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1、人教精通版小学英语四年级上册重要句型Unit 1This is my new friend.1. Nice to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。2. I m from China. 我从中国来。3. Where are you from? 你从哪里来?-I m from Singapore. 我从新加坡来。4. Were good friends. 我们是好朋友。5. This is my new friend, Jim. 这是我的新朋友,吉姆。-Welcome to our home. 欢迎到我家。6. Who s this boy? 这个男孩是谁?-He s my bro

2、ther. 他是我的兄弟。7. Who s this girl? 这个女孩是谁?-She s my sister. 她是我的姐妹。8. Let s play a game! 我们玩个游戏吧。-Guess! Who s this boy? 猜!这个男孩是谁?9. What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?-He s a teacher. 他是一名老师。10. Guess! What does he do? 猜!他是做什么的?-A teacher. 一名老师。-Right. 对。-He s a teacher. 他是一名老师。11. What does your mot

3、her do? 你的妈妈是做什么的?-She s a doctor. 她是一名医生。12. My mum is a TV reporter. 我妈妈是一个电视台记者。13. Be careful. 当心。Unit 2What s your number?1. Which class are you in? 你在哪个班?-I m in Class One, Grade Four. 我在四年一班。2. Whats your number? 你的号码是多少?-I m number thirteen. 我是十三号。3. Line up. 排队。4. Whats seven and eight? 七加八

4、等于多少?-It s fifteen. 是十五。-That s right. 对了。5. Whats eight and nine? 八加九等于多少?-It s seventeen. 是十七。6. Lets play a game! Find your neighbours. 我们玩个游戏,找出你的邻居。7. We are neighbours. 我们是邻居。8. Lets count from one to eighteen. 我们从一数到十八吧。9. Wake up! 醒一醒!10. Whats the time, Mum? 几点了,妈妈?-It s 7:20.(seven twenty)

5、 七点二十分了。-Oh, no! I m late! 噢不,我迟到了。11. Have some milk. 喝点奶吧。-No, thanks. 不,谢谢。12. Why not? 为什么不呢?13. Oh, thats funny. 噢,真有趣。Unit 3It s a pineapple.1. Whats this? 这是什么?-It s a pineapple. 是菠萝。2. What s that? 那是什么?-It s a watermelon. 是西瓜。3. What s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?-It s a potato. 这是一个土豆。4. Wha

6、t s that in English? 这个用英语怎么说?-It s a carrot. 这是一个胡萝卜。5. Pass me the tomato. 把西红柿递给我。6. Peel the banana. 剥香蕉皮。7. Smell the pineapple. 闻一下菠萝。8. Eat the watermelon. 吃西瓜。9. Hi! Let s play a chain game. 嗨!我们来玩接龙游戏吧。10. I m Mickey. I m smart. 我是米奇。我很聪明。11. Are you sure? Yes! 你确定吗?是的。12. Do you like eggpl

7、ants? 你喜欢茄子吗?-Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。13. Do you like green peppers? 你喜欢茄子吗?- No, I don t. 不,我不喜欢。Unit 4How s the weather today?1. It s fine today. 今天天气晴朗。2. Let s play football. 我们踢足球吧。3. Let s go and play! 我们去玩吧。4. Were happy to play. 我们开心地玩耍。5. Shall we go to the zoo? 我们去动物园吗?6. It s warm today. 今天天气暖和

8、。7. The fish like it. 鱼儿喜欢。8. Its hot today. Shall we go swimming? 今天天气很热,我们去游泳吗?9. Good idea. 好主意。10. Can I have some cold water, please? 我可以喝点冷水吗?11. Hot weather, cold weather. 炎热的天气,寒冷的天气。12. Which do you like? 你喜欢哪个?13. How s the weather today? 今天天气怎么样。-I t ssunny. 今天是晴天。14. How s the weather to

