1、双城记英文读后感(8 篇 )双城记英文读后感第 1篇:“ A tale of two cities” is one of Dickens s mostimportant representative works。 The novel profoundlyexposed the society contradiction before the FrenchRevolution, intenselyattacksthe aristocraticsocialclassisdissoluteand cruel,and sincerelysympathizeswith the depressed cla
2、sses。 The novel also describedmany magnificentscenes likethe revoltpeopleattackedBastille and so on, which displayed peoples greatstrength 。 The novel hasportrayedmanydifferentpeople 。 DoctorManetteishonest and kind butsuffersthe persecutionactually, Lucieisbeautiful andgentle,Charlesis gracefuland
3、noble ,Lorryisuprightand honest, Sydneyissemblanceofindifferent,innermost feelings of warm, unconventional but alsoselfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward andloyal ,Evremonde brothersarecrueland sinister。The plex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revengehas made more hatreds , lovesrebirth
4、inthehelledge,but take the life as the price。 As an outstanding writer, in Dickenss work,the language skill isessential。 Each kind of rhetoric technique, like theanalogy ,the exaggeration,thecontrast,thehumorous,and thetauntarehandledskillfully, and theartistryof the work isalso deliveredthepeak 。”
5、A tale oftwocities” has its differencewiththegeneralhistoricalnovel,itscharacterandthemainplotareallfictionalizes。With the broad real background of theFrenchRevolution, theauthortakethefictionalcharacterDoctorManette sexperienceasthemainclue , interweavestheunjustcharge , loveand revengethreeindepen
6、dencesbutalsoincidentcross-correlationstoriestogether, theplotiscriss-crossed, and the clue is plex。 The author usenarrates, foreshadowing, upholsteryandsomanytechniques, causesthestructureintegrityandstrictness, theplotwindinganxiousandrichoftheatricalnature,itdisplayedthe remarkableartisticskill。t
7、hestyle“A taleoftwocities” issolemnityand melancholy,fills indignantion, but lacks thehumor of the early works。双城记英文读后感第 2篇:A Love and Hate in A Tale of Two Cities Many havegrown fondofthetaleinvolvingthenoble , formerFrench aristocrat, who had virtually unmatched (exceptmaybe in boo ks) good fortun
8、e。 First, his life wassaved by the pitiful testimony of a beautiful youngwoman。 Anyone would gladlyhave marriedthis beautifultoo-good-to-be-true-womanhe wedded。 Itis laterseen,however , that this man should have married her evenifshe were u glyas sin 。 Thiswas not thecase though ,and he married a be
9、autif ul woman, who had an admirerwho was a dead ringer for her hus band, was a loser,and would give his life to keep her from pain, all ofwhich really es in handy when her hubby is on his waytotheguillotine。 Thisisnotthestoryof a man withmultipleguardianangels, butratherthatofacharacter in Charles
10、Dickens nove l A Tale of TwoCities 。 A skeptic could easily see this as an unbelievable , idealistic and overrated novel that is toofar-fetched。 An u nbiasedreader , however , can seethatthisisa storyofloveand ha te , eachmakingup the bare-bones of the novel so that one must l ookcloselytoseeDickens
11、 biases,attemptsatpersuasion, and unbe lievable plot-lines, some ofwhich are spawned from Dickens love and hate, andsome of which love and hate are used to develop。Themore lifelessofthecharacterswe are supposedto like-the Ma nettes, Darnay , Lorry- play theirparts in the idyllic fashion Dicken s and
12、 like-mindedreaderswant , afashionmade inflexiblebycircumstances and purposes 。 “ Circumstancesand purposes ”refers in larg e part to Dickens state of mind andobjective。 Dickens intrusive, unusuallyeditorialpoint of view, with references to“I ” and deviations fromnarrationfor monologue, revealstheno
13、vel sslaverytotheteachingsofhismorals-orperhapshisownslaverytothemoralsofhistimeandProtestantism。 Therefore, canLuciebe any differentfrom the supportive, wholly feminine wife and mothershe is?NotifDickens istosticktohisobligation,or perhaps obstinate purpos e, of moral teachings。Withthataside , what
14、istobesaid ofDickens teaching, hispresentationofloveand hate?They bothhave one thinginmon: thecharactersrepresenting eachare unmistakable at a mile away。 The moment LucieManette is put beforethe readers eyes , her tumblin g blond locks,her brightblueeyes , herseventeen-year-old, slight,p retty(butno
15、tsexy!)figureand all , heknows that ,not only will sh e not be a villainous, unlikablecharacter, but she will be the epito me of the good,beautifulwoman(and laterhousewife), theone Di ckensthoughteverywomenshould be。 At thisyoung woman sintr oduction with Mr。 Lorry, she curtseys to him,and Dickens w
16、astesno time in pointing out that“ young ladies madecurtseysinthosedays ” 。 TheintroductorysceneclimaxesatfairLucie s fainting, onethat , to some,putsherunflawedpositionintoquestion, althoughtoDickens , itreinforcesit。 Attheothersideofthismorallecturearethe Defarges 。 CallDicke ns a masterforembodyi
