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1、精品中考英语复习课本知识整理七年级下 Unit 4  I want to be an actor.【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语1、他是干什么的?:What does he do?=what's he?=What's his job?2、和某人一起工作:work with sb 3、在、工做:work at/in.4、为、工作:work for.5、给某人某物:give sth to sb=give sb sth6、从、得到、:get sth from .7、穿着白色的制服:wear a white uniform状态8、穿上你的衣服:put on your coat动

2、作9、有点危险:kind of dangerous 10、两个小偷:two thieves11、和某人交谈:talk to/with sb 12、谈论、:talk about sb/sth13、问某人问题:ask sb questions 14、工作得晚:work late15、做某事迟到:be late for sth. 16、出去就餐:go out to dinners17、忙碌:be busy18、忙于做、: be busy with sth=be busy doing sth19、对、感兴趣:be/become interested in.20、一个有趣的工作:an interesti

3、ng  job21、努力工作:work hard 22、艰苦的工作:hard work23、一项适合你的工作:a job for you24、给你提供一个工作:have a job for you25、和演员一起工作:work with actors26、打 给晚报:call the Evening  Newspaper27、在医院:in/at a hospital 28、很多,许多:a lot of=lots of29、 想要做:want to do. 30、招聘广告:want ads31、其他年轻人:other young people32、参加校园

4、剧的演出:be in the school play33、需要一名医生:need a doctor 34、售货员,店员: sales assistant 35、警官:police officer 36、银行职员:bank clerk 37、 害怕,恐怕: be afraid of 38、电视台:TV station 39、警察局:police station 40、流行歌手:pop singer 41、重要人物;Very Important Person 42、出去:go out 43、校园剧:school play44、尽可能快地:as soon as possible 45、晚报:even

5、ing newspaper 46、数钱:count money 47、有点儿危险:kind of dangerous 48、写故事:write stories 49、运动教练:a sports coach 50、图书管理员:a library assistant 51、在将来:in the future 【课文解析】1.询问别人干什么工作。 句型:What +do/does+某人+do?What + be + sb .?=What + be + ones + job?答复:主语+ be+ a+表示职业的名词。例:-What do you do?你是干什么的?-Im a student.我是一句

6、学生。-What does he do? = What's he? = What's his job?  他是干什么的?-Hes a teacher.他是一名教师。2.询问别人想干什么工作。句型:What +do/does+某人+want to be?答复:主语+ want/wants to be+ a +表示职业的名词。表示“想当.例:-What do you want to be? 你想干什么工作?-I want to be a teacher.我想当教师。-What does she want to be ?她想干什么工作?-She wants to be a

7、nuser.她想当护士。3.询问别人在哪里工作。句型:Where + do/does +sb. +work?答复:sb. +work in+地点。例:-Where does your sister work?你姐姐在哪里工作?  -She works in a hospital.她在医院工作。4.询问工作情况的一般疑问句。例:-Does he work in the hospital?他在医院工作吗?  -Yes. he does/No, he doesnt.是的,他是。不,不是。-Does she work late?她工作很晚吗?-Yes, she

8、does/No. she doesnt.5.Do you like to do? 你喜欢做吗? Eg: -Do you like to work with young people? 你喜欢和年轻人一起工作吗?-Do you like to meet the strangers?你喜欢和陌生人打交道吗?6.Do you want to work for?你想为工作吗? Eg: -Do you want to work for a computer company? 你想在电脑公司上班吗?三重点难点1. People give me their money or get their money

9、from me. 人们在我这里存钱或取钱。其中give是及物动词,其后常接双宾语,give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.  给某人某物,当sth.为代词时,只能放在中间,例:正确的表示:give it/them to sb. 错误的表示:give sb.it/them,其中的from表示“从,“由。Eg: -Please give me your watch. 请把你的手表给我。 -Would you like to give it to me?请把它给我,好吗? -This is a letter from home.这是一封家书。 -I have a t

10、elephone call from her.我接到她的 。2. I wear a white uniform and I help doctors.我身穿白色制服,协助大夫工作。其中wear表示“穿戴在身上的状态;而put on 表示“穿戴的动作。Help的意思是“帮助。可以作动词也可以作名词,因此help doctorsgive doctors help.3. I want to be a newspaper reporter, because its an interesting job. 我想成为一名新闻记者,因为这是一份有趣的工作。第一句用一般现在时,用于操作演示或指导说明的示范性动

11、作,表示言行的瞬间动作。再如:Now watch me, I switch on the current and stand back. 第二句中的now是进行时的标志,表示正在进行的动作的客观状况,所以后句用一般 一般现在时表将来1以下动词:come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般现在时表将来。这主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。The train leaves at six tomorrow morning.When does the bus star? It stars in ten minutes.2倒装句,表示

12、动作正在进行,如: Here comes the bus. = The bus is coming. There goes the bell. = The bell is ringing.3在时间或条件句中。 When Bill comes (不是will come), ask him to wait for me. I'll write to you as soon as I arrive there.4在动词hope, take care that, make sure that等后。 I hope they have a nice time next week. Make sur

13、e that the windows are closed before you leave the room. 单项填空( )1. We find _ for you in a wanted ad. A. jobB. worksC. a jobD. a work( ) 2. Doctors and nurses _ white uniforms when they are at work. A. wearB. wearsC. put on D. puts on( ) 3. I want a busy _ interesting job. A. andB. butC. orD. with( )

14、4. We can see the moon _ day, but we cant _ night. A. in, atB. in the, at C. in, at theD. at, in the( )5. Our English teacher is ill in hospital, she cant teach _ English today. A. /, usB. the, us C. a, ourD. /, our( )6. What does he do? _. A. Hes very well B. Hes eleven C. lies in Mr Lis office D.

