



1、中国医药学: traditional Chinese medicine哲学概念 philosophical conceptcounter-restriction by wood中医基础理论 :basic theory of traditional Chinese对立统一 unity and opposites生克制化 interrelationship between generation andmedicine相互消长 mutual waning and waxingrestriction临床经验 :clinical experience阴阳属性 nature of yin and yang

2、制则生化 restriction ensuring generation辨证论治 :treatment based on syndrome相互转化 mutual transformation传变 transmission of diseasedifferentiation相互联系 interrelation母病及子 disease of the mother-organ affecting the本草 :materia medica /medicinal herbs相互制约 mutual restraintchild-organ中药 Chinese herbs动态平衡 dynamic bala

3、nce子病犯母 disease of the child-organ affecting the四气五味 :four properties and five tastes阴平阳秘 yin and yang in equilibriummother-organ针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion阳消阴长 yang waning and yin waxing肝肾精血不足 insufficiency of kidney and liver各家学说 theories of different schools阴胜则阳病 predominance of yin leading to

4、 disorderessence and blood汗法 : diaphoresis /diaphoretic therapyof yang肝阳上亢 hyperactivity of liver yang下法 :purgative therapy阳胜则热 predominance of yang generating heat藏象学说 theory of visceral manifestations吐法 :emetic therapy寒极生热 extreme cold generating heat五脏六腑 five zang-organs and six fu-organs补土派 :sch

5、ool of invigorating the earth热极生寒 extreme heat generating cold奇恒之府 extraordinary fu-organs病因学说 :theory of etiology相反相成 opposite and supplementary to each other水谷精微 cereal nutrients养生 :health-cultivation生理功能 physiological functions传化水谷 transmissions and transformation of food医疗实践 medical practice病理变化

6、 pathological changes贮藏精气 storage of essence治疗原则 :therapeutic principles临床诊断 clinical diagnosis表里关系 interior and exterior relationship寒凉药物 :herbs of cold and cool nature有机整体 organic wholeness/entirety治疗效应 curative effect滋阴降火 :nourishing yin to lower fire正邪斗争 struggle between healthy qi and pathogeni

7、c临床实践 clinical practice瘀血致病 :disease caused by blood stasisfactors藏而不泻 storage without excretion先天之精 :congenital essence绝对偏盛 absolute predominance心肝血虚 deficiency of heart and liver blood气的运动变化 :movement and changes of qi阳虚则寒 yang deficiency leading to cold心肝火旺 exuberance of heart and liver fire形与神俱

8、:inseparability of the body and spirit阳损及阴 consumption of yang involving yin心火亢盛 exuberance of heart fire神明 : spirit/mental activity阴液不足 insufficiency of yin-fluid滋肾养肝 nourishing the kidney and liver脏腑 :zang-organs and fu-organs/viscera病机 pathogenesis肝阴不足 insufficiency of the liver yin功能活动 :function

9、al activities五行学说 theory of five elements温肾健脾 warming the kidney and strengthening the形神统一 :unity of the body and spirit运动变化 motion and variationspleen阴阳失调 :imbalance of yin and yang条达舒畅 free development肾阳式微 declination of kidney yang正邪相争 :struggle between healthy qi and相生相克 mutual generation and re

10、striction脾阳不振 inactivation of spleen yangpathogenic factors生我我生 to be generated and to generate肝旺脾虚 hyperactivity of the liver and weakness of治未病 prevention of disease克我我克 to be restricted and to restrictthe spleen调养 to cultivate health生中有制 restriction within generation脾胃虚弱 weakness of the spleen an

11、d stomach正气 healthy qi克中有生 generation within restriction平肝和胃 soothing the liver and harmonizing the病邪 pathogenic factor木曰曲直 Wood is characterized by growing freelystomach疾病的防治 prevention and treatment of diseaseand peripherally水湿停聚 retention of water-dampness整体观念 concept of holism火曰炎上 Fire is charac

12、terized by flaming up肾阴不足 insufficiency of kidney yin五脏 five zang-organs土曰稼穑 Earth is characterized by cultivation and心肾不交 disharmony between the heart and kidney六腑 six fu-organsreaping水火不济 discordance between water and fire经络系统 system of meridians and collaterals金曰从革 Metal is characterized by chang

13、e阴阳俱损 simultaneous consumption of yin and yang形神统一 unity of the body and spirit水曰润下 Water is characterized by moistening and阴阳两虚 simultaneous deficiency of both yin and有机整体 organic wholenessdownward flowingyang表里关系 exterior and interior relation方位配五行 correspondence of the directions to the损其有余 reduc

