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1、毕业设计(论文)1、外文翻译是毕业设计(论文)的主要内容之一,必须学生独立完成。2、外文翻译译文内容应与学生的专业或毕业设计(论文)内容相关,不得少于xxxx 卬刷符号。3、外文翻译译文用a4纸打印,需包含中文翻译和英文原文。4、年月日等的填写,用阿拉伯数字书写,要符合关于出版物上数字用法的试行 规定,如“2017年5月26日”。5、所有签名必须手写,不得打印。附件:外文资料翻译译文5s管理生产现场的5s概念(5s)起源于日本整理(组织),整顿(整洁), 清扫(清洁),清洁(标准化)和素养(纪律)的缩写,它是一种嵌 在日本人日常生活中的哲理。文献表明,自笫二次世界大战以来,兴 起了出现在商业环

2、境中的两大框架,一种是由欧圣埃蒂安于1989到 1991年提出,另一种则是市平野在1996到1996年提出。本文阐述了5s在h本企业和西方企业的了解程度和相应的执行 情况。该项结果表明了5s从一个国家转向另一个国家的适用性。在欧 萨达和平野提出的主要框架中亦凸显了“5s作为哲学,或“5s作为一种 技术工具”的区别。5s概念的起源5s包括的每个术语在口本内广泛理解为一种改善生活方式的的 方法(欧萨达,1989)。在日木,5s的时间被公认为是一群组织及其 清洁活动,是一种在工作场所、学校和家里的一种基本道德的具体化。几百年来,5s的哲学观念通过神道教、佛教和儒家思想被嵌入日 本的社会原则(德 蒙特

3、,1994) o日本一直强调合作,崇尚信任的 价值观,自制能力,和谐和组织的忠诚度。在日本神道教、佛教和儒 家思想都造成了这些价值观的形成(瓦苏基,1952) o神道教强调干净的重要性,利用别人为你创造利益被认为是“不洁 净”的(瓦苏基,1952) o儒家学说具有强调整齐的思想,最初是从 中国传入日本。在日本,小林等人提出的整齐被理解成为儒家与群体 的价值观的特别关注。佛教和儒家精神的理想常常是从自律中使精神 坚韧,这些结合神道教的思想,通常是在佛教和儒家思想所表现出来 之前所做的(方式:哲学或其它方法),例如武士道精神(方式:武 士道武士所拥有的精神),日本神道教(主要信奉神道),佛教(主

4、要方式是念佛)和其他的武术,包括剑道,柔道,跆拳道,意在训练 我的身体和心智的学科(苏格拉和斯比,2002) o在日木,5s的整体运用方法被用来提高到的和伦理标准,并且是 建立在假设神道教,佛教和儒家思想之上。生产现场的5s具有强烈的 相关日本宪法的文化和社会。显而易见,日本自笫二次世界大战以后将5s作为一项精益求精的经营战略(德 蒙特,1994)。最初,日本从美国引进了各种维护概 念(预防、周期、预见性和纠正性维修)(中岛飞行机株式会社,1988)。 20世纪40年代末到20世纪50年代初萨拉佐恩、戴明和朱兰从美国向口 木带去了一种素质的概念(迪安,2005;弗利,2000) o日木也在这

5、个时期发明了一个具有创新的全面生产管理(tpm)的方法并但5s 也被活跃地运用到日电装平台的tpm实施上(日本飞行机株式会社, 1988) o后来,5s是结合与改善(持续改进)哲学(艾麦,1986), 然而实行该体系的丰田汽车公司是他们部分的生产体系,即丰田生产 系统(缩写为tps) o在部分的产品质量计划中5s管理也被广泛应用 于全面质量管理(莎莉 莫德和亚斯平沃尔,2001), 一个有效地清 洁程序(汤诺克,2001)和一个保持良好工作环境的系统(胡,1999; 克拉撒库尔和唐诺克,1999)。欧萨达对5s的看法:5s是一种生活和商业的哲学根据欧萨达(1989)的说法,5s是日本基本社会文

