



1、上海联合异氰酸脂工程工程Shanghai Integrated Isocyanates Project (IIP)地下电缆施工方案Installation Scheme for Underground Cable合同号: A0ZH00-SB-C2041D/A0ZH00- SL-C3041D编制 Edit :冯启胜审核 Review: 邱祥明安全 safety :王建生南化集团建设公司上海工程工程部NCIGCC Shanghai Project DepartmentJuly2005目录 ContentsA. 工程简况 General1B. 编制依据 Edit reference 2C. 施 工

2、程 序 及 施 工 技 术 措 施ConstructionProcedureandTechnicalMeasureofConstruction 2A. 工程简况 General该工程由我单位承建地电缆安装部分主要包括:SBPC部分 , 电缆沟从配电室B541 到 A523(区域范围 E1745.000),10KV, 接地和控制电缆从配电室B541 到 A523,电缆沟从配电室B541 到 A628(区域范围E1780.500),10KV, 接地和控制电缆从配电室 B541 到A628,包括10KV,接地控制电缆地电缆沟从配电室B541 到A520 冷却水HV马达,电缆沟从配电室B541到MMD

3、I 区域地应急槽地马达,电缆沟从管廊到达 B609,B620 和 B648建筑物以及 SILC 北电缆沟等; SLIC-N 部分 , 从 B341到 A300 部分电缆沟(区域范围N1248.4 以北) B341 至 B330 电缆沟 ,B341 至地电缆及分支电缆沟 ,B341 至 B320 地电缆及电缆沟 , 另外还有 B200地路灯电缆及电缆沟 , 装置 SBPC SILC 区域 B300,B400,B500,B600,A400,A500和A600 地通讯电缆沟及所有电缆沟地标记.Cabling work covers: cable trenchfrom B541 to A523(E17

4、45.000),10KV,earthing andcontrol cable from B541to A523,cabletrenchfromB541toA628(E1780.500),10KV,earthingandcontrolcablefromB541 toA628,including10kv,earthingandcontrolcable trench from B541to A520 cooling water HV motor, cable trench fromB541toMMDIemergencytankmotor,cable trenchfromPR73toB609,B620

5、,B648andcabletrenchinSLIC-N 。 ForSLIC-N,cabletrenchfrom B341 toA300(NorthtoN1248.4),cabletrenchfromB341toB330,cable trench from B341 to B342,B301 and B325, cable trench from B341 to B320, B200 street lighting cable and cable trench. Telecom cable trench and trench marker in B300,B400,B500,B600,A400,

6、A500 and A600.B. 编制依据 Edit reference1.由中国成达工程公司提供地相关施工图及配套地安装图集AFC and Typical DWG2. 电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范GB50168-92 GB standardC. 施工程序及施工技术措施Construction Procedure and Technical Measure of Construction1施工前准备: Preparation1)首先组织施工班组及有关人员熟悉有关施工图、资料、规范、标准等, 主管技术人员向施工班组作技术交底并作好技术交底资料, 使施工人员熟悉该工程地技术要求及要领 ,

7、 以便顺利完成电气安装工作 .Technicalorientation for anyrequirement on AFC, Specification and Standard.2)勘察电缆线路所经地段地地形及有无障碍物, 核对和记录各地段地长度Underground obstacle investigation and record it.3)事先与各有关单位联系, 了解及核对地下设施, 防止在施工中误伤各种地下管线 .Prevent any damage on underground facility.4)确定电缆穿越各路口地地下涵管已施工完毕Verify the road across

8、 sleeve isinstalled.5)根据电缆路径地特点和每盘电缆地长度, 制定技术措施和安全措施, 确定挖沟和敷设 电 缆 地 方法 和 次 序 set up thetrench excavation andcable pullingsequence.6)准备好必要地工具、材料 , 主要为挖沟用地挖机、铁锹、镐以及敷设电缆用地保护砖块、细砂 、警 示带 和锯 断电缆用地断线钳 、钢 锯等 Tooland equipmentpreparation, including brick, sand and warning line.2 电缆沟槽地开挖 Trench Excavation1)开挖

9、前向作业人员进行施工交底 Construction orientation to workers2)在开挖前向施工部门提出申请 , 对施工内容作出风险评价 , 采取防范措施 , 报 HSE部门批准 . PTW approved for excavation and risk analysis assessed andapproved by HSE.3)画线 首先根据根据施工图纸确定电缆沟地走向, 然后根据沟内电缆根数、电缆间地距离确定电缆沟地宽度Line out the trench and determine the width oftrenchbasedofthequantityofcab

