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1、a. 2译文一个基于神经网络在线汉字识别现有一个基于神经网络在线汉字识别的系统(olccr)o在此提岀了一种反向 传播神经网络系统,它用来解决系统中的模式匹配问题,而不是那些非神经网络 算法。这个olccr系统将使我们能够实时识别手写汉字。每一个认识的过程包 括两个主要阶段:(a)特征提取阶段,其中一个特征向量信息的基础上参考行程 可以提取,和(b)字匹配阶段,其中一个特征向量与匹配组标准的中文参考字符 特征向量。实验结果表明,大约需要0.25秒來识别手写字符,可以达到约91% 的识别率。1、简介最近,在人工神经网络模型屮产生出大量的有关此领域的演讲和模式识别。 一个典型的神经网络模型包含了许

2、多平行非线性计算的元素,这些元素在模式中 紧密相连,这会使人联想到生物学的神经网络。hopfield 11, rumelhart et al. 2, sejnowski and rosenberg 3,feldman and ballard 4, carpenter and grossberg 5j, and kohonen 6近期的工作在一定程度上导致了这个领域研究的复苏。在过去 的二十年里,许多科学家致力于手写汉字字符识别的研究。像在许多统计模式识 别的问题一样,最困难的任务是提取特征向量和开发分类(聚类)算法。因为其 转移不变性和循环不变性的性能,一套使用笔画分析的功能最近变得很受欢迎。

3、 在本文中,提岀了一种基于olccr系统的bp神经网络来对手写汉字实时识别的 相关问题进行探讨,并期待对未來的研究提出可行的改进。2、回顾bp神经网络模型在1969年,minsky和papert提出了一种bp技术用来解决信贷分配问题。一个 bp神经网络系统就是一个位于输入层和输出层z间的一个或多个层次的隐藏的 单位组成的前馈网络。图一显示的就是包含两个隐藏的层次的一个bp神经网络。 它是由许多处理部件(pu)组成,在这些处理部件中暗中输入了非线性变换的线性 组合。从图二可以看岀,第i个pu的输入可以等效于单层次的神经网络如下: 耳二工xj其中是第j层输入和第i个pu之间的差值。它的传递函数可以

4、表示为:点(2)一个多层感知器网络中的隐藏单位可作为特征探测器使用,用来反映输入节 点和输出装置之间的映射关系,并且以此来克服单层网络的局限性。然而,在一 个多层网络中,该部位的形成就像那些混合形成的分布分类器的加权一样复杂。 同时,训练的问题是更加复杂的。误差信号在许多突出的不同层次形成。因为隐 藏层的隐藏性质,其中的误差信号无法直接计算。由于缺少有效地学习算法,多 层网络不被广泛使用。最近,这个通过一个被称为广义三角洲规则的互动的梯度 学习过程算法发生了改变(附录1,根据要求提供)。该算法是在输出设备上基 于误差的一种配方,目的是调整连接权。这些误差会在通过隐藏层到输入层的过 程中滞后,在

5、那里根据输出单元中期望值和实际值之间的差异根据增量调整权重, 并将之迭代,直到所有投入产出模式双相匹配为止。因此,这个新技术已经广泛 用来有效地解决许多复杂的和确定性的问题,如xor问题,语音合成和肯定及 模式识别。yox ymjxo&x “图1含两个隐藏层的bp网络示意图xowl0iih neuron图2第i个pu的输入等效的单层神经网络3、基于网络的神经olccr系统的构架如图3所示,olccr的神经网络已经在手写汉字的实时识别中得到了使用。 如图心的例子中所示,在每一个认识过程中,一个手写数字字符识别系统是由输 入到笔迹数据点的数字化。预处理过程使这些数据点变稀少变平滑。这个使其

6、稀 少的过程就是通过比较原数据点鬥二a)和之后的数据点pt j_ =)之间的差异后消除一些不必要的数据点来完成。然后,无论(1-ia,或 y; - yfj_i 或(兀一一或|y)-兀丿一1 5亠)的时候p_j = pi,否则就 丢弃。纠必须足够大,可以消除数据冗余点,亠必须足够小,可以足以保存本 质的特征。平滑的过程即遵循变稀少后的数据点k =xtya进一步消除噪 音。由p,a =何却+ p愉+匕如十匕24和q + r"来确定第k个平滑点 ps,k cl ps,k- + r * pn,kc 图4b中给出 aj = 1 , a2 = 20 , q = 0.75 和厂= 0.25 的示

