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1、仁爱版初一英语优质教案 进入初中阶段学生已经有了一定的英语学科学习背景,因此,每一个学生的英语学习情况存在一定的差异性。关于仁爱版初一英语优质教案有哪些?今天我在这给大家整理了一些仁爱版初一英语优质教案,我们一起来看看吧! 仁爱版初一英语优质教案1 教学目标 1.学会不同工作的英文表达方式。 2.了解同学父母的工作。 3.学会简单的介绍自己将来的理想。 教学重难点 重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police 重点句型:1. What does your m

2、other do? She is a teacher. What does your father do? He is an engineer. 2. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer. 教学工具 多媒体 教学过程 Step One Warming activity Have some free talks.Ask students these questions: How many people are there in your

3、 family? Who are they? Do you love your family? Wheres your home? Step Two Presentation Show the picture of Pan Changjiangs family. They are a happy family,learn the word “actor”.Actor is a job,do you know other jobs? Show the PPT, learn other new words ,policeman,policewoman,doctor,nurse,waiter Rep

4、orter,hospital ,bank clerk and so on. Do 1a as quickly as you can. Check the answers. Step Three New drills T: Im a teacher. (Ask one student What do you do?) Help the student answer Im a student. Then ask several students. T: What do you do? S1: Im a student. (Point to another boy) T: What does he

5、do? S1: He is a student. T: What do you do?(Ask a girl) S2:Im a student. (Point to this girl,ask another student) T:What does she do? S3:She is a student. T:What does your mother do? S4:She is a farmer. T:What does your father do? S4:He is a worker. Ask some Ss to answer the questions. Open your boo

6、ks,do 1b.Play the tape. Step 4 Task 1 Make a survey and report about your group. Name Mothers job Fathers job Step 5 Task 2 Play a guessing game. Step 6 Exercises 1.I want to be a d_ like Hua Tuo. 2.My sister is a nurse,she works in a h_. 3.Cheng Long is a famous a_,Gong Li is a famous a_. 4.The two

7、 boys want to be _(policeman) when they grow up. 5.-What _ you _(do)? -I am a teacher. 6.He is a shop assistant.(划线提问) _ _ he _? Step 7 Summary and Homework Make a survey ,ask your parents or three of your friends using the question” What do you want to be?” and fill in the chart. 课后小结 本节课的不足之处,由于本节

8、课的内容较简单,所以在各个任务环节的难度梯度不是很明显。这样没有为能力较强的同学提供战线的机会,而且本单元涉及的单词较多,学生不能完全的熟练掌握。所以在以后的教学中还应不断的探索,寻求更大的突破。 本堂课重点学习了有关职业的词汇和如何询问他人从事的职业,课堂效果较好,学生基本能够掌握并运用,较好的完成了课堂教学任务。 课后习题 1.I want to be a d_ like Hua Tuo. 2.My sister is a nurse,she works in a h_. 3.Cheng Long is a famous a_,Gong Li is a famous a_. 4.The t

9、wo boys want to be _(policeman) when they grow up. 5.-What _ you _(do)? -I am a teacher. 6.He is a shop assistant.(划线提问) _ _ he _? 仁爱版初一英语优质教案2 语言知识目标: 1.掌握词汇:lesson, class, Miss , twelve, year, thirteen , open, match, practise , Chinese, teacher 2.掌握语音:|e|æ|i:| 3.掌握系动词be的一般现在时的陈述句形式。 4.掌握目标语言:

10、My name is .Im a Im years old. Im from. 语言技能目标: 1,能听懂别人的自我介绍,能听懂包含自我介绍的简短对话. 2.能利用做简单的自我介绍呀询问对方信息. 情感态度:使学生在学习中学会合作交流.培养学生与人交谈时要尊重对方的习惯. 学习策略:培养学生利用图片联想词汇的习惯.恰当运用多媒体辅助教学,运用网络视频,音频等素材,创设情境,有效质疑,模拟真实意义的活动.明确目标,自主学习,通过小组讨论合作探究。 教学流程: 环节一:(创设情境,有效质疑)Warming up Teachers Activity: 1. Play an English song.

11、 2. Teachers self-introduction. (Im Chinese, Im a teacher, of course , Im an English teacher. Do you want to know something about me ? Please ask me .板书:Chinese, teacher, friend .) Students Activity: 1. Listen and sing following the tape. 2. Ask the teacher some questions .(for example: What s your

12、English name? Where are you from? How old are you?) 环节二:(明确目标,自主学习)In put Teachers Activity: 1. Ask students some questions . Make conversations with the students.(The questions: Whats your name? Where are you from? How old are you?) 2.Let the students ask and answer the below questions in pairs 3.

