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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载课题unit3 this is my sister period 1课型新授学问与技能1 learn the new words and phrasesgrandfather、 grandmother、 father、mother 、brother、sister、 uncle、 aunt、 cousin、 son、教学daughter、 parents2. learn to introduce ones own family and friends3. learn the forms and usage of the plural nouns精品学习资料精选学

2、习资料 - - - 欢迎下载过程与方法目标memorizing 、 role playing 、do pairwork and groupwork精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载情感态度与价值观understand their families through knowning some information of their own families精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载这为人教版七年级上册的一个单元,这一单元主要为让同学明白家庭成员,会用英学情语介绍自己的家庭成员, 并且初次熟悉可数名词单复数的变化;学问

3、量虽然不多, 但对于刚入中学的同学来说, 仍为有肯定的难度的, 为了让同学学好并且不备困难吓到,分析激发同学的爱好就变得尤为重要了,因此课堂上可以放慢教学速度,而且在讲家庭成员时可以出示一些同学比较感爱好的图片来帮忙同学把握这些新单词;教学learn the demonstrativepronoun“this, that ,these ,those ”forintroducingothers难点教法task-based language teaching approach与communicative teaching approach学法精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学活动过

4、程设计步骤教师活动学生活动warming up精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载first show some school things to the students.then ask一.them some questions.t:hello 、 everyone . look . whats this . t: whats this .导入ask questions like this.try to give more studentschances to review the words about school things.after that show them a

5、photo of my family and ask新课t:whats this .t:who is the woman in the picture .t:yes、 its me . you know me . please look at these people . do you know them .encourage them to try to guess these people. then tell themt: they are my familymembers.today iwant tointroduce my family members to you . would

6、you like to meet them .s :it s apen s :it s a rulerss:it s a picturess:it s you.ss:no. we don t先一问一答复习上节课所学的内容, 然后话题一转给同学出示一张老师自 己的全家福, 马上吸引了同学的留意力, 这样马上去讲新单 词成效很好;ss: yes精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载step one: new words.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载t:he is my“father”. please read after me 、 fatherf-a-t-h-e-r 、f

7、ather .t: this is my father .teach the word“mother” in the same way .t: he ismyfather.she ismymother.these are myparents. read after me 、 parents.二.t: ihave two brothers、two sisters、ihave manyfriends.展现teach brothers、 sisters、 and friendsin the same way.新课t: read these new words together.加以练习巩固pract

8、ice the new words.新知t:look at these pictuies .can you tell me who are they.here give them some interesting photos、let them use the new words to describle the photos.t: now open your book.look at 1a.do it by yourselflearn the new words.read these mew words and try to remember these words.then have a

9、match to remember these words.look at these photosuse the new words to describle the photos.利用同学感爱好的照片比如家有儿女的全家福 等,让同学用新学的单词描述这些照片,不仅调动了同学的爱好,而且让同学更进一步记忆新单词;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a few minutes latercheck the answers.t: is he right. step two: drilllisten and circle.t: a boy is talking about his fami

10、ly. who is he talking about. now listen and circle the people the boy talks about.play the recordert:whats the answer.pairwork.talk about daves family.成效相对来说会更好一些;ask one student to the frontto do it.the other students write downletterson thebooks.in this way finish 1a.s s: yes.listen carefully then

11、 give the answers: two brothers and sister.用听力强化所学的新单词精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载t: this is a picture of daves family. let s talk about daves family in pairs. you must use “ this is ” and “ these are ” to do it. studentspractice.teacher walks around the room tohelp them. s1: who i

12、s this. s2:this is his精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载t: now check your practice. ask a few pairs to practice.step three: groupworktalk about the family tree. t: look at the family tree.show a family tree on the blackboard.t:let s talk about the family tree、 you can do it ingroups of f

13、ouror three.you can do itinpairsor you can do it yourself. then report it to the class.studentswork.teach moves around theclassroomtohelp the students.t: check your work.s1: who are these.s2:these are his让同学通过介绍 dave的家庭加强句型的操练;s3:my name islook at this. this is my familytree. this is myandthis is my

14、. these are mythis is mythis is mymy mother is this is myhis name isi love my family very much.用家谱的形式出现出所学的新单词,形象直观sa:excuse me. what s精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载t: excellent. next make a dialogue in pairs about yourfamily.first、you must greeteach other、thenintroduce your family. two students come to th

15、e front. make a survey.t: please take out the family photos you bring to school. workin groups of four. fill in the form. then give a report to the class.namefamily members studentswork.teacher movesaround the classroomtohelp the students.this.sb: it s myfamilytree. sa:whos this.sb: this is my fathe

16、r. sa:whos this.sb: this is my mother. a few pairs do this.让同学介绍自己的家庭,不仅贴近生活,而且可以检测同学学问把握的情 况;work in group to fillintheform .then givea report.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载三.homework作业write a passage about your family.四.unit3this is my sister板mother father parentthis is his sister.书grandmother grandfathergrandparentthese are his brothers.设brothersisterfriend计教本课


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