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1、第一章 阅读判断题题型分析:本题型是给出的一篇短文提供的信息,对10个陈述句做出判断:A:Right(对),B:Wrong(错),C:Not Mentioned(未提及)。1.【做题技巧】定位全文高频词,掌握中心思想2015.10 题目:Black Friday 高频词:Black Friday2016.04 题目:Red Nose Day 高频词:Red Nose Day2016.10 题目:Being "Cool" in Middle School 高频词:kid2017.04 题目:The Thinking Habit That Changed My Life 高频词

2、:life2017.10 题目:My Writing Teacher 高频词:Writing2018.04 题目:Life on the Farm 高频词:farm /life根据近年6套真题统计发现,每篇文章的高频词都出现在阅读判断题的标题中,因此首先读懂标题很重要,能大体猜出文中所讲内容,而且不难发现所有的高频词均为简单的4词词汇。2.【做题技巧】定位句与题中的“特殊”词文中除开句子首字母需要大写之外,句中同时也会出现关于人名、地名、特殊词组、引号或者数字的词,比较容易被发现,而且基本会在文章中涉及到考题,需要重点关注。做题技巧:从题目中找到特殊单词后,在全文查找对应句子,答案一般在包含特

3、殊词的句中中或者句子的前后句。尤其是特殊词只在一个句中出现,出现答案的可能性更高。.定位人名:【201710】Mrs. Johnson's,在全文出现了多次,题目也多此出现了这个人名,因此可以着重看出现这些人名的句子,由此对应找出对应题目的答案。.定位地名: 【201510 T4】题目:“Black Friday started in the USA”中的USA,可以迅速对应文中第2段中:In fact, it is believed that the first Black Friday was held in the 1970s in the USA.【201604 T1】题目:R

4、ed Nose Day is a famous event in Britain.出现的Britain,其实就是文中指的UK,地名的两种叫法,本质还是相同的。.定位词组【201510 T8】题目: “People like to shop online on Christmas Eve.”中的Christmas Eve,意思是平安夜,固定词组。可以迅速对应到文中第3段中:, even though Christmas Eve is still a more popular day to shop.定位引号:【201510 T6】题目:“"In the black" is a

5、 financial term”中带引号的"In the black",可以迅速对应文中第2段中:It was so named because the stores were "in the black".定位数字【201510 T10】题目:“Things are sold at their lowest prices at 4 am. ” 中的4 am,可以迅速对应到文中第3段中:So if you don't want to get to the stores by 4 am, this is the perfect way to sti

6、ll get items at reduced prices.定位时间【201704 T1】题目:I was unhappy with my life three years ago. 中的three years ago,对应文中第一段I remember one evening three years ago, when my life was very different.3.【做题技巧】找文中与题目相似的句子通常题目是从文中某句话经过单词替换而来的,因此可以通过找题目与文中相似的句子,寻求答案。此题型出现可能性极高,而且较为容易能看出正确答案。以2015年10月真题为例,有较强的代表性。

7、做题技巧:由题目找出文中与之主谓宾结构相似的句子,出现正确答案的可能性会高一些。【201510 T1】题目:Many people know the history of Black Friday对应文中: . , but few people know the history of holiday shopping.(第1段)解析:句子结构基本相同,就是主语部分出现反义词替换。【201510 T2】题目: Most stores open their doors for business very early on Black Friday.对应文中:On this day most ret

8、ail stores open their doors very early some as early as 4 am.解析:句子结构基本相同第二章 阅读理解题型分析:阅读理解相对于阅读判断题来说,难度有所增加,不仅要知道对错,还需要按照题目要选,选出最佳选项。但是相对于阅读判断来说,阅读理解的答案分布较为均匀,按照题目的大致内容,依次能在文中按顺序找到答案,不大会出现后面题目答案对应文中段落比在前面题目答案对应文中段落的前面,无形中缩小了答案的查找范围。做题技巧:首先一定要将文章段落标序号,如果有5段,出题顺序和原文顺序一致(比如第一题对应第一段)。1.巧看标点一篇文章会涉及到很多从句,因

9、此利用标点,将文章进行缩减,可以减少阅读量。 冒号:冒号前后是从抽象到具体的过程,且后面说明前面。所以只需看懂简单的那句。【201510】Many people ask me where I prefer to live : Brazil or Switzerland. 很多人问我喜欢住在哪里:巴西还是瑞士。【201710】they are always asked : "Is Scotland that place where men wear skirts?" 人们总是问:“苏格兰是男人穿裙子的地方吗?” 分号:前后语义是并列关系,只需看懂简单一句。【201604】 M