6、化的一部分。 它为个人、组织在任何环境中进行改进活动,无论大小或类型,包括 房屋、学校、社区和工作场所。5s的实施可以揭示一些潜在的问题而 使之不被忽略。实施5s的好处综述如下:清洁效果最大化,有助于更健康的生活,减少违纪(归因于 增强透明度);整齐最大限度的增加效果和提高效率、降低劳动者的工作 量,减少人为错误(归因于简化过程);纪律提高道德和伦理水平,通过培训和教育提高最低工资标 准。在工作场所,5s被应用于“一份好的工作需要保持工作场所的整 洁,维持标准化的条件,并需要保持纪律”(欧萨达,1991, p.x) o 开放式组织对5s的实践增加了工作场所给访客的良好的第一印象,特 别是潜在的

7、新客户。5s的成功实施不仅增加效率,例如*产力水平的 性价比,而且可以透过组织的“协同(或合作)效果,'达到成效(欧萨 达,1991, p.1),通常是团队运动中的使用率。这意味着个人才华 的贡献和每个人的精力往往超过一个出色的队员的情况。5s管理的程 序总是强调参与,因为创造性的工作场所强调组织的“协同作用"(欧 萨达,1991)。总乙5s是日本金业实现精益求精经营的一种活动和 执行手段。在连接5s管理的工作场所上提供了下面的定义来描述每个活动。 有序的生产是不可缺少的,他们之间都有联系,并且存在循环。(见平野对5s的看法:5s是一种技术或工具平野(1995,1996)在同

8、个时期提出了一种替代欧萨达5s管理概念 的说法,但是它有一个更切合实际的焦点。平野(1995, p.28)将5s 的意义解释为使公司准时牛产的工具,而不是一种指导作用。平野特别强调5s管理中的前两个部分,即整理(组织)和整顿(整 齐使用它的解释)。整理不需要对所有物品进行处理,而整顿需 要对所有物品的处理。其他三个部分的意思和欧萨达提出的5s管理方 式类似( 1989,1991) o平野建议,高层管理应该提倡使用5s的下列 步骤。(1) 建立一个促进5s管理的组织:这应该包括高层管理人员和 公司广泛的操作人员。(2) 建立5s推广计划:活动的调度执行。(3) 5s活动材料的创建:高层管理这应该

9、参与此阶段。(4) 内部培训:回答“5s的意思是什么?"和提供培训。(5) 5s的实施:运用视觉方法,如整理(组织)运用红色标签 和整顿的招牌策略(整齐)。(6) 5s的评价和跟踪:定期评估检查,维护和改善5s实施的条 件。fi本的思想对5s的理解倾向于5s是一种必不可缺少的工具。在美 国的思想则认为5s是重要的,但并非必要。结果表明,在日本和美国 测量频率的“重要,'成分远高于英国。英国的思想则倾向于5s管理不需 要对工作进行承诺,使用“应该”这个词高于日本和美国。这表明,英 国管理者看到的5s是作为一个指令而不是工作的推动者。讨论最初的主题分析显示釆用过5s管理的国家工作

10、环境都有所改善。然而,通过主题分析的国家显示出了不同的结果。例如,h本网页上 的资料显示企业的绩效是最重要的。在英国和美国5s管理是玉工作直 接相关的事情。换句话说,5s管理在英国和美国可能是有限的工作理 念,与之相反,口本的5s是一种应用在商务环境中的文献回顾。总体 的结果分析表明,5s管理中的某些方面在各个国家中是否存在显著差 异的研究。管理意义从管理的角度看,5s管理的理论和做法之间存在某种联系。虽然 这项研究的结果表明,5s管理在全国不同的地方的实施有助于提高生 产运行效率。因此建议取得5s执业训练师资格的人把5s管理作为一个 商业改善策略而不仅仅是简化应用。特别要注意的是,在英国和美

