



1、高一英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 81PaSSage 1A SUrVey Said the average ASia n dad SPe nt One minute a day With his ChiIdre n. I WaS shocked. I mean, a whole minu te? EVery day? Get real. OnCe a Week maybe. The fact is, many ASian males are terrible at kid-related things. In fact, I am one of them.ChiId-reari ng (养

2、育)does n't come n aturally to guys. My mother knew the n ames of our teachers, best friends and crushes. My dad WaS only VagueIy aware there Were short people Shari ng the apartme nt. My mother bought healthy fresh food at the market every day. My dad would only go shopp ing Whe n there WaS noth

3、ing in the fridge except a jar of butter. Then he'd buy beer. My mother always knew the right questi ons to ask our teachers. My dad would ask my En glish teacher if She could get US a disco unt on school fees. My mother SerVed kid food to kids. My dad added chili SaUCe to everyth ing, in clud i

4、ng our baby food.The truth is, mother have superpowers. My son fell off a wall OnCeand hurt himself all over. I dema nded some one bring me a COmPUter so I could google What to do. My Wife ignored me and did some sort of Chanting 咏诵)PhraSe SUCh as "Mummy kiss it better, " and CUred 17 SePa

5、rate in juries in less tha n 15 SeC on ds.Yes, mothers are in CredibIe people, but they are not always correct. Yet hon esty forces me to record the fact that mothers only know best 99. 99 PerCent of the time. Here are some famous slip-ups.The mother of Bill Gates: "If you're going to drop

6、out of college and hang out With your StUPid friends, don't come running to me When you find yourself Penniless." The15mother of Albert Einstein: "When you grow up, you'll find that sitting around thinking about the nature of time and space won't pay the grocery bills. " T

7、he mother of George W. Bush: "You'll never be like your dad, who became President of the United States and started his own war. "1. The tone for the writer to write the passage is .A. seriousB. humorousC. disapprovingD. critical2. In paragraph 2 the writer makes a comparison between mo

8、thers and fathers to prove that .A. females love kids more than malesB. child-rearing is difficult both for females and malesC. my dad is not interested in child-rearingD. males are not good at child-rearing3. What does the underlined word "slip-ups" in paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Storie

9、sB. ShortcomingsC. MistakesD. Disadvantages4. The last paragraph is mainly developed by .A. providing different examplesB. following the order of spaceC. making comparisonsD. analyzing causesPassage 2This is the age of being busy. Many of us live in busy places and have busy lives. Even the roads ar

10、e busy as we try to get from here to there. Adults are busy going to jobs and taking care of their families. Kids are busy, too, going to school and doing a lot of homework after school and on weekends.Busy isn ' t bad, necessarily. If you are not busy enough you might be bored. But if you are t

11、oo busy, you might break down. For example, if you have a soccer game that runs late on a school night and you haven' t eaten dinner or done your homework, thata not-so-fun kind of busy. We wanted to know what kids thought, so we did a kidsPoll about being busy with 882 girls and boys aged 9 to

12、13.Almost all of them said they felt stressed because they were too busy. About halfsaid they felt this way once in a while or some of the time. But 17% said they felt thisway most of the time and 24% said they felt this all the time! Oh dear, that' s nOnly 4% of kids said they wanted less free

13、time and 18% said they already had just the right amount. But, no big surprise, 61% of kids wish they had a lot more free time.If they had more time, most would spend it hanging out or playing with friends.Often, adults plan large parts of a kids day, especially during the school year. Kidscan'

14、t tell their parents theyBut they can tell their parents they'Il be SkiPPing)SCtoOday to get more free time!d like to Play a game or read a book during theirfree time inStead of watching TV.1. The PurPoSe of the firSt ParagraPh iS to A. Introduce the toPicB. Support the main ideaC. Raise the top

15、ic sentenceD. Attract the readers ' attention2. By giving the example of a late soccer game, the writer intends to tell usA. Being too busy is bad for the kidsB. It is no fun to be busy for the kidsC. Homework should go before gameD. Being busy may cause the kids to feel bored3. According to the

16、 passage, the KidsPoll is done to carry out research on A. How kids arrange their free timeB. What kids think of being busyC. How many kids felt stressedD. What kids do with their study4. From the passage, we can infer that the writer agrees kids can .A. Spend their free time hanging or playing outB

17、. Get a lot more free time from their parentsC. Have a right amount of free time with permissionD. Get more free time from school work sometimesPassage 3There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.One day, feeling very sad and lonely, she was walking throug

18、h a grassland when she noticed a small butterfly caught in a thorn bush. The young girl carefully released the butterfly. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief."For your wonderful kindness, " the good fairy

19、said to the girl, "I will give you any wish you would like. " The little girl thought for a moment and then replied, "I want to be happy. "The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the fairy disappeared.As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as

20、happy as she. Everyone asked her secret of happiness. She would only smile and answer, "The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl. "When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all gathered around her, afraid that her unbelievable se

21、cret of happiness would die with her. "Tell us, please, "they begged, "Tell us what the good fairy said. "The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, "She told me that everyone, no matter how secure they seemed, no matter how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me.