10、otorcyclists often look dirty; in fact, they are dirty. 摩托车手经常看起来很脏,事实上,他们很脏。【201704】 It is more than just telling your dog to stop doing what he's doing; it is the process of teaching a dog to exhibit certain desired behaviors in specific circumstances. 这不仅仅是让你的狗停止做它正在做的事情,它是教狗在特定环境下展现某些期望行为的过程

11、。 破折号:两个破折号之间或个破折号之后是补充解释的关系,可跳过不读。【201704】Proper dog training is not a "quick fix"-it is an ongoing process. 适当的狗训练不是“快速修复”而是一个持续的过程。 引号:(1)强调;引言,引叙(相当于论据) (2)形容词加引号,则是反语【201704】Proper dog training is not a "quick fix"-it is an ongoing process. 括号:(1) 补充和解释 (2)解释生词【201604】But ma

12、ny would be surprised to learn that twenty million Americans ride motorcycles (摩托车).2.攻克长难句解题技巧:首先找出句子的主干结构,主谓宾结构;其次分清修饰关系:最后复杂抽象意思简化。常见长难句的语法结构: (1)定语从句: (2)状语从句(有连接词) (3)名词性从句: 4分词和独立主格结构; (5)倒装结构; (6)间省略结构; (7)形式主语或形式宾语; (8)强调句型; (9)各种插人语(介绍某人的身份,地位等)(10)向虚拟语气做题技巧:(1)将主句和从句切分开(利用连词)(2)将分司,独立主格结构与

13、主句切开。(3)插入语最后看或跳过不看。3.常见题型 主旨大意题:题型:题干中出现信号词:best title/topic/conclusion/prove/convey【201610】T15:The best title for this text is【201710】T15:This text is mainly about the做题技巧(1)通常出现在最后一题(2)答案通常出现在文章中最后一句话 细节题:题型:题干对原文的论据、例子、提问等且包含文件关键词。涉及例题较多,此处不意一一赘述。做题技巧:(1)将选项与原文逐一对照(2)尽量保证与文章主旨及态度一致。 例证题:解题技巧 :例子

14、懂否不重要,重要的是上下文意思和该例支持论点。(1)返回原文,定位该句子(2)80%向上,20%向下,搜索该例支持的论点(3)从选项中找出观点的同义改写作为答案常见错误选项:只谈例子本身,例子无关常识 作者观点态度题:常见信号词:【201510】T13: The author thinks Brazilians are 作者认为巴西人T15:According to the author,作者认为,解题技巧:作者态度与文章主旨家密相关;利用论据和例子反推作者态度(1)正面态度position, favorable, supportive, approval, optimize, defensi

15、ve(2)负面态度negative, disapproval. objection, opposition, opposite, suspicion, suspicious, critical, pessimistic(3)中立态度objective, neutrals, unbiased, impartial 指代题:题型:题干中明确指出文章某词,要求明确其指代关系【201710】Mel Gibson is probably a解题技巧:注意前后文的代词,比如it /that/one/he/she/they 判断正误题:题型:三对一错;三错一对。【201704】What is the mos

16、t important thing for dog trainers to do做题技巧:看清楚题目中最紧要的是什么,不能与主旨背离。 生词短语题:题型:题干中指出某个生词或短语,要求其联系上下文理解其意思。【201610】The word "restorative" (Line 3, Para. 3) most probably means解题技巧:三、概括段落大意和补全句子与填句补文 无论是补全句子,还是填句补文,都缺少一定的内容,增加了读者理清文章思路的难度,因此空格的位置十分重要,起着承上启下的作用,看懂上下题是解题关键,同时注意上下句中的关键词。1. 【做题技巧】

17、涉及知识点:连词【201804 真题】 in this case 在这种情况下 instead 而不是,相反 even 即使【201710 真题】 so 因此 in the end 最后 however 然而【201704 真题】 however 然而 【201610 真题】 but 但是【201604 真题】 while 然而 for example 例如 【201510 真题】 then 然后 【201504 真题】 however 然而【201410 真题】 but 但是 so 因此 then 然后 【210404 真题】 but 但是 other 其他的 【201310 真题】 in

18、order to 为了四、填词补文解题技巧:快速浏览全文,判断空格处缺少什么成分;再迅速判断选项单词词性;最后对号入选项。过程中可以边选择边划去已选选项。1.高频知识点:句子基本成分(解题方法:空格处缺少句子何种成分就补充成分,去选项中挑选,可运用排除法)【201804 31、32、38 题】【201704 31、35、36题】【201510 32、39题】【201504 35、 39题】五种基本句式a. 主语(多为名词) + 不及物动词 John came.(S) (Vi) b. 主语 (多为名词) + 及物动词 + 宾语(多为名词) John likes oranges.(S) (Vi)

