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1、英语短篇美文摘抄汇总 导语:美文belles-lettres,法汉词典译为“纯文学,法文拉鲁斯一般名词大词典中的定义是:“文学、修辞、诗歌艺术的总体,修辞和诗歌也可以由“文学来概括。以下是我整理英语短篇美文摘抄汇总的资料,欢迎阅读参照。 英语短篇美文摘抄1 a cold autumn rain. after a few autumn rains, the smell of autumn is very strong. always like autumn, always feel that no season can be so close to the mood, tacit and app

2、ropriate. choose a country of autumn, follow a long path of winding path, step by step, a beauty. the fragrance of the golden cinnamon comes through the sun. perhaps, after a short time, the frost leaves will be red to the shame of the face, with a clear hierarchy in the wind. under the tree, someti

3、mes a faint purple flower is peeping in the face. too much reading can not finish the color filling the eyes, such autumn is happy. however, behind the gorgeous back can catch the frost wind chill, the guguan river cold, the remnants of the building the gloom and cold, although silent. it should be

4、the end of an ancient city wall, the ruins of the ruins, the grass grow. there should also be a low and strong xun sound like shadow accompanied, if there is no. but always feel the double sadness of autumn and dusk too much vicissitudes, i can not bear. i still like the diffuse light in the humid a

5、ir. the autumn sound of trees, the mountain and the cold, let the life of a little sigh: have a kind of autumn sound can and who mutual annotation, have a kind of mountain color can also with who toss and turn to confirm? more often, i like to wander in the shade of a small town on a sunny evening.

6、let the wind calmly comb through the strands of silk, the sweet and sad clearly distinguish, and mixed with a dignified figure, under the depiction of the sunset and autumn general euphemism. a leaf of fallen leaves, swirling in the final act, drifted away to peace. under the distant sky, is there a

7、 butterfly dance? is there anyone who has a similar feeling at the same time? this is the best time to miss your old friends dream. a bird, with a beautiful arc through the empty dusk, disappeared into the field of sight, half of the familiar strange poetry, entangled in the upper lip. in fact, i do

8、 not know what poetry, just independence from the evening, to find a nihility of the mind, to comfort the branch. 翻译 一场秋雨一场寒。几阵秋雨过后,秋的气息便很浓了。 一直很喜爱秋天,总觉得再也没有哪个季节能和情绪如此亲近,默契而又妥帖。 选一处秋日的郊野,顺着一条弯弯长长的小径拾级而上,一步一种美丽。 金桂的幽香穿过阳光,迎面而来。或许,过不了多久,满树的霜叶就会红了欲语还羞的脸,层次分明的在风中招摇。树下,间或有淡淡的紫色小花在掩面窃笑太多读也读不完的色彩充盈着双目,这样的秋

9、是欢欣的。 然而,在绚丽的背后却能捕捉到“渐霜风凄紧,关河冷落,残照当楼的黯然与清冷,无论无声无息。 那应该是一处古城墙的尽头,残垣断壁,蔓草丛生。还应该有低落苍劲的埙声如影相伴,假设有假设无。可总觉得秋色与暮色的双重悲凉太过沧桑,我不大能承受。 我还是喜爱潮湿的空气里弥散的淡淡愁怨。树树秋声,山山寒色,让人生出一点点的感慨来:有没有一种秋声可以和谁互相解释,有没有一种山色又可以和谁辗转印证呢? 更多的时候,我喜爱在一个有阳光的黄昏,漫步于小城的林荫下。让风恬静地梳理扬起的丝丝缕缕,把甜蜜和哀伤清楚地分辨,又混合着挽起凝重的身影,在夕阳的描述下和秋思一般委婉。一片落叶,打着旋儿作着最后的演出,

10、飘向远方而终究归于平静。远方的天空下,是否也有落叶跳着蝴蝶的舞蹈?是否也会有谁于同一时分萦绕着相似的感怀呢? 这样的时候,最合适做着怀念故友的清梦了。 一只鸟儿,以一道优美的弧线穿过空空的暮色,没入视野,有半阕熟悉的陌生的诗词,纠缠上唇间。其实,我何尝懂什么诗词啊,只是独立于黄昏,给千丝万缕的意念找一个虚无的、聊以慰籍的枝柯罢了。 英语短篇美文摘抄2 what is happiness? everyone has his own voice. happiness can ripple on the face, happiness can be written in the heart! som

11、etimes happiness can really burn people. because it is a kind of strength, it is the essence of a kind of training! a kind of walking through the bloody breeze! a kind of dialysis life is short of capital! so happiness is lovely, is hurried, is enjoyed, is expected! happiness flows like water, pure

12、and precious! happiness is like a poem, happy with a little sadness! happiness is not only the accumulation of wealth, but also the direction of the relationship! if we could one day run through the mountains like a stream, and slide across the plains, and end up in the river! what a pure happiness

13、that should be! the most beautiful memory must hide the most elegant happiness, because it is the most primitive expression of life! perhaps the simplest happiness is to do what you love, love your favorite person! in a couples heart, the meteor shower is romantic, but in the eyes of the observer it

