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1、人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结和练习题人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结及练习题 一、词汇拓展(1)special adj.特殊的;特别的 n.特色菜;特价品specially ad.特意地;专门地(2)different adj.不同的;有区别的 difference n.区别;不同(3)luck n.运气;幸运lucky adj.幸运的;运气好的 luckily adv.幸运地;运气好地(4)true adj.真实的;确实的truly ad.真实地truth n.真实;真相(5) worry v.担心;忧虑 worried adj.担心的;着急的(6) child n.

2、孩子;小孩 children a.孩子们;小孩二、短语归纳(1) would like 想要同 want(2) beef and tomato noodles 牛肉西红柿面(3) what kind of 什么种类的(4) the number of. .的数量(5) orange juice 橙汁(6) order form 订购表(7) four bowls of 四碗.(8) make a wish 许一个愿(9) come true 实现;或为现实(10)blow out 吹灭(11) cut up 切碎;切断(12) be short of 缺少;短缺(13) be popular

3、with 受到欢迎(14) all of.中的全部(15)in one go 一次,一口气同 at a time(16)Can I help you?你要点什么吗?同 What can I for you?(17).May I take your order?我可以给你点菜吗?(18)a large/big bowl of.一大碗.(19)what size bowl of.多大号碗的三、知识点 fish(1)fish 既可作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。用作可数名词指鱼的条数时, 单复数相同。1 / 9人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结和练习题例如:I bought two fish

4、 in the market.(2)fish 用作可数名词指鱼的种类时,复数形式是 fishes.例如:There are many kinds of fishes in the lake.(3)fish 作不可数名词,意为“鱼肉”。Do you like fish or eggs? 你喜欢吃鱼肉还是鸡蛋?(4)fish 还可以作动词,意为“钓鱼”。Lets go fishing tomorrow. 让我们明天去钓鱼吧。四、知识点 special(1)special 作名词时,意为“特色菜、特价品、特别的事物”等。例如:The train is a special for the footba

5、ll game.The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.(2)special 还可以做形容词,意为“特殊的, 特别的,特色的”。His accent is quite special.五、知识点 order(1)order 作名词,意为“点菜”,是可数名词;词组 take ones order 意为“点菜”。 例如:May I take your order?拓展:order 作名词时,还可以表示“顺序、次序”。例如:The names are in alphabetical order.My

6、 mother likes order in our home.(2)order 作动词,意为“命令、要求、订购货物”等。例如:The police ordered them to wait right there.Shall I order a taxi for you?六、知识点would like + sth. / to do sth. / sb. to do sth 想/想要/愿意=want to do sth. -What would you like to drink? -Id like a cup of tea.She wouldnt like to do that.Id lik

7、e you to go there with me.七、知识点 blowblow 不及物动词,意为“吹”;词组 blow out 意为“吹灭”。后接名词时,名词 可以放在词组的中间也可以放在 out 的后面;后接代词时,代词必须放在词组的 中间。例如:The wind blew out the candle. 风吹灭了蜡烛。The wind blew the match out. 风把火柴吹灭了。The wind blew it out. 风把它吹灭了。八、知识点2 / 9人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结和练习题make sb. /sth. do sth. 意为“使某人做某事”。ma

8、ke sth/sb+adj 意为“使/让某人(某物)怎么样”。例如:The boss makes us work eleven hours a day.She often makes him happy.九、知识点a number of 表示“许多”+名词复数+谓语动词复数A number of students of our school have read that magazine.A number of wild animals have been found in the forest.the number of 表示“ 的数量”+名词复数+谓语动词单数。The number of

9、students in our school is 1,500.十、知识点what size 询问尺寸、大小, “多大尺寸,什么号码的 ”。size 是名词,可以表示 物品的大小、尺寸、号码。1)-你要多大号码的鞋?-我要 38 码的。-What size shoes would you like?-Id like Size 38.2)这件恤有点小,你能给我一件大号的吗?This T-shirt is a little small for me. Would you like to show me a larger size?十一、知识点语法:名词复数的变化规律一、名词复数的构成方法及读音规则

