ons were carried out in terms of vehicles, traffic intervals, traction energy consumption, Ioad factors and crowded degree, resourcesharing and other aspects.The passenge
22、rflow peakis 11,800 pers on sperhouratthe beg inning an d18,900pers on sper hour rece ntly. The passengerflow at the beginning and in the near future are lessthan that in the future; under suchcondition, operating underthe same level of service the transport efficiency of 4-car train composition is
23、better than 6-car ones; service of 4-car train composition is better underthe samenumber of trains bought andthe sametraction energy consumption. 4-cartrain composition is more economical for train purchase budget and energy consumption under the same level of service. 4-car train composition at pre
24、sent,4/6-car train composition mixed operation in the near future and 6-car train operation in the future altogethercan realize an effective transition in the cha ngesof passe ngeiflows.Keywordsurban rail transit; train composition; operation;carriageallocation样例3:20022016年我国地铁施工安全事故规律性统计分析李皓燃,李启明,陆
25、莹(东南大学土木工程学院,南京 210096)摘 要:搜集20022016年(统计到3月)地铁施工事故246起,从时间、事 故类型、施工工法、发生位置、站台形式、死伤人数等8个方面分析、描述事故发生的规律性。结果显示,事故发生的总数呈上升趋势,但每千米死亡人数 呈下降趋势;每年1月、5月、7月、11月,每天0:00-1:00、8:00-11:00和 15:00-18:00地铁施工事故发生较为频繁;坍塌是地铁施工项目中发生最频繁的 事故类型,占43%;明挖法施工数占地铁施工事故的 31%;盾构法施工数占区 间工程施工事故的62%;火灾爆炸是区间工程施工中较常发生的事故,而在车 站工程中发生较少。
26、最后,结合长三角地区主要特点,从技术、管理、政策3方面有针对性地提出对策和建议。关键词:地铁建设;施工事故;统计分析;规律性;长三角中图分类号:U231; F530.7文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-6073( 2017)01-00-04StatisticaAnalysisonRegularityof SubwayConstructionAccidentfrom 2002to 2016 in ChinaLI Haoran, LI Qiming , LU Ying(School of Civil Engineering,SoutheasUniversity, Nanjing 210096) A
27、bstract:The data of subway construction accidentsin China from 2002 to March, 2016 are presentedin order to analyze the regularity of theseaccidentsfrom the perspectiveof years, mon ths, hours, accide nt types, con structi on methods, locati ons, numbersdeathsand so on. The results show that the tot
28、al numberof accidentsis on the rise, but deaths per kilometer gradually decline. Most construction accidents occurredfrequently in January,May, July and Novemberevery yearand during 0:001:00, 8:00-11:00 and 15:00-18:00 every day. Coll apse is the most com mon accide nt type, occupies 43%; Open cut m
29、ethod acco un tsfor 31% of subway con struct ion accidents,and shield method 62% of section construction. Fire and explosion often took place duri ng secti on con struct ions while seldom happe ned duri ng stati on con struct ions. Fin ally, accordi ng to the regularity, some coun termeasuresa nd th
30、e suggesti ons of subway con struct ion safety are put forward con sideri ng the characteristicsof Yan gtze River Delta regi on from the three aspectsof tech no logy, managementand policy.Keywords: subway con struct ion; con structi on accide nts; statistical an alysis; regularity; YangtzeRiver Delt
31、a样例4:盾构下穿城际客运专线引起变形的数值分析徐会杰,彭华,徐希磊(北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院,北京100044)摘 要:天市地铁3号线解放桥站一天津站站盾构区间穿越京津城际客运专线, 为我国首例已实施的盾构穿越高速铁路路基段工程。通过使用 ANSYS软件, 建立地层-结构三维实体模型,模拟盾构穿越客运专线的过程,分析盾构穿越期 间轨道沉降及横移变形规律,将数值分析与实际测试结果进行对比分析,表明 在无轨道加固、车辆限速措施的条件下,采用严格控制施工参数的措施可以保 证咼速铁路的正常运营。关键词:轨道交通;客运专线;盾构;沉降:数值模拟中图分类号:U231文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-
32、6073 (2017) 01-00-04NumericalAnalysisofGroundDeformationSCausedby ShieldTunnelingUnder-crossinBeijing-Tianjinlntercity PassengerDedicatedRailwayXU Huijie, PENG Hua, XU Xilei(School of Civil Engineering, Beijing JiaotongUniversity, Beijing 100044)Abstract:Shieldtu nn eli ng betwee nJ iefa ngqiaostati
33、 onand Tianjin subwaystati on of Tianjin subway Line 3 under-crossesa high-speed railway. Finite element software ANSYS was used to build the three-dimensional model of soil and structure to simulate the con struct ion processof this project and the n to an alyzethe regularity of track settlements a
