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1、ieee1588的一些基本概念1 ptp 系统(from 6.3) 22 ptp 报文类别(from 6.4) 23 ptp 设备类型(from 6.5) 34 i口j步概况(from 6.6) 45 ptp 的 epoch (from 7.1) 66 通信路径非对称性(from 7.4) 77 延迟问答机制 delay request-response mechanism (from 11.3) 88 peer 延吋机制 peer delay mechanism (froml 1.4) 99 ptp 报文格式(from 13)1010 1588组播地址13ieee 1588标准的伞称是“m络

2、测量和控制系统的精密时钟m步协议标准(ieee1588 precision clock synchronization protocol)”,简称 ptp(precision timing protocol),它的主要原理足通过一个同步信号周期性的对网络屮所旮节点的吋钟进行校正同步,可以使基于以人网的分介'式系统达到粘确同步,ieee 1588ptp吋钟同步技术也可以应用于任何组播网络中。参考标准及m上其他文章,一些总结或翻译的基本概念:1 ptp 系统(from 6.3)一个ptp系统是一个分布式的网络系统,它是由ptp设备和一部分非ptp设备组成。ptp设备包括普通时钟(ordin

3、ary clocks),边界时钟(boundary clocks),端对端时 钟(end-to-end transparent clocks),/、(对/?:时钟(peer-to-peer transparent clocks)和管理 节点。非ptp设备包括网桥,路桥及其他基础结构设备,也可能包括计算机,打印机和其 他应用设备。2 ptp 报文类别(from 6.4)ptp定义了事件和通用ptp两利1报文,事件报文(event message)需要打上精确的吋 问戳(timestamp),通川报文(general message)不需要精确的吋间戳。事件报文包括:syncdelayreqpde

4、lay_reqpdelayresp通用报文包括:announcefollowupdelay_resppdelayrespfollowupmanagementsignalingsync, delay req, followjjp 和 delay_resp 通过应答机制(delay request-response mec hanism)用于产生和通信用于同步普通时钟和边界时钟的时间信息。pdelay req, pdelay resp 和 pdelay resp follow up 通过 peer 延时机制(peer delay m echanism)用于测过河个时钟port之间的链接延时。链接延

5、时被用来更le在sync和follow _up报文巾的时间信总。annouce用于建立m步®次欠系。management用于査询和:史新时钟所维扩的ptp数掘集。signaling川于其他的0的,例如在主从之间协调单播报文的发送频率。3 ptp 设备类型(from 6.5)包拈:a) ordinary clock 普通吋钟一个普通吋钟通过基于一个物理端u上的两个逻辑接ij在网络上通信。事件接u用于发 送和接收事件报文,通用接口用于发送和接受通用报文。在一个ptp的域内,普通时钟只 能处于唯一的一种状态,可以是主钟,也可以是从钟。一个咎通时钟维护两种类型的数据集:时钟数据集和端口数据集

6、。协议引擎负责:发送和接受ptp报文,维护数据集,执行与端口关联的状态机,根裾 接收到的ptp吋间报文和产生的吋间戳计算主机吋间(如果端u处于从状态)。b) boundary clock 边界时钟边界时钟通常会有多个物理端u,每个物理端口有两个逻辑接口:时间和通川。边界时 钟的每个端口与啓通时钟基本一致,除了:边界时钟所有的端口的时钟数据集是公用的,公 用一个木地时间。每个协议引擎会冇额外的功能来解析所冇端口的状态,从而决定哪个端口 用来提供吋间信号来同步本地吋钟。c) end-to-end transparent clock 端对端透明时钟端对端透叨时钟象一个咎通的桥、路由器或中继器那样转发

7、所有的报文。但对于ptp 事件报文,resident time bridge会测ptp事件报文的停苗时间(esidence times:报文穿越 透明时钟所需要的时间)。这个时m会写入到这个ptp事件报文或者kfi续follow up报文 (follow_up 或者 pdelay_resp_follow_up)的特定字段屮(correctionfield)。这个更正值足 基于事件报文进入和离开透明吋钟吋的吋间戳的差值。d) peer-to-peer transparent clock 点对点透明吋钟点对点透明时钟与端对端透明时钟主要区别在于它更正和处理ptp时间报文的方式, 除此以外,两者足一