17、ng qualities, buthereare anotherflawlesspair-flawlesslyevil, andsentenced toevilfromthemoment we see Madame Defarge s “ watchful eye thatseldom seemed tolookat a nything, alargehand heavilyringed, a steady face, strong features, and greatposure of manner”, a stark contrast to the slight,fai nting fi
18、gure of Mada- or rather, Miss Manette 。To further turn us against good old Madame Defarge,Dickens has her using a toothpi ck publicly in heropeningscene ,anactivitydaintyMissManettewouldn t dream of。 Finally, we mustn t forget thesetting。 Luciema y have been bornin France , butshedefectedtoEngland ,
19、 andtraveledfromLondon tomeetMr。 Lorry。 Madame Defarge was a Frenc hwoman, born andliving amongst peasants who drank wine scoope d off ofmud。 She probably was not taught Dickens (and hisprimaryEnglishaudience s) ProtestantmoralsinherCatholicnation, andcertainlydid notmanifestthem。Inarguablythe book
20、s firsttouchingscene (somesay it s the one where Carton is on his way to theguillotine), Lucie goes through much trouble to coaxher father from his insanity, laying her head on hisshoulder , andtrustinga man she had nevermet。 WhenMadameDefargesoughtvengeanceforthecruelinjusticemittedag ainstherkin ,
21、 she lookedtodestroynot onlytheinnocentdescendentoftheculprit, buthisfamily-an old man, a young woman,an d a little girl。 These two characters love andhateareunconditionaland total。 Didthishaveto beso? Could not Madame Defarge ha ve showed one bit offemininity , of human kindness? Could Lucie not ha
22、vestolen a contemptuous glance at her persecutors? NotwithDickensat thehelm。 Lucieand Defargeare createdwitha conviction, andonce Dickens plotwas laid ,theblindershe put on hisc haracters allowed only oneroute。 Perhaps it was a primitive style, but moderncharactersare paintedmore realistically, with
23、humanw eaknesses andmore variability Dicken s have captured。 Did it have to be so? Couldmore readers , especiallyin thelong run, if he had pursued more varying actions inhischaracters,aswellasmorehumanness andbelievability? Does this point to Dickens as a flawedwriter, with little imagination and ab
24、ility? Anotherfactor thatmustbe consideredisour inabilitytocriticize a n English-or English-living-character,or to find a modicum of respectabilityin a Frenchone, withtwo exceptions。One is the young woman who is beheaded just beforeSydney Carton 。 She is the en emy of an enemy, she isgoing to be kil
25、led, and she allows Dicke ns to teachanother moral using Sydney Carton。 Why not have herhappy to dieforthebenefitof her countrymen , whilenot trembling as she ascends to her death, therebydepriving the mon enemy of a small victory? With themodern trendof politicalcorrectnessand anti-racism,a Tale of
26、 Two Cities written today would never le avethe word processor 。 Jerry Cruncher is about the mostsinfulof theEnglish(asidefroma spy but , remember ,he defected to Franc e), and he repents by the end,whichcountsforanothermoralfrom Dickens 。 InDickens time , racismwas not regardedas itis today, and so
27、 if he wanted to use the French Revolutionto send a me ssage tothepopulation, itwas hisright,but he may have taken thi s too far for some。 Today ,Lucie Manette would by no means be taken seriously asa believable , even likablecharacter 。 Shepersistsin faintingat particularly stressfulmoments, but wh
28、en her husband is before a heartless,bloodthirstyjury , shelooks braveand strongjustforhim。 Incontext , thiswas a screamingcontradiction,but one that Dickens requir ed to portray his Eve。 Itis much easier to believe Madame Defarg es hate thanher opposition s love。 Defarge s sister was rapedandmurder
29、edmercilesslyand herbrotherwas killedbya pair heartless“ noblemen”。 It is much easier tounderstandDefarge stasteforbloodthantheconditionofManette , who , afterpracticingas a petent doctorand actingnormallyforyears , experiencesa recurrenceofhismental conditionsimplybecause hiswonderful daughter has
30、left for two weeks, althoughhe has two dear friends nearby。 Charles Dickens hasbuilt an enduring story enjoyed by millions, w hichis lovedby expertsand criticstoday althoughit wouldbe im mediatelybutcheredif writtenby a modern author 。It is a love stor y loved by its creator, but whollyunbelievable。
31、Itisactuallydoom edbyitsownidealismand unrealisticcharacters。 Asa hatestory ,i t is much more petent, although also using this forits own purposes 。 One can draw ones own conclusionsand ideas from such a book, but facts are facts。双城记英文读后感第 3篇:These days I have read the well-known masterpieceA Tale o
32、f Two Cities。 There are various roles in thebook , and their relationship is amazing, which isunimaginabe 。ThetwocitiesmeanEnglandandParis。Thebackgroundofthe novelis the bigRevolutionofFrance 。The brutalMrs。Defarge , innocentCharels , verykindMr。 Sydney Carden , and the devoted maiden gave me adeep