7、例。因此,我们的olccr系统的两个主耍单元得以实施。识别后的7符输出图3 olccr系统框图手写字符输入(a)特征提取单元链码上常用的就是手写字符12,13的字符。链码的使用与分割可能涉及到人 类的辨认和书写字符中的一个最基本的机制。人类视觉和感觉上的研究表明本地 特色的出现比在人类相对位置的视觉感知中更占主导地位。在我们的工作中,一 个输入字符的特征提取是指总笔画的数目和笔画的类型标识的序列。笔画识别的 四项主要工作是分割,流向,尖端检测,笔画类型:图4手写汉字特征(a)原型(b)平滑细化处理(c)分割后(1) (1)轨迹曲率是最明显的特点。freeman通过利用预处理后的数据点生 成的量

8、化方向提出了一个有用的近似曲率。基于hanaki的递归方法,手写的 数字14的每一个笔画都近似为一些线段。在每个笔画中,一个数据点几代 表从起始点a到终点几的最大距离。然后,笔画的数据点被分为两个系列: 片,,人和弘,代。这样的程序将被迭代至没有数据点满足条件为止(附录2,根据要求提供)。距离阀值必须足够大,以减少到最低的分割操作, 然而足够小,以保存笔画的原始特征。在我们的系统中,阀值是自适应的, 并且取决于递归码的深度。在图4c中给出相关例子.(2) (2)为了将笔画分类,在图5中定义出一个平面,平面上有七个不一致 的矢量量化的方向。线段由七个方向码进行编码(从1到8,除去5和4因为其 汉

9、字特征的结构特点而相互结合)。在手写的习俗中,在斜线的笔画中耍允 许足够大的偏差。在我们的系统中,ox - 20 '和&2 =25。被看作是没有大的差 别的。(3) (3)如表1所示,七组尖端的特征被编码为七个尖端代码(9到15)。每 个尖端特征被编码为一组方向代码,这组方向代码通过将其尖端代码嵌入两 个方向代码进一步编码为链式代码。然而,对于一组无法匹配的代码,链式 代码可以简单地取作丢弃第二个方向代码后的值。在一个笔画段的尖端检测 过程中,方向代码的序列组成的链式代码被一个个的解析。因此,笔画段的 脸是代码的序列包括其方向代码,尖端代码,和编码序列的有关信息。每个 笔画段的

10、链式代码的序列可以被进一步编码为一个30为的特征向量,这个特 征向量的第j个组件xj=cji且笔朴二乂厂其中1;15,是链式代码 的频率,而乙是链式代码的长度。图5七个矢量化方向表1七个笔画特征cuspcuspdirection-codecodesfeaturespairs91 6; 1 7彳n2 6; 2 7; 8 610j 7 夕;6 1; 6 2; 6 811丄;j;1 2; 1 3; 1 4127813lx : v7 2; 7 3sy8 2; 8 3147 : k6 4; 8 4jj7 4; 7 615u: j7 1;8 1笔画分类的三种方法是决策树的制定,查表,恋句法7到11。在这个

11、研 究中,一个人造的神经系统模型被作为一个新的方法运用。如图1中所示笔 画的分类可以分层实现,图1中的网络便包含输入层的30个输入节点,两个 隐藏层中的7个隐藏单元和输出层中的14个输岀单元。如表2中所示,14种笔 画类型有48种参考笔画特征,它们在链式编码中被编码,这种方法在汉字的 特征识别中尤为重要,并被经常采用。这48中参考笔画特征被用来训练神经 网络,使神经网络有能力在14个输出单元中提取14中笔画类型。一个在pc 机上运行的用c语言编写的模拟器被用来实现在任意神经网络中收集所需数 据。我们通过如下方法初始化神经网络的参数:每个权重或阀值二随意的数 字+1.0和1.0之间,学习率=0.

