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1、PSSR Checklist Example A-1PSSR清单示例A-1Description of System/Area Under Review所审查系统/区域的描述Date日期Time时间List of Participants参与者名单Circulation: those present plus传阅:参加人员加上Comments讨论ItemNo.序号Recommendation(Type Action Below or not applicable)建议(请填写下列行动项或注明“不适用”)Department / ResponsiblePerson部门/责任人CompletedD

2、ate完成日期1.Review HAZOP list for applicable actions查看HAZOP列表看相关行动项是否解决2.Review CHAZOP list for applicable actions查看CHAZOP列表看相关行动项是否解决3.Review punch list for applicable actions.查看剩余工作清单看相关行动项是否解决4.Noise level monitoring (document)噪音等级监测(文件)5.Exposure monitoring (document)操作人员暴露风险监测(文件)6.Emissions permi

3、ts排放许可7.Other operating permits其他允许的行动System Checkout Items系统检查项目系统检查条目8.Complete/document quality assurance program:完成质量保证体系并建立了文档a) Received equipment=purchased收到的设备=购买的设备b) Adherence to design drawings/specifications采用的设计规范c) Materials of construction施工材料d) Workmanship工艺技术.Equipment components ch

4、eckout/commissioning (document)设备部件检查/调试(文件)9.Loop and interlock/permissive/alarm: set point adjustment and testing (document results)回路和联锁/许可/报警:设置点调整和测试(文档记录)10.Instrument calibrations done and documented仪表校订完成并记录11.Validation protocol developed, approved and executed制定、批准和执行的验证协议12.Pressure testi

5、ng done and documented压力测试完成并记录13.System cleaned and flushed系统已完成清扫、冲洗14.Fire protections systems inspected, acceptance-tested documentation provided消防系统已检查,并有测试、验收记录15.Ventilation systems balanced通风系统已平衡16.Performance checkout of local exhaust systems局部排气系统的性能检测17.Vibration measurements/documentati

6、on振动测量记录18.Field radiography done and documented as required现场放射性物质检测已完成并记录19.Baseline data, such as thickness readings for pressure vessels/piping基础数据,如压力容器/管线的壁厚20.Other baseline data其他基础数据21.NDT reports无损检测报告22.Water batching (document)配水(记录)Engineering Design Documentation工程设计资料23.Narrative of c

7、ontrol philosophy/Sequence of operations documentation操作控制原理/操作顺序的说明资料24.Instrument index仪表索引25.Instrument loop diagrams仪表回路图26.Interlock (safety & non-safety) descriptions联锁(安全和非安全)描述27.As-built drawings: P&IDs, electrical, piping, mechanical竣工图:PID图,电气图,配管图,机械图28.Tabulation of process alar

8、ms, interlocks/permissive descriptions and trips with settings (P&ID)工艺报警表、联锁/许可说明表和带设定值(P&ID)的跳转表29.Review and approval of fire protections systems design消防系统设计的审查和许可30.Piping specifications (P&I/mechanical drawings)配管图(PI图 /机械图)31.Pressure relief device sizing calculations安全阀规格的选定计算32.

9、ASME code pressure vessels U-1 data sheets (to Maintenance) 压力容器ASME代码U-1数据表(用于维修)33.Reference codes/standards for facility design装置设计的参考规范/标准34.Reference codes/standards for facility installation设备安装的参考规范/标准35.Design codes for specific equipment特殊设备的设计规范36.Welder certification焊工资格证书37.NDT certifica

10、tion无损检测证书38.Electrical classification drawings电器分类图39.Electrician certification for classified areas特定施工区域的电工资格证书Maintenance Items维修项目40.Spare parts lists developedList equipment:备品备件清单并附设备清单41.Stock required spare parts备品备件所需储存设施42.Equipment manuals/specifications to Maintenance and Operating Depa

11、rtment维修和操作部门的设备手册/说明43.Vendor prints供应商提供的印刷资料44.Submit preventive maintenance requests (PMs)提交的预防性维修要求45.Service contracts in place服务合同已签订46.Train maintenance personnel and document培训维修人员和相关培训资料Operational Items生产项目47.Develop SOP and special procedures incorporate safety and operational issues:编写标

12、准操作规程(SOP)及特殊操作规程考虑了操作风险和可操作性问题48.Complete change control authorizations完成变更控制授权49.Develop/issue operating procedures:制定/颁布下列操作规程a) Initial start-up初次开车b) Normal start-up正常开车c) Normal operation正常操作d) Normal shutdown正常停车e) Emergency operations including emergency shutdown包括紧急停车的应急操作f) Start-up follow