10、1.一般情况加s:例如: mapmaps; drinkdrinks; roofroofs; parkparks; 例如: boyboys; show shows; zoozoos;panda pandas; car cars; singersingers;例如: girlgirls; penpens; friend friends; bagbags; lab labs; room rooms;2.以 s, sh, ch, x 等结尾加es, 如:busbuses watchwatches box boxes brushbrushesmatchmatches fishfishes3.以辅音字母+

11、y 结尾,变 y 为 i,再加 es。例如:babybabies; strawberrystrawberries country countries; story stories familyfamilies; city cities但以 y 结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加 s 变 复数。two Marys the Henrys3 / 9人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结和练习题boyboys; monkey monkeys;playplays; holiday holidays4.以 o 结尾的名词,变复数时:1)无生命的加 s, 如:photo-phot

12、os, zoo-zoos piano-pianos, radio-radios ; 2)有生命的加 es, 如:potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes, hero-heroes(英雄), 5.以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词变复数时:1)加 s,如:belief-beliefs(信仰,信任) scarf-scarfs / scarves (围巾)roof-roofs (房顶)2)去 f, fe 加 ves,如:half-halves (半) knife-knives leaf-leaves wolf-wolveswife-wives life-lives(生命)thief

13、-thieves shelf-shelves (架子)self-selves(自己)二、名词复数的不规则变化1.child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese(鹅), mouse-mice(小老鼠), man-men, woman-women,注意:由一个词加 man 或 woman 构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和 -women。an Englishman-two Englishmen。但 German 不是合成词,所以复数形式为 Germans.2.单复同形。如:deer 鹿,sheep 绵羊Chinese-Chinese;

14、 Japanese-Japanese3.集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people(一个人),apolice, a cattle;(但是可以有:a people : 一个民族)但在表达“一个”时,可以说 a person,a policeman,a head of cattle . 4.以 s 结尾,仍为单数的名词,如:1) maths(英:数学),politics(政治),physics(物理)等学科名词,虽然 后有-s,但是为单数形式。2) news 为不可数名词。3) the United States,the

15、 United Nations 视为单数。4) 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。例5.表示由两部分构成的东西,只有复数形式。glasses; trousers; pants; shorts; shoes; compasses(圆规)scissors(剪刀)等,4 / 9人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结和练习题若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套)。a pair of glasses一副“眼镜”;two pairs of trousers两条裤“子”等。6.另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思。如:goods 货物, wat

16、ers水域,fishes(各种)鱼。三、表示“某国人”的单复数变化:1.加-s的词:German-Germans (德国人)Russian-Russians(俄罗斯人)Roman-Romans (罗马人)American-AmericansArab-Arabs(阿拉伯人)2.有变化的词有:Frenchman-Frenchmen; Englishman-Englishmen四、合成名词变为复数时:1.第一个或最后一个词变成复数。girl friend-girl friends(女朋友)boy student-boy students(男学生)grown-up-grown-ups(成年人)pass

17、er-by-passers-by(过路人)son-in-law -sons-in-law(女婿)2.构成合成名词的两个词都要变为复数。man servant-men servants(男仆人) woman teacher-women teachers man doctor - men doctors可数名词和不可数名词1 本 单 元 的 可 数 名 词 : eggs, apples,strawberries,oranges,onions, dumplings, drinks, carrots,2 本单元的不可数名词:rice, porridge, beef, mutton, broccoli,

18、 juice 本单元的既是可数又是不可数的名词; chicken,salad,ice cream,cabbage, soup, dessert, fish一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Many children like to eat _candies_(candy)2. He is so _lucky_(luck) this time.He gets the ticket.3. The wind is _blowing_(blow) heavily.It's going to rain.4. I'd like two _cups_(cup) of green tea.5 /

19、 9人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结和练习题5. There _is_(be) some beef and tomatoes in the noodles,do you like the noodles with beef and _tomatoes_(tomato)?5. They would like _to see_(see) the animals in the zoo.6. Let them _help_(help) us with English.7. Would you like some juice _to drink_(drink)?5. There are som