15、Hes a basketball player( )7. I want to _ bank clerk. A. aB. beC. be aD. be an( )8. _ does your sister do? A reporter. A. WhyB. How C. WhatD. Where( )9. I dont take any _ with me. A. bookB. money C. penD. eraser( )10. Do you want to work _ an actor? A. doB. withC. and D. be( )11. If you dont know the

16、 way to the hotel, you may ask a _. A. a reporterB. writerC. doctor D. policeman( )12. Is there a school _ Children _ 5-8? A. of, for B. for, for C. for, of D. of, of( )13. Im a teacher. Im always very _ with my work. I like my students very much. A. freeB. busy C. lazy D. boring( )14.How many _ are

17、 there in the picture?A. hospitalB. people C. meat D. girl( )15. Our art school is _ students 8-15 years old. A. in, for B. or, inC. of, forD. for, of. 句型转换1. My father works in the bank. (改为否认句) My father _ _ in the bank.2. What is your brother? (改为同义句) What _ your brother _?3. She starts in a new

18、movie. (对画线局部提问) _ _ she _ in a new movie?4. He wants to be a policeman because he thinks its an exciting job. (对画线局部提问) _ _ he _ to be a policeman?5. The thief doesnt like him. (改为复数句子) The _ _ like _. 完成句子1. 我们给你提供一个当效劳员的工作。 We _ a job _ you _ a waiter.2. 他喜欢和别人交谈。 He likes _ _ other people.3. 这些故

19、事有些有趣。 The story is _ _ _.4. 你想成为一名警察吗? _ you want to _ a _?5. 他的工作忙碌且刺激吗? Is his work _ and _?6. 当人们出去吃饭时效劳员很忙。 Waiters are very busy when people _ _ _ _.7. 我每天忙着做家务。 I am _ _ housework every day.8. 你想为一家杂志社工作吗? Do you want to _ _ a _?9. 她不想在银行工作。 She _ _ to work in the bank.10. 你喜欢写故事吗? Do you lik

20、e _ _?_ I sell computers._ Oh, its exciting, but sometimes its very busy.顺序为:_. 完形填空 Anna comes 1 England. Shes thirteen. Shes in China with her family now. She is a student 2 No. 1 Middle School. She likes her school and all of her classmates. She thinks they are very friendly to her. She likes Chi

21、nese, 3 . But she 4 speak Chinese very well. Anna gets up very early 5 morning. She has some milk and bread 6 breakfast. And she goes to school on her bike. She doesnt like to 7 late. In the evening she does 8 homework and read newspapers. She 9 to bed at nine. She is very 10 every day.( )1. A. from

22、B. nC. ofD. with( )2. A. forB. ofC. underD. with( )3. A. either B. tooC. alsoD. and( )4. A. canB. isC. cantD. doesnt( )5. A. in B. ofC. at D. every( )6. A. of B. forC. inD. at( )7. A. be B. isC. am D. are( )8. A. ones B. herC. she D. his( )9. A. go B. isC. goesD. going( )10. A. sad B. goodC. wellD.

23、happy. 阅读理解 Frank, Julia, Linda, Bill and Scott are classmates(同班同学). They are talking about theirjobs in the future(未来). Their favorite jobs are :a teacher, a doctor, a bank clerk, a cook(厨师) and an actor. Scott likes English very much, and he likes teaching. Julia doesnt like to work for a hospita

24、l. Frank cant cook any food. Linda doesnt want to work as a doctor, and she doesnt like to work with people or money. Bill can sing and dance very well. Do you know what they each want to be?根据语文内容,在每个人喜欢职业的图片下写出姓名。. 书面表达 假设你是一位中学的校长,你需要招聘一位教师,具体条件如下:1. 能吃苦耐劳。2. 喜欢孩子。3. 会英语和法语。4. 会唱歌、跳舞或弹奏一种乐器。你的 是5

25、55-3215。联系人:Mr Smith。请根据上述内容写一那么招聘广告。_参考答案1assistant 2star 3late 4station 5money 6nurse 7dangerous 8magazine 9reporter 10newspapers1Does 2to be 3Thieves 4goes 解析:本句是一般现在时。 5waiter 解析:称呼语,意为“效劳员。 6Write 解析:本句是祈使句,动词用原形。7playing 解析:playing和going构成的两个动名词短语,作like的宾语,表并列关系。 8policemen 解析:因主语是两个人,用policeman的复数形式。 9children 解析:由后面的动词are可知本句主语应为复数形式。 10teacher 解析:动词构成名词,表示执行该动作的人。,1C 解析:job是可数名词,可加不定冠词,或用复数形式。work是不可数名词,不能加不定冠词,也没有复数形式。 2A 解析:主语是复数,故谓语动词用复数形式。wear表示状态,而put on表示动作。这儿指穿的状态。 3B 解析:连词but表示转折。 4B 解析:in the day在白天,at night在晚上。 5A 解析:be ill in hospital生病住院,teach


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