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1、感谢您选择名昊教育,名昊内部教学资料助力您成绩突飞猛进!楊老师联系电话(微信)无【巩固练习】【巩固练习】i. 真题演练。真题演练。(杭州杭州)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c 和 d)中选出一个最佳选项。at a day care centre in texas, jessica mcclure was playing outside. jessicas mother,1worked at the day care centre, was watching her. suddenly jessica2and disappeared.jessicas mother

2、cried and ran to her.the well in the yard was only eight inches across, and a rock always3it. but childrenhad moved the rock.4jessica fell, she fell right into the well.jessicas mother ran to a phone and called 911 for5. men from the fire departmentarrived. they6that jessica was about 20 feet down i

3、n the well. then they told jessicasparents their7. “we cant go down into the well” they said, “its so small. ” so we are goingto dig a hole8well. well dig down about 20 feet. then well dig a tunnel(通道) across tojessica. when we reach her, well bring her through the tunnel. then well bring her up thr

4、oughour9.”the men began to dig the hole on a wednesday morning. two days later, on friday morning,they were10digging. and jessica mcclure was still in the well.all over the world people waited for news of jessica. they read about her in newspapers andwatched her rescue(营救)on tv. everyone11the little

5、 girl in the well.at 8:00 p.m. on friday, the men12reached jessica and brought her up from the well.then doctors rushed her to the hospital. jessica was badly injured but she was still13.adoctor at the hospital said, “jessica is lucky she is very14.shes not going to remember thisvery well.”maybe jes

6、sica will not remember her days in the well. but her parents, her rescuers, andmany other people around the world will not forget15.after jessicas rescue, one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well. on the cover hewrote, “to jessica, with love from all of us.”1.a. sheb. whoc. whomd. which2.

7、a. fellb. sleptc. stoopedd. rose3.a. brokeb. hidc. coveredd. opened4.a. becauseb.althoughc. ifd. when5.a. adviceb. moneyc. helpd. information6.a. promisedb. discoveredc. hopedd. agreed7.a. dreamb. studyc. lessond. plan8.a. next tob. along withc. far fromd. out of9.a. wellb. tunnelc. holed. yard10.a.

8、 stillb. alreadyc. alwaysd. almost11.a. looked afterb. worried aboutc. made friends withd. stayed away from12.a. immediatelyb. usuallyc. quicklyd. finally13.a. aloneb. asleepc. alived .afraid14.a. youngb. popularc. cleverd. pretty15.a. itb. themc. himd. us感谢您选择名昊教育,名昊内部教学资料助力您成绩突飞猛进!楊老师联系电话(微信)无(201

9、7 潍坊潍坊)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 a、b、c、d 四个选项中选出最佳选项。home alone is a very funny 1990 american film it tells a story about a boy who isaccidentally left alone at homeone night1christmas,the mcalister family meet at their hometheyre planning to2to paris for the coming holiday and are busy getting ready8-year-o

10、ld kevin is the youngestchild and is fighting with his brothers, sisters and his cousins when he goes to bed, he is so madthat he wishes all his family would3 in the morning, everyone wakes up very4 theyare all in a hurry to get to the airport,so they forget kevin and he is left alone at home byacci

11、dentalthough kevin is alone,he is very happy at firsthis terrible family has gonehis5has come truehe watches tv,eats lots of fast food and plays gameshe has a good timebutlater on,he goes out and hears two6men called harry and mary planning to steal from hishouse he goes home and plans some very fun

12、ny ways to7them many things in the houseget broken as kevin tries to stop themfinally,the8come and the men are taken awaythe house is now a mess,9kevin tidies it up and waits for his parentsthey get backfrom paris and are very happy to find that kevin is101abeforebaftercondfrom2aridebdrivecflydwalk3