34、nd lateral deformations during construction. The results of numerical simulation were compared with the in-situ measured data which dem on strated that without track rei nforceme nt measures and train decelerati on measures,strict control of construction parameterscould ensurethe safe operation of t
35、he railway.Keywords: urbanrailtransit; passenger-dedicatedrailway line; shield; settlement; nu merical simulatio n样例5:都市圈背景下的深圳轨道交通发展战略研究张晓春,宋家骅,邵源,杨宇星(深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心有限公司,广东深圳518040)摘 要:国际大都市圈在发展过程中,都结合空间结构和交通需求变化,制定 相应的交通发展战略。港深莞惠地区已经初步具备建设世界级都市圈的条件, 需要根据空间发展态势,提早研究交通发展战略。首先,从空间结构上解析其 港深莞惠都市圈双核双通勤
36、圈的结构特征;其次,通过分析未来都市圈人口岗 位的变化,研判关键地区和走廊的高峰期通勤交通压力;最后,研究提出深圳 轨道交通一体化发展战略以及基于都市圈空间结构重构轨道网络的策略性建议。关键词:轨道交通;都市圈;空间结构;通勤圈;发展战略中图分类号:U231文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-6073( 2017) 01-00-04Studyon the Rail TransitDevelopmenStrategyof ShenzheiCityUnderthe BackgrouncOf MetropolitanRegionZHANG Xiaochun, SONGJiahua SHAO Yuan,
37、 YANG Yuxing(ShenzhenUrban Rail TransitPlanningandDesignCenterCo., Ltd., Shenzhen518040)Abstract: In the forming process of international metropolitan regions, transport developme ntstrategieswere formulated in comb in atio n with the varia nee of spacial structure and traffic dema nd. The area of H
38、onkon g-She nzhe n-Do nggua n-H uizhou (HSDH) hasprimarily possessecthe conditions to build a world metropolitan region and it is necessaryto study on transport developmentstrategyaccording to the urban spacial development tendency at its early stage. This paper firstly analyzed the structural chara
39、cteristicsof HSDH metropolitan region, which has two coresand two commuting circles. Secondly, it studied and predicted the future commuting traffic pressure of critical areas and aisles based on the forecast of population and employme nt. Fin ally, the paper prese nted an in tegrated rail tran sit
40、developme nt strategy. Strategic suggestionswere also put forward including rebuilding the rail n etwork accord in gto the spacial structureof HSDH metropolita n regi on.Keywords: rail transit; metropolitan region; spacial structure; commuter circle; developme ntstrategy样例6:城市轨道交通线网规划修编的前期研究郑明远1,张乃基
41、2,梁青槐1(1.北京交通大学城市轨道交通研究中心,北京100044;2.重庆市轨道交通集团有限公司,重庆400042)摘要:从目前城市轨道交通线网规划不断调整的趋势出发,说明在线网规划中对前期战略性研究存在不足。结合重庆市轨道交通发展纲要(20112020)的编制,探讨线网规划修编的前期研究的作用、内容和研究方法,指出:前期 研究是指导调整线网规划和建设规划的纲领性文件,需要在“目标 -实施一体化” 的框架内,重点探讨轨道交通线网发展的目标、战略途径、重大行动和保障体 系;应采取“系统分析+意愿分析”论证轨道交通的发展目标,以多元化的效率 目标来综合审视线网规模,以“两个一体化”(轨道交通与
42、城市空间一体化、轨 道交通与其他交通方式一体化)来统筹线网形态布局。关键词:城市轨道交通;线网规划;修编;前期研究中图分类号:U231文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-6073 (2017) 01-00-04Early-StageStudyonUrban Rail TransitNetworkPlanningRevisionZHENG Mingyuan1, ZHANG Naiji2, LIANG Qinghuai1(1. Urban Rail Tran sit ResearchCe nter,Beiji ng Jiaoto ngUn iversity, Beiji ng 100044;2. C
43、ho ngqi ngRail Tran sit Group Co., Ltd., Cho ngqi ng400042)Abstract The currenttendencyof continuousadjustmentof urban rail transit network planning indicates that some problems existed in the earlier-stagestrategic study of n etwork pla nning. Con sideri ng the revisio n of “ Chongqin Rail Tran sit
44、 Developme nt Outline (2011-2020) ” the role, contentsand researchmethodswere discussedfor the early-stage study on n etwork pla nning revisi on .It has bee n show n that early-stage study is a guideli nefor theadjustme ntof n etwork pla nning and con struct ion pla n. The developme nt objectives, s
45、trategic approaches,major actionsand security system of urban rail networks should be implemented underthe framework of “ integratinghe targetwith implementation The “ systenanalysisplus wish analysis method should be adoptedto verify the rail transit developmenttargets.A wide rangeof efficiency tar
46、gets should be used to exam in e tra nsit n etwork scales i n an all round way. The layout of the urban transit network should be basedon the integration of rail with other traffic modesaswell asthei ntegratio no frail tran sit with urba n space. Keywords Urban rail transit; network planning; revisi