11、国 有些企业仍然不明白使用5s的重要性。企业文化发展的目的在于全员 参与使5s的成功实施。本研究进一步说明了“5s管理理论苗旷5s管理技术工具叩勺平衡是 5s管理的终极目标,这是一种最求卓越和个人与组织作业过程中战略 管理的方法。整体的思维就像“身体和思想”一样或做(方法:哲学或 方法论)和一种技术工具,就像提高理解能力不但在于理解5s的概念, 还可以在其他的管理方法种获益。结论最初的研究工作c进行到英国和美国之间5s不同的解释方式和 执行方法。网上调查所提出的5s概念的差异在口本、英国和美国的公 司中已经得到应用。在日本,5s管理己经成为一种包含哲学的生活方 式。在英国和美国5s被作为一种技

12、术或工具实施。在日本,企业总强调参与协同5s的管理方法。研究分析,在日本 组织中明显地将5s作为哲学使用。欧萨达(1989,1991 )建议将5s作 为追求卓越而产生的自我激励意识、完整性和协同性作为一项战略方 法。英国和美国的企业将5s作为一种技术和工具。其认为5s管理的成 效是一种短期功效而不是协助企业发展的结果。当5s作为一种技术或 工具时,它能给予员工激励或授权。然而,它既不能影响企业文化又 达到协同效应。平野由实(1995,1996)建议把5s管理作为一种管理 企业的技术工具。本文致力于通过把有关5s的不同概念和执行方式的分析,使5s管 理方法深入人心。无论在英国还是美国,5s管理都

13、成为一种达到精益 求精管理的整体经营战略。在日本,5s不仅仅是被作为一个管理工具 使用,而变成了一个使企业走向成功的战略。出处:美小林,罗恩费舍尔和罗德 盖普.商业改善的有用工具? 5s管理在日本、英国和美国的应用与分析.total quality management. 第 19卷(3) .2008 (3) : 245262附件:外文原文5s managementthe 5s concept (5s) has its origins in a japanese acronym for seiri (organisation), seiton (neatness), seiso (cleani

14、ng), seiketsu (standardisation) and shitsuke (discipline), a philosophy that is embedded in japanese eveiyday life. literature suggests that since the second world war, two major frameworks for understanding and applying 5s to business environments have arisen, one proposed by osada (1989, 1991), th

15、e other by hirano (1995, 1996).this paper investigates and clarifies the ways in which 5s has been understood and implemented by japanese and western businesses. an outcome of this undertaking has been to address current deficiencies in the literature concerning the applicability of 5s when transfer

16、red from one country to another. this research also highlights the distinction between "5s as a philosophy or way' and c5s as a technique or tool,by comparing the major frameworks provided by osada (1989, 1991) and hirano (1995, 1996).origins of the 5s concepteach of the terms comprising 5s

17、 is widely understood in japan as a method of improving lifestyle (osada, 1989). in japan, the practice of 5s is recognised as a group of organisational and cleaning activities that shape basic morality and ethics in the workplace, at school, and in the home (de mente, 1994).the philosophical concep

18、t of 5s has been embedded in japanese society through the principles of shintoism, buddhism and confucianism for several hundred years (de mente, 1994). japan has traditionally emphasised cooperation, advocating the values of trust, selfrestraint, harmony and organisational loyalty. shintoism, buddh

19、ism and confucianism have all contributed to the formation of these values in japan (watsuji, 1952).shintoism emphasises the importance of cleanliness of mind; using other people for onc,s self-interest is considered “unclean' (watsuji, 1952). confucianism, with its emphasis on orderliness, was

20、initially introduced from china and then redeveloped in japan. orderliness is based on the japanese understanding of confucianism with a particular focus on community values (watsuji, 1952). both buddhism and confucianism share spiritual ideals often deriving spiritual fortitude fi*om sei匸discipline