9、day? 今天天气怎么样。-I t swindy. 今天刮风。15. Lets go shopping. 我们去购物吧。16. Put on your shirt. 穿上你的衬衫。17. Its so hot today. 今天天气太热了。Unit 5I like those shoes.1. Wheres my new T-shirt? 我的新 T 恤衫在哪里?-It s over there. 它在那边。2. It ssunny. 今天是晴天。3. Put on your cap, please. 戴上你的帽子。4. This is for you. 这是给你的。5. Whats in t

10、he box? 盒子里是什么?-It s a dress. 是一件连衣裙。6. Open it and see. 打开它看看。7. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?-Please show me that jacket. 请给我看看那件夹克。8. Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?-Sure.当然。9. Can we look at the blue shorts, please? 我们能看看那条蓝色的短裤吗?-Here you are. 给你。-They re really cool! 他们真的很酷。10. Can we have a look at those

11、 shoes, please?我们能看一看那些鞋吗?11. Where is my dress? 我的裙子在哪里?-Here it is. 在这里。12. I cantwalk! 我不能走了。-Ha! You look funny. 哈!你看起来真滑稽。13. May I try the shoes on? 我能试穿这双鞋吗?-Certainly. 当然。Unit 6I m tall.1. Look at the elephant. 看大象。-It has big ears. 它有大耳朵。2. A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. 兔子有长耳朵和短尾

12、巴。3. Come here. 过来。-OK. I m coming. 好,我来了。4. I m tall. You are shout. 我高。你矮。5. I m strong. Youre thin. 我壮。你瘦。6. Look! I m short and fat. 看!我又矮又胖。7. We look like twins! 我们看起来象双胞胎。8. Look at my new sweater. 看我的新毛衣。9. It s pretty! 太漂亮了!10. My sweater is old. But I like it. 我的毛衣旧了,但是我喜欢它。11. Happy New Y

13、ear! 新年快乐!12. Let s act. 我们表演吧。人教精通版小学英语四年级下册重要句型Unit 1Welcome to my new home!1. Welcome to my new home. 欢迎来到我的新家。2. Look at the bedroom. 看卧室。3. There is a new bed. 有一张新床。4. Theres a new desk and a new chair. 有一个新桌子和一把新椅子。5. Can you write them? 你能写下来吗?6. Look at the living room. 看客厅(起居室)?7. There is

14、 a TV. 有一台电视。8. There are two sofas and four armchairs. 有两个沙发和四把椅子。9. Look at the kitchen. 看厨房?10. There is a new fridge. 有一个新冰箱。11. There are three kites and four balloons. 有三个风筝和四个汽球。12. Heres a new table. 这里是一张新桌子。13. Go into the kitchen. 到厨房里去。14. What s in the study? 书房里有什么?15. Theres a new com

15、puter. 有是一台新电脑。16. Whatsin the living room? 书房里有什么?17. Theres a DVD player. 有是一台 DVD 播放机。18. Theres a big clock. 有一个大钟表。19. Theres a big fridge in the kitchen. 厨房里有一个大冰箱。Unit 2There are forty students in our class.1. How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少学生?-Twenty-nine. 有二十九人。2. How many

16、 students are there in your class? 你们班有多少学生?-There forty. 有四十人。3. How many teachers are there in your school? 你们学校有多少老师?-There are fifty. 有五十人。4. Lets count from 1 to 29. 让我们从1 数到 29.5. Find your neighbours. 找邻居。6. This is Miss Green, our new English teacher. 这是格林小姐,我们的新英语教师。7.There are sixty teache

17、rs in our school. 我们学校有60 位教师。-How about your school? 你们学校呢?8. How many bags do you have? 你们有多少书包?-We have seventy bags. 我们有 70 个书包。9. How many pens do you have? 你们有多少钢笔?-We have ninety pens. 我们有 90 支钢笔。10. Lets help children in need. 我们来帮帮有需要的孩子们吧。-We need books. 我们需要书。-How many books do you have?