12、3,动量因子=0.3和容错率=0.2。当神经网络被 训练为有48种学习模式的时候,参考数据库就建立起来了,参考数据库包含 14种参考笔画类型的权重和阀值信息。然后,笔画的总数何必花,淚性的序 列可以从一个输入特征中提取出来。笔画类型的序列的提取可以进一步编码 为一个14维的特征向量,这个14维的特征向量的第j各组成部分即为笔画类型 j的频率,其中i""表2 14种笔画类型对应的不同笔画特征stroketypeschain code*11121314f 7 zjp 夕片勺uk、7/;t-v;fl>:aut:72 3:576821 96 10 i: 1 96 10 i 1

13、1 3197 15 1; 197 15 i 11 31 97 13 36 10 i 9 6; 6 10 1 96 14 46 10 1 9 7; 7 15 i 967 15 i 9 7; 7 15 1 97 14 47 15 i 11 3;7 15 1 ii 471281511138 is 1 11 3;8 15 i ii 47 15 l;7 13 2; 7 13 38 13 2;8 u 3i 9 6; i 9 6 14 4i 9 7; i 9 7 m 429 6: 29 7; 8966 10 l;6 !0 26 10 8.7 12 8j 97 128 9 6 14 41 q6 10 1 06

14、 14 46 i4 4;8 9 6 14 47 i4 4;8 14 4strokefeatures(b)特征匹配单元在这个研究中,22个字符分类器被逐个实现,它们用来识别1到22的不同的 笔画数目的特征。每个字符分类器也有一个反向传播网络执行,这个反向传播网 络包含输入层中的14个输入节点,和每两个隐藏层中的14个隐藏单元。在这里, 434汉字模式被划分为22个组,每个组中的笔画数目范围从1到22。每当笔画的总 数和每434个参考模式的笔画类型序列被提取后,22个神经网络中的每一个都会 被逐步训练成为参考特征组。我们依照如下来初始化22神经网络的参数:每个权 重或阀值二随意的数字+1.0和1.

15、0之间,学习率=0.3,动量因子=0.3和容错率二0.1。 每当22神经网络被逐步训练成为相应的学习模式组别时,一个涉及22组汉字参考 模式的权重和阀值信息的参考数据库就建立起来了。每个参考特征模式的笔画序 列的提取被要求可以在字典里依照标准的书写顺序查到。举个例子,“主”和“玉”有不同的特征,然而,它们的特征矢量是完全一样的。如果检测到任何歧义,相 应的特征可以由笔画序列查找出七组尖端特征。4、实验结果及相关讨论图6中显示出一个从电视显示器中提取的手写汉字特征的识别的例子。坐标 上的特征显示出手写字符的模式和坐标。输出部分由右手边的打印的汉字参考特 征给出。坐标上可以将笔画类型的序列和笔画总

16、数提取逐个显示出来。从434 参考特征模式中随机选出的700个汉字被7个人书写。结果则是有638个汉字被 准确识别,并且还有62个没被识别的汉字。平均来说,识别率达91%o只用0.1 秒完成笔画的分类和0.15秒完成手写汉字的识别匹配。此外,可能出现的错误 和未被识别的特点如下:(i) 未被识别的特征由手写汉字9的可变性因素造成。名义上,直笔画(笔画类 型1到5)只是手写的近似直的笔画。特别的,垂直和水平的笔画很难写的规范。 当出现一个新颖的模式时,bp模型可以作为一个最相似的分类器但不保证预期 的效果。因此,特征匹配逻辑要求被提高,或者数据库要求被拓展。(ii) 未被识别的汉字是由于(a)奇

17、异的笔画序列,(b)不准确的笔画数目,(c)输入错 误信号,可作如下描述:(a) 数据库必须进行相应的拓展,附加上一些可能岀现的奇异的笔画序列。(b) 两个或以上的笔画连接为一笔作为输入时,往往会遗漏笔画数目,然而,一 个多段的笔画拆分为两个或以上的笔画时会增加笔画数目。错误的笔画数目往往 会造成未识别的字符。有必要对容易产生错误的字符进行修改。(c) 上下感应接触不稳定的笔尖的钢笔会造成笔画分类的错误或者笔画的破损。 每当感应速度赶不上书写速度时,手写笔画的笔迹会被提取的不准确。这些误差 可以通过利用高准确度的输入设备和提高感应和提取速度来消除。recognized output seque