33、impression。I have a favorable impression about good personswhile I hate the bad guys。 Mr Carden was loyal tofriends。 He valuedthesentimentamong others。 He fellin love with Lucy the first time he met her。 AlthoughLucy refusedhim, hislovefor her was never changed 。He even exchange himself for Lucy s h
34、usband to jailbecause he hoped Lucywouldneverbe sad 。 Thisfiguremoved me so much 。双城记英文读后感第 4篇:Thetaleoftwocitiesis a historicalstory , oneofDickens longfictions。 The backgroundto thenovelistherevolutionof France。 Itportrayeda brutalandbloodystory,butitalsocontainedloveandfriendship。In the novel, Di
35、ckens sarcastically described atypical cruel nobleman marquis of Evermonde。 Whenhe was young he and his brother stole a countrywomanby force and killed her family。 Whats worse, heused his power to imprison Dr Manette, a kind andhonest man who knew all the things they had done andwanted to disclose t
36、heir crimes。 In order to hidetheir crimes。 Marquis of Evermonde and his brotherthrewDoctorManette intoprisonfor 18 years。 Duringthese 18 years , Doctor Manette lost his freedom andsuffer a great in spirit。I felt unthinkable that Marquis of Evermonde andhisbrotherkilledpeoplejustas easilyas theykille
37、dchickens 。 They deprivedotherpeople s freedomas theylikedand they thoughtitwas normal and unremarkable 。They had never realized that they had done somethingwrong or somethingimproper 。 Becausetheirnature wascruel and evil, like demons。 There is an old sayingwhich means: People who mit too many crim
38、es will killthemselves。 Afterall, thereis justiceintheworld 。The demons can t be rampant forever。 Because the worldwill not forgive them。 They will pay their lives fortheircrimes。 Let ssee theconsequenceoftheMarquis ,He laythere likea stone with a knifepushedinto his heart。” I think it was just what
39、 he ought togain and it is a real exciting scene。TheMarquis deathwasjustthebeginningofpeople s resistance to the nobleman。 Gradually moreand more people joined in the revolution。 One afteranothernoblemanwere sentencedtodeathand theirheads were cut down 。 However , some innocent peoplewere implicated
40、intherevolution。 CharlesDarney wasone of them He was the nephew of Marquis of Evermonde。To the opposite of his uncle, Darney was a kind andindependent young man。Dickensspokehighlyofkindnessmercy and loveinthe novel too 。 This is the other thone of the novelwhen Doctor Manette was released from priso
41、n。 It washis daughter Lucie who took care of him and helped himreturn to normal。 During this time, Dr manette andLucie knew Charles Darney and Sydeny Carton, the twoyoung man fell in love with Lucie at the same time。At last, Lucie married Chares Darney。 Dr ManetteacceptedDarney as hisson-in-lawaltho
42、ughhe knew thatDarney was the nephew of the man who threw him intoprison for18 years。 This is the love between fatherand daughter 。 And Sydeny Carton, theverygreatman ,loved Lucie deeply。 He promised Lucie that he woulddo everything for her happiness。 He did it truely,he sacrificedhimselfinsteadof D
43、arneywho lookedthesame as him 。 This is love for lovers。 This is themost wonderfulthinginthe world 。 Italsoremindsusthat no matter how no matter when there is true loveexisting。 Attheend , Lucie, DrManetteand Darneyarrived in England safely。Thetale oftwocities isdifferentfromotherhistoricalfictions。
44、 Itscharactersand main plotsarefictional under the real background of the revolutionofFrance 。 The authormade theexperienceofthefictional charactor Dr Manette as the main clue。 Theplots are plicated, and they are flexuousand dramatic 。The structure is plete and rigorous。Dickens had dear love and hat
45、e。 He praised thosewho ought to be praised and attacked those who oughttobe attacked。 Themotivationofthenovelmaybe justwarn theEnglishdominators 。 ButIthink we can learnsomething meaningful from the tale of two cities。双城记英文读后感第 5篇:Aswe allknow, CharlesDickens novelA TaleofTwo Cities is a novel based
46、 on the French Revolutionin thelate1800s。 Inthatterribletime , everymomentwas fullofgreatfear。 Beforethatgreatrevolution,the mon people, especially the peasants, were poor ,hungryandunhappy 。Thekingandthenoblemenmaltreatedthepoorinmany ways butthey had never felta little ashamed, on the contrary the
47、y thought theycould do bad things in the nature of things。Asan outstandingwriter, inDickens s work , thelanguage skill is essential。 Each kind of rhetorictechnique, liketheanalogy , theexaggeration, thecontrast, the humorous, and the taunt are handledskillfullyandtheartistryoftheworkisalsodeliveredthepeak 。 A taleoftwocitieshasitsdifferencewiththegeneral historical novel, itscharacterand themain plotare allfictionalizes。 Withthe broad real background o
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