19、(O)C. 主语 (多为名词) + 双宾动词 + 间接宾语 + 直宾(多为名词) John gave Mary books.(S) (DV) (IO) (DO)d. 主语 (多为名词) + 系动词 + 主语补语(多为形容词) John is happy.(S) (LV) (SC) e. 主语 (多为名词) + 宾补动词 + 宾语 + 宾语 John makes Mary angry.(S) (FV) (O) (OC)涉及知识点:动词时态【201804 32题】【201804 44题】【201710 41题】【201704 41、43题】1. 规则动词l 一般情况下在动词后加-ed: 现在时 过

20、去时 过去分词wish wished wishedtalk talked talkedAllow allowed allowed l 若以e结尾,只加-d:hope hoped hopedhate hated hated debate debated debated l 大部分以“辅音 + 元音 + 辅音”结尾,最后的辅音字母要双写,再加-ed:stirstirredstirredstopstoppedstoppedfitfittedfittedadmitadmittedadmittedoccuroccurredoccurredpreferpreferredpreferredl 以c 结尾时,

21、要变c 为ck再加-ed:mimicmimickedmimickedhavochavockedhavockedbivouacbivouackedbivouackedpicnicpicnickedpicnickedtraffictraffickedtraffickedl 大部分以y结尾,一般要变y为i,再加-edtrytriedtrieddefydefieddefiedstudystudiedstudiedtestifytestifiedtestified但 y 前若是一个元音字母,则y 不必变play played playeddestroy destroyed destroyedemploy

22、 employed employed 但有几个例外情况:lay laid laidpay paid paidsay said said2.第三人称单数的构成方法在一般现在时的肯定句中,当主语是第三人称单数时(she,he,it),谓语动问要用第三人称单数形式,其变化规则如下:【210704 48题】一般情况下由动词后加s构成,如work-works, take -takes等l 以s.x.z sh,ch以及字母O结尾的动间,后加es, 如guess-guesses,mix-mixes, catch -catches 等l 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,应将y改为i再加es,如fly -flies注

23、意:a.个别动词的变化不规则,如have- has,be -is 等 。3.现在分词的构成方法 【201504 39题】【201710 46题】【201410 44题】一般情况下,在动词后加ing,如work-working,wait- waiting等。以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e后再加ing,如smile- smiling, move- moving 等。以重读闭音节或r音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写未尾的辅音字母再加ing,如sit-itting, plan- planning,occur -occuring等。以字母ie结尾的动词,通常将ie改为y再加-ing,如die

24、 -dying, lie -lying, tie -tying 等。注意: a. 以字母l结尾的动词,若末尾一个音节为重读音节,则必须双写l再加-ing,如control- controlling,但若末尾一个音节为非重读音节,则双写l(英式英语)或不双写l(美式英语)均可,如travel-travelling。b. 名词变复数、形容词和副词变比较级和最高级动词变过去式和过去分词等都有“改y规则”,但动词的现在分词没有“改y规则”。c.动词picnic(野餐)的现在分词为picnicking, 不是picnicing。3.形容词、名词【201804 39、40题】【201704 33 题】【2

25、01704 39题】【201510 35、36题】 【201504 33题】做题技巧:空格处一般是在形容词后选择名词,或是在名词前选择形容词,判断出词性,然后从选项中选择,可运用排除法涉及知识点:形容词判断、名词判断英语主要形容词词缀1. v.+ableadj.以这种方式构成的形容词其意义为“能的”、“可以(被)的”、“适合于的”、“值得的”等,即有被动含义例如:reliable(可以依靠的),drinkable(可以饮用的),eatable(可食用的) 2. n.+ableadj.这种形容词意为“具有特点的”,如valuable(有价值的),reasonable(有道理的),comforta

26、ble(舒适的) 3. -al该词缀大多是加在名词后形成形容词的。4. -ent“-ent”与“-ant”非常相似。例如:absent(absence),different(difference),excellent(excellence),patient(patience),present(presence) 5. -ful这一后缀有两种情况: (1) 加在名词之后构成形容词,表示“充满的”、“有性质的”,如beautiful, colourful, helpful, powerful, successful, useful, wonderful(2) 加在动词之后,所构成的形容词意为“易于