22、"1. Noticing the butterfly was caught by the thorn, the orphan girl .A. helped the butterfly escape from the thornB. felt sorrow, but she didn't help itC. fell down on it tooD. failed to help it release from the thorn2. The only thing that the little girl wanted was .A. to be richB. to have

23、 her own parentsC. to have a lot of friendsD. happiness3. The neighbors all gathered around the old happy woman when she was dying, because .A. they loved this woman deeply and they didn't want her to dieB. the woman had lots of money to be shared as soon as she diedC. they wanted to know the se

24、cret of her lifetime happinessD. they wanted to pray for her after her deathPassage 4What is an acce nt 口 音)? An acce nt is a flavori ng to you that in flue nces the SOundS of words and sentences. In Birmingham you might hear ''lake'' sounding close to ''like'', and i

25、n Ireland you might hear ''this'' sounding close to ''diss''.Accents are related to social group. Everyone has an accent, and for every accent there are groups of people who react badly to it. These reactions are the result of prejudice (偏见 )-an unreasoned jumping to

26、conclusions.Everybody has prejudices about accents. I certainly do. I have held prejudices about other people's accents. But over the years, my experience of working with people from all kinds of backgrounds has led me to give up these prejudices. However, I still have prejudices that I find dif

27、ficult to control.StudieS tell US that no accent is better than any other. BUt the reality is that many people judge OtherS accordi ng to acce nts.Jacob, Member of ParIiament (议会),remembers When he first stoodUnSUCCeSSfully for election in Fife, Scotland, HI gradually realized that WhateVer I happe

28、ned to be SPeak ing about, the nu mber of VOterS in my favor dropped as soon as I ope ned my mouth. HAnd some people Change their accentsto sound more refined (文雅的)When talki ng to people OUtSide their CirCIe of family and frien ds.Sky NeWS ran a report recently in WhiCh an 18-year-old woman WaS try

29、ing to sound less posh 上等人的),that is SPeak ing non-Sta ndard En glish, because She did n't like the Strangers telling her that She must be rich and from a famous family.LaStly, it's worth being rem in ded that PeOPle Can have an acce nt and StiIl be recog ni zed.1. What does the author think

30、 of acce nt PrejUdice?A. It is reas on able.B. It should be bann ed禁止).C. It is hard to avoid.D. It CaUSeS SeriOUS social issues.2. Why did Jacob fail in the electio n?A. What he Said WaS Un wise.B. He spoke With an acce nt.C. He broke the election rules.D. He WaS Un able to make himself Un derstood

31、.3. What did the 18-year-old woman try to do according to Sky News?A. To keep her ways of speaking.B. To change her accent.C. To pretend to be a well-educated person.D. To learn the upper-class British accent.4. What does the last sentence of the passage mean?A. The accent tells what kind of people

32、you are.B. It is easy to recognize people with accent.C. People with accent can also be successful.D. It is important to recognize one' s accent.Passage 5A few years ago, my sister-in-law started to feel concerned about her teenage daughter. What was she doing after school? Where was she spendin

33、g her time? My niece was an excellent student, and took part in all kinds of after-class activities. Even so, her mom decided to Put a tracking app跟踪应用程序)On the kid's phone.At first, this made my sister-in-law ''feel better''. Then the good situation suddenly ended. She recalled,

34、 ''I found out that she was someplace that she said she wasn't. I went out in the middle of the night and found her walking without shoes in the middle of the street with some friends. '' Things went quickly downhill for the mother and the daughter after that.With 73% of teens ha

35、ving their own smartphones now, according to a 2015 Pew study, more and more of their parents are facing the question: To watch or not?Ana Homayoun, founder of Green Ivy Educational Consulting, has advised many parents and their kids about this. ''I've found teens are more acceptable to

36、tracking apps when it is included as part of a family agreement to improve safety than when it is placed as a secret tool to watch them, '' she said.Mark Bell, a father of a teenage girl, said, ''We don't have tracking apps, but we have set some ground rules that my daughter must

37、 follow in exchange for us providing a smart phone, ''he said. For example, his daughter must ''friend'' him on social media so that he can read posts, and must share all passwords.When you're trying to build trust, you need to create an environment that encourages it. So

38、, to win their trust, you always need to be straight with your children. ''Parents must let children know how and when they'll be watching them, '' said Doctor Pauleh Weigle. If they're not open about it, he warns, it can ''greatly damage the parent and child relation

39、ship''.1. What ' s result of the author's sister-in-law using the app?A. She felt good with knowing her daughter's after school activities.B. She wasn't worried about her daughter any more.C. She had more communication with her daughter.D. She had more conflicts with her daug

40、hter.2. What can we learn about today's teens from Homayoun?A. They doubt family agreements.B. They are worried about online safety.C. They dislike being watched secretly with tracking apps.D. They welcome the use of tracking apps.3. Why are Mark Bell and his daughter mentioned in Paragraph 5?A.