18、nce of stroke types_;t?1si 3 ft3 i 4p 一 toiaj number of strokes:疥読 it 包图6手写汉字识别举例5、结论一个以bp神经网络为原型的手写汉字实时识别系统建立起来了。人工神经 网络作为一种新的方法來解决模式匹配的问题,替代了非神经网络的方法。只用 0.25秒来完成手写汉字的识别。识别率达91%,也就是说700个随机抽取的汉字 中,只有62个未被识别。在第四部分的讨论中,这些误差可以消除并达到更高 的识别率。由于神经网络计算的巨大的并行性和一般性,实现一种鲁棒性olccr 系统进行快速的模式识别是极有可能的。糊)4oummal of&

19、lt;7ual commuzbcanonand wage rf pit f sent ahok voi 2 no- march? ?s- -99-short communoatona neura- nefworybased orvline chinesecharacter recogn 三 on sysqm1.chang jouapp-iad retarch ibb: 7wto/wm3.ra、5- ftr、afoc 32099 p.o. box 7j ys'w rcpmzir of crnareceived miiy 3-990- acccpod oaobc: 一 990a neura

20、l net 芝 orrbascd on-bnc chinese charac-q rccognhion (olccr) fysefn 7 presented7h paper;fttnktpropatmhfn neural na*ork mode- is propped for solving -he pa3cmmmch 5-g problems5*olccr instead of ummc nomneura- nezork bascds.gorhhms thsroecrqacm wi= enablecs s recognize handwritten chinese characters in

21、 real =mc each recognition process mdudes two main phasau(a) the fea-ec 女与 action pha$cawhrh fc4hufe<ector based on rcfcrenccrclkc3jo7 ma-km can be cxsac-ed nd (b)the chanctctmanhing phak in which _hc fol-urc wector ismakhed 工 ith group of standard chneae reference charac-cf fohurc vector*expchmc

22、ntd rond7 sho, -ha 二 t utkesabmn ok b rccognme handwritten charac. ter and tha: recogntuoo rate of aboin 91* can be achieved, <>_$- abir 7 f.r 一ntroduchona grca_ dad of research ihcrcs 二 n 一 he areas of speech and pa=em recognihon has been generated recern-y by artifke-l ncursln2work modct axp

23、iod neural 307 worlc mode- ccmisyof many para=e- non=ncar complna nona- cmmehs wih dense ihcrconnccdons arranged in pa=erns reminhcehof biosgica- neura- n2s the rccc2 work of hopacs三 rumc 一 hart 2 a-s scjnowski and rosenberg i3】 fceman and hidard【4一 ckrpcacr and grossbcrg s. and kohonen 一6】 respec=w

24、±y hs 一 edq -he resurgence of research in -his fi£ld in 一 he pas【uvo decades mmny researchers hmvc engaged 5 -he scdy of recognihon of handwa.hcn chinese chasc-ers【7 一二 a# in many suhisicslp4=cm rccogn 三 on prozcmy一 he inoxdibcuh usks arc【he extraction of7c feburcvcq 一 or -he dcvccpmcrn of

25、 hc cxsi?hc-n (ceicring) hlkos-hm because ofx-s shsinws.llnce =ru- rotation invariance properties, a se【of fesures using s-rokc ana- ysis has recen 二 y become very popupr in -his paper we prescnpbuck. propagation ncund nc_wortbaseq olccr syaemo inves-igaosome problems concerning recognition of handw

26、hhen chinese characterss-reajntneko.expec 二 o achieve possible improvements in a fu-urc s_udyp review of a backpropagadon neural network model a bacrpropaga-o-n technique was proposed for §-< ing -he c&dh angnmen- prozem by minsky and papen 5 1%9 a bacrpropxgadon neura- nc-work is a feed

27、 forward negork vdy.one or more -ayers of hidden u2.7 between -he inpu二aycr and -he ou-pu二ayer a back, propagation nezork model whh ?o hidden layers is "howein fig=潔 composed of processing unx-s (puso -ha- non-inepr-y mansform a -incar cofnzna-ion of inpus imp 一5:二 y a" i-cira-cd in fig 2-

