1、最新资料推荐2017年成人高考专升本英语模拟试题及答案、语音知识第1题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()A.mental B.metal C.total D.metallic第2题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()A.thanks B.pills C.news D.films第3题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()A.elction B.pronuciation C.question D.operation第4题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()A.dear B.heart C.ear D.tear第5题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()A.manage
2、 B.matter C.madam D.many第6题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。A.machine B.matterC.hammer D.happen第7题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。A.three B.those C.thankD.theatre第8题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()A. law B. ignore C. walkD. also1第9题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()A. CabbageB. cageC. captainD. candle最新资料推荐第10题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。A. Ready B. weather C. lea
3、ve D. bread第11题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。A.practice B.possible C.physical D.pacific第12题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。A. arm B. partyC. warm D. farther第13题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。A.energy B.engineer C.encourage D.entrance第14题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。A. greatB. league C. peace D. neat第15题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。A. theory B. throgh C.
4、birth D. there二、词汇与语法知识第 1 题 Johnson , my father ' s younger brother , will not be at the picnic , to the family ' S disappointment.A.more B.much C.too much D.much more第 2 题 The burglar was caught.A.while he left the house B.when he was left the houseC.as he was leaving the house D.as soon a
5、s he was leaving the house第 3 题 “Look, your wife has just come in. ” "A.So she did B.So did she C.So has she D.So she has第 4 题 Government officials should always in mind the pople ' s最新资料推荐needs.A.carry B.take C.train D.bear第 5 题 I'like to takeof this opportunity to thank you all for yo
6、urcoopera-tion.A.profitl B.benefit C.advantage D.interest第 6 题 It is quite necessary for a teacher to have good manners andknowledge.A.extensive B.expensive C.intensive D.expressive第 7 题 Susan wants to know whether the measures have been agreed.A.to B.with C.over D.on第 8 题 Would you please tell meto
7、 do next?A.how B.what C.which D.whatever第 9 题 We should lookthe matter before we reach a conclusion.A.into B.for C.to D.at第 10 题 Every officer and every soldierobey the rules.A.had to B.have to C.has to D.must have to第 11 题 She S fainted.Throw some water on her face and she may soon.A.come around B.
8、come again C.come back D.come on第 12 题 Having been found guilty , the man was given a severeby thejudge 。A.crisis B.crime C.sentence D.service第 13 题 the sun is the central body of the solar system so the nucleus is the core of the atom.A.When B.If C.Now that D.Just as第 14 题 The sports team of our pr
9、ovince wonthey did at the last NationalGames.A.twice as many gold medals asB.as many twice gold medals asC.as many as twice gold medals D.twice many gold medals than第 15 题 The Speech was not interesting.Most of the people present began to move about A.impatient B.impatiently C.impatience D.patiently
10、第 16 题 The harder they worked, .A. they seemed to do lessB. the less they seemed to doC. they were doing lessD. they did less第 17 题 Have another cup of coffee 。A. won t you B. will youC. have you D. haven t you第 18 题 loves them dearly.She spares no money and makes great efforts tohave them well educ
11、ated.A.Mary s and Kate s mother B. Mother of Mary s and Kate sC. Mary and Kate s mother D. Mother of Mary and Kate s第 19 题 No sooner got to the station than it began to rain heavily.A. had IB. have I C. I had D. I have第 20 题 "I like the film."A. Nor do I B. Neither do IC. Either do ID. So
12、do I第 21 题 The new large passenger jets have made the traffic problems at airportsA. more bad than it wasB. the worse than beforeC. worse than ever beforeD. more bad than they were第 22 题 I visited Zhangjiajie last summer.Never in my life so beautiful aplace like that.A. I had seen B. did I seeC. hav
13、e I seen D. I shall see第 23 题 "Jane has certainly been working hard.""."A. So have her brothers B. So her brothers haveC. Her brothers have tooD. So have been her brothers第 24 题 Mr.Brown, and not I ,chosen to be the representative of the class.A.is B. am C. areD. have been第 25 题
14、I have no intention of relations with them.A. breaking up B. breaking off C. breaking out D. breaking down5最新资料推荐最新资料推荐解析: break up 意为“打碎,分裂”;break off 意为“断绝,结束”;break out 意为“爆发” ;break down 意为“崩溃,瓦解”。第 26 题 The teacher asked me .A.whether or not I had finished my workB.did I finish my work or notC.