13、Deal with Activity 1.listen to the tape and show the question(How many people speak, What are they?) 4. Do Activity 2. The question: What can you see in the picture ? 5. Ask the students to listen and do Activity4. Students Activity: 1. The students listen and answer the teachers questions . 2.Make

14、conversations with their partners. 3.Show the conversations. 4.Listen to the tape and do Activity 1,answer the question. 5.Describe the picture of Activity2.(引导学生尽量用所给的单词描述。) 6. listen and do Activity4. Then repeat the conversation. 环节三: (合作探究,互动双赢)Practice Teachers Activity: let the students ask an

15、d answer according to the sentences of Activity 5 . Students Activity: 1.work in pairs , ask and answer. 2.Introduce themselves. 3.Activity 6 and 7 . Listen to the tape and repeat . 4. Do Activity 8. 环节四:Out put Teachers Activity: 1.Play the tape of Activity 3,ask Ss to listen carefully ,fill in the

16、 form. 2.Now ,ask the students to report . Students Activity: 1. Listen to the tape .Then fill in the form. Name age job city country Miss Li Lingling Daming Wang Hui 2. First, report in groups. Then choose one member from each group to give the whole class a report . 环节五: (反思回顾)Feedback (略) 环节六: (总

17、结质疑)Summing-up Teachers Activity: Ask: What did you learn this class? Students Activity: Answer teachers questions.(首先,小组讨论,每组一个代表发言) 环节七: (拓展延伸,创新实践)Homework:(作业分层) 1. Some students write a passage to introduce themselves. 2. Make a conversation with your partner. 3. Read the conversation of Activi

18、ty 3 . 教学反思: 本节课重点训练学生的听说能力,首先以英语歌曲和老师自我介绍导入本课话题,激活背景知识,教师作示范,激发学生装的热情与兴趣,为进一步的交流与训练打下基础。同时通过师生问答呈现新知识,练习对话巩固句型.听力的设计意在训练学生听的能力,捕捉信息的能力及处理问题的反应能力,也为学生的口语交际提供正确的语言语调。语言学习的目的在于应用,在学习了本部分的语言功能之后,可以使学生运用语言的能力有所提高。 仁爱版初一英语优质教案3 【学习目标】 知识与技能 (1)熟练掌握下列词汇: guitarjoindanceswimsingchesspaintspeak (2)熟练掌握下列短语:

19、 playchessplaytheguitar speakEnglishtheart/music/English/chess/swimmingclub (3)掌握下列句型:. 询问特长和能力. -Canyou?-Yes,Ican./No,Icant. -Whatcanyoudo?-Icandance,butIcantsing. 掌握参加俱乐部的句型, A:Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin? B:Iwanttojointhemusicclub. 过程与方法 相互询问讨论听力练习 情感、态度与价值观 (1)通过对人物个性化的了解,认识对方 (2)跨学科学习:语言艺术、审美教育 (3)

20、了解自己的能力,培养情操 【教学重难点】 重点:学会谈论自己的喜好和意愿以及学会谈论自己或别人的能力. 难点:情态动词can的用法 【导学过程】 一.新课预习 单词:吉他_加入;参加_跳舞_ 游泳_唱歌_国际象棋_画画_ 说话,说_cant(不能)=_我们的_ 你们的_他们的_ 词组:英语俱乐部_艺术俱乐部_ 音乐俱乐部_象棋俱乐部_ 游泳俱乐部_足球俱乐部_ 下象棋_说英语_ 说中文_弹吉他_ 二.情景导入 出示一些反映各种活动的图片、幻灯片或播放课件,引导学生谈论活动: He/Shecandance/swim/sing/··ButIcantdance/swim/sing

21、/.等,学习表达活动的动词短语。 三.合作探究 1.Sslookatthepicturein1a.Thenreadthewordsandphrases.LetSsmatchtheactivitieswiththepeople. ThenChecktheanswerswiththeclasstogether. 2.Listening 播放lb部分的录音让学生听,学生根据所听到的内容,选出对话的顺序,完成1b部分的教学任务。 Checktheanswers:3,2,1 3.Pairwork 学生展开Pairwork活动,完成lc部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用can询问和表达能力。 4.Liste