27、的”,如forgetful 6. -less“-less”加在名词、动词后,表示“无”、“缺”,如fearless, harmless, useless, helpless, careless。注意:【201504 33题】不定代词如 nothing,something,anything等修饰形容词时,形容词后置。高频知识点(三)副词【201804 35题】【201504 34、37题】涉及知识点: 副词判断一般形式为adj.+ly构成adverb;意为“地”;本词缀构副词最普遍usually 常常地;通常地; especially特别地;尤其地;格外地; globally全球地;世界性地;全

28、局地;在全球; closely紧密地;接近地;严密地;亲近地; sincerely真诚地;由衷地;诚恳地; roughly大约地;概略地; reasonably合理地;相当地;适度地;predictably可预言地; anxiously焦虑地;渴望地;焦躁地;急切地; automatically自动地;机械地;我意识地; recently最近;近来;近期; commercially商业上;通商方面; vacantly申请茫然地; 注意:副词位置比较随意,一般是句中不缺少成分时,空格处多选择副词【201504 34、37题】4.冠词【201804 33、34、37题】【201504 32题】涉及

29、知识点:定冠词 the,不定冠词 a/an 冠词后一般+名词,或者+形容词+名词固定搭配:takeachance 冒险 touristattraction 旅游胜地 linesof一排排,一系列getin 进入 talkto 与谈话 takenoteof 留意,注意Itisprobablethat 固定句型,很可能.5、 完形补文( 解题方法:判断空格处的词性,进行变形,填词补文有相关知识点)涉及语法点:构词法(后缀)后缀:许多名词、形容词、副词和动词是由词根加后缀构成的。【构成名词的常用后缀有】【201804 47、48题】 【201710 42、45、50题】【201604 49题】【20

30、1410 43、46题】(1) -er,-or,-ist,-ee,-ian,-ese,-ant等用于构成表示人或物的名称。如:writer,translator,trainee,employee,scientist,physicist,musician,physician,Italian,Asian,Chinese,assistant等。 (2) -ance,-ence,-(a)tion,-sion,-al,-ing,-ity,-ment,-th,-ty,-ure,-ship等用于构成表示行为、性质、状态等的抽象名词。 如:acceptance,assistance,dependence,co

31、nfidence,repetition,preparation,discussion,division,arrival,survival(务必区分survivor和survival),approval,disapproval,building,reality,simplicity,ability,rapidity,regularity,argument,warmth,length,growth,safety,leadership,failure,pressure,friendship等。 (3) 其他名词后缀:-hood,-ness,-ology,-phy。 如:childhood,neigh

32、borhood(附近,街坊),motherhood(母性,母亲身份),kindness,happiness,sadness,biology,psychology,philosophy,geography 【构成形容词的常用后缀有】 【201804 42、46题】【201710 43题】【201704 44题】-able,-ible,-al,-ful,-less,-ish,-ive,-ous,-an,-ic,-ly,-y,-ant,-ent,-ary,-en等。 如:available,suitable,valuable(注意联想invaluable,valueless,priceless),r

33、esponsible,natural,national,powerful,helpful,faithful,successful,fearless,useless,helpless,selfless,selfish, childish,decisive,famous,continuous,African,American,European,scientific,historic,friendly,lively, thirsty,noisy,pleasant,dependent,consistent(一贯的),imaginary,golden,wooden等。【构成动词的常用后缀有】 【2018

34、04 45题】 -ise/ize,-en,-ify等。 如:modernize,realize,widen,strengthen,beautify,modify(修饰)等。 【构成副词的后缀有】 【201710 49 题】【201604 42题】-ly,-ward(s),-wise。 例如:completely,rarely,truly,simply,backward(s),forward(s),likewise同样地 补充:绝大部分形容词变为副词时直接加ly,但也有特例。关于形容词变副词【201704 42、50题】【201710 49题】现强调以下几点: (1) 形容词是"-le

35、"结尾的,先去掉e,然后直接加y。例如:simply,possibly,subtly。(2) 形容词是"辅音字母加y"结尾的,先把y变成i,然后再加ly。例如:luckily,heavily。(3) 形容词是"l"结尾的,直接加ly。例如:finally,eventually,successfully。【前缀】 【201404 49、50题】表示相反意义的前缀有:un-,dis,-in,-im,-ir,-il,-de等。 如:unhappy,unreasonable,uncomfortable,uncover(揭露),unload(卸货),di

36、slike(注意比较unlike),dishonest,disagree,informal,inaccurate,inactive,imbalanced,impossible,immobile,irregular,irresponsible,illegal,illogical,devalue(贬值)等【名词单复数形式】【201804 43题】【201710 44题】【201704 46题【201410 48题】l 在单数形式后直接加-sl 以s,x,ch,sh或z结尾,需在后面加-esl 以y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-es六、英语写作万能模版 1.对比/正反观点分析型大多为三点提纲,提纲模式一

