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1、容选报基础型.必须部 分。说明 研究的背o二级标题 用 tiniesnewroman 3 号。段前 空()5行, 段厉0.5r 正文用timesnewroman 小号字,题目用times new roman 5号字,加粗,题目 须有中英文,英文在前,中文在后,居中对齐。四川农业大学本科生毕业论文开题报告应川基础 型、应用 型、调研 型。居中选题类型指导教师xxxl introductionan empirical study into lexical inference and strategy use intoefl readingefl阅读屮的词义推测及策略运川实证研究xxx课题来源xxx

2、为白选项h语言学院英语xxx2006 级教授xxxxxxx引言部分。一级标题用timesnew roman小2号,段前0.5行,段后0.5行.1 study background(大约 200 字左右)the present study is stimulated by both practical and theoreticalconsiderations in the field of second /foreign language learning and teaching. theimportance of efl reading is commonly acknowledged b

3、y both teachers andlearners in the process of learning and teaching, so the topic of lexical inferencestrategies is of practical interest to both teachers, who would like to employedagogical techniques which can reinforce and develop students9 achievements inding to better their effects of instrq该部分

4、根据具体内容与题目需要,可如论文屮有新的、生僻的或者重要的 则需耍有该部分对这些名词加以解释。piy uiobe suaiegie ict有可无。 名词, the process of reading. learners can sometimesaemaster those strategies, are in a better posisolve problems they encounter in reading in ordertask of learning a foreign language, definitionsand ls first.er the inherently d

5、ifficultrence, lexical inference, lia1.2 definitions of inference and lexical inferenceinference refers to the process, in language learning, of arriving at a hypothesis,idea, or judgment on the basis of other knowledge, ideas, or judgm厂注意:参考文献的标注方 式为夹注,文献与文献之 间用表明process of making inference or infe

6、rring (richards & platt and plattlanguage learning, inference has been discussed as a learning stlearners, especially in reading, to work out grammatical and otherules(carton, 1971). according to w. grabe and f.l.stoller (2005:260), inference refersto the process of drawing a logical conclusion

7、based on explicit information in text亠 i1.注意:参考文献的标注方式为文内夹注and background knowledge. the mental activity/process invencounter unknown or unfamiliar words or phrases (hereafter fconvenience we use unknown or unfamiliar words to refer tounfamiliar words and phrases) and thereby assign meanings toe ofn

8、own andin the process ofreading is termed "lexical inference or inferring (barnett, "1990:79). thus in thisstudy we adopt the term lexical inference in the sense that readers are aware ofencountering unknown or unfamiliar words or phrases, in the reading process, andmake deliberate attempt

9、s to figure out their meanings and draw a logical conclusionbased on the logical reasoning of the explicit information in a text and backgroundknowledge. it is a deliberate and conscious process of qcii该部分为必须部分。说明研 究的意义,必要性重要性等等。cotext in reading process.1.3 significance of this study (约based on the

10、 previous studies, this study goes a step further and attempts to investigate the influence of gender, major and language proficiency in a narrow sense, i.e. at tertiary level, on the lexical strategy use and inferential success based on the previous categorization of various lexical inference strat

11、egies. answers to these questions are of great importance to both the pedagogy and language research, which can shed light on and guide the teaching and learning and make the processes more fulfilling and easie匚 these answers can also help practitioners tofind some respective methods to combine the

12、two processes together and make them harmoniousin the 1该部分根据具体内容与题目可有可无,研究11的与要回答的具体问题。2. purpose of this study and researchuestronsthe goal of this study is to investigate the influence of language proficiency (lp), gender (g), and majors (m) on lexical inference ability (lta) and learners' lex

13、ical inference strategy use (lisu), that is to say, whether 三 learners of different majors and gender with different language proficiency perform differentially in test in terms of lisu and lia? this study conducted is undertaken in an effort to (1) explore and investigate the differentiations of le

14、xical inference strategy use (lisu) and lexical inference ability (lia) of learners with different language proficiency (lp), gender (g) and majors (m), on one hand, and (2) to increase our knowledge of the interrelationship among lexical inference strategy提出 本研 究具 体要 回答 的研 究问题use (lisu), strategy s

15、core (ss), inferring score (is) and lexical inference ability (lia) of language learners, on the other hand. thus four research questions are asked: what are the overall patterns of lisu and lia possessed by the subjects?密)do learners of different lp, gender (g) and majors (m) perform differentially

16、 in test in terms of lisu and ss? if so, what are the differences, and how different?do learners of different lr gender(g) and majors (m) perform differentially intest in terms of lia and is? if so, what are the differences, and how different?what are the correlations among lisu, is, ss, and lia of

17、learners with different language proficiency, gender and majors? how can lisu predict is, ss and liain readii 必 须部分 times newroman小2号,段前、后各outline空行该部分包括:study background ; theoreticalbasis; significance and purpose of the study;chapter i categorizatintroduction1.2 logical clues1.3 background clues点

18、。所有outline部分字休为timesoutline为开题考察的重1.1 paraphrasing device1.4 morphological clues1.5 monitoring deviceschapter ii methodology2.1 subjectsresearch questions; outline of the thesis 等部分exical inew roman,字号小4号,1.5倍行 距。章标题加粗,注意各章节之间 的层次,节在章的基础上退格三个 字母,小节在节的基础上退格三个 字母。注意字母的大小写,只写三级标题.该部分请列岀你的具体的研究人纲。2.2 in

19、strument2.3 scoring criteria2.4 pilot study2.5 data collection2.6 data analysischapter iii results and discussion3accounts of learners with different lp3.2 accounts of learners with different majors3.3 accounts of learners with different gender必须部分。 times new roman小2号,段前后conclusions1 adams, s.j. scr

20、ipts and the recognition of vocabulary: enhancing secondlanguage reading skills. modern language1982 (2):155-159.2 bachman, l, f. fundamental considerations in language testingm. shanghai:shanghai foreign language education press. 1999a.3 bachman, lyle f., et al. language testing in practicem. shang

21、hai: shanghaiforeign language education press. 1999b.4 barnett. more than meet the eye foreign language reading: theory and practicem. new york: prentice hall. 1990.5 bensoussan, m., & b. laufer, lexical guessing in context in efl comprehension. journal of research in reading, 1984(7):15-32.6 br

22、own. g, et al., language and understcmdingm. shanghai: shanghai foreignlanguage education press. 1999-7j carton, s. a. inferencing: a process in using and learning language. in p. pimsleur and t quinn(eds.) the psychology of second language learningm. cambridge: cambridge university press. 1971.8 crow, j


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