15、is my work finished or notD.if or not I have finished my work whether or not第 27 题 Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening.A. to be taken B. to takeC. being taken D. taking解析: 此题考查的是词组should love to do sth.=would like to do sth. ,并且 Jim与 take 之间是被动关系,故应选用take 的不定式的被动态,即to be taken 。第 28
16、 题 the importance of wearing seat belts while driving.A. Little they realize B. They little do realizeC. Little realize do theyD. Little do they realize第 29 题 This town is famous _ its historical homes.A. For B. about C. with D. by解析:be famous for 表示“以而著名”。第 30 题 Those are probably the curtains in t
17、he store.A. FancierB. most fanciestC. fanciestD. more fancier9第 31 题 She kept a close eyethe sick child and didn t sleep the wholenight.A.at B.in C.for D.on第 32 题 The effect of TVthe life of average people is incalculable.A.in B.for C.aboutD.on第 33 题 Jim is the most intelligent , of A.four US B.US f
18、our C.the four US D.US of four第 34 题 I like all kinds of fruit , but my is banana.A.favorite B.favored C.favorable D.preferred第 35 题 We were overjoyed at the news of Chinaanother man-madesatel1ite.A.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting第 36 题 The headmaster wanted the classroom buildingas soon
19、aspossible.A.to set up B.to have been set up C.to be set up D.being set up第 37 题 they who did the thorough cleaning to the classroomyesterday.A.These were B.That was C.It was D.Those were第 38 题 HOW many times did the clock?A.hit B.knock C.beat D.strike第 39 题 He tried tohis involvement in this robber
20、y , but he finallyconfessed.A.decline B.reject C.refuse D.deny最新资料推荐第 40 题 Mike wanted to go there by plane but he did not have enough moneyto pay for theA. travel B. voyage C. joureny D. fly第 41 题 There was plenty of time.You.A. mustn t have hurried B. needn t hurryC. must not hurryD. needn t have
21、hurried第 42 题 Which is more important , theappearance of a book or itscontent?A. artificial B. surface C. physical D. substance第 43 题 This year the factoryalmost twice as many motors as it did lastyear.A.turned down B.turned off C.turned out D.turned over 第 44 题 The good service of the restaurant th
22、e poor food to some extent.A. made for B. made out C. made up for D.made use of三、完型填空根据以下内容,回答下面试题。(1) What is intelligence( 智力 ) anyway? When I was in the army 1anintelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against 2of 100, scored 160.I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tes
23、ts, could not 3have scored more than 80. 4, when anything went wrong withmy car I hurried to him-and he always 5it.Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man designed questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them I'd prove myself a 6. In a world最新资料推荐where I have to work with my hands,
24、 I'd do poorly.Consider my auto-repair man 7. He had a habit of telling jokes. Onetime he said,"Doc, a deaf-and-dumb( 聋哑 ) man 8 some nails. Havingentered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made 9 movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He 10 hish
25、ead and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk brought him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doc, the 11manwho came in was blind. He wanted scissors( 剪刀 ). 12 do you suppose he asked for them?" I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my f
26、irst two fingers. He burst out laughing and said," Why, youfool, he used his voice and asked for them. I've been 13 that on all mycustomers today, but I knew 14 I'dcatch you. " "Why is that?" I asked."Because you are so goddamned edycatedm Doc. I knew you couldn'
27、t be very 15And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.第1 题请选择最佳答案填入()A.failed B.wrote C.received D.chose第 2 题请选择最佳答案填入()A.an average B.a total C.an exam D.a number第 3 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A.always B.possibly C.certainly D.Frequently第 4 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A.Then B.Thus C.Therefore D.Yet第 5 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A
28、.fixed B.checked C.drove D.changed第 6 题请选择最佳答案填入()A.teacher B.doctor C.winner D.fool第 7 题请选择最佳答案填入()A.again B.as usual C.too D.as well第 8 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A.bought B.tasted C.found D.Needed第 9 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A.cutting B.hammering C.waving D.Circling第10 题请选择最佳答案填入()A.nodded B.raised C.shook D.turned第11 题请选