47、on; early-stagestudy样例7:前进式深孔注浆堵水技术初探罗富荣1, 江 2,3,江玉生3(1.北京市轨道交通建设管理有限公司,北京100037; 2.北京城建集团有限责任公司,北京100085 ; 3中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京100083)摘 要:基于地下水对北京地铁工程施工的影响,分析北京地铁现有施工堵水 技术的优缺点,提出采用前进式深孔注浆堵水技术进行地铁车站堵水。以北京 地铁6号线常营站为背景,根据车站施工场区工程地质与水文地质条件,部署 详细的前进式注浆堵水专项方案和效果检验方案,进行现场注浆堵水试验研究。 研究结果表明:该技术在车站堵水试验中取得了
48、较好的效果,基本能满足车站 施工掌子面不带水作用的要求,值得推广。同时,为北京地铁车站施工提出一 种新的堵水加固方法。关键词:北京地铁;前进式深孔注浆;堵水;现场试验 中图分类号:U231 文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-6073( 2017)01-00-04DiscussioonAdvanceDeep-HoleGroutingTechniqueSor Water Proofingof Metro StationProjectLUO Furong1, JIANG Hua2,3, JIANG Yusheng(1. Beijing MTR ConstructionAdministration C
49、orporation, Beijing 100037;2. Beijing Urban Construction Group, Beijing 100085; 3. School of MechanicsandCivil En gi neeri ng,Ch in a U ni versity of Mi ning & Tech nology, Beiji ng 100083)Abstract: Con sideri ng the in flue nee of un dergro und water on Beiji ng metro con struct ion, the tech n
50、iq ueof adva nee deep hole grout ing was adopted for water proofing after analyzing the merits and weaknessesof existing water proofing tech no logies used in subway stati on con structi on. Taking Changying Stati on on Beijing metro Line 6 as the engineering background and considering its geologica
51、l and hydrogeological con diti ons, detailed adva nee deep hole grout ing scheme a nd inspection schemeswere deployed,and a lot of researche由ave beencarried out at the site of field test. It is con cluded that adva ncedeephole grout ing tech no logy is more effective than the existing water proofing
52、 methods used in subway station con struct ion ,that it can meetthe requireme ntthat excavati on faceof thestati on is out of water, and that it offered a new water- proofing technique and can be taken for referenceby similar projects.KeywordsBeijing metro; advancedeephole grouting; water proofing;
53、field test样例8:地铁车站消火栓系统控制模式优化尉铭强,黄云峰(北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司,北京100037)摘 要:阐述地铁车站消火栓系统的控制模式,分析消火栓系统的操作模式, 对手动启泵控制模式和自动启泵控制模式进行详细分析,从启动时间、运营管 理、经济性等方面进行对比,得出手动控制模式在启动时间上具有优势,但存 在人为误操作的可能,自动控制模式比手动操作模式增加了压力开关(流量开 关)控制系统,投资会有所增加。优化两种控制模式,在设计手动启泵控制模 式时增加自动巡检或其他线路故障报警功能,在设计自动启泵控制模式时,增 设低流量或者低压力报警的流量开关或者压力开关,在消火栓
54、系统出现小流量 泄漏时,能及时报警,及时维修,避免消防泵在非消防状态下的错误启动。 关键词:地铁车站;消火栓系统;控制模式;优化中图分类号 U231; F530.7文献标志码 A文章编号 1672-6073( 2017)01-00-04Optimizationof ControlModesof Fire Hydrant Systemin SubwayStationYU Mingqiang, HUANG Yunfeng(BeijingUrban ConstructionDesign & Development Group Co., Ltd.,Beiji ng100037)Abstract
55、: The con trol mode of fire hydra nt system in subway stati on is elaborated and the operationmode of fire hydrantsystemis analyzed.The manualcontrol mode and the automatic pump control mode are analyzed in detail. Judging from the perspective of starting time, operation managementand economicperfor
56、manee, we come to the con clusi on that manu alc on trol mode has a n adva ntage in start ing time, but there are the possibilities of human errors. The automatic control modeincreases the pressureswitch (flow switch) control system; therefore, the investment will be in creased.Optimizati on of the
57、two con trol modesis also discussedn the desig nof manual pump con trol mode, the automatic in spect ion should be in creased or alarm function for other lines should be added. In the design of automatic pump control mode, the addition of low flow or low pressurealarm flow switch or pressureswitch i
58、n the fire hydra nt system is n ecessary.Whe n small leakagehappe ns,the system is supposedto alarm a nd get repairedi n time, avoidi ng the fire pump mistake nly started in the non-fire state.Keywordssubway station; fire hydrantsystem;control model; optimization样例8城市轨道交通直流自耦变压器牵引供电系统郑琼林,杨晓峰,游小杰(北京交通大学电气工程学院,北京100044)摘要:现有城市轨道交通直流牵引供电系统普遍采用走行轨回流,存在危害性很大的长时间迷流,且防不胜防。提出一种新的直流牵引供电系统,即直流 自耦变压器(DCAT)牵引供电系统,能很好地解决轨道电位和迷流问题。以传统 的直流牵引供电系统为基础,增加由电力电子开关和直流电容器构成的DCAT及回流线,构成DCAT牵
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