13、arun inbcome outcfall downdgo away4aearlyblatecquicklydeasily5awishbplancpromisedorder6abravebnicecbaddhonest7akillbcatchcpleasedreplace8apolicebfamilycarmydclass9aorbbutcsodas10aactivebquietcfreedsafeii完形综合。完形综合。adifferent things usually stand for different feelings. red, for example, is the color

14、of fire,heat, blood and life. people say red is an exciting and active color. they associate(使发生联系)red with a strong feeling like1. red is used for signs of2, such as stop signs and fireengines. orange is the bright, warm color of3in autumn. people say orange is a4color. they associate orange with h

15、appiness. yellow is the color of5. people say it is acheerful color. they associate yellow too, with happiness. green is the cool color of grass in6. people say it is a refreshing color. in general, people7two groups of colors: warmcolors and cool colors. the warm colors are red, orange and8. where

16、there are warm colorand a lot of light, people usually want to be9. those who like to be with10like red.the cool colors are11and blue. where are these colors, people are usually worried. somescientists say that time seems to12more slowly in a room with warm colors. they suggestthat a warm color is a

17、 good13for a living room or a14. people who are having a restor are eating do not want time to pass quickly.15colors are better for some offices if thepeople working there want time to pass quickly.1.a. sadnessb. angerc. administrationd. smile感谢您选择名昊教育,名昊内部教学资料助力您成绩突飞猛进!楊老师联系电话(微信)无2.a. roadsb. ways

18、c. dangerd. places3.a. landb. leavesc. grassd. mountains4.a. livelyb. darkc. noisyd. frightening5.a. peasb. applesc. bananasd. tomatoes6.a. summerb. springc. autumnd. winter7.a. speakb. sayc. talk aboutd. tell8.a. greenb. yellowc. whited. gray9.a. calmb. sleepyc. actived. helpful10.a. the otherb. an

19、otherc. other oned. others11.a. greenb. redc. goldend. yellow12.a. go roundb. go byc. go offd. go along13.a. oneb. wayc. factd. matter14.a. factoryb. classroom c. restaurantd. hospital15.a. differentb. coolc. warmd.allbcharlie came from a poor village. his parents had1money to send him to school whe

20、nhe was young. the boy was very sad. mr. king lived next to him. he found the boy2and hadpity on him and lent some money to him. so the boy could go to school. he studied hard and3all his lessons. when he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town.and he began to work.o

21、nce mr. king was seriously hurt in an accident. dying, he asked charlie to take care of hisdaughter, sharon. the young man4and several years later he married the girl. he loved hervery much and tried his best to make her happy. he often bought beautiful clothes and deliciousfood for her. he was good

22、 at cooking and he cooked5for her. so she became very fat andshe felt it difficult to walk. and one day she found there was something wrong with her heart. herhusband wasnt at home and she had to go to6at once. the doctors looked her over andtold her7eat meat, sugar, chocolate and things like these.

23、 she was afraid8thedoctors words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper. when she got home, she put thelist on the table and9. when she returned home that afternoon, she found many kinds offood: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. charlie was busy10there. as soon as hesaw her, he sai

24、d happily, “ive bought all the food you like, dear!”1.a. nob. somec. muchd. enough2.a. lazyb. cleverc. carefuld. hard3.a. did well inb. was poor atc. was workingd. was good for4.a. was angryb. thought hardc. agreedd. said “no.”5.a. a littleb. a fewc. manyd. a lot6.a. restb. sleepc. hospitald. work7.