8、样的。点对点透明时钟对于毎一个端li杏一个额外的模块,这个模块用来计算每个端口和与仑 分享这条链接的另一端(也要支持点对点透明时钟)的链路延时。这个链路的延时计算是基 于与其链路端交换pdelay req,pdelay resp和可选的pdelay resp follow up报文过程的。 端对端透明时钟是更正所有的ptp event时问报文,而点对点w更正sync和follow up报 文,因为延时已经确定丫。这些报文中的correctionfield字段会被sync报文的residence 时间和链路延时时1川更新。由于链路之问的延时己经包含在correctionfield +,所以点对点

9、 透明时钟中的master时钟不用对每个slave吋钟的delay_req作出回应。e)management node有一 条或者多条物理链接到m络上;作为一个通向ptp管理报文的人机或编程接可以与任付时钟类型组合。4同步概况(from 6.6)建立主从层次关系:在一个域中,啓通时钟和边界时钟的每个端口都有一个独立的协议状态机,每个端口检 查其接受到的所有的annouce报文,利用最佳主时钟算法(best master clock,bmc),决 定时钟端kj的状态:master, slave还是passive。敁佳主时钟兑法通过比较描述两个时钟的数裾来决定哪个数据描述r更好的时钟。这个 算法杏

10、两个分离的算法组成:数据集比较算法和状态决定算法。数掘银比较算法是箱于相义属性的逐队比较的,这辟属性包柄冇:priority 1, clockclass, clockaccurary, offsetscaledlogvariance, priority2, clockldentity.状态决定算法依拋数裾集比较算法的结果决定该端u的下一个状态。普通时钟和边界时钟的同步:masterdmeslavetimefigure 12basic synchronization message exchangetimestamps known by slave基木的同步报文交换过程:报文交换过程:1. ma

11、ster发送sync报文,记卜该报文的本地发送吋间tl。2. slave接收到sync报文,卯记卜*其接收到该报文的本地吋间t2。3. master有两种a式a诉slave该sync报文的发送时ixi tl。1) 将tl时间眹入到sync报文中,这需要某种硬件处理以获得高精度。2) 在后续的follow_up报文中发送4. slave发送delay_req报文往master,并记下发送吋间t3。5. master接收到dclay rcq,并记下该报文到达时间t4。6. master 发送 delay resp 报文告知 slave t4。利用这pl个时间可以算出从钟与主钟之间的offset,以

12、及两个钟之间的t均延吋,(如上图 即为t-ms and t-sm的平均伉)计算的前提是假设主钟到从钟和从钟到主钟的时延是相m的。offset=t2-tlmcanpathdclay=(t2 - tl) + (t4 -13)/2在支持peer-to-peer路择更正屮测景连接延时:port-1timeftort-2timefigure 13 link delay measurement这里没有主从之分port-1:发送一个pdelay req报文,并记卜该吋间tl。port-2:接收到pdelay req报文,记下接收时间t2,然p返回一个pdelay resp报文,记下该报文 的发送时间t3。(

13、收到报文到发送报文的时间间隔耍尽对能的短以减小由于w个端口之间的 频率偏移引起的误差。)然后port-2可以:1. 在pdelay_resp中返回t2和t3的差值。2在pdelay_resp_follow_up报文中返回t2和t3的差值。3.在 pdelay_resp 和 pdelay_resp_follow_up 报文中分别返回 t2 和 t3。port-1:接收到pdday_rcsp后,记下时间t4。利用这四个时间可以计©平均链路延时。mcanpathdclay=(t2 - tl) + (t4 -13)/2如果链路传输不对称会引起链路传输延时误差。5 ptp 的 epoch (f

