



1、英语六年级下单元达标测试卷人教 PEP版Unit 2时间:90分钟总分值:100分一、争当小小翻译家。10分疲劳的兴奋的无聊的快乐的生气的二、英汉互译。只填序号10分()1. failed the math testA.得了流感()2. get the fluB.吃点药()3. a football matchC.嘲笑()4. stay in bedD.数学考试不及格()5. laugh atE.踢球()6. kick the ballF.进仃次长途旅仃()7.a littleG.有些()8. take some medici neH. 一场足球比赛()9. a few daysI.几天三、1

2、0. go on a big trip单项选择。(16分)J.卧床体息()1. Please stay_bed for a few days.A. toB. inC.for()2. If yousick. see the doctor.A. isB. areC.am()3. Amyvery sad. What's wrong her?A looks,with B look, with C.looks, to()4.does John feel? -he's sad.A. WhatB. HowC. Where()5. I'm sorryhear that.very ver

3、y sadredA. ForB.toC.in五、选择最正确答案写在横线上。10分()6. -I failed the math test.-1.(What's, Who's)the matter with you?A. I'm sorry to hear that2.1(feel, feels, feeli ng) sick.B. You are luckyC. Oh, that's bad3. My temperature(温度)is39°C . I have a()7. Somefeel sickthe win ter.(fever, tootha

4、che).A people; inB peoples; inC. people; at4. I am very(bored,excited),l have nothing to do.()8. My arm-5. -How does Amy feel? -She(is,are,am)happy.A. is hurtB. hurtC.hurts六、补全对话。把编号写在横线上10分四、将单词与对应的色彩连线。4分A.I'm sorry to hear that. B. What's the matter?healthyblueC. How are you?D.Does your r

5、ight hand hurt?sadpi nkE. can you write?F.What should I do?an gryblackG.Are you sick today?Lisa: Hi, Tim. 1.Nick: I am sick.Lisa:2.Nick: My fin gers hurt.Lisa:3.Nick: Yes. my right hand hurts. too.Lisa:4.Nick: No. I ca nt write 5.Lisa: You should go to see the doctor.Nick: Thank youLisa: You're

6、welcome.七、根据答句问问题。(10分)1. A: B:I feel sick2. A: B: I am 160 cm tall.3. A: B. She is tired4. A: B: Y es, he is angry5. A: B: I have a headache.八、连词成句我最棒。(10分)1. feel, how, does, L i u Y u n(?)2. my, failed ,I,math, test(.)3. look, so, happy, today, you (.)4 is, my, throat, sore(.)4. does, father, how

7、, your, feel, todayAunt Bear has to make the cake by herself. Zoom, Zi九、根据短文,答复下列问题。10分Aunt Bear is going to make a big cake. She wants some one to help her. “ Hi, Zoom! says Aunt Bear,“ Come and help me make a cake, please, “ sorry, Aunt Beat. I'm not feeli ng well today. I have a Toothache&quo

8、t; Zoom an swers .Zip, can you help me? ""Sorry, I'm not very well.I have a headache'iZip says.Mo nkey, what about you?"Mon key an swers, "No, I have a fever My throat is sore. I think I have a cold.p and Mon key play happily outside. When they walk back home, they are hu

9、ngry and tired. Aunt Bear comes out of her house to greet them, "Hello, childre n. I'm sorry you don't feel well today. You should eat well and go to bed early. Come and share my big cake." Zoom, Zip and Mon key feel very shy.1. What's Aunt Bear goi ng to do?2. What's the m

10、atter with Zoom?3. What's the matter with Zip?4. What's the matter with Monkey?5. Do you think they are ill? If not, why are they telling a lie(撒谎)?十、阅读短文,判断句子正(坊误(x)。(10分)It's Sun day after noon. The weather is fine. there is a football match betwee n Class 2 and Class 4. Man stud en ts

11、 are watch ing. They're excited.Now Z hang P eng has the hall. He passes it toWu Y i fan. But Wu Y i fan can't kick the ball.The n Joh n has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies toZ hang P eng is very an gry. The ball flies into the goal.How is Z hang P eng feeli ng now? Guess! He is so hap

12、py!Hooray! Class 4 won the game. Class 2 is very sad.()1. There is a basketball match on Sun day after noon.()2. Wu Y i fan cant kick the ball.()3. Z hang P eng is happy when the ball flies to his arm.()4. Z hang P eng is happy when the ball flies intothe goal.()5. Class 2 is not sad in the end.Z ha

13、ng P eng 's arm.参考答案:t, 1 H'»w 山】iipii2. ll-nw bn1 friin7Jr Hnw 4恰 Anrt/«llir 11?4. u V mKH ?15 % I uni '* Bbr inMlir ?dov- Iju'UH frnl,f j Idillr-rl m* piwiil I11 I k- l、I k«i|, Uh M|f|>| |i'|r4 M h ibwi-iuii hh mh"«| |>l IhW 4H' lf|llta,l (i| <hl 叩丸*|!> i|f*iiim hi MMl-


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