1、国家开放大学试题国家开放大学电大专科英语语法2022-2023期末试题及答案试卷号:2154InTormalion for the ExamineesThis examination consists of five parts. These are:PartPartPartPartI : (rrnrnmar in Reading U : Grammar in Reading IU : ClozeIV : Error CorrectionPart(20 points)(20 points)(20 points)(20 points)(20 points)V : Grammar in Writi
2、ngThe total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed forco ni plcting this examination is 90 minutes.Part I Grammar In ReadingQucftlom 1 10 are hated on Part I .Directions: In the followinR textt lhe numticrs 1-10 In bruckcts refer to the underling parts of tbc trit that cumc after thc
3、mf and to lhe questions below, Rrnd thr text Hnt t und thin aiuwer the quntlon*. Write your iinswm on the Answer Sheet. letterDcnr Amy.We (1 Hinally went on the trip to the Middlr East that I told you about! Daphne And thr Leeti came Mow We travelled first by plane to Cairo and then (2)hy busi to th
4、e MttCA.F2gypt in as funtnntir the brochures say| Wr mw the Pyrnmidnt of cour»c< There wax a rcnovAtion job (3)胞叫 on nround thr Sphinx* no we hod to choose the bent angle carefully to tAke pictures Wr spent Mornc time just walking around despite the hrnt f (4)enjoying the (eclinR o( being th
5、ere.In the Afternoon wr took n bont tour on the Nile, nnd wc had dinner on (5)the bcm,h was a dclicioua meal. 1 tried vegetables and beanM (6)cooked in different wny,. with ingredi- cnt» (7)thot I couldn't recoKni»r but (8)thnt tasted like the beat thing* (9)1 "vc tried in my life
6、!I cftnft wait to show you the picturcn (10)that we took!MarkL C«n you rephee ihin by UinnT?2. Can you replace thin by on'?3. Cnn you uno the word ,只o' here?4. Can you replace this by 1 enjoyed5. Can you use the word 4a f here?6. Can you replace thin by cooking1?7t Can you replace this
7、by 'which'?8. Can you leave out the word * that1 here?9. Can you replncc this by M tried*?10. What docs athatf refer to in thtB sentence?Purt | Grammar In ReadingQuestions 11 15 arr based on Part 【| Directions: In the following text, the numbers 11*15 In brackets refer to the underlined part
8、s of the text that come after lhein, and to the questions bclof Rend the text first f and then answer (he questions* Write your answem on the Answer Sheet.(U)The okhir mudznt,in our hull hnd plnnned to 9pook the younget 9醇1 】脾 night. (12) We plhy locks hk?,hi, on newcomers, just to welcome them as b
9、oarding Mudents. Thi> one took some time to plant and it was going to be great fun< (13)We fixed white rhem 2 play ghom and flmhlights S guide 昨 in the dark. Everything was ready by 12um. Jtitniv had promised »he would borrow a camrra to Him the whole thing* so wc could !nu|<h at tt to
10、geth* er afterwarchi And we trusted her. Daniel would get a CD with spooky sound HfecM Wc waited for him but he didn 11 show up. Neither did Jurnie. * Where were you?!f we nuked them at breakfast today. (14) 1 We waited for you (or agelf (15)They hud both Julien a Jeep g th砒hoy didn't h<?nr u
11、s knocking mbc?ir doors! Pm so angry I could scream!11. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the example.ExampU i Sht like% music. She doesn 91 hkt music2. Rewrite this jientrncc by aciding An appropriate ® question. Follow the cxnmplc<Example i She ltkc muiic. Sht hkes muitc t do
12、esn 1 / h?13. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice14. Build one question about rhe underlined part in rhe sentence.15. Change this complex wntcnce into a compound sentence.Part 10 CloxeQuestions 1620 ®re based on Part |H«Directions: Choose the best answer from A. II>
13、; C or D to fill In each blank In the text below. Write your answers on the Answer SheetsMy tecrct for staying young is simple. Put all attention to the part of your brain and国家开放大学试题keep it young and growings Keep your mind uwake and you'll stay young <ill oven Thcnc nrc(16) times. Take an i
14、nterest in the world around you. and stick to (17) at leant one国家开放大学试题new thing every day. No matter (18) old you nrct it's not too late to make your life more interesting. I know a housewife with no knowledge before she made herself into a welb known engineer. 1 know a retired electrical engin
15、eer (19) has become a highly-paid dress designer Get over the idea that you are too old to go back to school 1 know a man who entered medical college al 7Q. He got his degree with Honors and (20) a famous doctor. Another man went to law school at 71 and now was an active lawyer. Staying young caay f
16、or those> old or young> who live in the future. You can do it if you care enough to try. Keep your mind awake And active t thm's the only way.16. A. exciteB> excitedGexcitingD.excites17. A. learningB- learnC.be learnedD.be learning18. A. whereB wha:C.whyDhow19. A. whenB. whoGwhichD.why2
17、0. A. becomesB. becomeCbecameD.becomingPart |V Error CorrectionQuestions 2130 are based onPart IV.Directions: In the following textf there are altogether 10 errorsf which arc numbered and nn- derlined. Correct the errors. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.As she walked round the huge department
18、 store Edith thought (21)what difficult it was to choose a proper Christmas present for her fathen She wished that he was ns easy to please (22)likc her mother, who was always satisfied with a bottle of perfumee Besides*(23) shop at this time of the year was most unpleasant experience: people steppe
19、d on your(24) foot< and al most knocked you over in their hurry to get ahead of you.Partly to have a rest# Edith paused in from of a counter where she saw some beautiful <ie»< They are real silk, the assistant said to herv (25)tried to persuade her to buy (26)another. °Worth doubl
20、e the price." But Edith knew from past experience that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father.She moved on and then stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter She found (27)any good quality pipes on wle . and the prices were very reasonable.Edith didn't hesit
21、ate for long, although her father only smoked occasionally. She knew that thia was a present which was (28)ceruinly to please him.When she (29)got to homet with her small (30) well-choosing present hidden in her handbage her parents were already at the supper tablc Her mother was especially hoppy. M
22、Your father has at last decided to stop smoking." she informed her daughter.Part V Grammar in WritingQuestions 3140 are boed on Part V .Directions: Below re 12 words and phrasei> Select 10 of them »nd use their proper form to fill In the gaps In the tcite Each word or phrase am only be
23、uxd once. Write your an»wcn on <hc Answer Sheet.extend for on the foundation . but. each xtep they nrver .compUtt t increaie t bf achieved when t should 9 dtal withThere arc three kinds of goaliii short-term mediumrnngc nnd long-term ftoals. Short-term Koala arc those that usually (31) curre
24、nt activities* which we cun ap* ply on daily basis> Such gonh can (32) in a week or lc. or two weeks< or possibly months. It (33) be remembered that just as a building i* no stronRer than i* founda- tton. long-term goaU cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid Mhort- lerm go
25、als. Upon (34) our uhort-term we should date the occftMtan and then ndd new fihortterm goals that will build an thoae that have been completedThe intermedintc goal* build (35) of the short-term uoalst They miKht den with just one term of school or the entire school yrart or they could even (36) sicv
26、erul yem. Any time you move step at a time, you should never allow yourfldf to become discouraged or overwhelmed. An you complete (37) . you will rnforre the belief in your tihlity to grow nnd succeed. And your list of completion dates grow, your rnotivntion and desire will 勰.l4Jng-term romIs may be related to our dreams of the future. (39) might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thin*. We should 40) allow n long-term goal to limit us or
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