



1、六级阅读技能目标(1) 基本形成对不同目的的不同的阅读方法与技巧(2) 基本把握不同体裁的文体特征,形成对所有常用体裁的阅读能力(3) 基本形成对于阅读过程、阅读质量的自我监控与评价能力(4) 能从一般文字资料屮获取主要信息(5) 能利用上下文和句子结构猜测词义(6) 能根据上下文线索预测故事情节的发展(7) 能根据阅读目的使用不同的阅读策略(8) 能通过不同信息渠道查找所需信息models for teaching reading bottom-up model读者经过对字母、词、短语直至更大的语言单位(如句子)的逐级识别而建构语篇的意义。 “自下而上”的过程强调把文本材料作为信息输入从低级

2、到高级单位的认知处理流程,又 被称为“材料驱动"(data drive id程)。依照这个模式去理解阅读过程,教师在教授阅读课 时,主要任务就是帮助学生解决语言上的障碍,即弄清词的意义、短语的意义和句子的 意义。但是随着对阅读理解过程的深入研究发现,学生在阅读时,语言问题解决了,但对文章 的理解并不一定能够解决,对作者的意图并不一定能够把握。这个过程低估了读者的主 动作用,没有把阅读者看成信息的积极处理者。 top-down model根据这种观点,背景知识比词汇问题更重要。阅读中,读者所需要的更多是相关经历和 对文章背景知识的了解。不同的读者由于其经历不同对文章的理解可能会相差甚远

3、,这 也许就是为什么阅读异文化的材料比阅读本族文化材料要难,阅读不同时代的材料比阅 读同时代的材料耍难。但是这个模式在强调读者背景知识作用的同时,似乎忽视了词 汇识别、语法结构处理等低层次的阅读技巧。事实上,快速、准确地识别文本中的语言 特征对于流利的阅读是至关重要的。 interactive model认为阅读不单纯是“自下而上'或“自上而下”的过程,而是两者相互作用的处理过程。交互 作用模式强调了阅读处理过程的双向性和交互性,认为阅读过程的各个层次z间存在交互作 用,因而解释力更强。图式(schema)理论该理论强调人u经具有的知识及知识结构对当前的认知活动起决定作用。按照图式理论

4、,人 脑中所贮存的知识都组成单元,这种单元就是图式。对阅读而言,图式一般分为三种类型: 语言图式(linguistic schema);内容图式(content schema)和修辞图式(rhetorical schema)® 语言图式指读者已有的语言知识,即关于语音、词汇和语法等方面的知识。内容图式指读者 对阅读材料所讨论主题(内容范畴)的了解程度。修辞图式指读者对阅读材料文章体裁、篇 章结构的熟悉程度。阅读技能(strategic skills ) 区分 (distinguishing) the main idea from supporting details 略读 (skim

5、ming) : reading for the gist or main idea 查读 (scanning) : looking for specific information 猜测 (predicting) : guessing what is coming next 推 论 making inferences教学阅读的步骤what to consider while planning reading lessons( 1)1. pre-reading stagehow to activate students' schematahow to raise students'

6、; interesthow to help students predict what they will read 2. while-reading stagehow to help students acquire different reading skillshow to help students understand features of a text.3. post-reading stagehow to help students use what they have learned每种教学步骤的方法或途径1 .pre-reading 的方法(1) predicting pr

7、edicting based on the title predicting based on vocabulary predicting based on the pictures predicting based on the t/f questions predicting based on questionsqi. where was jane walking?q2: what did she hear behind her?q3: what was her necklace made of?q4: what did the thief steal (two things)?q5: w

8、hat did he do next?(2) .setting the scene discussing culture bound aspects relating what students already know to what they want to know using visual aids(3) skimming &scanning skimming for gist(s ask general questions(s provide 3-4 statementsq provide subtitles and put in the right place scanni

9、ng for specific in formationfs a numberq a definition(s a name(4) 需注意 bear in mind set a time limit give clear instructions for the task wait until 70% of the students finish how to get feedback answers are scattered throughout the text2. while-reading(1) fast reading快读的原因:让学生快速默读或略读。以阅读理解为目的的阅读教学一定

10、要强调用默读 的方式,而不用朗读的方式,因为朗读影响速度,不易将注意力放在理解上,耐用影响 他人默读。限时是保证学生快速阅读的有效手段。 skimming for gistqask general questions(sprovide 3-4 statementseprovide subtitles and put in the right place scanning for specific informationqa numberea definitionqa name例子如ppt阅读教学38-39(2) reading in detail1) information transfer

11、activitiestransition device 的目的:a. focus on the main meaningb. simplify sophisticated inputc. perfonn tasks while readingd highlight the main structural organizatione involve all the studentsf. precede one step at a timeg. a basis for further oral or written practicetransition device 的方法:a. pictures

12、b. mapsc. tables 表格d. tree diagrams 树形图e. cyclic diagrams 循环图(如:水)f. flowcharts流程图(如:纸的制作)2) reading comprehension questionsa. questions for literal comprehensionb. questions involving reorganization or reinterpretationc. questions for evaluation or appreciationde questions for personal responsee. q

13、uestions for inferences3) understanding references4) making inferenceshomework machinerefer to:silverstein, s. 1981. a light in the attic pp.56-57. new york: harpercollins.t t j i hahahicwm taw囘 w whoho gj -11/ 11/ 11/ 11/ xi s一 1 卞 2 3 4 oe th sgurnto onbke 乜nsta rapeaitt ntmes zcorddok? a隅or .is仇

14、m w t岀i 6predicti onbokattheguessing wordn;?ineaninghsh a piecesea nningsebs inferring 二萨 ning rs deling?5) what kind of h 皐mq do%?。叭。wh;版黒狀篇3. post-reading目的:provide opportunities to relate what they have read to what they already know or feelenable students to produce language based on what they h

15、ave learnedpost-reading 的方法:1) discussion2) role play defining the roles and setting up goals pairing/grouping students and assigning roles preparation: whole class brainstorm possible questions students playing the same roles go into a group to work out the questions role play in pairs/group class viewing/demonstration teacher gives feedback based on active monitoring3) retelling4) gap-filling5) writing produce a tourist brochure for a place described in a text. produce a


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