13、ing emergency shutdown紧急停车后开车g) Start-up following turnaround大修后开车h) Non-routine procedures (equipment clean-out, equipment preparation for maintenance)非常规程序(设备清理、设备维修准备)i) Auxiliary equipment operation辅助设备的操作50.Train operating personnel and document培训操作人员和相关培训资料51.Provide technical coverage技术服务范围52

14、.What is the probability of containment failure? What are the subsequent consequences? Review spill containment, rainwater runoff, and fire water containment.防泄漏设施的失效概率是多少?失效的后果是什么?审查防泄漏设施、雨水流量和消防水容量Electrical Issues电气问题53.Panel access, clearance around panel, keys, etc.配电盘的通道、配电盘周围的间隙、钥匙等54.Cable e

15、ntry section glanding, housekeeping and other issues电缆接入部分密封、保洁及其他问题55.Panel power source identified? Multiple feeds? 配电盘电源的标识?多源供电?56.Space heaters required?需要空间加热器吗?57.Lighting in panels配电盘里的照明58.Canopies etc. for outdoor panels用于室外配电盘的雨棚等59.Protection settings available?有保护设置吗?60.Panel board sche

16、dules配电盘面板清单61.Spare capacity available?有备用容量吗?62.PPE available? HV mats, gloves有个人防护用品吗?有高压绝缘垫吗? 有高压绝缘手套吗?63.Emergency/Standby power required?有应急/备用电源吗?64.VSD settings available factory/commissioning变频器设置工厂/调试65.Room access, permitting, maintainability, ingress/egress of equipment房间通道、许可证、可维修性、设备的进

17、出通道66.Pockets for drawings in panels?配电盘的图纸集67.Voltage warning labels?电压警告标签 68.Ventilation sufficient?通风充足吗?69.Suitability for area - IP rating, GMP suitability, hazardous area classification.区域适宜性国际防护等级、GMP适宜性、危险区域分类- Relief Devices- 泄放设备70.Are there standard markings on the P&ID?在P&ID图上有标

18、准代号吗?71.Do relief lines vent to a safe location?放空线排放到一个安全地点吗?72.Are relief lines and relief devices secured and adequately sized?放空线和泄放设备安全吗?尺寸足够大吗?73.Are there any isolation valves which will inhibit operation of relief valves if closed? If YES, nominate Operations to monitor. If NO, record no.有处于

19、关闭状态会抑制放空阀操作的隔离阀吗?如果有,请指定操作人员对其进行监视。如果没有,记录无74.Is there a standard operating procedure for relief devices in place?现场有泄放设备的标准操作规程吗?- For Field Verification- 现场确认75.Is lighting sufficient?照明充足吗?76.Is emergency lighting sufficient?应急照明充足吗?77.Are steam pipes, valves, or traps situated within proximity

20、of people insulated?位于人接近范围内的蒸汽管线、阀门或疏水器被隔离了吗?78.Is all instrumentation identified and tagged?所有的仪表都有标识和挂牌了吗?79.Is there any rusted or damaged equipment?有任何生锈或损坏的设备吗?80.Are swing gates installed on top of ladders or on access platforms?在梯子顶部或平台通道上安装了止回门吗?81.Review edge protection on platforms and he

21、ights. Will it protect personnel and equipment? Is access adequate? 检查平台和高处的边缘保护。它能保护人员和设备吗?通道足够吗?82.Do safety showers provide a hazard to people (slips), product (contamination of systems), or ingress to electrical switchgear or equipment?安全喷淋对人(滑跤的危险)、产品(系统的污染)或内部的电气开关柜或设备产生危险了吗?83.Are safety show

22、ers supplied from tempered water?安全淋浴供应热水吗?84.Is chemical dosing within a safe proximity of people and product?化学品操作是在人和产品安全接近范围内吗?85.Label all pipe lines标识所有的管线86.Label all electric switches, disconnects, MCCs, control panels, cables, etc.标记所有的电气开关、中断器、电动机控制器、控制盘和电缆87.Label vessels (material, hazar

23、d warnings)List:标记容器(材料、危险警告)的清单88.Seal wall penetrations密封墙壁的渗透89.Pour conduit seals灌注导管的密封90.Install fire extinguishers91.Evacuation routes posted92.Install appropriate area signs93.Is all scaffolding and equipment removed; is general housekeeping acceptable?94.If there is potential for entrapment

