



1、12013 年 12 月英语四级选词填空试题及答案(10 )As war spreads to many corners of the globe, children sadly havebee n draw n in to the cen ter of con flicts.InAfgha ni sta n,Bos nia, and Colombia, however, groupsofchildre n have bee n taki ng part in peace educati on _1_. The childre n,after lear ning to resolve con

2、flicts, took on the _2_ of peacemakers.The Childre ns Moveme nt for Peace in Colombia was even nominated(提名)for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998.groups of childre n _3_ as peacemakers studied huma n rights andpoverty issues in Colombia, eventually forming a group with five otherschools in Bogota known

3、as The Schools of Peace.The classroom _4_ opport un ities for childre n to replace an gry,viole nt behaviors with _5_, peaceful on es. It is in the classroom thatcari ng and respect for each pers on empowers children to take a step_6_toward becomingpeacemakers.2Fort un ately, educators have access t

4、o many on li ne resources that are_7_ useful whe n help ing childre n along the pathto peace. The Young Peacemakers Club, started in 1992, providesa Website with resources for teachersand _8_ onstart ing a Kindn ess Campaig n. The World Cen tersofCompassi on for Childre n Intern ati onal call atte n

5、tio ntochildre ns rights and how to help the _9_ of war. Start ing aPeacemakers Club is a praiseworthy venture for a class and one thatcould spread to other classrooms and ideally affect the culture of the_10_ school.A) victimsB) tech no logyC) roleD) respectivelyE) projectsF) offersG) in formatio nH) imagesI)forwardJ) especiallyK) entireL) cooperative3M)


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