29、择最佳答案填入()A.cleverB.other C.rightD.next第 12 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A.WhatB.HowC.WhoD.Which第 13 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A.trying B.proving C.practicing D.Examining第 14 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A.for sure B.at once C.in fact D.right now第 15 题 请选择最佳答案填入()A.clear B.silly C.slow D.smart11最新资料推荐(2) What is musice? Music is sound arranged
30、into pleasing or interesting1.It is part of every culture on Earth.People use music to 2feelingsand ideas.Music also serves to entertain and relax.Music is a performing art.It 3form such arts as painting and poetry, Inwhich arts 4works and then display or publish them.Musical composersneed musicians
31、 to 5and perform their works.6most musicalperformances are really co-operations between composers and performers.Music also plays a major role in other arts.Opera 7singing and musicwith drama.Ballet and other forms of dancing need music to help the dancers 8their steps.Motion pictures use music to h
32、elp set the mood as well asintroduce the actions or enhance its 9on the audience. Music is one ofthe 10arts.People probably started to sing to as soon as 11developed.Hunting tools struck together may have been the first musical12.By about 10,000 B.C , hollow bones had been used by 13people to make f
33、lutes.The first written music dates from about 2500 B.C.There are two chief kinds of western music, classical and popular.Symphonies, operas, and ballet are 14music.It is generally harder to write andperform.Musicians who perform it need a lot of training.Popular music 15country music, folk music, j
34、azz, and rock music.It is easier to perform and understand.1 .填入(1)处的最佳答案是()。#最新资料推荐13A.modelsB.typesC.stylesD.patterns2.填入 (2)处的最佳答案是()。A.expressB.exploreC.coverD.test3.填入 (3)处的最佳答案是(A.resultsB.developsC.differs D.separates4.填入 (4)处的最佳答案是()。A.discoverB.developsC.differsD.separates5.填入 (5)处的最佳答案是()。
35、A.adaptB.interpretC.followD.complete6.填入 (6)处的最佳答案是)。A.thusB.howeverC.besidesD.and7.填入 (7)处的最佳答案是)。A.joins B.associatesC.connectsD.combines8.填入 (8)处的最佳答案是)。A.withB.forC.after D.upon9.填入 (9)处的最佳答案是()。A.forceB.effectC.influenceD.impact最新资料推荐10. 填入(10)处的最佳答案是()。A.greatest B.easiest C.oldest D.best11. 填
36、入(11)处的最佳答案是()。A.agricultureB.societyC.humanityD.language12. 填入 (12)处的最佳答案是()。A.performersB.eventsC.instrumentsD.notes13. 填入 (13)处的最佳答案是()。A.preciousB.old C.early D.ancient14. 填入 (14)处的最佳答案是()。A.lightB.backgroundC.classicalD.experimental15. 填入 (15)处的最佳答案是()。A.acceptsB.includesC.explainsD.illustrates
37、四、阅读理解根据以下内容,回答下面试题。Passage OneThere has been, in history, a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived to tell the tale. The man's name is James Bartley. The records to prove his unusual experience are in the British Admiralty.Bartley was making his first trip on the whaling ship Star of the Ea
38、st. Suddenly最新资料推荐 the lookout sighted a huge sperm whale. The whalers knew it was a huge whale by the size of the spray it blew into the air. They lowered their small boats. James Bartley was in the first longboat. The men rowed until they were close to the whale. A harpoon was thrown and it found
39、its mark. It sank into the whale's flesh. The maddened beast crashed into the boat, snapping its tail at the men and the wreckage of their boats. When the survivors were picked up, James Bartley was missing.Shortly before sunset, the whale was finally captured. The sailors tied the whale's d
40、ead body to the side of the ship. Because of the hot weather it was important that they cut up the whale right away. Otherwise, the meat would begin to rot and oil would begin to spoil. When they got to the stomach, they felt something moving about wildly. They thought it would be a big fish still a
41、live inside. But when they opened the stomach they found James Bartley. After this trip, Bartley settled in England, and never returned to sea.第 1 题 This passage is mainly about.A.how to hunt whales for their oil and meatB.The hard and dangerous lives that whalers had to liveC.The duties of each man
42、 on a whaling shipD.a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived第 2 题 The sailors knew that something was in the whale's stomach because.A.they could feel it moving about wildly15最新资料推荐B.The whale seemed very heavyC.The whale was swelling at one spotD.The captain heard Bartley yelling for help第