14、ing excess开窍 opening intofive elements补其不足 supplementing insufficiency生长化收藏 five element function相乘相侮 over-restriction and reverse restriction阴中求阳 obtaining yang from yin脉象 pulse conditions土乘木 The wood over-restrains the earth虚寒证 deficiency-cold syndrome正邪关系 the states of pathogenic factors and heal

15、thy土虚木乘 Earth deficiency leading to扶阳益火 strengthening yang to increasing fireqiover-restriction by wood祛风散寒 eliminating wind to dispersing cold自然现象 natural phenomena金虚木侮 metal deficiency leading to消导积滞 promoting digestion and removing foodretention潜阳息风 suppressing yang to quench wind阴阳的互根互用interdepe

16、ndence of yin and yang相互依存 interdependence阴阳离决 separation of yin and yang阴阳转化 transformation between yin and yang 发热恶寒 fever and aversion to cold头身疼痛 headache and body pain感受湿邪 the attack of dampness清热泄火 cleaning away heat and reducing fire腠理 muscular interstices水湿停滞 retention of water and dampness

17、气血运行 circulation of qi and blood疾病的本质与现象:nature and manifestations ofdisease阴阳的相对平衡 :relative balance between yin andyang疾病的发生与发展:occurrence and development ofdisease同病异治 :treating the same disease with differenttherapies异病同治 :treating different diseases with the sametherapy1.中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病

18、作斗争的经验总结。TCM, a medical system with a history of thousands years,has summarized the experience of the Chinese people accumulating in the struggle against diseases.2.中医学在古代唯物论和辩证法思想的影响和指导下,通过长期的医疗实践,逐步形成并发展为独特的医学理论体系。Under the influence and guidance of classical Chinese materialism and dialectics,tra

19、dition Chinese medicine has eventually evolved into a medical system with unique theory through long term medical practice.3.中医学是研究人体生理病理以及疾病的诊断和防治的一门科学。Tradition Chinese medicine is a science focusing on the study of the physiology and pathology of the human body as well as the diagnosis, preventio

20、n and treatment of disease.4.黄帝内经总结了春秋战国以来的医疗成就和治疗经验,确立了中医学独特的理论体系,成为中医药学发展的基础。The Huangdi s Canon of Medicine has summed upthe medical achievements and clinical experiencessince the Spring-Autumn Period and WarringStates ,establishing the unique theoretical system ofTCM and laying the foundation fo

21、r the developmentof TCM5.难经内容十分丰富,补充了内经的不足,成为后世指导临床实践的理论基础。The Canon on Medical Problems is rich in content,supplementing what the Huangdi s Canon of Medicine lacks and serving as the theoretical basisfor the clinical practice of the latter generations6.阴常有余,阳常不足。Yang is frequently in excess while y

22、in is often indeficiency7.温病是研究四时温病的发生发展规律以及其诊治方法的一门临床学科。Epedemic febrile disease is a clinical specialtyconcentrating on the study of the occurrence ,developing tendency , diagnosis and treatment of febrile diseases in the four seasons.8.中医在其长期的发展过程中,形成了各家学说In itslong course of development, TCM has

23、 developed into various schools of theories.9.内伤脾胃,百病由生。The interior impairment of the spleen and stomach would bring about the occurrence of various diseases.10.中药不但包含有草药,而且包含有矿物药和动物药等。Chinese materia medica includes not only medicinalherbs but also minerals and animal parts.1.中医学在其形成过程中受到了古代唯物论和辩证

24、法思想的深刻影响。During the long course of its development and practice , tradition Chinese medicine has been under the influence of classical Chinese materialism and dialectics.2.中医学认为,世界是物质的,是阴阳二气相互作用的结果Tradition Chinese medicine holds that the world is material and is the result of the interaction of yin

25、 and yang3.天地合气,命之曰人The existence of human beings depends on theinteraction between the celestial qi and terrestrial qi4.中医学认为精气是生命的本原物质,这种精气先身精选文库而生,具有遗传性According to tradition Chinese medicine, essence is the essential substance for life. Such an essential substance exists prior to the formation o

26、f the body and is hereditary5.父母之精气相合,形成胚胎发育的原始物质 The combination of the parental essence is the primarysubstance for the formation of fetus人体各组织器官共处于统一体中,不论在生理上还是在病理上都是相互联系相互影响的All the tissuesand organs in the human body are in a unity which associate with each other and influence each other both p

27、hysiologically and pathologically疾病是可以认识的,也是可以防治的Diseases are cognizable, preventable and curable.治病必须抓住疾病的根本矛盾,即所谓的治病必求于本 The treatment of disease must focus on the rootcause. That is what “the treatment of disease mustconcentrate on the principal aspect“means寒者热之,热者寒之,虚者补之,实者泻之Cold disease should