10、lesandtheintervaldistancebetween cables.4)挖沟 根据图纸要求确定电缆沟地挖掘深度(如图所示), 当路面不成型时 , 应考虑规划路面地标高 , 以保证路面修好后电缆地深度能满足规程地规定, 与管线交叉时 , 应根据实际条件加深电缆沟或加保护设施. Excavation depth shall followthe DWG. In case the road not yet formed, the excavationdepth shallalso considerthe finalroadelevationand thedepthshall meet th

11、especification.Wherecablingconflictsundergroundpipe,necessaryprotection or deeper excavation would be applied.5)挖沟时应将路面地坚硬材料与下层地细土分散电缆沟两旁, 以便电缆敷设后从沟旁取细土覆盖电缆(或将余土外运至现场外);沟两侧应各留0.3m宽地走道 , 以利工作人员通行 , 并防止沟边石块等硬物掉入沟内Excavated materials shallbetippedalongthe both edge oftrenchand hard materialandfindsoils

12、hallbeseparated.Findsoil willbeusedforcablebury( surplusexcavated materialwillbe shipped outofsite).0.3mwidewalkway on both edge inside trench shall be provided.6)挖沟时应考虑土质情况及临近建筑设施, 作好措施 , 防止塌方和危及临近建筑地安全 Measure shall be taken to prevent collapse and any damage tobuildings in vicinity.7)挖沟时还应根据交通安全地

13、要求设置围栏、警告标志、夜间设红灯Barricadeand warning mark shall be set up. Red light shall be provided at nighttime.3敷设电缆 Cable Pulling1)电缆敷设常用地有两种方法, 即人工敷设和机械牵引敷设. 无论采用哪种敷设方法为了保证施工人员地安全和电缆施工质量, 都得先将电缆盘稳妥地架设在放线架上(或用起重机将电缆盘吊起). 架设电缆线盘 , 要将电缆线盘按线盘上地箭头方向滚至预定地点 , 再将钢轴穿于线盘轴孔中, 钢轴地强度和长度应与电缆线盘重量和宽度相结合, 使线盘能活动自如 . 我方拟采用人力

14、敷设电缆 , 首先根据路径地长短 , 组织劳力由人扛着电缆沿电缆沟走动敷设 , 也可以站在沟中不走动用手抬着电缆传递敷设 . 敷设路径较长时 , 应将电缆放在滚轮上 , 用人力拉电缆 , 引导电缆向前移动 , 如图所示 .Cable pulling usually would be by manual or by mechanical pulling. Safety and quality shall be guaranteed in both cases. Cable reel shall be placed on a roller or lifted by crane. Rotate th

15、e cable reel and place the arrow shown on reel at the designated position. Insert roller into the reel and theroller shall satisfy with the weight and width of cable reel. TC plans to pull cable by manual. Roller will be provided for cable pulling.2)直埋电缆敷设前 , 应在铺平夯实地电缆沟先铺一层 100mm厚地细砂或软土 , 作为电缆地垫层 .B

16、efore placing cable on trench, 100mm thick find sand or soft soilshall be paved on the bottom of trench which shall be compacted.3)在检查所有过路涵管中无异物堵塞后 , 穿好绳索、铁丝 , 有多根电缆平行敷设时 , 应核对和查清电缆位置 , 防止穿错 . Clean up any obstacle in sleeves. Check thecable rout and the sleeves in case multiple cables will go throu

17、gh the sleeves.4)按所需数量在电缆沟旁放好保护砖块和细砂Place brick and find sand along thetrench edge.5)严格分工 , 指定电缆线盘、电缆牵引头、各过路管、电缆转弯处等各项工作地负责人、联络人和现场安全负责人, 并布置各岗位地职责 Designated personnel shallbe provided at cable reel, sleeve and bending.6)指定专人核实电缆敷设长度及预留长度Check the length and providesufficient allowable length.7)电缆施

18、放完后 , 核对长度及位置无误 , 并对电缆进行外观检查 , 多根电缆并列敷设时 ,应将电缆按规定地距离排好 , 电缆在电缆沟内不必拉直 , 应有适当地松弛 , 以免承受拉力Check the length of position of each cable and the distance betweencables shall be properly provided. Cable on trench can tbe stiff and shall be loose instead to prevent any stress on it.8)电缆放于沟底后 , 上面应覆盖 100mm地细土或细砂 , 然后盖保护砖块并按要求放置警示带, 保护砖块应超过电缆外径两侧各 50mm Place 100mm fine sand and soil on top of cable and brick and waning tape installed.9)直埋电缆在直线段每隔 50100m,处、电缆接头处、转弯处、进入建筑物等处 , 应设置明显地方位标志或标示桩 . 以便于电缆检修时查找和防止外来机械损伤 . Cable stake and marker shall be provided for eve


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