24、 or exposure, has an E-Stop been provided?95.If full guarding is in place, has a lockable isolation device been provided?96.Pest control required in room/building?97.MSDS sheets required?98.Sprinklers in rooms?99.Single point of failure condition? Has it been identified? Record.PSSR Checklist Exampl

25、e A-2Pre-startup Safety Review ChecklistInspection Date:Department/Area:Project Number:Title/Equipment:Signatures below indicate acceptance that the equipment or project is safe and satisfactory to start-up with the exceptions noted.Engineering / MaintenanceDateEHS GroupDateQA GroupDateManufacturing

26、 / OperationsDateProject EngineerDateProcess EngineeringDateChecklistItem No.Details (reference category/item no.)ResponsibilityCompleteSign & DateCategory A Action Items - Items to be completed BEFORE authorization and start-up.5.Category B Action Items - Items to be completed AFTER star

27、t-up..2.Sign below only when all punch list “before start-up” items are completedAuthorized:Facility/Equipment Owner Signature:DatePSSR ITEM NO.CATEGORY/ITEM TO ASSESSNotApplicable1.1GENERAL SAFETY1.1.1Have ALL appropriate personnel (Operations, Maintenance, Technical, and Sup

28、ervision) received adequate and appropriate training on the equipment and operating procedures?1.1.2Has adequate and appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) been specified in the Work Procedures and/or Standard Operating Procedures. Has the PPE been provided?Have the PPE users been trained i

29、n the use of the PPE? Is the training documented?1.1.3Have measures been taken to adequately guard all dangerous parts of this equipment? 1.1.4Has sufficient provision been made for the electrical and/or mechanical isolation of the equipment?1.1.5Are points of isolation clearly marked/labeled and re

30、adily accessible?1.1.6Have bump/trip hazards been properly identified and adequately marked? Have all sharp edges been removed?1.1.7Has proper guarding, handrails/barriers, been provided to prevent falls?1.1.8Have all hot/cold surfaces been adequately guarded to prevent burns? Are all cold surfaces

31、adequately insulated to prevent condensation drips (slip hazards)?1.1.9Are Safety Showers and Eye Wash facilities provided and adequately marked? Are the Safety Showers and Eye Wash facilities routinely inspected?Do the Safety Showers and Eye Wash facilities locations comply with Corporate guideline

32、s?Are the Safety Showers and Eye Wash facilities readily visible and accessible? 1.1.10Has sufficient lighting been provided so that operation, servicing, maintenance, and repair of the facilities can be carried out safely?1.1.11Are notices, dials, screens, etc. for providing operational instruction

33、s, safety warnings, and emergency information provided, if required, and positioned so that they are clearly visible and easily read? 1.1.12Have all overhead fixtures, for example, pipe-hangers, pipe sleeves, pipe sleeve covers, valve handles, floor opening covers, etc., which could fall or be dislo

34、dged, been properly secured?1.1.13Are all of the applicable Work Permit Procedures (Confined Space Entry, Lock Out/Tag Out, Hot Work, High Work, etc.) in place? Have the Operating, Maintenance, and Supervisory personnel been properly trained on the Work Permit Procedures? 1.1.14Has the fire protecti

35、on systems been inspected by the insurance company?Has acceptance testing been completed and documented?Is there an agreed on test and inspection program for the fire protection systems (including alarm systems)?1.2MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT SAFETY1.2.1Has the machinery/equipment been installed so that it

36、will be stable and secure during operation?1.2.2Has all access to dangerous moving parts, or danger zones created by the equipment, been prevented by the provision of the correct guards, interlocks (both safety & non-safety) and/or barriers?1.2.3Have the correct safety measures been taken to pre

37、vent any risk from hot/cold surfaces, ejection of material, failure of parts and their ejection, overheating/fire?1.2.4Has safe access been provided to the equipment that requires operator and calibration and maintenance personnel access for normal operations, adjustments, service, calibration, main

38、tenance, or repair? Have slip, trip, trap, crush, entanglement, fall, bump, and cut hazards been minimized?1.2.5Is the equipment provided with the properly identified START/STOP and EMERGENCY controls that are positioned for safe operation without hesitation, or loss of time, and without ambiguity?1