18、你们有多少本书?-I have twenty-five books. 我有 25 本书。Unit 3What subject do you like best?1. How many lessons do you have today? 你们今天有多少节课?-We have six. 我们有六节。2. How many lessons do you have in the morning? 你们早上有几节课?-We have four. 我们有四节。-What are they? 它们是什么 ?-They are maths, Chinese, English and PE. 它们是数学, 语

19、文,英语和体育。3. Do you like music? 你喜欢音乐吗?-Yes, I do. I like it very much. 是,喜欢。我非常喜欢。4. What subject do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个学科?-I like art best. 我最喜欢美术。5. Do you like drama? 你们戏剧吗?-No, I don t.I like science. 不,我不喜欢。我喜欢科学。6. Do you study science? 你们学习科学吗?-Yes, we do. And I like science best. 是,我们学。我最喜欢

20、科学。7. What do you do in an English class? 你们在英语课上做什么?-We listen and do. We speak and sing. We play and act.我们听听做做。我们说说唱唱。我们玩玩演演。-We do all kinds of things in English.我们用英语做各种各样的事情。-That s great. 那很好。Fun time1. Let s play a guessing game. 我们玩一个猜的游戏。2. Please draw a table. 请画一个表格。3. Let s fill in the

21、table and talk about it. 我们来填表然后谈论。4. I m a reporter.我是一个记者。5. I m headmaster.我是校长。6. Kate has some fruit. 凯特有一些水果。7. What class do we have at 8:00 am? 我们 8 点上什么课?8. I m the leader. 我是领导。9. Peter is the winner. 彼得是胜利者。10. For example. 例如11. Find a paper box. 找一个纸盒。12. Let smake a bed. 让我们做一张床。13. ca

22、ve home 窑洞14. Mongolian tent 蒙古包15. modern apartment 现代公寓16. courtyard house 四合院Unit 4There are seven days in a week.1. Give me a quick answer, please. 请快点把答案告诉我。2. How many days are there in a week? 一个星期有几天?-There are seven. 有七天。3. Whats the first day of the week? 一个星期的第一天是星期几?-It s Sunday. 是星期日。-E

23、xcellent. 非常好。4. Do you like sports? 你喜欢体育吗?-Yes, I do. I like PE very much. 是,我喜欢。我非常喜欢体育。5. When do you have PE lessons? 你们什么时候有体育课?-We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday. 我们星期一和星期二有体育课。6. What day is today? 今天星期几?-It s Wednesday. 今天星期三。7. How many English lessons do you have in a week? 你们一星期有几

24、节英语课?-We have three.我们有三节。-When do you have English? 什么时候有英语课?-We have English on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.我们星期一,星期三,星期四有英语课。8. What subjects do we have? 我们有什么课?-We have Chinese, maths, science, art and PE.我们有语文,数学,科学,美术和体育。9. There are seven days in a week. 一个星期有七天。-Theyare Sunday, Monday,Tue

25、sday, Wednesday, Thursday,FridayandSaturday.它们是星期日,星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五和星期六。10. What do you usually do on weekends? 你周末通常做什么?-I usually go to the theme park. 我通常去主题公园。Unit 5What will you do this weekend?1. Shall we have a picnic? 我们去野餐好吗?2. Let s go and ask you dad. 我们去问问你爸爸。3. We have so many things

26、 for our picnic. 我们的野餐有这么多东西。4. What would you like, Lisa? 你想要什么,丽萨?-I d like some bread and sausages. 我想要一些面包和香肠。5. What would you like some pork? 你想要点牛肉吗?-Thank you. / No, thanks. 谢谢。 / 不,谢谢。6. Let s go to see your grandma. 我们去看你奶奶吧。7. Come and have lunch. 来吃午饭。-I m coming. 我来了。8. Would you like some pork? 你想要一些牛肉吗?-Thank you. / No, thanks. 谢谢你。 / 不,谢谢。9. I ll have a party with my friends this Sunday. 星期天我和朋友要举行一个派对。10. I ll go to my music lesson this Sunday. 这周日我去上音乐课。11. I ll sing and dance. 我去唱歌跳舞。12. I ll read a new storybook this Saturday. How about you?这个星期六我将要一本新的故事书


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