28、he inp£o_he hh pu of an 2£.盒?仝肩9巨§<1 network iswhere 巨二執 the weigh- be-wcen -he j-h inpu- and -he fth pu the sigmoid -ransfcr?n2c-n can then be rc-bcd bythe hidden uni_s in a muhihycrcd pcrccpiron network can be used as -he fcacrc d2c20s for performings-c mapp 一 ng bc【ween _npul no

29、des and oihpsuni-s and -hus ovcrcom:hc limieions of a singlc.-aycrcd ncworr however- in a fnu-£aycrcd nc-worr-he regions formed can be k" cemp 一 ex as those formed by using fnx-crc ds 三 burns and ncarcstncikhboraassacrs a-so -he -raining prozcm is much more difncurerror signah are formed i

30、n many "ynapscs of diftcrcn二nyers because of imp 一2:- propertiesin hiddenttycry5error sign 邑 s in hid den u2.scpnncn ? coaplned direc=y hfu 三layered ncr work" were noi wide-y used due _o 一heerck of effe2ivc 一earning ajgorhhms reccn二y-his has changed wih -he sg203 3.8 copynght o 一 99 一 by a

31、cademe pre? inc 豈 £? of reprgduc_mm i »9x fbrm rcterv&output byersecond hidden liycrfirw hidden layerllput liyerweigtaw:weights w门.wei|hu w”fig. l topology of a back propagation network with two hidden laen.handwwttin character inputrecognized character outotfig. 3. architecture of our

32、 olccr system.development of an interactive gradient learning procedure algorithm known as the generalized delta rule (appendix 1, available upon request) 2). this algorithm is a recipe for adjusting connection weights based on errors in output units. these errors will be propagated backward through

33、 hidden layers (o the input layer, where the weights arc incrementally adjusted according to the discrepancy between the desired and the actual values in output unitsv and will be iterated until all inpul-output pattern pairs arc matched consequently, this new back- propagation technique has been wi

34、dely used to solve many complicated and deterministic problems effectively, such as xor problems, speech synthesis and recognition, and pattern recognition.3. architecture of the neuralnetwork-based olccr systemas shown in fig. 3.【he neural network-based olccr system has been implemented to recogniz

35、e handwritten chinese characters in real time id each recognition process, a handwritten character is digitized via an input tablet into pen-track data points as shown by the examplein fig 4a. a preprocessing unit is employed for thinning und smoothing these data points the thinning process for remo

36、ving some of the data points is accomplished by comparing the position of a data point pt = un yd with the position of the last thinned track ptj = (xfj-h 升 ji). then, ptj = p( whenever (* - xrj-i| 之 or|y4-ad and (|x<- xtj(| s a: or 仞-九打 s aj) and is discarded otherwise should be large enough to

37、eliminate redundant data points, and 上 should be small enough to preserve essential characleristics. the smoothing process is followed for the thinned data points pa = xu. to reduce the noise due to quantization of pen locations measured by the (ablet. by performing p.k = (pr24-l + pt.lk + prj44| +

38、pi.u别4 with q + f = 1, the klh smoothed data point p=q pni isobtained. an example with a| = lf ai = 20,</ = 075. and r « 0.25 is shown in fig. 4b. subsequently, two main units of our olccr system will be implemented.(a) feature extraction unitfig. 2 the ith pl of an equivalent unjc-luycred n

39、etwork.chain codes are frequently used in the recognition of handwritten characters 12t 13). the use of chain codes and segmentation may relate lo a fundamental mechanism in human recognition and writing of characters. re search on human vision and perception shows that the local features appear to

40、play a more dominant role than relative position does in human visual perception. in our work, the features to be extracted from an inpik character are the total number of strokes and a sequence of stroke types identified. four major tasks in stroke recognition are (1) segmentation, (2) direction co

41、ding. (3) cusp dctccbon> and (4) stroke classification:fig. 4. display of a handwritten character (a) being drawn, (b) being thinned and smoothed, and (c) being segmented(1) curvature is the most obvious track characteristic. freeman suggested a useful approximation to curvature via a sequence of