39、.2.6Is the equipment provided with a clearly identified means to securely isolate it from ALL energy sources?1.3ERGONOMICS1.3.1Have the workstations, workplace, or equipment been constructed so that need for stooping, bending stretching, over-reaching and working over-head during operation has been

40、eliminated or minimized?1.3.2Has the need to lift, carry, push or pull heavy loads, or parts, been eliminated to the extent possible?1.3.3Are all display screens, dials and START/STOP/ EMERGENCY buttons positioned so that they are readily visible and accessible by the operating personnel?1.3.4Have V

41、isual Display Screens been positioned so that interference from glare is reduced to the minimum?1.3.5Have workstations been designed and equipped so that the operator can adopt a comfortable position? (That is, able to stand, or change position and sit upright, angle at elbows and knees 90°, fe

42、et on floor.)1.3.6Does the operation of this equipment increase the risk of Upper Limb Disorder; for example, repetitive tasks, handling operations, machine paced work and prolonged operation?1.4OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH1.4.1Have all health risks arising from the gases, liquids, dusts, mists, biological h

43、azards or vapors used by, contained in or emitted by this equipment been assessed?Have the health risks been eliminated or are adequate engineering controls utilized to minimize the risks?1.4.2Has adequate RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) been specified in the Operating Procedures?1.4.3Has the

44、 need for an Occupational Health Monitoring Programme been assessed?Has a Monitoring Programme been scheduled?1.4.4Have the Operating Procedures been reviewed to take into account any additional “health hazards” which may arise from operation or maintenance of this equipment?1.4.5Has adequate LEV (L

45、ocal Exhaust Ventilation) been installed, tested, balanced, and entered on an Inspection Schedule? 1.4.6Have adequate inspection/cleaning ports been provided on ductwork?1.4.7Are relief facilities directed to a safe place away from the workplace?1.4.8Has a Noise Survey been considered and a Noise Co

46、mpliance Plan prepared, if required?1.4.9Has all insulation been identified? 1.4.10Has all pipe work, tanks, and equipment containing hazardous materials been adequately labeled?2.0PROCESS SAFETY2.1PROCESS TECHNOLOGY2.1.1Are up-to-date Material Safety Data Sheets available?2.1.2Have the hazardous ef

47、fects of inadvertent mixing of different materials been considered (that is, has a chemical interaction matrix been prepared/updated)? 2.1.3Has the process design basis been documented or updated?Has the control philosophy and sequence of operations been documented?2.1.4Has the equipment design basi

48、s (for example, BPFs/P&IDs) been documented/updated?2.1.5Have the recommendations from safety reviews, Process Hazards Analysis (PHA), Hazards and Operability Reviews (HAZOP), CHAZOP, or others, been implemented? Record any incomplete items.2.1.6Are all relief devices shown on the P&IDs?Are

49、standard markings used on the relief devices?Are the relief/rupture pressures included on the P&IDs?2.1.7Have the pressure relief device calculations been provided?Was DIERS technology utilized to size the pressure relief devices for all pressure vessels?Does the sizing of pressure relief device

50、s agreed with the calculated sizes?Do the calculations take into the downstream piping?2.1.8Do the relief devices vent to safe locations?Is containment provided for liquids and solids released from pressure relief devices?2.1.9Are there isolation valves that, if closed, will inhibit the operation of

51、 pressure relief devices?If yes, Operations must establish control plans to insure that the isolation valves cannot inhibit the operation of the pressure relief devices.2.1.10Are all pressure relief devices included in the Preventive Maintenance Program? Are the inspection and testing of relief devi

52、ces in accordance with local regulations?2.2MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE TECHNOLOGY/MANAGEMENT OF SUBTLE CHANGE2.2.1Has a management of change technology/subtle change document (for example, Change of Design - COD) been approved?2.2.2Has a test authorization been approved?2.2.3Are all action items, arising

53、from the COD, that were deemed necessary for start-up, complete? 2.2.4Have all changes made during construction been recorded and authorized? Have hazards evaluations (PHAs, HAZOP, or CHAZOP) been done on all the changes made during construction?2.3PROCESS HAZARDS ANALYSIS2.3.1Have project PHAs been approved and a final project safety report been prepared?2.3.2Are all action items, deemed necessary by the PHA team for start-up, complete?2.3.3Has the project been approved as “Safe to proceed with” by the PHA team?2.4QUALITY ASSURANCE2.4.1Have checks and inspections been made to en


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