14、 is a kind of real happiness! people sometimes feel happy when they are moved, and when the same true happiness comes, it can also become a kind of moving! when there is silence in the depths of your soul, try to live and find something called happiness. it will turn your tears into pearls and light

15、 up your lost path! i like to meditate, because that quiet smell can lead me back to childhood, the simplicity of childhood can be called happiness. because there i have the freedom to be like a butterfly, without thinking about the glitz of the world. all i have to do is to hold hands with the girl

16、 i love, and count the ignorant shaohua! people who travel far away are golden yellow in autumn and fill the corners. but i also put missing on the branch. and to get lost to me, like a wave, covered with scars. but the words express my state of mind in luxuriant and optimistic words: the long life

17、of happiness, a little bit of pain. the world house is big, but there are fewer people! happiness is much, but happiness is silent. 翻译 何谓幸福?每个人都有自己的声音。幸福可以荡漾在脸上,幸福可以写在心里!幸福有时真的是可以灼人的。因为它是一种力量,是一种励炼的精华!一种走过血雨腥风的从容!一种透析人生苦短的资态!因此幸福是可爱的,又是匆忙的,是享受的,更是期待的! 幸福像水一样流淌,纯洁带点可贵!幸福像诗一样表达,快乐带点悲伤!幸福不只是财富的积存,也是感情的

18、方向!倘假设我们有一天可以像小溪一样流过高山,滑过平原,最后聚首在河流!那该是多么实在单纯的一种幸福感啊!最美的记忆背后一定藏着最典雅的幸福,因为那是生命最原始的表白! 或许最简单的幸福是做自己喜爱的事,爱自己最爱的人!在情侣心中流星雨带表浪漫,而在天文观测者眼中它就是一种实在的幸福!人们有时因感动而感到幸福,同样真诚的幸福降临时,它亦可化为一种感动!当你的灵魂深处住着沉寂时,那么请你努力生活,寻找一种叫作幸福的东西。它会把你的泪珠化作珍珠发出光芒,照亮你要走的迷途! 我喜爱深思,因为那种宁静的味道可指引我回到童年,童年的简单可以称为幸福。因为在那里我拥有像蝴蝶一样的自由,无需合计尘世的浮华。

19、要做的就是和我爱的女孩一起拉着手,细数那懵懂的韶华!远行的人像秋天的落叶金黄,填满角落。却也把思念挂上了枝头。而向迷失不断靠近的我,像个浪子,满身伤痕。却用华丽乐观的词语表达着我的心境:幸福漫漫人生路,年华点点苦中行。这个世界房子大了,人却少了!快乐多了,幸福感却沉默了 英语短篇美文摘抄3 the rain stopped, and the light wind gently brushed her cheek. the night was quiet, and the heart was silent. what time of the grass withered flowers and

20、plants on the ground, inadvertently and bring forth the fresh and tender green shoots, like a missing ever silent hidden traces, suddenly one day he reminded many anacreontic, bitter memories. so, every wind of the night, every rain stop, i am like a naughty child stepping on the grass, looking for

21、that full of flowers green dream. but the flowers always have withered, there is fine water flow, so see each incomplete story end, i will quietly tell myself again, since you cant grasp tomorrow, so cherish the present scenery quietly. the subtle wind, the sound of the dream, your soft voice sounds

22、 like a beautiful melody, long and low. silent night is a period of not sleeping, each note is a memory of the dust. open the palm of the palm, those who once thought already firmly hold tightly, in the kiss of the wind but also become ethereal blurred. emotion is a poem without rhyme, just an uncon

23、cerned, can not find the true meaning of the poem. perhaps life is destined to have some memories of waving and turning, only to achieve that kind of defamiliarness but heart to heart. all the time, i like a person to write down a little bit of feelings quietly, just like this summer night, a person

24、 in the light looking for a long time to vague memory. outside the window occasionally a gust of wind, that is a section of the escape from the beautiful scenery. the clear sky, the flowing clouds, the sweet fragrance of the flowers, the green grass like silk, the subtle mood, the light dream. i can

25、t remember when the throbbing heart began a long silence, even when it was raining. no longer for the promise of a light like a fly in the endless night, not because a decisive turn into tears, everything is just a story without end, just a beginning, but dont have to haggle over every ounce in whic

26、h way the story master will ultimately. the snuggle figure of the street lamp has been faded out of color. the fresh breeze, like the silent dream, still sings the distant melody alone. the scenery is like the beginning, but the face is gone. all said that the moon is the deepest thoughts of the bot

27、tom of my heart, so what is the mood in the fog? ! the night that has been washed by the rain is a lot of disturbing noise, the flow of every wisp of wind is quietly telling the story of a beautiful story. sit in front of the window silently, let the mist take your mind to a night after a rain, like

28、 now, only with the hand of the pen engraved on the surface. when the day is bright, bind the thought of scattered. the wind of the early morning has drunk the young dream. the flowers of the balcony seem to have changed into attractive skirt, green on the ground i heard your soft singing. night is coming, tonight i will sleep quietly, let you in the wi


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