28、be treated by warm therapy, while febrile disease should be treated by cold therapy, deficiency syndrome should be treated by supplementing therapy, while excess syndrome should be treated by purgative therapy人是自然界的一个组成部分,并与自然界有着密切的联系Human being is one of the components in nature andkeeps close rela

29、tionship with nature人的生命活动过程就是人体阴阳对立双方在不断地矛盾运动中取得统一的过程The process of life activity is a course in which yin and yang in the human body realize unity after constant contradictory movement1.中医理论体系的基本特点就是整体观念和辨证论治 TCM is characterized by the concept of organic wholeness and treatment based on syndromed

30、ifferentiation.2.中医学认为人体是一个有机的整体Tradition Chinese medicine holds that the humanbody is an organic whole.3.人体各组成部分在功能上相互为用,在病理上相互影响 The components of human body functionallydepend on each other and pathologically affect eachother24.整体观念贯穿于中医生理病理诊法辩证和治疗的各个方面The concept of holism permeates through all

31、thefields in TCM, including physiology, pathology,diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment.5.人体某一局部区域内的病理变化往往与全身脏腑气血阴阳的盛衰有关The pathological changes in certain part or region of the human body are usually related to the conditions of viscera, qi and blood as well as yin and yang in the whole

32、 body6.人体内部脏腑的虚实气血的盛衰和津液的盈亏都可呈现于舌 The condition of the viscera, qi , blood and body fluid all can be manifested over the tongue7.心开窍于舌并与小肠相表里The heart opens into the tongue and is exteriorly and interiorly related to the small intestine 8.人与天地相应The human beings are in correspondence with the univers

33、e9.春夏脉多浮大,秋冬脉多沉小In the spring and summer, the pulse appears floating and large, while in the autumn and winter, the pulse appears deep and small10.人体阳气白天多趋于表,夜晚多趋于里The yang-qi in the human body tends to flow in the exterior in daytime and in the interior at night13. Treatment based on syndrome diffe

34、rentiation is the basic principle for understanding and treating disease in TCM and also one of the basic characteristics of TCM.14. Syndrome is a pathological summarization of a disease at a certain stage of its development.15. Syndrome differentiation and disease treatment are two inseparable part

35、s in diagnosing and treating disease.16. TCM emphasizes the differentiation of both disease and syndrome in understanding and treatingdisease.1.阴阳是中国古代哲学的一对范畴Yin and yang are two categories in classical Chinese philosophy.2.阴阳的对立和消长是宇宙的基本规律The opposition and waning-waxingof yin and yangare the basic

36、 laws in the universe.3.阴阳是自然界相互关联的某些事物和现象对立双方的概括Yinandyangrefertotwooppositeaspects ofinterrelatedthingsorphenomenainthenaturalworld.4.世界是物质性的整体,是阴阳二气对立统一的结果The world is a material integrity and is the result ofthe unity of opposites of yin and yang.5.宇宙间一切事物的发生、发展和变化都是阴阳对立统一矛盾运动的结果The occurrence d

37、evelopment and changes of all things in the universe result from the unity and opposition between yin and yang.6.阴阳代表着相互对立又相互关联的事物属性 Yin and yang represent the properties of things that are both opposite and related to each other.7.天气清轻故属阳,地气重着故属阴The celestial is light and lucid and thus pertaining

38、to yang while the terrestrial qi is heavy and lucid and therefore pertaining to yin.8.阳化气,阴成形Yang transforms qi while yin shapes into configuration.9.阴阳相互制约的过程就是相互消长的过程The process of mutual restriction between yin andyang signifies the course of waning and waxing between yin and yang.10.阳依存于阴,阴依存于阳,

39、每一方都以其相对的另一方的存在为自己的存在前提Yin and yang depend on each other. Neither can existin isolation.1.人生有形,不离阴阳Man has a physical shape which is inseparable fromyin and yang.2.对于人体的生理功能,中医学也是用阴阳学说加以概括说明TCM explains and summarizes that the physiologicalfunctions of human body according to the theory ofyin and ya

40、ng3.功能属于阳, 物质属于阴 Function pertains to yangwhile substance to yin.4.如果阴阳不能相互为用而分离,人的生命也就终止了 The separation of yin and yang will lead to the end of life5.阴阳的协调平衡是健康的表现The balance and harmonyof yin and yang are themanifestations of health.精选文库6.无论疾病的病理变化如何复杂,都不外乎阴阳的偏盛偏衰No matter how complicated the pathogenic changes of diseases are, they all can be included in the predominance or decline of yin and yang.7.邪气泛指各种致病因素The pathogenic factors refer to various factors that bring about disease.8.正气指整个机体的结构与功能,包括人体对疾病的抵抗力等Healthy qi refer to the structure and functions of


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