42、 quantized directional segments generated from the preprocessed data points. based on the recursive method of hanaki et al. 149 each stroke is approximated by some line segments in each stroke, a data point pk having a maximum distance to the line between initial point p and endpoint is selected wit

43、h the distance measured being greater than a threshold then, data points of a stroke are separated into two sets: pi . . pt) and » pij such a procedure will be iterated until no more data points satisfy this constraint (appendix 2. available upon request). the distance threshold should be large

44、 enough to minimize segmentation operations, yet small enough to preserve originality of the input stroke in our system, the threshold is adaptive and depends on the depth of a recursive call an example is given in fig. 4c.(2) for the purpose of stroke chssification9 a seven part nonuniform vector d

45、irection quantization plane is defined as shown in fig. 5. line segments are encoded with seven direction codes (1 to 8t except that code 5 is combined with code 4 because of the structural features of chinese characters). in handwriting custom, it is required that adequate tolerance be provided for

46、 diagonal strokes. in our system,仿=25° and 伤=20° arc selected to be optimized for good discrimination in writing style.(3) as shown in table 19 seven groups of cusp features are encoded as seven cusp codes (9 to 15). each cusp feature is encoded in a dircction-codc pair which will be furth

47、er encoded as chain codes by inserting its cusp code into this pair of two direction codes. however, for an unmatched pair, the chain code is simply to discard the scc(x)d direction code of this pair. in cusp detection of d segmented strokev the chain codes for a sequence of di* rection codes are pa

48、rked one by one therefore t the se qucnce of chain codes of a segmented stroke involves infermation on direction codes, cusp codes, and the cod ing sequence. the sequence of chain codes of each segmented stroke should be further encoded as a 30- dimension feature vector with thejth component xj- cjl

49、 /c and x片匕=a)for 1 sjs 15f where cj is the frequency of chain-code value j and /c is the chain-code length.(4) three methods of stroke classification are decisiontree making, table lookup, and the syntactic approach 7- 11. in this study, an artificial neural network model is used as a new approach

50、the stroke classifier is hierarchically implemented as the network shown in fig. 1 with 30 input nodes in the input layer, 7 hidden units in each of the two hidden layers and 14 output units in the output layer. as shown in table 2,14 stroke types with 48 reference stroke features encoded in chain c

51、odes are specifically designed for the most important and frequently used chinese characters. the 3 reference stroke features are used for training the neural network to be capable of extracting one of the 14 stroke types in one of the 14 output units. a simulator written in c language for running o

52、n a pc/at is used for achieving an arbitrary network configuration to be trained to collect desired statistics. we initialize the parameters for the network by the following: each of the weights or the thresholds = random numbers lying between +1.0 and -1.0, learning rate =0.3, momentum factor = 0.3

53、, and fault tolerance = 0.2. the reference database involving information on weights and thresholds for the 14 reference stroke types with dibfig. 5. a seven-pan nonuniform vector direction quantization plane tableiseven groups of cusp featurescjspcusp featuresdirtclionyode pairs97 > = "/v &

54、gt;16; 17 26;?7;8610厶:夕y6i;62;6rii亠亠亠i 2; b; 1 412i783"v sy7 2;?l8 2; s347 1 x4 u64;847 4;?6.5j; j7i;81ferent stroke features has been established whenever the neural network has been trained with the 48 leaning pat lerns. then, the total number of strokes and a sequence of stroke types can be

55、extracted from an input character tic sequence of stroke types extracted should be further eicoded as a 14-dimension feature vector with the jth component being the frequency of stroke type j for 1 < js 14.(£) character-matching unitin this study, 22 character classifiers are implemented ind

56、ividually for recognizing characters in a different number of strokes ranging from 1 to 22. each character classifier is also implemented by a back-propagation network with 14 input nodes in the input layer and 14 hidden units in each of the two hidden layers, but with the number of output units bei

57、ng equal to the number of characters of a reference character group with the same number of strokes. here, 434 chinese character patterns are partitioned into 22 groups with each number of strokes ranging from 1 to 22. whenever the total number of strokes and the sequence of stroke types of each of the 434 reference patterns are extracted, each of the 22 neural networks can be trained with each reference character group individually. we initialize the parameters for the 22 neural networks by the following: each o


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