20、e _tomatoes_(tomato) and _porridge_ (porridge) on the table. 10.What about _swimming_ (swim) in the pool?二、单项选择( C ) 1. -Would you like something to eat?-_. Im not hungry.A. Yes, Id like to B. Yes, Id love to C. No, thanks( A ) 2. -_? -Id like a cup of tea.A. Would you like some tea B. Can you help

21、me C. Do you like tea( B ) 3. -Do you want a big watermelon(西瓜) or a _ one?-A big one, please.A. thin B. small C. heavy( B ) 4. He is too hungry and he wants two _.A. bowl of noodles B. bowls of noodles C. bowls of noodle( A ) 5. -What _ coat would you like? -A medium one.A. size B. kind C. color( C

22、 ) 6. -Lets do something at the party. What about _?-No, Id like _.A. to sing; to dance B. to sing; dancing C. singing; to dance( B ) 7. -Would you like green tea _ juice?- I dont like green tea _ juice.A. and; and B. or; or C. and; or( C ) 8. Look! Some chicken _ on the plate. And some eggs _ in th

23、e bowl.A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are( A ) 9. I often eat some _ and _ on Sunday evenings.A. tomatoes; fish B. tomato; fish C. tomatoes; fishes( C ) 10. -What size pizza _ Lily like?-She _ like a large pizza.A. does; is B. is; would C. would; would( D )11.-What size pizza would you like, small or

24、medium ? -_.A.Small,please B.Medium, please C.Sorry, I dont know D.Both A and B( C )12.-Can I help you ?-Id like to drink _.6 / 9人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结和练习题A.some oranges B.oranges C.some orange D.orange juices( C )13.Hed like me_ him_ English.A.help, learn B.help, learning C.to help, learn D.to help

25、learning( B )14.I cant go with you because I have _ to do.A. many homework B. much homeworkC. a lot homework D. a lot of homeworks( C )15._ you like_ to eat?A. Are, something B. Are, anythingC. Would, something D. Would, anything( D )16.Im hungry. I would like _ a large bowl of dumplings.A. have B.

26、eat C. eating D. to eat( D )17. Would you like to go shopping with me? _.A. No, I wouldnt B. Yes, I would C. Yes, Id love D. Yes, Id love to( A )18.My fathers ideas are quite different mine, but I dont want to listen to him.A. from B. as C. with D. for( B )19.Who is your favorite singer, Mike?TFBOYS

27、. They are very boys and girls.A. proud of B. popular with C. strict with D. worried about( C )20. How many women doctors are there in your hospital? twenty.A. number of; are B. The number of; areC. The number of; is D. A number of; isthem over( A )21. there mutton and vegetables in the noodles?A. I

28、s; any B. Is; some C. Are; any D. Are; some( A )22.Would you like to help me with my English this evening? . Im busy this evening. What about tomorrow morning?A. Im sorry B.I dont think so C. No problem D. Sounds like a good idea( C )23.The number of people in the city about seven million now.A. are

29、 B. has C. is D. have( D )24.Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? chores. I have to doA. Good luckB. Lets go C. No probl emD. Im afraid not( B )25. Look! There some tomatoes in the basket. Oh, how fresh!7 / 9人教版七年级下册英语 10 单元知识点总结和练习题A. is B. are C. wasD. were( B )26. Is there juice in the

30、glass? Yes, there is .A. some; anyB. any; some C. some; someD. any; any( A )27.Would you like some water?. I am thirsty now.A. Yes, please.B. Great. Ill get it. C. Sorry, I wouldnt.D. No, thank you.( B )28. Julie would like TV. A. watch B. to watch C. watchingD. watches( A )29.We need to go shopping

31、. There is juice left in the fridge. A. little B. few C. many D. much( C )30.A. What kind 三.完形填空would you want? Id like a large one.B. What color C. What size D. What languageI like eating rice, noodles, strawberries, ice cream, hamburgers and so on. But my favorite _16_ is dumplings. Every Sunday, my mother _17_ many dumplings for me. If she has _18_ time, Ill go to the supermarket to _19_ some. Dumplings look _20_ white boats( 船). They are very delicious. _21_ my birthday ever


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