14、rom 7.1)epoch吋间起源ptp epoch is 1 january 1970 00:00:00 tai,也就是 31 december 1969 23:59:51.999918 utc.table b.1relationships between timescalesfromtoformulatp secondsptp secondsptp seconds - tp seconds-2 208 988 800* current licoftsctptp secondsstp secondstp seconds - ptp seconds - 2 208 988 800 - curr

15、cntltcoffscigps seconds (gps weeks x 7 x 86 400)+ opssecondsi nlastweek(gps ucck number mu« include 1024 xnumber ofrollosers)ptp secondsptp seconds-gps seconds*315 964 819ptp secondsgps secondsgps seconds » ptp seconds-315 964 8196通信路径非对称性(from 7.4)figure 20 propagation asymmetry<meanpa

16、thdelay>, delayasymmetry<meanpathdelay> = (tms + tsm)/2tms = <meanpathdelay> + delayasymmetry, tsm = <meanpathdelay> de lay asymmetry.delayasymmetry的测m不企这个称准范i n闪普通时钟和边界时钟的offset计算(from 11.2)对于单步的吋钟,即只有sync没有follow up报文,slave做如卜'计算<offsetfrommaster> = <synceventingr

17、esstimestamp> <origintimestamp> <meanpathdelay> correctionfield of sync message.对于构步的时钟,即sync和follow up报文都有,slave做如下计算<offsctfrommastcr> = <syncevcntingrcsstimcstamp> <prcciscorigintimcstamp> <meanpathdelay> correctionfield of sync message correctionfield of fo

18、llow_up message.这甩,offsetfrommaster 是 slave master 的时叫偏移,synceventlngresstimestamp 即 slave 收到的吋间t2,origintimestamp是master发给slave sync报文ft带的吋间信息源tl, preciseorigintimestamp master 发给 slave follow up 报文自带的时间信息源 tl meanpathdelay 即t均路径延吋,"j以通过 the delay request-response mechanism 和 the peer delay me

19、chanism两种机制来汁算。7 延迟问答机制 delay request-response mechanism (from 11.3)masterstavetimestamps known dy slavefigure 34delay request-response path length measurement1) 如果只收到sync报文,mean path delay= (t2 -13) + (receivetimestamp of delay一resp message origintimestamp of sync message) - correctionfield of sync

20、 message correctionfield of delay resp message/2.2) 如果收到sync报文及follow up报文,meanpathdelay =(t2-t3)+ (receivetimestamp of delayresp messagepreciseorigintimestamp of follow_up message) - correctionfield of sync message correctionfield of follow up message - correctionfield of delay resp message/2.8 pee

21、r 延时机制 peer delay mechanism (fromll.4)node-adelay requestornode-bdelay responderl2l3figure 35 peer delay link measurement3) 如果只有pdelay_resp报文<meanpathdelay> = (t4 - tl) correctionfield of pdelay_resp/24) 如果脊 pdelay resp 和 pdelay resp follow up<meanpathdelay> = (t4 tl) - (responseoriginti

22、mestamp - requestreceipttimestamp)-correctionfield of pdelay resp - correctionfield of pdelay_resp_follow_up/29 ptp报文格式(from 13)table 18common message headerbitsoctetsoffset76|5432 | 1 0transportspecificmessage type10reservedvcrsionptp11messagelengih22domainnumber14reserved15llagfidd26correctionfiel

23、d88reserved416sourceportldentity1020sequenceld230controlfield132logmc ssagcl ntcr al133阁一通用报文头1,transprotspecific(半个字节)d.4 transportspecific field valuesthe transportspecific fieid (sec 13.3 2.1 >sha. be interpreted as specified in table d.2.table d.3<ransportspecific field valuesbitnamemeanin

24、g0hard 认 arecorpfaiibiliissome version 1 nnplemeniaioni of hanluareuine>lamping check the length ofthe incoming packet before qual:f>mg theltn>rsuinp and reque ihe l dp payload of die ptp event meuagei lobe at ietit 124 octeu m length od« using iuch harduore shall set bit 0 equal to &q