43、3 题 James Barfley probably never went to sea again because.A.he wanted different kinds of adventuresB.of fright and shockC.he was crippled by the whaleD.he often got seasick第 4 题 The author, in telling James Bartley's story, informs us by.A.narrating the plain factsB.referring to whaling in gene
44、ralC.comparing whaling to other fishingD.dramatically telling what happenedPassage TwoIn ancient times wealth was measured and exchanged in things that could be touched: food ,tools, and previous metals and stones. Then the barter system was replaced by coins, which still had real value since they w
45、ere pieces of rare metal. Coins were followed by fiat money, paper notes that have value only because everyone agrees to accept them.Today electronic monetary systems are gradually being introduced that will transform money into even less tangible forms,reducing it to a series of "bits and byte
46、s" ,or units of computerized information, going between machines at the speed of light. Already, electronic fund transfer allows money to be instantly sent and received by different banks, companies, and countries through computers and telecommunications devices.17最新资料推荐第 5 题 According to the p
47、assage, which of the following was the earliest kind of exchange of wealth?( )A.Bartered goods. B.Fiat money C.Coin currency D.Intangible forms 第 6 题 The author mentions food,tools and precious metals and stones together because they are all.A.useful items B.articles of valueC.difficult things to ob
48、tain D.material objects第 7 题 According to the passage, coins once had real value currency because they.A.represented a great improvement over barterB.permitted easy transportation of wealthC.were made of precious metalsD.could become collector's items第 8 题 Which of the following statements about
49、 computerized monetary systems is NOT supported by the passage?()A.They promote international trade.B.The allow very rapid money transfers.C.They are still limited to small transactionsD.They are dependent on good telecommunications systems.Passage ThreeAlaska, which was called Russian America befor
50、e it was sold to U. S. A. ,joined the union as the forty-ninth state in 1959.Alaska is now the largest of all the 50 states of the U. S.最新资料推荐It was in 1867 that President A. Johnson's Secretary of State( 国务卿 ) ,Sewardbought Alaska from the Russians at a cost of 7.2 million. The buying of the hu
51、genorthern land mass seemed at first something foolishly done. Not only was Alaskadifficult to reach, but it was also hard to bye in, and it appeared to have noimportance in time of war. Besides, there are volcanoes there as Alaska hes on thePacific" ring of fire". In Alaska large treeless
52、 areas are covered with snow all the year.For these reasons the buying of Alaska was called "Seward's Fooly" at that time.However, in 1896 gold was found in Alaska, and people poured tin to the landquickly. Since then other important natural resources were discovered, including oil.Soo
53、n people changed their thinking about "Seward's Fooly". But most people visitAlaska in order to see the endless beauty of nature that the northern land disclosesto them. For instance, there are a- bout 11,000 islands in Alaska. And in a certainarea of Alaska the sun does not set for 82
54、 daysevery year.第 9 题 Alaska belonged tobefore 1867.A.Russia B.America C.Canada D.Japan第 10 题 The buying of Alaska was first called.A.a foolish thing B.Seward's FoolyC.Johnson's Fooly D.President's Foolishness第 11 题 Volcanoesin Alaska as.A.are not found ;large parts of the land is covere
55、d with snowB.are not found ;it is at the northern top of AmericaC.are found; it is on the Pacific" ring of fire"19最新资料推荐D.are found;there are so many islands第 12 题 Tourists came to Alaska to.A.study its importance in war B.study its volcanoesC.enjoy its freezing weather D.enjoy its beauty
56、of naturePassage FourDeep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East. Tennessee is a body of water known as the Lost Sea. It is listed by the Guinness Bool of World Records as the world's largest underground lake. The Lost Sea is part of an extensive and historic cave system called Craighead Cave
57、rns.The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Cherokee IndianNation. The cave expands into a series of huge rooms from a small opening on theside of the mountain. Approximately one mile from the entrance, in room called"the Council Room", many Indian artifacts have been fo
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