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1、重大版小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 lesson 1 My new house一、 本课时主要教学内容:1、 Look and listen Listen and say Your time to act学习本课对话并掌握主要句型“Whose house is that?”, “Thats Miss Squirrels new house.” . ”May I have a visit?”.2、Listen and learn学习掌握单词:roof、wall、living room、 bedroom、kitchen、bathroom、dining room、 bed、 table、 sofa

2、.3、Listen and chant 能够流利的有节奏的说唱儿歌: little boy Simon二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:A:能听懂、会说表示房间名称的单词:roof、wall、living room、 bedroom、kitchen、bathroom、dining room、 bed、 table、 sofa. B:能够利用“whose”提问,能用下列简单的句子来介绍自己家中的各室:This is my home,this is bedroom, this is study, this is kitchen, 能够看图听音,理解本课课文的内容,能模仿正确的语音语调。 2、情感目标:

3、培养孩子热爱生活的情感。三、教学重点:1、能听懂、会说表示房间名称的单词:roof、wall、living room、 bedroom、kitchen、bathroom、dining room、 bed、 table、 sofa.2、能简单的介绍自己的家,并使用“whose”提出一般疑问句:Whose house is that? Whose robot is that?Whose is this?四、教学难点:1、 bathroom、bedroom 的发音.2、 小组合作学习的时候,让每一位学生都有机会可以操练。发挥每一位学生的优势。3、 教师如何提高课堂的教学效率。五、教学方法:1、 小组

4、合作学习2、 游戏3、 竞赛4、 表演5、 TPR六、教学准备:课件、教学卡片、录音机及磁带Step One: Warm-up(热身、导入)1、 Free talk with Ss.T:How are you today? Whats the weather like today?2、 Introduce new friends:Little red riding hoodT: Children. Today I will introduce a new friend to you. Who is she?Ss: Little red riding hood.T: Little red rid

5、ing hood wants to sing songs with you, is that OK? 3、 Sing songs :Sunny Day Say the chant : Who is dancing? Who is hoping?(设计意图: 为了给学生创设良好的语言氛围,在热身环节利用自有谈话引出新朋友小红帽,并让小红帽来开始今天的课程,符合儿童的心理特征,使学生没有紧张感。还为下面的步骤做一定的铺垫。)Step two: Preview (复习,预习) Free talk with Little red riding hood.(老师扮演小红帽和同学们进行交流)T:Excus

6、e me, may I have your name?Ss:T:Excuse me, who is that boygirl? Ss:T:Excuse me, whats the time? Ss:T: Do you have some question with her? Please use “Excuse me, ”T:Oh, its time to see my friends.Little red hat is in the forest. She wants to see her friends, (课件出现猴子、松鼠、狐狸的图片)Ss: Miss Monkey, Miss Squ

7、irrel, Mr.Fox.T: Please say hello to them,(设计意图:利用小红帽继续和学生进行语言的交流,并将本课时出现的礼貌性用语Excuse me 呈现出来,为后面的环节打下基础。并通过介绍朋友的方式巧妙的将本课中的主要人物呈现。)Step three: presentation ( 新课呈现)1、T: OK,lets go to the forest to play with them (多媒体呈现,森林里的一座房子。) T:Oh,there is a house, (教授单词house)T: So beautiful house. Whose house is

8、 that? Do you want to know? Ask me, Ill tell you quietly. (教师多强调几次,Excuse me ,Whose house is that? 给学生做好示范,也可以让小组内的同学一起问。)T:(小声回答):Thats Miss Squirrels new house.T: Excuse me ,Whose house is that?Ss:. Thats Miss Squirrels new house.(学生操练对话。)PracticeT:OK, now please look,Excuse me ,whose house is tha

9、t? Ss: Thats Miss Monkeys new house. (学生根据课件自己练习) (设计意图:在本环节,由小红帽的三个朋友引出他们的 new house,就是本课的学习主题,老师在教授时没有直接老师教学生读,而是以悄悄话的方式告诉学生,既让学生兴趣浓厚,又在不知不觉中将本课的句型 whose 轻松掌握。)T:OK! Their houses are very nice, I want to have a visit. Do you want to?Ss: Yes. T: So you should praise their houses. Nice? Beautiful or

10、 big?Follow me.Oh, Miss Squirrel, your house is very nice. Who can ? (老师奖励能够说的同学,并回答thank you)T; Lets go to have a visit. Whose house do you want to have a visit ?Ss: .T: Miss Squirrel, may I have a visit? T: Sure, Please follow me this way please. 教授This way please.(设计意图:在本环节中,老师利用刚刚的铺垫,以想去参观他们的房子为

11、由,调动孩子的学习,并且将课文中的难点句子 have a visit, follow me, nice , this way please 等巧妙的呈现出来。)2、让学生打开书,听录音。T: Open your books and turn to page 31. Please listen to the tape carefully and then answer my qustions? A、Who can you see in the text?B、Whose house is that?3、Read the dialogue after the tape.4、Read it by yo