25、uot;v in all announce tnd ptp event mesuges transmined from ihc node.thcrecciscr ofan> ptp announce or ecut message uitli bit 0 equal to t shall extend the l dp pa> lo«lofau ptp event metuges transmidod to the receding node, so that tlic ldp pi>loid length equils 124 octets. the paddin

26、g octets ihall hae all bits zero. thii padding slull be added u> all transin:tted ptp evailto the receiving node, for atone duration equal to the value of potlds.wnounccrecapttuncout seconds since the iasi ptp announce or eventrecaved from (hit node uith bit 0 equal to “1.”the podding ihiq be add

27、ed irrespective of whether the ptp event messages arc traftimtited using a multicast or 纛 unicast model.if the transmitier is not making 纛 request for padding, the bn shall be transmitted as zero. except as required for baclutrd compaubihts with some version 1 hardware, nodes shall dtiregard the pad

28、ding octets.see note.1-3resenedthe bit sha: be transmioed as zero and ignored b the receiver.votethis specification can result:n node that do not require the padding receiving padded eent messages.2, messagetypetable 19 values of messagetype fieldmessage typemessage class' aluc (hex)syncevent0de

29、lay reqeent1pdela> reqeventpdel ay respevent3reserved一4-7follow lpgeneral8del as respgeneral9pdelas resp follow upgeneralaannouncegeneralbsignalinggeneralcmanagementgeneraldreservede-f3, versionptp (uinteger4) ptp版本号4, messagelength报文长度5, domainnuamer 域 6,flag133.2.6 flagfield (octet|2|>the va

30、lue of the bits of the eagfield array shall be as defined in table 20. for message types where the bit is not defined in table 20, the values shall be false.table 20一values of flagfieldoctetbitmessagenamedescriptiun00announce,sync,follow-up, delay respaliemaiemasierfug:alse if ihe pon of ihe onginai

31、or is in themaster state condmons io set die flag io true are specified in p.3 and p.4.01sync,pdeuyrcsptuosupfugfor a one-step clock, the value of tuosiq>flagshall be falsefor a tuoitep clock, the value of tu ostcpflag ihallbetrle.02allun>cas(fugtrue, if llic trantpori u>cr protocol addresf

32、i to 认 hich thii bhmige wit sou it a unicui addreii. false if the transport layer protocol iuldress to uhich this inett&ge as sent ts a muliicast address.05allptp profile specific 1a* defined b> ui altemaic ptp profile; otherwise false.06allptp profile specific 2as defined bs alternate ptp pr

33、ofile: otherwise false.07allresen edsee note.10announcethexalue of timepn>periiesds.ieap6.11announceieap59the value of umepropem«ds.leap5912announcecurrenil icoftsavtljdthe、a2ueof umeprop«ru»nuiteniltc<)ffsei valid.13announceplpttrrescalethe value of timepropertiesds.ptptnnescal

34、e.14announcetin.etrcceablethe value of nmeproperiiesds.tunetraceable.15announcefrequency traceablethe、alueof umepioperuesdsirequency traceable.note-this bit ts reserved for the expenmenul secunt> mechanism of annex k.7, 7 correctionfieldtable 21correctionfield semanticsxiessage typecorrection fie

35、ld detcriptionsvnccorrections for fra v non j nanoseconds, residence tune ui iruiisparent clocks (sec 11.5.2, patli deu> m peer-to-peer blocks i see : i -.5.1),asvnuixmn correcnoiu ( see : 1.6.2)delasreqcorrections for fractional nanoseconds, residence time in transparent clocks (see 11.5.3), and

36、 asmnxna corrections (see 11.6.3pdelayreqcorrections for fractional naiiosecondst residence tune in iransparent clocks (see 11.5.4), and asvmnietn corrections (see 11.6,-jpdelayrespcorrections for fractional nanoseconds, residence time in iranspareni clocks (see 11.5.4), and asymin(mr> corrections (see 11.6.5)fouow-l.pcorrections for fractional nanoseconds, residence lune ui iranspareni clocks (see 11.5.2), pad) de:a> in peer-to-peer clocks (see :


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