21、.these combined ideals of shintoism, buddhism and confucianism are often denoted by do(the way: philosophy or methodology), such as bushido(the way of the samurai), shinto (the way of the gods: shintoism), butsudo(the way of the buddha: buddhism), and other martial arts, including kendo, jyudo, and

22、karatedo, which are intended to train the body and mind through discipline (sugiura &gillespie, 2002).for the japanese, 5s is a holistic application used to raise moral and ethical standards, and is grounded in the philosophical assumptions of shintoism, buddhism and confucianism. the 5s is stro

23、ngly associated with the constitution of japanese culture and society.the use of 5s as a strategy for achieving business excellence has been evident in japan since the second world war (de mente, 1994). initially, various plant maintenance concepts (preventive, periodic, predictive and corrective ma

24、intenanee) were imported to japan from the us (nakajima, 1988). the concept of quality was also introduced from the us to japan by sarasohn, deming, and juran, from the late 1940s to the early 1950s (dean, 2005; foley, 2000). an innovative approach to total productive maintenance (tpm) was developed

25、 in japan during this period and 5s was actively utilised at nippondenso (nakajima, 1988) as a platform for tpm implementation. later, 5s was integrated with kaizen (continuous improvement) philosophy (imai, 1986) then implemented at toyota motor corporation as part of their production system, namel

26、y toyota production system (tps). the 5s has also been widely used in tqm systems where it has been referred to as part of a series of quality initiatives (shari mohd & aspinwall, 2001), a good housekeeping tool (ahmed & hassan,2003; chin & pun, 2002), an effective cleanliness program (t

27、annock et al., 2002) and a system for maintaining a good working environment (ho, 1999; krasachol & tannock, 1999).osada,s view of 5s: as a philosophy for life and businessaccording to osada (1989),5s is a fundamental part of japanese culture and society. for both individuals and organisations,

28、5s engages improvement activities in any environment, including homes, schools, communities and workplaces, regardless of size or type. the implementation of 5s can uncover hidden problems that may otherwise remain unnoticed. the benefits of implementing 5s are summarised as follows.cleanliness - to

29、 maximise effectiveness, contribute to a healthier life and reduce crime (due to enhanced transparency);orderliness 一 to maximise efficiency and effectiveness, reduce people's workload, reduce human errors (due to simplifying processes);discipline 一 to increase the level of morality and ethics a

30、nd to increase minimum standards through training and education.in the workplace, 5s is used “to organise the workplace, to keep it neat, to clean, to maintain standardised conditions, and to maintain the discipline that is needed to do a good job' (osada, 1991,p. x). the practice of 5s increase

31、s 'transparency, in an organisation ensuring a good first impression of the workplace by visitors, particularly potential new customers the successful implementation of 5s increases not only efficiency, such as in productivity and the level of quality per cost, but also organisational effectiven

32、ess through "the synergetic (or cooperative) effect9 (osada, 1991,p. 1),which is often utilised in team sports. this means that the contribution of individual talent and effort by each team member often exceeds the performance level of any single standout player. the 5s program always emphasise

33、s total participation, since the "synergetic effect9 creates strong workplace commitment for organisational improvement activities (osada, 1991). in summary, 5s is conceptualised and implemented in japanese businesses as a means of achieving business excellence.in linking 5s with the workplace,

34、 osada (1991) provides the following definitions and descriptions for each of the activities. the order of the activities is not important but they are all are linked and implemented concurrently and cyclically (see figure 1).figure 1hirano9s view of 5s: as a technique or toolhirano (1995, 1996) dev

35、eloped an alternative version of 5s during the same period as osada, but with a more practical focus hirano (1995, p. 28) explains the significance of 5s as a tool for 'corporate survival5 that enables just-in-time (jit) production, rather than a way of guiding actio n.hirano (1995, 1996) placed