25、a. shouldb. wouldc. tod. not to8.a. to remember b. to forgetc. to catchd. to teach9.a. sleptb. went outc. cookedd. ate10.a. readingb. seeingc. cookingd. writingcmr. klein told the class that a new student, inez would join them soon. he1that inezwas deaf. she “talked” with others by using sign langua

26、ge. mr. klein knew sign language, and he感谢您选择名昊教育,名昊内部教学资料助力您成绩突飞猛进!楊老师联系电话(微信)无decided to teach2students so that they could also “talk” with inez.first, they learned to sign the letters. some letters were hard to3. other letters, such asc, were easier because the shape (形状) of the hand was the same

27、 as the shape of the letter.the4thing they learned was finger-spelling. they signed one letter after another tospell a word. they5with two-letter words such as at and on. then they spelled6words.finally, mr. klein showed that7one sign could be used for a whole word. to make thesign for the word fine

28、, a person spreads out (张开) the fingers on one hand,8the thumb (拇趾) to the chest (前胸) , and moves the hand away from the chest. signing is not just9withthe hands. expressions on the face are also10. the students learned to sign a question markby using expressions on the face.when inez first entered

29、the classroom, she looked11. but the students signed, “goodmorning, inez.” she gave the class a big smile and signed back, “what a wonderful12!”1.a. hopedb. saidc. guessedd. thought2.a. hisb. myc. herd. our3.a. spellb. checkc. rememberd. write4.a. firstb. onlyc. lastd. next5.a. metb. startedc. agree

30、dd. helped6.a. newerb. easierc. longerd. nicer7.a. neverb. perhapsc. stilld. just8.a. joinsb. fixesc. touchesd. ties9.a. madeb. donec. givend. chosen10.a. importantb. differentc. difficultd. strange11.a. seriousb. surprisedc. frightenedd. nervous12.a. welcomeb. congratulationc. progressd. success【答案

31、与解析】【答案与解析】i.真题演练。真题演练。(2016 杭州杭州)1. b。 根据句意“在日间护理中心工作的杰西卡的妈妈在照看着她”, 本题考查关系代词,结合此处选一个引导定语从句的连词来修饰先行词 jessicas mother,所以用 who 或 whom,which 的先行词只能是物,故用 b。2.a。fell 摔倒;slept 睡觉;stooped 弯腰;屈服;rose 升起。根据下文的4jessicafell, she fell right into the well.可知杰西卡摔倒了。3. c。 院子里的井直径只有 8 英寸, 一块岩石总是盖在上面。 broke 打破; hid

32、藏; covered覆盖;opened 打开。根据下文的 but children had moved the rock 可知一块岩石盖着它。4. d。because 因为;although 尽管;if 如果;when 当的时候。根据句意“当她摔倒的时候,恰巧落到了井里”可知选 d。5. c。advice 建议;money 钱;help 帮助;information 信息。根据句意“杰西卡的妈妈冲到电话旁打 911 请求帮助”可知选 c。6. b。promised 许诺;discovered 发现;hoped 希望;agreed 同意。根据句意“他们发现杰西卡在大约 20 英尺的水井下”可知选

33、 b。7. d。dream 梦想;study 学习;lesson 功课;plan 计划。根据下文消防员的话语可知:“他们告诉杰西卡父母他们的计划”,故选 d。8.a。next to 紧挨着;along with 一道,随着;far from 离远;out of 出于。根据句意“井口太小,我们将紧挨着水井再凿个洞”可知选 a。感谢您选择名昊教育,名昊内部教学资料助力您成绩突飞猛进!楊老师联系电话(微信)无9. c。well 水井;tunnel 隧道;hole 洞;yard 庭院。根据句意“当我们到达杰茜卡那儿的时候,然后我们将通过我们凿的洞把她弄上来”。10.a。still 仍然;already

34、 已经;always 一直;almost 几乎。根据句意“两天后,也就是在星期五的上午,他们仍然在挖洞”可知选 a。11. b。looked after 照看;worried about 担心;made friends with 和交朋友;stayedaway from 远离。根据上文的“全世界的人都在关注杰西卡和她的营救直播”,故大家都在担心井底下的她。12. d。immediately 立即;usually 通常;quickly 快速地;finally 最后。根据句意“在星期五的晚上 8 点钟,救援人员终于到达杰西卡处,并把她带出了水井”,可知选 d。13. c。alone 独自;asle

