《【志鸿优化设计】2020年秋九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do?Selfcheck教案 人教新目标版》_第1页
《【志鸿优化设计】2020年秋九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do?Selfcheck教案 人教新目标版》_第2页
《【志鸿优化设计】2020年秋九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do?Selfcheck教案 人教新目标版》_第3页
《【志鸿优化设计】2020年秋九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do?Selfcheck教案 人教新目标版》_第4页




1、unit 4what would you do?self check 教学目标1巩固所学词汇。2掌握e­mail的格式。教学重点1能灵活运用本单元所学的单词及短语。2掌握谓语动词的虚拟语气及用法。3提高阅读能力。教学难点1掌握并运用虚拟条件句, 能用虚拟句讨论一些虚拟的情景。树立关爱他人的意识。2能根据短文内容写回信。教学过程step 1:revision让学生利用“if.were或动词过去式.would 动词原形”结构, 谈论一些虚拟情景。老师为学生假设一些情景, 如在太空生活等。step 2:self check 11让学生阅读所给单词与句子, 说出所给形容词的汉语意思, 并说出

2、所填形容词在句中所作的成分。让学生总结形容词在句中可充当的成分, 如表语、定语、宾补等。2让学生分别读出完整的句子, 核对答案:(1.tired2.nervous3.friendly4.terrible5.shy)3让学生用所给词造句, 以加深理解。教师可为学生提供本单元的一些重点单词和词组, 如:lottery, trouble, energetic, in public, permission, bother, get along with等, 让学生用这些单词或词组造句, 进一步加强学生对单词的运用能力的训练。教师可为学生提供一些帮助。(强调本单元的重点词汇, 使学生能灵活运用。)ste

3、p 3:self check 21让学生带着问题“what's mei's problem?”阅读短文, 同时找出以下词组:english speech contest, want sb.to represent., come top, let sb.down, be terrified of, come up with, solutions to one's problem, the rest of。2让学生用这些短语造句, 表达动词的虚拟语气。老师可提供一些帮助。如:if there is an english speech contest, i will take

4、 part in it.if i were you, i would take part in the english speech contest.让学生说出一些这样的句子, 可以进一步加深他们对虚拟条件句的理解。3让学生再次阅读短文, 掌握e­mail的格式, 并根据问题提出建议。让学习比较好的同学朗读他们的回信, 若有错误进行更正。step 4:homework(1)让学生描述自己或同学的性格, 并且能针对性格方面的不足给出建议。(2)用本单元所学的虚拟条件句写出至少五个句子。 【话题链接】成功靠自信。自信多一分, 成功多十分。一个人的自信是一种人格魅力, 深深地吸引周围的人。

5、这篇短文也许能够帮助你认识和肯定自己, 做一个自信的人, 并从自信中得到快乐和成功! confidence is the feeling that you are sure you can complete(完成)a difficult or even dangerous task.feeling confident means that you are sure of your skills and abilities to succeed in a task.why aren't people more confident?how do you get self­conf

6、idence?why not be more confident?the reasons why people aren't confident might be as follows:they don't acknowledge their successes.they look at a task or a goal as too hard a task.some people take on tasks that are too difficult.how can you gain confidence?one way to gain confidence is to a

7、ccept your successes and learn from your mistakes to enhance(增强)your confidence.1break a task into smaller steps.before you set out to perform a task or try to achieve a goal, you must realize that the activity is really a series of smaller steps.so, instead of waiting until the end to find out if y

8、ou are successful, you can make several small successes leading up to the finish.2acknowledge success for each step.for each one of these steps or mini­tasks, you must acknowledge your success.congratulate yourself each time you succeed.if you don't do well, correct the errors you made.3enh

9、ance overall(全面的)confidence.this self­talk will enhance your acknowledgment of your abilities and increase your confidence as you work towards achieving the greater goal.in short, you can build your confidence by acknowledging your successes for each step along the way of trying to achieve a go

10、al.the self­congratulations will build and enhance your confidence along the way to feeling like a champion.【时尚双语】scene kidsscene kids dress them very casually, such as colored hair worn high on the head, dramatic eyeliner and straight jeans, and they like hip­hop, screamo, punk rock, and

11、other offbeat genres of music. 非主流少年非主流少年指衣着随便, 并且喜欢嘻哈、情绪嘶吼、朋克摇滚以及其他非主流音乐类型的人, 他们通常把头发染成鲜艳的颜色并高高梳在头顶, 描着夸张的眼线, 穿着修身牛仔裤。latchkey kidlatchkey kid or latchkey child refers to a child who go back home from school to an empty home because his or her parent or parents are away at work, or a child who is o

12、ften left at home by himself or herself.loneliness, boredom and fear are most common for those younger than 10 years of age.挂钥匙儿童“挂钥匙儿童”指因为父母出去工作, 所以放学后独自在家、无人照看的孩子。十岁以下的这类孩子最容易感到孤独、无聊和恐惧。【幽默英语】three whistlesi promised my girlfriend a gold necklace for her birthday, but when the jeweler quoted a pri

13、ce for one we liked, i let out a long, low whistle.“and how much is that one then?”i asked, pointing to another tray.“you, sir,”replied the jeweler,“about three whistles.”三声口哨我答应过我的女朋友过生日时送她一条金项链。可是当珠宝商报出我们看中的那条项链的价格时, 我低低地打了个长口哨。“那这条项链多少钱呢?”我指着另一个盘子里的项链问。“先生, 对你来说,”珠宝商答道,“大约值三声口哨。”【励志英语】1a great sh

14、ip asks for deep waters.大船要走深水。2while there is life, there is hope.有生命便有希望。/留得青山在, 哪怕没柴烧。3two heads are better than one.一人不及二人智; 三个臭皮匠, 胜过一个诸葛亮。4nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.无热情成就不了伟业。5it is never too late to learn.活到老, 学到老。6it is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢, 犹时未晚。7silence is g

15、olden.沉默是金。8where there's a will, there's a way.有志者, 事竟成。9when in rome, do as the romans do.入乡随俗。10a good friend is a treasure.好朋友是珍宝。11a friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交。12a friend without faults will never be found.没有缺点的朋友永难寻。13a life without a friend is a life without the sun.人生没有朋友, 犹如人生没有了太阳。14all things are difficult before they are easy.凡事先难后易。15books and friends should be few but good.书与朋友, 宁可少但要好。【智力英语】1why are the letter g and letter s in“gloves”close to each other?为什么单词gloves中字母g和s这么近?because the


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