36、 emphasis specifically on the first two components of 5s,seiri (organisation) and seiton (orderliness 一 using his interpretation). seiri is sorting out needed items from unneeded ones and disposing of the latter, while seiton is prioritising needed items the other three components of 5s are explaine

37、d in a similar way to osada (1989, 1991). hirano (1995) suggests that 5s should be promoted by top management using the following steps.(1) establish an organisation that promotes 5s: this should be done by top management and be operated company wide.(2) establish a 5s promotion plan: scheduling imp

38、lementation activities.(3) create 5s campaign materials: top managers should participate at this stage.(4) in-house education: answering the question of 'what does 5s mean?' and providing training.(5) 5s implementation: using visual methods, such as red-tagging for seiri (organisation) and t

39、he signboard strategy for seiton (orderliness).(6) 5s evaluation and follow-up: periodic evaluation to check, maintain and improve 5s conditionsjapan tends to perceive 5s as both necessary and important. the us appears likely to recognize it as important but not necessary. the results showed that th

40、e frequency of the measured component 4 important9 in japan and the us was higher than in the uk. the uk tends to perceive that 5s does not require work commitment, employing the word 'should' more than japan and the us. this indicates that the uk sees 5s as a directive rather than an enable

41、r.japan employed 'machine,more than the uk and us, while the uk and us used 'items' more frequently. there were some similarities between japan and the us; both countries employed 'information' and 'workplace9 more than the uk. all countries used 'equipment' similarly

42、. the use of four out of five conceptual words was significantly different.there were some similarities and differences in the use of object-related words between japan, the uk and the us. all the countries studied agreed that work equipment is more well-organised and clean as a result of 5s impleme

43、ntation. the us and japan tend to consider 5s as also dealing with information and the workplace. in japan, machines are better organized and cleaned using 5sthe results showed that the uk and us used “item' more than japan. this indicates that these countries tend to consider seiri (organisatio

44、n) to be a very important component in 5s. as seiri is the first component of 5s and involves an act of disposing of unneeded items as a result of organization activities, the uk and us are likely to consider that the first s seiri should be emphasized the most, rather than focusing on all items as

45、a holistic strategy.discussionthe initial thematic analysis indicated a consensus in the improvement of the work environment utilising 5s across all countries. however, analysis of the main theme by country has shown different outcomes for example, japanese web pages emphasised “improvement, the mos

46、t, a focus on more efficient and effective business performance. in the uk and us, 5s was directly related to "work in other words, the perception of 5s in the uk and us was likely to be limited to a work-related concept, as opposed to the japanese interpretation that 5s is an application of li

47、fe wisdom to business situations, which is supported by the literature review. the overall outcome of analysis indicated that some aspects of 5s are significantly different across the countries studied.managerial implicationsfrom a managerial perspective the findings provide a link between theory an

48、d the current practice of 5s although the results of this study indicate that 5s contributes to an increase in productivity and operational efficiency, 5s has a managerial difference based on country of implementation. therefore, it is suggested that 5s practitioners or trainers should consider the

49、benefits of 5s as a business improvement strategy rather than just simplified applications. in particular, it seems that businesses in the uk and us have not yet understood the importance of total participation in 5s the development of an organisational culture aimed at achieving total participation

50、 would lead to the successful implementation of 5sthis research further suggests that a more balanced understanding of both °5s as a philosophy or methodology9 and 65s as a technique or tool' can achieve the ultimate goal of 5s, which is a strategic management approach to achieving excellen

51、ce in the workplaces and processes of organisations. integrated thinking such as "body and mind,or cdo(way: philosophy or methodology) and jyutsu (a technique or tool),improves the comprehension not only of the 5s concept but also of other management approaches.conclusionlittle research has been conducted into the different ways in which 5s has been interpreted and implemented in the uk and us compared with its original meaning. investigation of the web pages of businesses in japan, the uk and the us suggests signific


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