22、ning Workon2a,2b; ChecktheanswerswiththeSs. 5.Pairwork 老师可以和一名优秀的学生做一个对话的例子,让学生们明白如何去问答,例如: T:WhatclubdoesLisawanttojoin? S1:Shewantstojointhechessclub. T:Cansheplaychess? S1:No,shecant. 四.点拨总结 1、Can、may、must、should、need是情态动词,在句子中不能单独作谓语,后接动词原形。没有人称和数的变化。 2、表示疑问时,只需把情态动词提前;表否定时,在情态动词后直接加not. 3、must开

23、头的一般疑问句,否定回答只能用neednt。 4、情态动词还可能表推测:cantbe一定不是;maybeshouldbe可能是;mustbe一定是 5.playtheguitar.弹吉他 演奏某种乐器用“play+the+乐器名词”结构,表示“演奏;弹奏;吹奏”。如:playtheguitar;playtheviolin;playthepiano;playthedrums。但汉语音译为英语的乐器前不加定冠词the,如playerhu拉二胡。 拓展:打球、下棋常用“play+球类、棋类”结构,如playsoccer,playbasketball,playchess,playgames,playc

24、ards. 6.Iwanttojointheartclub.我想加入美术俱乐部。 join(动词)表示“参加;加入”,在本单元中指加入社团或组织,成为其中的成员。例如:jointhearmy参军;jointheYoungPioneers加入少先队;jointheNBA加入美国的全国篮球协会 五.训练评价 单项选择1.Canyoupaint?No,I. A.dontB.amnotC.cant 2.Tomcanswimbuthecantswim. A.wellB.goodC.nice 3.WhatclubMarywanttojoin? A.doB.doesC.can 4.CanheEnglish?

25、 A.speakB.talkC.say 5.Bobcanplaytennisbuthecantplayguitar. A.the;theB./;theC./;/ 中考链接 1.-Look!Thelightsintheteachersofficearestillon.IsMr.Liworking? -No.It_beMr.Li.Isawhimleavejustnow. A.maynotB.mustntC.cant D.neednt 2.Veryloudnoisesmakepeoplei11.SowemakegreatnoiseA.must;mustntB.need;neednt C.can;mu

26、stntD.must;cant 3.-Icantstopplayingcomputergames. -Foryoureyes,mydearfriend,Imafraidyou. A.mayB.canC.mustD.will 按要求改写句子 1.Icanplaytheguitarverywell.(改为一般疑问句) _theguitarverywell? Theycanplayvolleyballwell.(改为否定句) They_volleyballwell. Tomcansingattheparty.(对画线部分提问) _Tom_attheparty? Canthegirlplaythegu

27、itar?(作否定回答) _,_. Mybrotherwantstojointhesoccerclub.(对画线部分提问) _club_brother_tojoin? 仁爱版初一英语优质教案4 【学习目标】: 1、熟练掌握本课6个单词. 2、学会询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名. 3、能听懂有关谈论他人姓名的对话并进行自由交际. 【学习重点】: 询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名的句型. 一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 熟练读写本课6个单词. 1.个人自渎,记忆本课单词. 2.小组互相检查单词读写情况. 3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示. 学习任务二: 运用

28、句型:Whats his / her name? His / Her name is . 进行自由交际. 1.小组合作,理解并熟读下列短语,并写出汉语意思. my nane ( ) your name ( ) his name ( ) her name ( ) 2.个人理解下列对话,并且两人合作练习. A:Hello! Whats your name? B:My name is Gina. A:Nice to meet you. B:Nice to meet you,too. A:Whats her name? B:Her name is Jenny. 3.小组合作,练习自己的对话. 4. 对

29、抗组开展竞赛,展示自己的对话. 学习任务三: 听听力完成2a,2b. 1.个人看图,理解四幅图画,思考图画中人是在谈论他人还是对方. 2.听听力,给四幅图画编号. 3. 小组为单位,熟读2b中的名字。 4.听听力,完成2b. 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) 讨论下面两句话如何用英语表达. 1.他叫Bob. 2.她叫Jenny. 三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 根据提示,完成下列问答. _ _ Whats _ name? _ is . _ _ 四、诊断评价 1、 写出下列短语. (1)我的时钟(2)你的问题 (3)他的名字(4)她的回答 2、 根据句意及首字母补全单词。 (1)_is your name ? (2)Nice to m_you. (3)His a _is g


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