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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载personification:1. the middle eastern bazaar takes you.2. dancing flashes3. the beam groan . and protesting4. where camels lie disdainfully chewing their hay、5. life dealt him profound personal tragedies.6. the river had acquainted him with .7. .to literature's enduring gratitud

2、e.8. .an entry that will determine his course forever.9. bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.10. personal tragedy haunted his entire life.hyperbolehyperbole is a figure of speech in whichexaggeration is used to emphasize a point、 to create humor、 or to achieve some similar effects

3、1) . takes you .hundreds even thousands of years2) innumerable lamps3) with the dust of centuries4) i see the ten thousand villages5) .cruise through eternal boyhood and .endless summer of freedom.6) america laughed with him.7) . the trial that rocked the world8) his reputation as an authority on sc

4、ripture is recognized throughout the world.9) now i was involved in a trial reported the world over.onomatopoeia :1) creak、 squeak、 rumble、 grunt、 sigh、 groan、 etc. tinkling、 banging、 clashing2) . its clanking、 heelclicking3) appreciative chuckle4) clucked his tonguemetaphor1) i had a lump in my thr

5、oat2) at last this intermezzo came to an end.3) i was again crushed by the thought.4) hen the meaning . sank in、 jolting me outof my sad reverie5) littleold japan adriftamid beige concreteskyscrapers .strugglebetween kimono and the miniskirtlittle old japan- traditional floating houses6精品学习资料精选学习资料

6、- - - 欢迎下载hiroshima-people of hiroshima、 especially those who suffered from the a-bombkeepherthoughtsundercontrole.g.1whetherforhim、thearchanti- communist、 this was riot bowing down in the house of rimmon2) i suppose they will be rounded up in hordes.3) thenaziregimeisdevoid ofalltheme andprinciplee

7、xcept appetite andracial domination.4) still smarting from many a british whipping5) rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yokea. his wife shot him a swift、 warning glance. give sb. an angry and quick glareb. the words spat forth with sudden savagery. the detective said the

8、words suddenly and savagely.c. her tone .withered.become shorter from her frightening voiced. .self-assurance.flickered. hesitate; move with a quick wavering light emotione. the duchess kept firm tight rein on her racing mind.1) f. her voice was a whiplash.i. a heavy blow2) g. eyes bored into himi.

9、look at him pointedly or sharply3) h. i ll spell it out.aexplain or speak outfrankly and in detail4) 1. mark twain - mirror of america5) 2. most americans remember mark twain as the father of huck finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and tom sawyer's endless summer of freedom and ad

10、venture.6) 3. the geographic core、 in twain's early years was the great valley of the mississippiriver 、 main artery of transportation in the young nation's heart.7) 4. the cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied a cosmos.8) cast of characters: people of v

11、arious sorts; cosmos: a place where one can find all sorts of characters9) 5. steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity、 butits flotsam of hustlers、 gamblers、 and thugs as will.10) current: stream、 here not a good choice for the verb teem.11) 6. he went west by sta

12、gecoach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in nevada 's washoe region.12) succumbedto:gavewaytoyieldedto、submittedto thegoldandsilverrush prevailing in that area.13) 7. for eight monthshe flirtedwiththe colossal wealthavailableto the luckyand the persistent、 and was rebuffed

13、.flirtedwealth:didnottryhardorpersistentlyenoughtogetthecolossal精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载wealthfailed14) 8. from the discouragement of his mining failures、 mark twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.6. he went west by stagecoach and succumbed to the epidemic

14、 of gold and silver feverin nevada 's washoe region.15) succumbedto:gavewaytoyieldedto、submittedto thegoldandsilverrush prevailing in that area.16) 7. for eight monthshe flirtedwiththe colossal wealthavailableto the luckyand the persistent、 and was rebuffed .flirtedwealth:didnottryhardorpersiste

15、ntlyenoughtogetthecolossal wealthfailed17) diggingfame: working hard to gain regional fame18) mark twain honed and experimented with his new writing muscles .honed: sharpened/exercised. it is not suitable to say "sharpen one's muscles".19) saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.20) th