41、 To show how to use smart phone safely.B. To give an example of being straight with children.C. To teach how to put tracking app on phones.D. To tell the importance of being children's friend.4. What should be done before using a tracking app according to Weigle?A. Teach the kid how to use it.B.

42、 Check the kid's phone.C. Tell the kid about it.D. Advise the kid to use his phone less.参考答案Passage 11. B推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容,尤其是第二段最后两句“ My motherserved kid food to kids. My dad added chili sauce to everything, including our baby food. 作”者使用了一种很幽默的口吻在讲述妈妈和爸爸之间的差异。 本文的语调 并不严厉, 也没有批评和反对的语气。 另外在文章最后一段讲

43、述了一些名人母亲 所说错的话时,也显得很幽默。故 B 正确。2. D 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句 “ Thefact is, many Asian males are terrible at kid-related things. In fact, I am one of them. 很多亚洲男性对孩子或”者与 孩子有关的事情都很不擅长, 而我也是其中之一。 接着在文章第二段中对爸爸妈 妈照顾孩子的不同行为进行对比, 正是为了证明第一段最后两句的内容: 男性不 擅长带孩子。故 D 正确。3. C 猜测词意题。根据横线前面一句“ Yet honesty forces me to record

44、 the factthat mothers only know best 99. 99 percent of the time. 妈妈百分之 99”. 99 是正确 的,还有百分之一是错误的。 在最后一段中列举了比尔盖茨的妈妈、 爱因斯坦的 妈妈、小布什的妈妈对孩子说的话, 这些话和最后的事实都相反。 说明这些妈妈 说的话都是错误的。再次证明“SliP-UPS意为 错误”故C正确。4. A写作手法题。作者在最后一段中列举了比尔盖茨的妈妈、 爱因斯坦的妈 妈、小布什的妈妈对孩子说的话, 这些话和最后的事实都相反。 说明这些妈妈说 的话都是错误的。是通过举例说明的方法组织文章的。故 A 正确。Pa

45、SSage 21. A主旨大意题。文章第一段的内容就是在讲现代人很忙,介绍话题,故选A 项。2. B 细节理解题。由第二段 But if you are too busy you might break down FOr example,if you have a soccer game that runs late on a school night and you haven eaten dinner or done your homework that ' S a not-so-fUnkind of bus可知,对孩 子来说忙不一定有趣,故选 B 项。3. B 细节理解题。由第二

46、段 We wanted to know what kids thought, so we did a kidsPoll about being busy with 882 girls and boys aged 9 to 13可知, kidsPoll 的 调查是关于孩子们对忙是怎么想的,故选 B 项。4. C 推理判断题。从最后一段 BUt they Can tell their Parents they' d like to playa game or read a book during their free time inStead of WatChing TV 可知,作者同 意

47、孩子在允许的情况下有更多的空闲时间,故选 C 项。Passage 31. A 细节理解题。根据第二段第2 行"The you ng girl carefully released theButterfly" 。说明 A 正确2. D 细节理解题。根据第二段 4, 5 行 "the good fairy said to the girl, "I will give you any wish you would like. "The little girl thought for a moment and then replied, "I

48、 want to be happy. " D 正确3. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句 "When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all gathered around her, afraid that her unbelievable seCret of happiness would die with her. " 可知 C 正确Passage 41. C 推理判断题。根据文章第三段的 Everybody has prejudiCes about aCCents. I certain

49、ly do. (每个人对口音都有偏见 , 我当然也有 )可推测作者认为口音偏见是不 可避免的。 C. It is hard to avoid. (它很难避免 ) 符合以上推测 , 故选 C 项。2. B细节理解题。根据文章第五段的Jacob, MemberOf Parliament议会),as soon as I opened my mouth. '议'(会成员雅各布记得他第一次在苏格兰竞选失败,他说: “我逐渐意识到无论我准备说什么 , 只要我一张嘴 , 赞成我的选票就会减 少”可)知雅各布竞选失败是因为他的口音。 B. He spoke with an accent. 他( 说话有 口音 )符合以上说法 , 故选 B 项。3. B 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段 Sky


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