12、urselves and then tell me which sentence you can read.5、Read it with your partners.(设计意图:让学生在情景中学习了语句并了解的意思以后,回到课本上,给孩子们呈现出文字资料,更有利于孩子们对单词,对对话的理解和掌握。)6、T:Just now you visit Miss Squirrels house, this time lets visit Miss Monkeys house and Mr. Foxs house. Who want to?7、T: Boys and girls, Little red r

13、iding hood say, she wants to see your new book?T: Whose book is this ?Ss: XXXs .T: May I have a look? S: Sure here you are. T: Thanks. (设计意图:让学生根据老师提供的情景进行对话的再创造,使他们对对话的理解更深入一步。并且将句子融入到跟学生相关的情景当中。)8、Oh,class this time lets go the Little red riding hoods house to have a visit. Maybe there are some gi

14、ft for you.T: Look at the Little red riding hoods house, its very nice. How many rooms do you see?Ss; 5T:OK, Lets have a visit. This is the first room. (1)、Teach the word “living room” T: Look at the this room. What can you see in this room? S1:I can see T: Yes, It is living room. (以看电视的动作来教授和练习单词:l

15、iving room. 因为单词是一个复合词,难度比较大,也是本课的难点,所以反馈时尽量叫单个同学) T: What can you do in the living? For example: I can read books. I can have a tea. Ss I can (do my homework. Watch TV play.) (2)、Teach the word “ table dining room” T: This way please,Oh what is this? Its a table.(操练table,这个单词不难,可以简单的操练巩固一下就可以)T:Thi

16、s is the dining room.(3)、Teach the word“kitchen” T: Next to the dining room, it is a kitchen. Ss: Yes. T: Lets go to the kitchen, cook the meals. Ss: OK. Learn the word “kitchen”. Guide the students to say the sentences: “Go to the kitchen cook the meal.” (4)、Teach the word“bathroom”T: Look at my ha

17、nds. They are very dirty. Where can I wash my hands.S1: In the bathroom.T: Which is the bathroom. If you think NO.1 is the bathroom. Please touch your ears . If you think No.2 is the bathroom , touch your nose.Learn to say: bathroomT: I wash my hands in my bathroom. What can you wash in your bathroo

18、m?S1.2: I wash my (face. feet. Shirt)in my bathroom让学生通过摸耳朵、鼻子的形式来猜几号纸片下的房间是“bathroom”浴室,手脑并用,饶有趣味,使课堂气氛活泼、生动。接下来,我说“I wash my hands in my bathroom .what can you wash in your bathroom? ”这个问题不仅是为发展学生运用语言的能力而设计的,也是为操练下一个句子“Go to the bathroom .Take a shower.”作好充分的准备。如此一来,衔接自然,减轻了学生对“铺天盖地”英语句子的恐惧,轻松快乐地掌

19、握了句子。(5)、Teach the word“bedroom” L: Im tired now. I want to have a sleep. Can I sleep on the teachers desk? Where can I sleep? Oh, I can sleep in the bedroom. Learn to say the word “bedroom”.(用睡觉的动作来教授和练习单词:bedroom) L: Look at my bedroom. Its big and clean. (课件里的小红帽介绍自己的房间) T:What about your bedroom

20、.?(老师引导孩子介绍自己的房间) S1.2.: My bedroom is small and pinkL: My grandmas bedroom is big and white T: What about your mothers bedroom? S1.2: My mothers bedroom is big and yellowPair work: Talk about the bedrooms in this way: My bedroom is.My mothers bedroom is. Do and say: Go to the bedroom. Go the bedroo

21、m. Have a sleep. Have a sleep. 本环节让学生谈自己的房间和母亲房间的特点,将所学新单词“bedroom”运用到真实的语言环境中,做到了现学现用,并实现了英语教学中词不离句的教学规律。考虑到从字到句存在着一定的难度,我先让课件里的小红帽做一个示范,让学生有一个样板;接着,由浅入深,从说自己的房间,再到说母亲的房间,最后提供说的方法将自己的房间和母亲的房间连起来说,这样循序渐进地训练,大大降低了学生接受时的难度。通过这样的练习,学生到了实际生活中,说话就能脱口而出,而不用在大脑里翻书似地搜索语言点。Step four: Consolidations (巩固操练)6: Read the chant after the tape.7: Post-task activitiesT: Please look at the screen, there is a picture. How many bedroom in this house?本环节主要是将学到的内容回到现实的生活中,一般情况都是讨论自己的家,但是没有实际的照片,比较抽象。所以我给出一些楼盘的户型图,让学生讨论。当然孩子们可以利用I have的句子自己的家说出有几间卧室,几间客厅。8、Group work: Do the task time in part C。


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