16、e vast basin drained three-quarters of the settled united states21) allwouldresurfacein his books.thathe soaked up. submarinecomes back to the surface、 here reappear22) when railroads began drying up the demand.23) .took unholy verbal shots.24) my case would snowball into.25) our town .had taken on

17、a circus atmosphere.26) the street .sprouted with .27) he thundered in his sonorous organ tones.28) had not scorched the infidels.29) after the preliminary sparring over legalities30) the case had erupted on my head.31) now darrow sprang his trump card by calling bryan as a 32) but although malone h

18、ad won the oratorical duel with bryan.33) then the court broke into a storm of applause that34) he accused bryan of calling for a duel to the deathirony : a figureofspeech inwhichthe meaning literallyexpressed is the opposite of the meaning intended and which aims at ridicule、 humor or sarcasm .1) h

19、iroshima-the liveliest city in japan2) marching backwards to the glorious age of the 16th centuryanti-climax: the sudden appearance ofan absurd or trivialidea followinga serious significant ideas and suspensions. this device is usu. aimed at creating comic or humorous effects.1) a town known through

20、out the world for its-oystersparallelismthe repetition of sounds、 meanings and structures serve to order、 emphasize、 and point out relations精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载(1) the past、 with its crimes、 its follies、 and its tragedies.(2) the return of the bread-winner、 of their champion、 of their protector(3

21、) we shall fight him by land、 we shall fight him by sea、 we shall fight him in the air.(4) where the means of existence is wrung so hardly from the soil、 but where there are still primordial human joys、 where maidens laugh and children play.(5) let us. let us.(6) he hopes . he hopes(7) behind all th

22、is glare、 behind all this stormlitotesdouble negative 语轻意重法 、间接确定法 a) a negativebeforeanotherwordto indicatea strongaffirmativeinthe opposite direction.b) i had not the slightest doubt where our duty and our policy lay.sarcasm1) ah、 yes、 for there are times when all pray2) there is some doubt about

23、that.3) hisreputationas an authorityonscriptureis recognizedthroughoutthe world.alliteration(头韵) repetition of vowel sound1) e.g. i see also the dull、 drilled、 docile、 brutish masses2) its clanking、 heelcl icking3) fighting for his hearth and home4) let us learn the lessonsrhetorical question1) e.g.

24、but can you doubt what our policy will be.assonancei see also the dull、 drilled、 docile、 brutish masses of the hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.e.g. when bigots lighted faggots to burn.repetitione.g. from this nothing will turn us nothing. 1that is our policy and that is our

25、 declaration.2 the return of the bread-winner、 of their champion、 of their protector. 3 we have but one aim and one single、 irrevocable purpose.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载4 we will never parley; we will never negotiate with hitler or any of his gang.antithesis 两个结构相像但为意思相反的平行从句便为对偶句1e.g. anyman or state

26、 who fights on against nazidom will have our aid. any man or state who marches with hitler is our foe.e.g. the coward does it with a kiss、 the brave man a sword.2) fromthemall marktwaingaineda keenperceptionofthehumanrace、of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.3.t

27、ook unholy verbal shots at the holy land.4.a world which will lament them a day and forget them foreversimilea) i see also the dull、 drilled、 docile、 brutish masses of the hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.b) .a memory that seemed phonographicc) .swept the arena like a prairi

28、e fired) .a palm fan like a sword.e) the oratorical stormblew up in the little court in dayton swept like a fresh windperiodic sentence 圆周句 periodic sentences achieve forcefulness by suspense. the essential elements in the sentence are withheld until the end.松散句把主要意思放在次要意思之前,先说最重要的事情,因而读者在看到最初的几个词后就

29、知道这句话的意思;圆周句的支配就相反:把最重要的意思放到最终面,并且直到最终一个词时句子的结构才完整;读者只有看完整句话才知道它说什么; she decided to study english though she was interested in music.(松散句)although she was interested in music、 she finally decided to study english.(圆周句)1) e.g. the past 、 with its crimes、 its follies、 and its tragedies、flashes away .2) if hitler imagines that his attack on soviet russia will cause the slightest divergence of aims or slackening of effort in the great democracies who are resolved upon his doom、 he is woefully


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