37、般为:有一些人认为;还有人认为;我的看法或观点;2、少数时候也会出现两点提纲的情况,此时可以补充成三点提纲来写作。 首段引出话题: When it comes to_, opinions differ(vary) from one to another or.differenf people hold different opinions 第二段写支持观点: There are a number of individuals who hold the positive opinion. They believe that_ is advantageous for_. What makes th

38、em convinced is that _ .In addition(what's more), they claim that _. 三段写反对观点: Others, however, hold the opposite view. They maintain that it is unnecessary/not indispensible to _ . One reason they cite is that _ . Another significant cause is that _. 末段1:Personally/From my point of view/as far a

39、s i'm concerned, nothing is more important than _ On the one hand, it is a fact that _ ,On the other hand, no one can deny the fact that _ Therefore, Only by doing so can _ 末段2:From my point of view, _ itself is neither good nor bad. For our human being, nothingis more important than making best

40、 use of it. We need _ in our daily life, but we should never be slaves of _. 2社会现象/解决问题型 题型特点:1、应该为三点提纲,但是有时以两点提纲出现,所涉及主题为当时社会热点; 2、通常模式为:现象概述-细节(原因、危害、方式等)-自我评论首段引出话题: Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that _ has/ have become agrave problem with which modern citizens are confronted. As fa

41、r as I know, there are some _. Apparently enough, we can find numerous examples in our society/campus. However, what makes many people worried is that this issue has not aroused enough concern. 第二段分析原因: As far as I am concerned, there are numerous factors accounting for the phenomenon mentioned abov

42、e, but the following might be the critical ones. First and foremost, _ Besides, _. Last but not least, _ . 第三段提出解决办法::From my point of view, there are a number of ways in which _ can tackle mentioned above, but the following might be the indispensible ones. Firstly, _ Secondly, _.Thirdly, _ . 第四段: B

43、ased on the above analysis, we can naturally come to a safe conclusion that _ As modern college students, it is our responsibility to shoulder the burden of inheriting and developing cultural heritage/ constructing our nations future. Therefore, it is essential that we should _. Besides, in order to

44、 _, we should try to _.Only by doing so can we become qualified talents to make great contributions to our homeland. 3.邮件信件邮件信件包括多种应用文类型,包括:投诉信、建议信、申请信、求职信、辞职信、求学信、求助信、感谢信、号名信、邀请信、道歉信、简历、备忘录、寻物启事、招领启事等,但是在具体的实践中,常常考到的是书信。第一部分:解释写信的原因(以求职信为例)I am writing in response to(回应) your advertisement in I am

45、writing this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised inI am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position forI would like to apply for the vacancy(职位空缺) ofadvertised in第二部分:展示个人能力、经历及求职动机I am now studying at and will soon be graduated as a/an major. Under the

46、influence of the courses I have taken, I have developed a special interest inUpon graduation, I first worked as The following job was and currently I am working for I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position ofBorn in in I graduated from University majoring in

47、I have been working in since my graduation, and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field. It seems to me that this experience, together with my education, has given me preparation to assume the role of in a firm such as yours.第三部分:希望面试机会,表示感谢Thank you for your consider

48、ation. I look forward to your reply.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future.Your prompt response will be much appreciated(感激).I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience(方便之时), when I could give you further details concerning

49、myself.I am available for a personal interview(个人面谈) at your convenience. Please contact me at例文:Dear Mr. Byron,I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress. Enclosed with(附上) this letter is my resume, which further details my qualifications(资历) and previou

50、s work experiences.Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate(完美候选人) for the job, but my personality is well suited to(适合) working as a waitress. I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all ages.I would like to meet with you at

51、your earliest convenience, to discuss the possibility of working at your restaurant. Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future.Yours sincerely,Li Ming4.万能语句一、引出开头1:It is well-known to us that(我们都知道)2:Recently the problem of has been brought

52、into focus. (最近问题引起了关注)3:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为) 4:It is a common belief that(人们一般认为) 5:A lot of people seem to think that(很多人似乎认为) 6:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道.) 二、表达不同观点 1:People may have differ

53、ent opinions on(人们对可能会持有不同见解) 2:There are different opinions among people as to(对于人们的观点大不相同)三、表示结尾1:In short, it can be said that(总之,他的意思是) 2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论)四、提出建议1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时

54、候了)2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of(毫无疑问,对问题应予以足够重视) 3:Obviously ,if we want to do something it is essential that(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是) 4:Only in this way can we (只有这样,我们才能) 5:Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)五、预示后果 1:Obviously,if we don't control the problem, the chances are thatwi


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