35、ep 睡着的;alive 活的;afraid 害怕的。根据句意“杰西卡伤得很严重,但是她仍然活着”可知选 c。14.a。young年轻的;popular 受欢迎的;clever 聪明的;pretty 漂亮的。根据句意“杰西卡很幸运,她年龄小,她将不会很好的记着这件事”可知选 a。15. b。根据上文 maybe jessica will not remember her days in the well 的 her days in thewell,“但是她的父母,哪些营救人员和世界上其他的许多人将不会忘记那些日子” 故用人称代词 them 代替 her days。(2017 潍坊潍坊)1.a。

36、由下文“for the coming holiday”可知,圣诞节前的一个晚上,mcalister 一家人在家聚会。before 表示“在之前”,符合文意,故选 a。2. c。ride 意为“骑”; drive 意为“驾驶”;fly 意为“飞”; walk 意为“走”。 由下文“they are allin a hurry to get to the airport”可知,他们打算乘坐飞机去巴黎。故选 c。3. d。run in 意为“跑进”;come out 意为“出来”;fall down 意为“摔倒”;go away 意为“离开,消失”。由上文“fighting with his bro

37、thers,sisters and his cousins”可知,他希望所有的家人都离开,故选 d。4. b。early 意为“早,在早期”;late 意为“迟,晚”;quickly 意为“很快地”;easily 意为“容易地”。由下文“they are all in a hurry to get to the airport”可知,早晨,每个人都起得非常晚,所以他们匆忙赶往机场,故选 b。5.a。wish 意为“希望”;plan 意为“计划”;promise 意为“承诺”;order 意为“订单”。根据上文“he wishes all his family would”及“his terri

38、ble family has gone”可知他的愿望成真了,故选 a。6. c。brave 意为“勇敢的”;nice 意为“好的”;bad 意为“坏的”;honest 意为“诚实的”。由下文“harry and mary planning to steal from his house”可知, 他听到两个坏人要进他家偷东西,故选 c。7. b。kill 意为“杀死”;catch 意为“抓住”;please 意为“请,使高兴”;replace 意为“代替”。结合下文的描述可知,kevin 回家计划了一些非常有趣的方式来抓他们,故选 b。8.a。police 意为“警察”;family 意为“家人

39、”;army 意为“军队”;class 意为“同学”。句意为:最终,警察来了,把那两个人带走了,故选 a。9. c。 空格前句“the house is now a mess”与后句“kevin tidies it up and waits for his parents”之间存在因果关系。so 意为“因此,所以”,符合文意,故选 c。10. d。 active 意为“积极的”; quiet 意为“安静的”; free 意为“自由的, 免费的”; safe 意为“安全的”。句意为:他们从巴黎回来,发现 kevin 很安全非常高兴。故选 d。ii完形综合。完形综合。a 篇篇1b。根据上文的 st

40、rong feeling 可知 anger 最合乎文意。感谢您选择名昊教育,名昊内部教学资料助力您成绩突飞猛进!楊老师联系电话(微信)无2c。下文所列举的例子 stop signs 和 fire engines 都属于危险信号,故选择 danger。3b。根据常识,黄色应是秋天树叶的颜色,故应选 leaves。4a。下文提到人们把黄色和幸福联系起来,说明黄色是一个充满生机的颜色,故选 lively。5c。由常识可知 banana 通常是黄色的。6b。绿色是春季里草的颜色,故选 spring。7c。speak 后面往往接某种语言作宾语;say 后面常接说话的内容;tell 的宾语一般是人;talk about 意为“谈论” 。8b。根据上文对 yellow 的解释,说明 yellow 也属于 warm color。9c。与下文喜欢冷色调的人相对应,再根据上文对各种暖色调的选择,active 合乎文意为正确选项。10d。others 相当于 other people 意为“别的人”。another 指“另一个”。other one 不可单独使用,the ot


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